Evolution & Mutation in front of our eyes

Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 03:35 pm
Campbell34;46614 wrote:
It was not I who tried to push the Piltdown man, the Nebraskman, the Java man, the Orce man, ect. ect. ect. I could of listed many more, but the point being this is all fake evidence that was used to support evolution. You have had years of a steady diet of hearing how Evolution was true, yet when you consider the evidence you discover that much of it is based not on fully formed fossil remains but fragments of bones. The rest of it is filled in by artistic drawings which look impressive, but the science being pushed is more art work than science. The evidence for Evolution is not overwhelming, far from it. And it it was overwhelming then where on earth are all the transitional fossils. Darwin said we would find them and in abundance. We have not found any. There is a time you have to realize that artistic pictures of how some scientest want it to be does not represent the facts or science. The Bible states the earth floats on nothing, and the Hebrew did not have a word for ball shaped, so they used the best word they had which was circle. And I can assure you, Christians that love God donot murder.

"this is all fake evidence that was used to support evolution."

Readers... look at all previous posts about petraglyphs, figurines, findings, etc which have been proven to be HOAXES (i.e. fakes planted to support a theory) and are still being used to support ID/Creationism.

Also look at the links and info I posted concerning these "evolution hoaxes". These findings were fully retracted and are not being used to support evolution whatsoever. Scientists saw these as incorrect and pitched them.

So... when are you guys gonna retract your fake evidence?
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 04:40 pm
Sabz5150;46615 wrote:
"this is all fake evidence that was used to support evolution."

Readers... look at all previous posts about petraglyphs, figurines, findings, etc which have been proven to be HOAXES (i.e. fakes planted to support a theory) and are still being used to support ID/Creationism.

Also look at the links and info I posted concerning these "evolution hoaxes". These findings were fully retracted and are not being used to support evolution whatsoever. Scientists saw these as incorrect and pitched them.

So... when are you guys gonna retract your fake evidence?

Much of that evidence is called fakes by believers in Evolution, and if the figurines found at El Toro Mountain in Mexico were fakes why were two men convicted for selling mexican antiqudes. And had to serve time in prison.
Charles Dipeso of the Dipeso of the Amerind Foundation felt the popular accounts circulation in the newspapers and magazines and prevailed upon him to begin an examination of the strange collection. Samples were sent and laboratory tests on them proved nothing. Dipeso thought the tests would dismiss the collection as a hoax because they would demonstrate them to be of modern manufacture. Dipeso of the Amerind Foundation arrived in Acambaro to examine the collection and he claimed to have viewed all 32,000 items. Dipeso must have been the bionic archaeologist because he did this task in no less than four hours. Now it appears that even Dipeso did not truly believe the Julsrud collection was a fake. Because before he left Acambaro he stated that he had been completely convinced of the genuineness of the discovery. However after he left he then insisted that the collection was a hoax. Finally Gardner and Andrew Young (inventor of the Bell Helicopter) financed the testing of the ceramics by useing C14 testing methods. In 1972, Arthur Young submitted two of the figurines to Dr. Froelich Rainey, the director of the Pennsylvania Museum for Thermoluminescent Dating. The Masca lab had obtained thermoluminescent dates of up to 2,7000 B.C.


You can read the full story by clicking on the link below.

Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 05:21 pm
Sabz5150;46613 wrote:
Arguing science with you seems to be completely pointless... so I propose this:

If Intelligent Design is truly the way it is... show me the Designer. Prove this Designer's existence. If you cannot do this, then YOUR theory has the same merit that you give evolution.

That should make it rather easy. I mean, if the Designer exists, surely you can show him/her to me.

My Designer will be here to open Jerusalems East Gate, now if you really want to disprove all that I have stated. I would suggest you walk through the East Gate yourself. Until then, I will believe in my Designer.

My East Gate prophecy has more proof then your transitional fossils. At least I know where to find it. LOL
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 08:59 pm
Campbell34;46597 wrote:
I believe we went over Pakicetus before, it turned out to be a four footed structure similar to that of common wolves. It was not an aquatic one. Yet, because it had some details in its teeth and middle ear bones which were a signature of later Eocene whales, National Geographic felt able to call this one the first walking whales. Just one look at the reconstruction of Pakicetus by the evolutionist illustrator Carl Buell will reveal the absurdity terming it a 'walking whale.' If this was not so sad it would be funny. This is what evolution is all about. When you get past all the vodo science, it becomes nothing more than artistic imaginary animals, which are based on a hand full of bone fragments. And when P.D. Gingerich discovered this fossil in 1983 all he had at first was the skull, but then immediately claimed this to be a primitive whale. Even evolutionists admit that the similarities between the two are completely untrustworthy, especially because these similarities can be seen in other terrestrial animals as well. Here again you are seeing National Geographic's tradition of sensational, unsubstantiated, tabloid journalism. This is not science.

see this is what i'm talking about! I can present the evidence, and you will deny it no matter the circumstances, you deny deny deny and what evidence do you have to the contrary? What expert opinions do you have to support your claims? YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHORITY ON SCIENCE so don't pretend to be! As i said before you don't have adequet knowledge of evolution to make a credible critique of it, neither do i, that's why i rely on the majority oppinion of the experts themselves and you will find overwhelmingly they support evolution!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:07 pm
Campbell34;46604 wrote:
Over time, you have races that have evoloved because of location. This however is not to be mistaken for FULL BLOWN EVOLUTION.

HA HA HA :rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh:

this statement alone shows me how much of a delusion you are in....so basicly you are telling me that there is two kinds of evolution: evolution and full-blown evolution, that people evolved but they didn't evolve?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 09:09 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
I also noticed you didn't reply to my article about vestigal structures....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 10:17 pm
Campbell34;46621 wrote:
My Designer will be here to open Jerusalems East Gate, now if you really want to disprove all that I have stated. I would suggest you walk through the East Gate yourself. Until then, I will believe in my Designer.

My East Gate prophecy has more proof then your transitional fossils. At least I know where to find it. LOL

Will be here?


Prove his existence now. Where's your proof he exists? Saying "Oh, he'll be here" doesn't work.

Put up or shut up.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 10:47 pm
Campbell34;46619 wrote:
Much of that evidence is called fakes by believers in Evolution, and if the figurines found at El Toro Mountain in Mexico were fakes why were two men convicted for selling mexican antiqudes. And had to serve time in prison.
Charles Dipeso of the Dipeso of the Amerind Foundation felt the popular accounts circulation in the newspapers and magazines and prevailed upon him to begin an examination of the strange collection. Samples were sent and laboratory tests on them proved nothing. Dipeso thought the tests would dismiss the collection as a hoax because they would demonstrate them to be of modern manufacture. Dipeso of the Amerind Foundation arrived in Acambaro to examine the collection and he claimed to have viewed all 32,000 items. Dipeso must have been the bionic archaeologist because he did this task in no less than four hours. Now it appears that even Dipeso did not truly believe the Julsrud collection was a fake. Because before he left Acambaro he stated that he had been completely convinced of the genuineness of the discovery. However after he left he then insisted that the collection was a hoax. Finally Gardner and Andrew Young (inventor of the Bell Helicopter) financed the testing of the ceramics by useing C14 testing methods. In 1972, Arthur Young submitted two of the figurines to Dr. Froelich Rainey, the director of the Pennsylvania Museum for Thermoluminescent Dating. The Masca lab had obtained thermoluminescent dates of up to 2,7000 B.C.


You can read the full story by clicking on the link below.


Wow, a wonderful copy-paste from about thirty different creationist sites.

Let me join you!


1. The figurines show every evidence of being recent folk art, fraudulently buried in an archeological excavation. De Peso (1953) made the following observations:

* The surfaces of the figurines were new. They were not marred by a patina or coating of soluble salts characteristic of genuinely old artifacts from the same area. The owner said none of the figures had been washed in acid. Edges of depressions were sharp and new. No dirt was packed into crevices.

* Genuine archeological relics of fragile items are almost always found in fragments. Finding more than 30,000 such items in pristine condition is unheard of. The excavators of the artifacts were "neither careful nor experienced" in their field technique, yet no marks of their shovels, mattocks, or picks were noted in any of the 32,000 specimens. Some figurines were broken, but the breaks were unworn and apparently deliberate to suggest age. No parts were missing.

* "The author spent two days watching the excavators burrow and dig; during the course of their search they managed to break a number of authentic prehistoric objects. On the second day the two struck a cache and the author examined the material in situ. The cache had been very recently buried by digging a down sloping tunnel into the black fill dirt of the prehistoric room. This fill ran to a depth of approximately 1.30 m. Within the stratum there were authentic Tarascan sherds, obsidian blades, tripod metates, manos, etc., but these objects held no concern for the excavators. In burying the cache of figurines, the natives had unwittingly cut some 15 cms. below the black fill into the sterile red earth floor of the prehistoric room. In back-filling the tunnel they mixed this red sterile earth with black earth; the tracing of their original excavation was, as a result, a simple task" (Di Peso 1953, 388).

* Fresh manure was found in the tunnel fill.

* Fingerprints were found in freshly packed earth that filled an excavated bowl.

2. The story of their discovery gives a motive for fraud. Waldemar Julsrud, who hired workers to excavate a Chupicuaro site in 1945, paid workers a peso apiece for intact figurines. It very well may have been more economical for the workers to make figurines than to discover and excavate them. Given the quantity that he received, the contribution to the peasants' economy would have been substantial.

3. The figurines are not from the Chupicuaro. They came from within a single-component Tarascan ruin. The Tarascan are post-classical and historical, emerging between 900 and 1522 C.E.

4. If authentic, the figurines imply even more archeological anomalies:
* If the figurines really were based on actual dinosaurs, why have no dinosaur fossils been found in the Acambaro region?
* Why did no other Mexican cultures record any dinosaurs?
* What caused the dinosaurs to disappear in the last 1,100 years?

"Don Patton, another young-earth creationist supporter of the figures, has provided what he claims to be accurate radiocarbon dates for the figures ranging from 6500 years to 1500 years.

The labs that produced these dates have claimed that they were inconclusive
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 11:13 pm
It's pointless Sabz, Mr.Campbell will simply deny, deny, deny! Thats what he does! An animal could evolve in front of his eye's and still he would not believe it. He does not opperate by logic or evidence he opperates by faith, if the evidence does not corroberate with his faith then it is the evidence that must be wrong not his faith!
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 05:30 am
@Adam Bing,
Adam Bing;44890 wrote:
A medical student - my daughter actually - accused me yesterday of wasting my time here on this site in futile arguments over evolution. She snapped two reasons why she wouldn't bother reading some of the postings here from the fundamentalist crowd.

REASON ONE: Any one who thinks evolution & random mutation does not occur should take a look at the HIV virus. Its resilience is due to it being able to constantly mutate and evolve to render each new drug cocktail harmless to it. She has observed this through a microscope and hence her scorn. Now either that is random mutation happening right there under her microscope or god is micro-managing each such change in the HIV virus just to get back at Gays. If it is not god mutating the HIV virus to smite the gay man then it can only mean that random mutation is occuring. The viruses mutate, and the evolved ones which can handle the drug survive and replicate further at a greater frequency than the ones being killed off by the drug. "Lo & behold then, verily evolution has indeed taken place" (cheeky brat).

She also asked me check out why the mosquito has become resistant to DDT.

REASON TWO: Biology as being studied and more importantly as being applied (in medicine, healthcare, genetics,) is totally based on evolutionary theories. According to her if these fundamentalists hold evolution in such scorn, they should put their money where their mouth is and refuse to take modern medication to save their "sorry asses" (her words) because Bubba, IF THERE WERE NO THEORIES ON EVOLUTION TO GUIDE RESEARCH UNDERTAKEN BY DOCTORS, SCIENTISTS, MICROBIOLOGISTS AND PHARMACOLOGISTS THERE WOULD BE NO MODERN MEDICINE.

The fundamentalist therefore, with his distaste for evolution should be honest to himself and look to the bible/koran not just for solace but also for medical therapy should he get cancer, diabetes, parkinson's disease or any host of other ailments including HIV infection (Yup! my daughter confirms that being a god fearing evangelist or a Haj-returned, 5-prayers-a-day muslim scores no brownie points with the virus).

Any takers for bible/koran therapy?

A virus has and will always be a virus and a mosquito has and will always be a mosquito. The theory of evolution is that a thing evolves into something very deferent than what it started out.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 07:28 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46637 wrote:
It's pointless Sabz, Mr.Campbell will simply deny, deny, deny! Thats what he does! An animal could evolve in front of his eye's and still he would not believe it. He does not opperate by logic or evidence he opperates by faith, if the evidence does not corroberate with his faith then it is the evidence that must be wrong not his faith!

Your statement could not be farther from the truth. Your belief in Evolution requires faith in evidence that does not exist. Your examples given are even questioned by your own people as unreliable, or untrustworthy. Much of what I believe about the Bible can be seen in historical accounts, archeological ruins, extra Biblical writings, or fulfilled prophecies. Your belief in Evolution is based on artistic concepts, and missing fossils. When Darwin said, IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE, we would find an abundance of transionals. THEN WE DON'T. When believers in Evolution said, that dinosaur bones are so old we would never find soft tissue. THEN WE DO. Yet you claim evidence? Evolutionest have been proven wrong, time after time, again and again, yet you still believe what ever they tell you, and from whatever source you hear it from. NOW THAT TAKES REAL FAITH. There are endless examples of the folly of Evolution. YOU SAY I DENY, DENY, DENY. DENY WHAT? ARTISTIC PICTURES? FRAGMENTS OF BONES? WHAT hard evidnece am I denying?
And I do deny artistic concepts that are based on fragments of bones often pushed by National Geographic. And that publication has been criticized by other scientists and your own people for pushing blind propaganda. And some of the examples you have pushed are examples that have come from National Geographic. So please, don't talk about my belief being based on faith alone. YOUR belief is based of fossils that canot be found, fragments of bones transformed into imaginary missing links. And endless theories that must be changed to support the main Theory which never happened.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 07:53 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46622 wrote:
see this is what i'm talking about! I can present the evidence, and you will deny it no matter the circumstances, you deny deny deny and what evidence do you have to the contrary? What expert opinions do you have to support your claims? YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHORITY ON SCIENCE so don't pretend to be! As i said before you don't have adequet knowledge of evolution to make a credible critique of it, neither do i, that's why i rely on the majority oppinion of the experts themselves and you will find overwhelmingly they support evolution!

The evidence that you so strongly believe in has been put into question by other evolutionist (NOT JUST ME.) They say that the theoretical relationships and similarities between animals are completely untrustworthy. Even national Geographic stated that some of there features are actually found in terrestrial animals as well. I donot come here with my belief only. MY EVIDENCE, comes from your own people. The aquatic Pakicetus reconstruction by National Geographic is artistic only. There is no real fossil of an aquatic Pakicetus. Its a make believe reconstruction. Its what they believe an aquatic Pakicetus would look like. Yet this is just based on their imagination with no hard evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 08:12 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46623 wrote:
HA HA HA :rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh::rollinglaugh:

this statement alone shows me how much of a delusion you are in....so basicly you are telling me that there is two kinds of evolution: evolution and full-blown evolution, that people evolved but they didn't evolve?

There is evolution within the species which I always believed in. Yet to suggest that we evoloved from something other then human DNA, this has never happened. And if it has, I'm still waiting for your proof. We have been waiting for over 100 years now.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 08:30 am
Campbell34;46641 wrote:
Your statement could not be farther from the truth. Your belief in Evolution requires faith in evidence that does not exist. Your examples given are even questioned by your own people as unreliable, or untrustworthy. Much of what I believe about the Bible can be seen in historical accounts, archeological ruins, extra Biblical writings, or fulfilled prophecies.

Prove Noah's Ark.

Prove that water was turned into wine.

Prove a man walked on water.

Prove the fish and bread thing.

Show me the Garden of Eden, complete with Tree of Knowledge and the sword.

Show me proof that people were turned into pillars of salt (must suck if true).

I think believing in talking snakes, magic swords and women made from ribs takes a bit more faith than scientific experiments that *I* as a person on this planet could reproduce myself.

Been trying to turn people into salt pillars... hasn't gone to well.

Your belief in Evolution is based on artistic concepts, and missing fossils. When Darwin said, IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE, we would find an abundance of transionals. THEN WE DON'T.

Like these? List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Lookit that! Only missing one piece. No wonder you guys are scared out of your boots!

When believers in Evolution said, that dinosaur bones are so old we would never find soft tissue. THEN WE DO. Yet you claim evidence? Evolutionest have been proven wrong, time after time, again and again, yet you still believe what ever they tell you, and from whatever source you hear it from. NOW THAT TAKES REAL FAITH.

Yes. We claim evidence. Why? The tissue shows evolutionary links. See, that's a bit of a tough spot for you Creationists... using something against evolution that winds up being its best weapon against Creationism.

Like I said, that particular magical sword wound up having two blades.

When soft tissue was found, it didn't make us rethink evolution... it made us rethink preservation. So far we've been able to get a pretty good idea of what happened to preserve the tissue so well.

There are endless examples of the folly of Evolution. YOU SAY I DENY, DENY, DENY. DENY WHAT? ARTISTIC PICTURES? FRAGMENTS OF BONES? WHAT hard evidnece am I denying?
And I do deny artistic concepts that are based on fragments of bones often pushed by National Geographic. And that publication has been criticized by other scientists and your own people for pushing blind propaganda. And some of the examples you have pushed are examples that have come from National Geographic. So please, don't talk about my belief being based on faith alone. YOUR belief is based of fossils that canot be found, fragments of bones transformed into imaginary missing links. And endless theories that must be changed to support the main Theory which never happened.

Strange, you go on about "artistic pictures and bone fragments" all while trumpeting...


This as a dinosaur carving


This as a Mammoth


and This as a Dinosaur.

Talk about faith!

The articles you cite, the people you cite, the FRIGGIN UNIVERSITIES you cite, all have religious underpinnings. Using Brigham Young as a SCIENTIFIC reference? You have to be kidding!!! They push religion like it were... I dunno... an opiate. All of your "finds" (figurines, glyphs, drawings, etc) were made by believers in Creationism with an agenda to destroy evolution, not real scientists and archaeologists.

And your faith is based on SEVERAL things which have not been found. See my above list.

We've found the fossils. I have supplied a list of these "nonexistent" transitional fossils. So... which way to Eden?

Again. Prove the Designer's existence. You still have yet do to this. Come on... if your beliefs are true, you can prove them!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 08:57 am
Sabz5150;46635 wrote:
Will be here?


Prove his existence now. Where's your proof he exists? Saying "Oh, he'll be here" doesn't work.

Put up or shut up.

The prophecies of Christ return are true, even the one that tells us what people would be saying in the last days.
2 Peter 3:3-6 Knowing this first, that there shall come to in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as (they were) from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 10:36 am
Campbell34;46648 wrote:
The prophecies of Christ return are true, even the one that tells us what people would be saying in the last days.
2 Peter 3:3-6 Knowing this first, that there shall come to in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as (they were) from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

Christ has not returned. Therefore that prophecy is not true.

You are failing to prove your theory.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 11:09 am
Sabz5150;46649 wrote:
Christ has not returned. Therefore that prophecy is not true.

You are failing to prove your theory.

You just proved it. You are one of those the prophecy was talking about. Christ return will happen after the Jews rebuild their third Temple. And it is my understanding that they already have the plans for that construction. They are also training the future Temple priest. This event is going to happen
because it is spoken of in the prophecies of the Bible. Everything will happen as the prophecies have laid out. The Jews first had to return to Israel, then secondly they had to retake Jerusalem. One of the next prophecies we Christians are now waiting for is the rebuilding of the Temple on Mount Moriah.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 11:21 am
Sabz5150;46649 wrote:
Christ has not returned. Therefore that prophecy is not true.

You are failing to prove your theory.

It is scoffers that will come first, before the return of Jesus. You are unwittingly fulfilling that scripture.
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 02:29 pm
Sabz5150;46636 wrote:
Wow, a wonderful copy-paste from about thirty different creationist sites.

Let me join you!


1. The figurines show every evidence of being recent folk art, fraudulently buried in an archeological excavation. De Peso (1953) made the following observations:

* The surfaces of the figurines were new. They were not marred by a patina or coating of soluble salts characteristic of genuinely old artifacts from the same area. The owner said none of the figures had been washed in acid. Edges of depressions were sharp and new. No dirt was packed into crevices.

* Genuine archeological relics of fragile items are almost always found in fragments. Finding more than 30,000 such items in pristine condition is unheard of. The excavators of the artifacts were "neither careful nor experienced" in their field technique, yet no marks of their shovels, mattocks, or picks were noted in any of the 32,000 specimens. Some figurines were broken, but the breaks were unworn and apparently deliberate to suggest age. No parts were missing.

* "The author spent two days watching the excavators burrow and dig; during the course of their search they managed to break a number of authentic prehistoric objects. On the second day the two struck a cache and the author examined the material in situ. The cache had been very recently buried by digging a down sloping tunnel into the black fill dirt of the prehistoric room. This fill ran to a depth of approximately 1.30 m. Within the stratum there were authentic Tarascan sherds, obsidian blades, tripod metates, manos, etc., but these objects held no concern for the excavators. In burying the cache of figurines, the natives had unwittingly cut some 15 cms. below the black fill into the sterile red earth floor of the prehistoric room. In back-filling the tunnel they mixed this red sterile earth with black earth; the tracing of their original excavation was, as a result, a simple task" (Di Peso 1953, 388).

* Fresh manure was found in the tunnel fill.

* Fingerprints were found in freshly packed earth that filled an excavated bowl.

2. The story of their discovery gives a motive for fraud. Waldemar Julsrud, who hired workers to excavate a Chupicuaro site in 1945, paid workers a peso apiece for intact figurines. It very well may have been more economical for the workers to make figurines than to discover and excavate them. Given the quantity that he received, the contribution to the peasants' economy would have been substantial.

3. The figurines are not from the Chupicuaro. They came from within a single-component Tarascan ruin. The Tarascan are post-classical and historical, emerging between 900 and 1522 C.E.

4. If authentic, the figurines imply even more archeological anomalies:
* If the figurines really were based on actual dinosaurs, why have no dinosaur fossils been found in the Acambaro region?
* Why did no other Mexican cultures record any dinosaurs?
* What caused the dinosaurs to disappear in the last 1,100 years?

"Don Patton, another young-earth creationist supporter of the figures, has provided what he claims to be accurate radiocarbon dates for the figures ranging from 6500 years to 1500 years.

The labs that produced these dates have claimed that they were inconclusive

In 1990 Neal Steedy an independent archeologist commissioned radiocarbon test done on samples from the Julsrud collection, dates from 1500 to 4000 years ago were recorded. He ignored those dates to because he personally did not believe the figurenes could last that long in the ground. I think the real reason he rejected them, was the dates did not agree with his evolutionary dogma. I think it's funny how Evolutionest can imbrace dates of hundreds of millions of years, but dates of 1500 years they can't deal with. Also, back in the 1940s, it was not understood that some Dinosaurs had spines, yet the Acambaro collection not only had such dinosaurs, the collection dinosaurs match the dinosaurs we know today which have such spines. Boy, those Mexicans must of known more about Dinosaurs then even or best scientist. How did those Mexicans back in the 1940s know which dinosaur groops had the spines? And just to let you know, they are finding many dinosaurs in Mexico, so I have know idea of what your are talking about when you say they are not finding any in that region. Do you think that is the only region where the men who made such dinosaurs could see them? Also, there are many figurines of Eskimos, Arabic, and Asian people in the collection as well. Do you think they all live in Acambaro, Mexico?
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 25 Nov, 2007 02:35 pm
Brian@764;46651 wrote:
It is scoffers that will come first, before the return of Jesus. You are unwittingly fulfilling that scripture.

Your non-believer's have always been around you make it sound like this is something new, there were more dis-believer's in your scriptures in the Roman times than there are today!

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