Campbell34;46619 wrote:Much of that evidence is called fakes by believers in Evolution, and if the figurines found at El Toro Mountain in Mexico were fakes why were two men convicted for selling mexican antiqudes. And had to serve time in prison.
Charles Dipeso of the Dipeso of the Amerind Foundation felt the popular accounts circulation in the newspapers and magazines and prevailed upon him to begin an examination of the strange collection. Samples were sent and laboratory tests on them proved nothing. Dipeso thought the tests would dismiss the collection as a hoax because they would demonstrate them to be of modern manufacture. Dipeso of the Amerind Foundation arrived in Acambaro to examine the collection and he claimed to have viewed all 32,000 items. Dipeso must have been the bionic archaeologist because he did this task in no less than four hours. Now it appears that even Dipeso did not truly believe the Julsrud collection was a fake. Because before he left Acambaro he stated that he had been completely convinced of the genuineness of the discovery. However after he left he then insisted that the collection was a hoax. Finally Gardner and Andrew Young (inventor of the Bell Helicopter) financed the testing of the ceramics by useing C14 testing methods. In 1972, Arthur Young submitted two of the figurines to Dr. Froelich Rainey, the director of the Pennsylvania Museum for Thermoluminescent Dating. The Masca lab had obtained thermoluminescent dates of up to 2,7000 B.C.
You can read the full story by clicking on the link below.
Wow, a wonderful copy-paste from about thirty different creationist sites.
Let me join you!
1. The figurines show every evidence of being recent folk art, fraudulently buried in an archeological excavation. De Peso (1953) made the following observations:
* The surfaces of the figurines were new. They were not marred by a patina or coating of soluble salts characteristic of genuinely old artifacts from the same area. The owner said none of the figures had been washed in acid. Edges of depressions were sharp and new. No dirt was packed into crevices.
* Genuine archeological relics of fragile items are almost always found in fragments. Finding more than 30,000 such items in pristine condition is unheard of. The excavators of the artifacts were "neither careful nor experienced" in their field technique, yet no marks of their shovels, mattocks, or picks were noted in any of the 32,000 specimens. Some figurines were broken, but the breaks were unworn and apparently deliberate to suggest age. No parts were missing.
* "The author spent two days watching the excavators burrow and dig; during the course of their search they managed to break a number of authentic prehistoric objects. On the second day the two struck a cache and the author examined the material in situ. The cache had been very recently buried by digging a down sloping tunnel into the black fill dirt of the prehistoric room. This fill ran to a depth of approximately 1.30 m. Within the stratum there were authentic Tarascan sherds, obsidian blades, tripod metates, manos, etc., but these objects held no concern for the excavators. In burying the cache of figurines, the natives had unwittingly cut some 15 cms. below the black fill into the sterile red earth floor of the prehistoric room. In back-filling the tunnel they mixed this red sterile earth with black earth; the tracing of their original excavation was, as a result, a simple task" (Di Peso 1953, 388).
* Fresh manure was found in the tunnel fill.
* Fingerprints were found in freshly packed earth that filled an excavated bowl.
2. The story of their discovery gives a motive for fraud. Waldemar Julsrud, who hired workers to excavate a Chupicuaro site in 1945, paid workers a peso apiece for intact figurines. It very well may have been more economical for the workers to make figurines than to discover and excavate them. Given the quantity that he received, the contribution to the peasants' economy would have been substantial.
3. The figurines are not from the Chupicuaro. They came from within a single-component Tarascan ruin. The Tarascan are post-classical and historical, emerging between 900 and 1522 C.E.
4. If authentic, the figurines imply even more archeological anomalies:
* If the figurines really were based on actual dinosaurs,
why have no dinosaur fossils been found in the Acambaro region?
Why did no other Mexican cultures record any dinosaurs?
* What caused the dinosaurs to disappear in the last 1,100 years?
"Don Patton, another young-earth creationist supporter of the figures, has provided what he claims to be accurate radiocarbon dates for the figures ranging from 6500 years to 1500 years.
The labs that produced these dates have claimed that they were inconclusive