Evolution & Mutation in front of our eyes

Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 08:09 am
RED DEVIL;48982 wrote:
As you say, time for a lesson. Everyone knows that Theory is not "fact", regardless of how well dressed it comes to the party, if you bring a pig, it remains a pigs. I do not even want you to prove it just offer a theory that remains within the confines of the "scientific method", using empirical evidence. You claim "empirical evidences" all along the time line of evolution and its theory all the way to the Big Bang. If this is true please present the "empirical evidence for the the following, or stop makings such claims, we are honest, we are intelligent. It would take a "fool" to not accept the true knowledge of science, and I will abide within the laws of logic. The facts are as such, it is science that turned me toward the presence of "intelligent design" and away form the the paradox of the pseudo intellectuals that call themselves "men of science." When in reality they are "men engaged in the act of con".

Theories are based on facts. They are frameworks based upon evidence and testable models. You still do not understand the term 'theory'.

Evolution and the Big Bang are two totally different things. Evolution does not need BB to work, and the Big Bang certainly doesn't need evolution. Two totally separate concepts and worlds (not to mention area of scientific study).

YOU try to lump this altogether into some mishmash that somehow has to work together when they are independent entities.

Evolution does not need Biogenesis.
Evolution does not need Abiogenesis.
Evolution does not need the Big Bang.

Why do you do this? It's simple. YOUR belief lumps this into one big ball of wax that has a SINGLE fulcrum point for which the whole thing balances. Tip it over (i.e. ask for empirical evidence of God) and it falls flat. Disprove Abiogenesis for example, and evolution is untouched. Disprove the Big Bang, and evolution is untouched.

Just because your beliefs hang on a thread do not mean that mine do.

Please provide the empirical evidence for the following. A.) The gestation for the Big Bang, if it was not created, by something, or if it did not exist outside of time and space as defined by Mr. Einstein and therefore eternal by the laws of physics.

You're asking for information before the Planck. Not gonna happen. NOBODY can prove either way what happened before the creation of the universe. For example... what was God doing BEFORE he made this universe?

"Theoretical support for the Big Bang comes from mathematical models, called Friedmann models. These models show that a Big Bang is consistent with general relativity and with the cosmological principle, which states that the properties of the universe should be independent of position or orientation."

"Observational evidence for the Big Bang includes the analysis of the spectrum of light from galaxies, which reveal a shift towards longer wavelengths proportional to each galaxy's distance in a relationship described by Hubble's law. Combined with the evidence that observers located anywhere in the universe make similar observations (the Copernican principle), this suggests that space itself is expanding. The next most important observational evidence was the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation in 1964. This had been predicted as a relic from when hot ionized plasma of the early universe first cooled sufficiently to form neutral hydrogen and allow space to become transparent to light, and its discovery led to general acceptance among physicists that the Big Bang is the best model for the origin and evolution of the universe. A third important line of evidence is the relative proportion of light elements in the universe, which is a close match to predictions for the formation of light elements in the first minutes of the universe, according to Big Bang nucleosynthesis."

Big Bang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaexact solution of the Einstein field equations of general relativity; it describes a homogeneous, isotropic expanding or contracting universe.

Friedmann-LemaƮtre-Robertson-Walker metric - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Empirical (observable and testable) evidence for the big bang.

B.) Please provide the evidence that suggests that Hydrogen and Helium, the byproducts of the beginning, somehow cooled to form solid mass, where none existed before, such as nickel, iron, etc.

The universe wasn't *POOF* existence, *POOF* elements. There's a whole lot of time involved here. Firstly, for a good little while the universe was pure quark-gluon plasma. This is a phase in which quarks and gluons (the most basic building blocks of matter) were in free state. Not hydrogen, not helium, but much more basic than that.

C.) Please provide the empirical evidence that ABIOGENESIS IS EVEN POSSIBLE (biological life came about from the inert matter of elements, found on earth, after it magically created itself)

To what end? Hypotheses are still being tested. We're getting your evidence, should it exist. What does this have to do with evolution? Nothing. Evolution doesn't need the origins of life to work, merely life itself.

Where it came from is irrelevant.

D.) Please provide the empirical evidence that once this unexplainable happenstance of biological life, had any source of fuel to consume, being the first of its kind, and empirically prove that it not only survived, it THRIVED to the point of being able to reproduce without "other" life sources to obtain knowledge from to even morph by mutation. Empirically provide reproducible and observed abilities thereof. Life forming or gaining mutating knowledge, while being in a state of isolation.

No source of fuel to consume? Umm... how about the Sun? Plants have been doing that for... wow... a while now. Look outside. Look up. Can't get more empirical than that.

Reproduction comes in two forms. Sexual and Asexual. You know this. That answers the reproducing question.

Knowledge? Why would a lifeform that basic need "knowledge"? Mutation? Back then the atmosphere wasn't what it is today. The magnetosphere was very weak, and radiation of all sorts bombarded this planet, and along with it the life that was there.

Genetics isn't perfect. We know this. Mutations happen quite often. Mutations to lifeforms that basic were quite large.

E.) Next we would ask that you provide the "empirical evidence", that which is observed or reproducible, as to explaining the "gap" of evolutionary ancestral lineage of marcobiology prior to the Cambrian explosion. When it is very clear that microbiological life fossils have been found prior, yet this ancestral lineage to marobiological life somehow goes unnoticed. Do not come across with any possible hypothesis thereof, that only the evolutionist can clearly see. Provide the empirical evidence thereof.

There are transitional fossils within the Cambrian explosion fossils. For example, there are lobopods (basically worms with legs) which are intermediate between arthropods and worms.

The cambrian explosion wasn't the origins of life, or even multicellular life. Why do only SOME forms of life appear during this time? Why no plants? Why do we find animal evidence before this time?

Ediacaran biota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's precambrian. Pretty empirical there.

As for EXACTLY what you're asking for, we don't have it. Neither do you.

F.) Please present the empirical evidence of man having jumped the species barrier of biogenesis. Don't give the common ancestor lineage speech about how man is proven to be over 95% common with primates. As man is 25% common in DNA structure to plant life, and has a 75% commonality with the worm. All this suggests is that the primate, which has more in common with other primates is one of the most intelligent creatures UNDER man. As explained earlier, all the fossil remains of humans, have three things that Primates do not have. The intellect to make tools, and communicate with drawings, and some even have been found with a "voice box" remaining. All I request is just one "empirical" link....that which as been proven reproducible or observed in nature. One, fossil remain of something in the process of transistion, one observed change in nature, besides that which is contained with the explained lineage of SPECIES, in science actual theories of biogenesis and microevolution within species.

Biogenesis is NOT a species barrier.

Homo habilis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Despite the ape-like morphology of the bodies, H. habilis remains are often accompanied by primitive stone tools"

So they can make tools. How'd the learn? Intelligence. How'd they teach? Communication.

It's also rather neat that after having your backside handed to you, you change your statement from "evidence of creatures jumping the species barrier" to "MAN jumping the species barrier". Reeling back a tad, are we?

Moving on to fossil remains in transition. Well, the big jumpers are Tikkie and Archie. I've shown them several times. They show where the lines split.

E.) Finally present the empirical evidence that the "Universe" is indeed as old as it must be claimed by the evolutionists. Please explain how the Light of Billions of miles is calculated within fractions on A.) A moving point of reference (THE earth and the solar system). B.) The object being observed is moving away on a continuing basis..i.e., the universe at large, and this is explained as correct and unerring by measuring a "flickering" point of light. Proceed, please, and you will have a convert.

Measuring the Distance to Nearby Galaxies

More than billions of miles. A light year is roughly SIX TRILLION miles. That's a quarter of the distance to the next star. In measurements of that size, a planet's orbital movement would be of negligible consequence. When measuring the distance of an object some 12 billion light years away, a 180 million mile difference is less than a billionth of one percent.

Your ignorance of true religion is amazing, You mention con-men, and naturally "assume" that the bible teaches such. It is clear that you have not "attempted" to read the word of God, and take all your talking points from the mind of others, concerning religion. The actions of the many that "abuse" the word of God for self profit is not a new concept,"And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not" (2 Peter 2:2-3). RD

You mention con men and naturally assume science teaches such.

Now. My turn for the questions.

1. Empirically prove God's existence. Show me evidence that an all powerful being created the universe. How'd he do it? Show empirical evidence of this.

2. Empirically prove the "soul". Give evidence that this ascends or descends to wherever it's destination after death.

3. Prove the age of the Earth to be ~12,000 years old. Show measurements and scientific papers detailing this.

4. Explain the flood. Where'd the water come from? Where'd it go. This must be, of course, in an empirical form. How'd the animals get distributed so neatly? Why aren't the fossils that were supposedly deposited by this flood random? Why do they have a pattern?

5. Empirical evidence showing man's coexistence with dinosaurs. Empirical evidence showing they "breathed fire". Mystery cavities and beetles just don't cut it here. Neither do questionable figurines.

6. And finally, the Planck. You asked me where'd it all come from, what happened before the beginning of time? I ask you the same? Where'd God come from? What was he up to before the universe was created? Surely they weren't created at the same time (Creator and creation), so who created the creator? And of course... why?
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 03:20 pm
Your feeling would be wrong, even simple questions often take time to write clear and understandable answers.

only because you cannot simply answer my questions without incriminating your own beliefs.

Those of us who believe in the literal Bible try not to waste time fighting over such things. Just as those who did not believe David was a literal person as the Bible clearly states he was. Now those liberal theologians know they were wrong again. All the prophecies of Christ first coming were fulfilled literally. And all the historical evidence found for the Bible shows us again that the Bible is speaking literally. Only the most liberal theologians have such problems as you suggest. Bible believers donot.

Ha, i find it funny that you actually believe that (among other things), it is obvious even in a small group such as this we can see the fierce debate, look at "If jesus was god" thread.

Well if you were trying to force fit the story your speaking of into a Biblical story, you might be able to do that. Nephlhys fled into the desert so her husband would not find her. She made a shelter for her new born son in the desert and left him there so she could nourish herself. Then a greyhound who had just mothered four pups near by suckled the boy like one of her own pups.

that is a detail that has nothing to do with the actual story, indeed if you look at every egg closely you will conclude that no egg is similar, yet the general size and shape and color are similar even when the details may vary.

Yes, every religion does have their God's, but their is only one God that has a Book that speaks of the future before it happens. And the future the Bible speaks of is not unproven mythhology. It is a truth we can see today.

Did you not read about the prophecy from the egyptian gods? The Egyptian prophecies are clearly speaking of the future whether you believe the story or not. Yet your mythology is not any more provable than the egyptian mythology, that is why it is faith.
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 11:24 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;49024 wrote:
only because you cannot simply answer my questions without incriminating your own beliefs.

Ha, i find it funny that you actually believe that (among other things), it is obvious even in a small group such as this we can see the fierce debate, look at "If jesus was god" thread.

that is a detail that has nothing to do with the actual story, indeed if you look at every egg closely you will conclude that no egg is similar, yet the general size and shape and color are similar even when the details may vary.

Did you not read about the prophecy from the egyptian gods? The Egyptian prophecies are clearly speaking of the future whether you believe the story or not. Yet your mythology is not any more provable than the egyptian mythology, that is why it is faith.

Since I have been at this site I have answered many of your questions. And yes, I have read the prophecy of the Egyptian God, but they lack any of the details that I see in the prophecies of the Bible. Please point to their fulfillment today, please show us how they are fulfilled in todays world. I can't wait to hear your answer. Do the Egyptian prophecies tell us how near the end of time the Jews will return to Israel? Do they tell us how the Jews will first take Southern Israel, and then retake Jerusalem second? Do their prophecies tell us how an astroid will strike the earth, and destroy one third of the marine life and one third of the ships in that sea? Do their prophecies tell us how Jerusalems East Gate will remain sealed until the end of time when the Prince to come will open it? Do their prophecies tell of a day when a man will become the leader of the world and make all humans worship him? Do their prophecies tell us how this man will make every man, and woman receive his number in their right hand or forhead, and without this number no one will be able to buy or sell? And do their prophecies tell of the day when all how refuse to receive his number will be put to death? Do their prophecies tell of how the nations of the East will raise up an army of 200 million men? Show us the details of the Egyptian prophecies, because I have to tell you, I have not seen anything like that in the Egyptian prophecies.
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 11:34 am
Campbell34;49253 wrote:
Since I have been at this site I have answered many of your questions. And yes, I have read the prophecy of the Egyptian God, but they lack any of the details that I see in the prophecies of the Bible. Please point to their fulfillment today, please show us how they are fulfilled in todays world. I can't wait to hear your answer. Do the Egyptian prophecies tell us how near the end of time the Jews will return to Israel? Do they tell us how the Jews will first take Southern Israel, and then retake Jerusalem second? Do their prophecies tell us how an astroid will strike the earth, and destroy one third of the marine life and one third of the ships in that sea? Do their prophecies tell us how Jerusalems East Gate will remain sealed until the end of time when the Prince to come will open it? Do their prophecies tell of a day when a man will become the leader of the world and make all humans worship him? Do their prophecies tell us how this man will make every man, and woman receive his number in their right hand or forhead, and without this number no one will be able to buy or sell? And do their prophecies tell of the day when all how refuse to receive his number will be put to death? Do their prophecies tell of how the nations of the East will raise up an army of 200 million men? Show us the details of the Egyptian prophecies, because I have to tell you, I have not seen anything like that in the Egyptian prophecies.

have any of the above prophecies been fulfilled?
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 01:58 pm
Numpty;49258 wrote:
have any of the above prophecies been fulfilled?

The return of the Jews to Israel is on going, their retaking of Jerusalem second is fulfilled. The Jerusalem Sealed East Porch Gate is there for all to see.The Bibles knowledge of the existance of a killer Astroid is for the future. The rebuilding of the Jews third Temple is for the future, yet they are now trainning priest for the Temple, and the building plans for the Temples construction are ready I have been told. The Ark of the covenent which would be placed in the Temple is now said to be in the hands of Ethiopia.
It is no accident that all of this is happening at this time in history. Much of the prophecies stated are for the future, yet it is not a future that is that far away.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 03:20 pm
@Adam Bing,
It never ceases to amaze me how someone can conclude that an "idea" that gestates from within a field of study should be considered as fact. Again it must be pointed out that, the "theory" of evolution is just that, a theory, an idea founded not in facts of evidence but in speculation which is made by considering only information that is available from the present, with no hopes of ever being able to present it as truth absolute. The evidence that would be needed to make this racist idea of man's evolution just does not exist, as even admitted by its creator "Charles Darwin".

Consider his own words, ".........I cannot anyhow be contented to view this wonderful universe, and especially the nature of man, and to conclude that everything is the result of brute force. I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from DESIGNED LAWS, with the details, whether good or bad, left to the working out of what we may call chance." Taken from a private letter to Asa Gray (1860); "the Ichneumonidae" has sometimes been altered to "parasitic wasps" in paraphrases.

"I feel most deeply that this whole question of Creation is too profound for human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton! Let each man hope and believe what he can." London Illustrated New (21 April 1862).

I find it amusing that even he that gestated this idea which was originally titled "THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE" can not bring himself to conclude that there is no "design" involved in nature. Yet modern society tries to push this unprovable "idea" down the throats of all as if it were imbedded in solid empirical science and therefore must be accepted due to its foundation.

Again it is only an "Idea" of speculation, not a fact as some wish to present it. RD
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 06:14 pm
RED DEVIL;49287 wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me how someone can conclude that an "idea" that gestates from within a field of study should be considered as fact.

Like creationism?

Again it must be pointed out that, the "theory" of evolution is just that, a theory, an idea founded not in facts of evidence but in speculation which is made by considering only information that is available from the present, with no hopes of ever being able to present it as truth absolute.

Like creationism?

Listen to me very carefully. If you do not know the definition of a word, DO NOT USE IT. You make yourself look like a complete ass in front of everyone. You do not know the definition of "theory". You simply do not. If you did, you would see that your statement is utterly false and asinine.

The evidence that would be needed to make this racist idea of man's evolution just does not exist, as even admitted by its creator "Charles Darwin".

Again with the racist schpeel. You'll find anything to throw now, won't you. Makes sense, you're quickly running out of ammo.

Consider his own words, ".........I cannot anyhow be contented to view this wonderful universe, and especially the nature of man, and to conclude that everything is the result of brute force. I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from DESIGNED LAWS, with the details, whether good or bad, left to the working out of what we may call chance." Taken from a private letter to Asa Gray (1860); "the Ichneumonidae" has sometimes been altered to "parasitic wasps" in paraphrases.

"I feel most deeply that this whole question of Creation is too profound for human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton! Let each man hope and believe what he can." London Illustrated New (21 April 1862).

Ah, great quote mining. The last nail in your coffin. Care to read the remainder of that?

No, let me.

Charlie D wrote:
"With respect to the theological view of the question. This is always painful to me. I am bewildered. I had no intention to write atheistically. But I own that I cannot see as plainly as others do, and as I should wish to do, evidence of design and beneficence on all sides of us. There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae [wasps] with the express intention of their [larva] feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice. Not believing this, I see no necessity in the belief that the eye was expressly designed. On the other, I cannot anyhow be contented to view this wonderful universe, and especially the nature of man, and to conclude that everything is the result of brute force. I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from designed laws, with the details, whether good or bad, left to the working out of what we may call chance. Not that this notion at all [original italics] satisfies me. I feel most deeply that the whole subject is too profound for the human intellect. A dog might as well speculate on the mind of Newton. Let each man hope and believe what he can. Certainly I agree with you that my views are not at all necessarily atheistical. The lightning kills a man, whether a good one or bad one, owing to the excessively complex action of natural laws. A child (who may turn out an idiot) is born by the action of even more complex laws, and I can see no reason why a man, or other animals, may not have been aboriginally produced by other laws, and that all these laws may have been expressly designed by an omniscient Creator, who foresaw every future event and consequence. But the more I think the more bewildered I become; as indeed I probably have shown by this letter. Most deeply do I feel your generous kindness and interest. Yours sincerely and cordially, Charles Darwin" (Darwin to Asa Gray, [a minister] May 22, 1860)

See, now you're grasping for straws. Typical creationist with nothing to back himself up... only backed into a corner.

I find it amusing that even he that gestated this idea which was originally titled "THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE" can not bring himself to conclude that there is no "design" involved in nature. Yet modern society tries to push this unprovable "idea" down the throats of all as if it were imbedded in solid empirical science and therefore must be accepted due to its foundation.

Well, I could continue on with this, but I'll let you dig yourself out of your quote mine cave-in first.

Again it is only an "Idea" of speculation, not a fact as some wish to present it. RD

Just like creationism.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 22 Dec, 2007 10:09 pm
And yes, I have read the prophecy of the Egyptian God,

no, you heard it from me.

but they lack any of the details that I see in the prophecies of the Bible.

perhaps it is only you that see those "details" or perhaps it is your intrepreation that attempts to create some of those details, the same could be done with the egyptian polytheistic prophecies.

Please point to their fulfillment today, please show us how they are fulfilled in todays world.

as the same way the bible's prophecies can only be seen fullfilled inside of the bible.

Do the Egyptian prophecies tell us how near the end of time the Jews will return to Israel?

the egyptian prophecies were written before they knew of 'said' jews. Even so, such a prophecy does not concern the ancient egyptians.

Do they tell us how the Jews will first take Southern Israel, and then retake Jerusalem second?

see answer above.

Do their prophecies tell us how an astroid will strike the earth,


and destroy one third of the marine life and one third of the ships in that sea?

When the **** has that ever happened?

Do their prophecies tell us how Jerusalems East Gate will remain sealed until the end of time when the Prince to come will open it?

I don't think jeruselum was a well-known city to the ancient egyptians of the day, and again such a prophecy does not concern them.

Do their prophecies tell of a day when a man will become the leader of the world and make all humans worship him?

yes, Horus, although he wasn't a man.

Do their prophecies tell us how this man will make every man, and woman receive his number in their right hand or forhead, and without this number no one will be able to buy or sell?

Do you actually expect egyptian polytheism to make prophecies about Hebrew monotheism?

And do their prophecies tell of the day when all how refuse to receive his number will be put to death?

what the **** does this have to do with anything?

Show us the details of the Egyptian prophecies, because I have to tell you, I have not seen anything like that in the Egyptian prophecies.

I don't think you've seen ANYTHING in egyptian prophecies, because you don't know anything about it. You are arguing from a stance of ignorance.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 07:40 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;49298 wrote:
no, you heard it from me.

perhaps it is only you that see those "details" or perhaps it is your intrepreation that attempts to create some of those details, the same could be done with the egyptian polytheistic prophecies.

as the same way the bible's prophecies can only be seen fullfilled inside of the bible.

the egyptian prophecies were written before they knew of 'said' jews. Even so, such a prophecy does not concern the ancient egyptians.

see answer above.


When the *** has that ever happened?

I don't think jeruselum was a well-known city to the ancient egyptians of the day, and again such a prophecy does not concern them.

yes, Horus, although he wasn't a man.

Do you actually expect egyptian polytheism to make prophecies about Hebrew monotheism?

what the *** does this have to do with anything?

I don't think you've seen ANYTHING in egyptian prophecies, because you don't know anything about it. You are arguing from a stance of ignorance.

Yes I have heard of the Egyptian prophecies from you, and I have read some of the accounts . Your the one telling me they are all the same. Yet I'm waithing for you to show me how that is true. Your the one who seems to be talking from ignorance here. I have given you my side of the arguement, now lets here the details from you. You made the claim, do I have to argue from your perspective? Or can you speak on the subject for yourself ? If your going to say their prophecies are just as valid as the Bibles prophecies then please show me this. If you don't know anything about their prophecies perhaps you should not of made that statement until you yourself were prepared to point this out to me.

I knew of the Bibles prophecies long before many books on it's prophecies were popular. And your statement that the Bibles prophecy can only be seen fulfilled inside the Bible is a statement almost to stupid to comment on. The return of the Jewish people to Israel and their return to Jerusalem is clearly stated in the Old Testament. We donot have to look in the Bible to see the fulfillment of that prophecy. You only need to look at your local newspaper to see that they are there today just as the Bible predicted they would be. And the Bible tells us the the focus of world attention at the very end would be for the control of Jerusalem. So please, show me the clear prophecies from the Egyptians. If you can't do this, then don't call me ignorant on the subject and expect me to do your homework for you. I have stated my case and laid it out before you in detail. Where is your proof. Show me your chapter and verse.
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 01:14 pm
@Adam Bing,
I hope that Mr. Campbell and Red Devil are running out of arugements. This debate has been fun, but I believe that it gas gone too far. You do not have to be very smart or well educated to really shake the faith of believers, if indeed, we wish to do this. The broad concept of evolution is simple, but all of the complex science that has been posted in attempts to disprove it aren't, aside from the fact that at least some of it is counterfelt, because it goes against mainstream science. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 01:53 pm
thomascrosthwaite;49344 wrote:
I hope that Mr. Campbell and Red Devil are running out of arugements. This debate has been fun, but I believe that it gas gone too far. You do not have to be very smart or well educated to really shake the faith of believers, if indeed, we wish to do this. The broad concept of evolution is simple, but all of the complex science that has been posted in attempts to disprove it aren't, aside from the fact that at least some of it is counterfelt, because it goes against mainstream science. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

Well it's nice to see you have entered the debate Thomas. However it would be nice if you could supply us with a little more than general comments. It's always easy to say something is untrue when you donot have to defend yourself with any kind of research or facts for taking that position.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sun 23 Dec, 2007 04:11 pm
Campbell34;49321 wrote:
Yes I have heard of the Egyptian prophecies from you, and I have read some of the accounts . Your the one telling me they are all the same. Yet I'm waithing for you to show me how that is true.

I already showed you the story that the bible has plagurized.

Your the one who seems to be talking from ignorance here.

I know more about pagan mythology than you will ever hope to know. If anyone is arguing from ignorance it is you!

I have given you my side of the arguement, now lets here the details from you. You made the claim, do I have to argue from your perspective? Or can you speak on the subject for yourself ? If your going to say their prophecies are just as valid as the Bibles prophecies then please show me this.

Of course the bible is just as valid as any other "holy book", but you are asking me to show you prophecies which only the abrahmic faiths have made which is not only unreasonable but even if i were it wouldn't make them any more or any less valid. The pagan prophecies have thier own prophecies and yet you ask me to show you prophecies from monotheistic religions, and that is just plain stupid!

If you don't know anything about their prophecies perhaps you should not of made that statement until you yourself were prepared to point this out to me.

i have shown you a prophecy that was apparently fullfilled according to their religion.

I knew of the Bibles prophecies long before many books on it's prophecies were popular. And your statement that the Bibles prophecy can only be seen fulfilled inside the Bible is a statement almost to stupid to comment on. The return of the Jewish people to Israel and their return to Jerusalem is clearly stated in the Old Testament. We donot have to look in the Bible to see the fulfillment of that prophecy. You only need to look at your local newspaper to see that they are there today just as the Bible predicted they would be. And the Bible tells us the the focus of world attention at the very end would be for the control of Jerusalem.

for any of the prophecies to be valid they have to ALL have been fullfilled, which has yet to be!

So please, show me the clear prophecies from the Egyptians. If you can't do this, then don't call me ignorant on the subject and expect me to do your homework for you. I have stated my case and laid it out before you in detail. Where is your proof. Show me your chapter and verse.

Egyptians predicted the fall of Atlantis and the Death of those who disturb the tombs of the Pharoh, predicted the fate of Ramses, and the fate of the World...
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2007 12:51 pm
@Adam Bing,
Mr. Campbell, I am well aware that there are gaps in the evidence of evolution, and that there are some imaginary links. I do not think that anyone would deny that. However, the overall picture is overwhelming not only from paleology, but also from embryology, D.N.A. and genetics. Hense, the relation of eveloution to medicine. We do not claim to be infallible, you do. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2007 11:02 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;49353 wrote:
I already showed you the story that the bible has plagurized.

I know more about pagan mythology than you will ever hope to know. If anyone is arguing from ignorance it is you!

Of course the bible is just as valid as any other "holy book", but you are asking me to show you prophecies which only the abrahmic faiths have made which is not only unreasonable but even if i were it wouldn't make them any more or any less valid. The pagan prophecies have thier own prophecies and yet you ask me to show you prophecies from monotheistic religions, and that is just plain stupid!

i have shown you a prophecy that was apparently fullfilled according to their religion.

for any of the prophecies to be valid they have to ALL have been fullfilled, which has yet to be!

Egyptians predicted the fall of Atlantis and the Death of those who disturb the tombs of the Pharoh, predicted the fate of Ramses, and the fate of the World...

I really donot see where the Bible plagurized a story from any Egyptian writings. Because a story seems similar to another story, this does not mean it's been plagurized. Perhaps you believe that those who wrote about World war II really plagurized their story from World War I. Or perhaps the sinking of the Titanic was really plagurized from the story of the Titan written 12 years before.

If you cannot speak with any knowledge of any prophecies, then please donot come here and try to use them as proof. Unless your prepared to give me chapter and verse as I have done for you, you are wasting both of out times. And I don't care about a prophecy that has been fulfilled according to someones religion. Show me a prophecy that has been fulfilled according to the news media. When we see Jews in control of both Israel and Jerusalem, and we see this in the world news, well, then there is a prophecy that has been fulfilled. You say the Egyptians had a prophecy that predicts the fall of Atlantis. Well that's great, show me where they said that, print it out so I can see this with my own eyes. If you feel confident to make such a statement, show me in print where this is stated. All the prophecies in the Bible donot have to be fulfilled for one of them to be valid. That statement is just you trying to escape from the reality of the Bible. Jesus Christ fulfilled 300 prophecies of the Old Testament. The Jews have retaken Israel, and are now in control of Jerusalem, the East Gate remains sealed. And yes, the prophecies that have been fulfilled are all valid. And they are valid, because they are facts.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Mon 24 Dec, 2007 11:29 pm
Campbell34;49408 wrote:
I really donot see where the Bible plagurized a story from any Egyptian writings.

Horus was born of a miraculous birth on Dec.25 to a star in the east heralded by 3 elders to his mother Isis, he was a boy prodigy and age 12 he goes around performing miracles and teaching then there is a blank untill age 30 when he is initiated by Anep the baptiser, his teachings anger the religious authority of the time and he is sentanced to death were he is crucified for 3 days he dies then is reserected only to ascend to heaven to met his father Osiris.

If you cannot speak with any knowledge of any prophecies, then please donot come here and try to use them as proof. Unless your prepared to give me chapter and verse as I have done for you, you are wasting both of out times. And I don't care about a prophecy that has been fulfilled according to someones religion. Show me a prophecy that has been fulfilled according to the news media. When we see Jews in control of both Israel and Jerusalem, and we see this in the world news, well, then there is a prophecy that has been fulfilled. You say the Egyptians had a prophecy that predicts the fall of Atlantis. Well that's great, show me where they said that,

"For Plato, Atlantis was a useful myth for conveying several lessons he wanted to make about government and the nature of city-states. In the twentieth century it has been integrated into a myth about overreliance on technology as opposed to personal spiritual and psychic awareness. Plato described Atlantis as a large land located beyond the Straits of Gibraltar. It was a powerful land able to conquer much of the Mediterranean basin, but at the height of its power it was destroyed by geologic forces. Plato supposedly learned of Atlantis as a result of the Athenian lawgiver Solon, who had brought the story to Greece from Egypt several centuries earlier."

"According to Plato, Solon (an egyptian priest) told the story to the grandfather of the Critias appearing in this dialogue, who was also named Critias, and who retold the story to his grandson.[13] The latter group alleges that the tyrant's grandfather could not have both talked to Solon and still have been alive at the time the hypothetical discussion pictured in this dialogue was held. Thus they assume that it is the tyrant's grandfather who appears in both Timaeus and Critias, and his own grandfather, who was told the Atlantis story by Solon."


All the prophecies in the Bible donot have to be fulfilled for one of them to be valid.

Yes, they do, thats the whole point, if any of them fail then they could have been just as easily fulfilled by sheer chance.

Jesus Christ fulfilled 300 prophecies of the Old Testament. The Jews have retaken Israel, and are now in control of Jerusalem, the East Gate remains sealed. And yes, the prophecies that have been fulfilled are all valid. And they are valid, because they are facts.

how many of those 300 prophecies can be seen fulfilled outside of the bible? Furthermore how many prophecies wern't fulfilled, 205, and how many prophecies are still waiting to be fulfilled??? Why is it that you are the only person to have heard of this east gate prophecy? Show me the link.
Reply Tue 25 Dec, 2007 01:12 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;49412 wrote:
Horus was born of a miraculous birth on Dec.25 to a star in the east heralded by 3 elders to his mother Isis, he was a boy prodigy and age 12 he goes around performing miracles and teaching then there is a blank untill age 30 when he is initiated by Anep the baptiser, his teachings anger the religious authority of the time and he is sentanced to death were he is crucified for 3 days he dies then is reserected only to ascend to heaven to met his father Osiris.

"For Plato, Atlantis was a useful myth for conveying several lessons he wanted to make about government and the nature of city-states. In the twentieth century it has been integrated into a myth about overreliance on technology as opposed to personal spiritual and psychic awareness. Plato described Atlantis as a large land located beyond the Straits of Gibraltar. It was a powerful land able to conquer much of the Mediterranean basin, but at the height of its power it was destroyed by geologic forces. Plato supposedly learned of Atlantis as a result of the Athenian lawgiver Solon, who had brought the story to Greece from Egypt several centuries earlier."

"According to Plato, Solon (an egyptian priest) told the story to the grandfather of the Critias appearing in this dialogue, who was also named Critias, and who retold the story to his grandson.[13] The latter group alleges that the tyrant's grandfather could not have both talked to Solon and still have been alive at the time the hypothetical discussion pictured in this dialogue was held. Thus they assume that it is the tyrant's grandfather who appears in both Timaeus and Critias, and his own grandfather, who was told the Atlantis story by Solon."


Yes, they do, thats the whole point, if any of them fail then they could have been just as easily fulfilled by sheer chance.

how many of those 300 prophecies can be seen fulfilled outside of the bible? Furthermore how many prophecies wern't fulfilled, 205, and how many prophecies are still waiting to be fulfilled??? Why is it that you are the only person to have heard of this east gate prophecy? Show me the link.

Please show me your documentation for Horus. Because I can tell you right now, Horus was NOT born of a virgin. Horus was NOT a Savior. Horus was NOT crucified. Horus was not resurrected. Horus was NOT a worker of miracles.

How many times do I have to show you the link on the East Gate?
Focus on Jerusalem~Eastern Gate in Prophecy

The East Gate prophecy was not fulfilled by sheer chance, and the Jews did not return to Israel and retake Jerusalem by sheer chance either.

If you do your homework you will discover most of the pagan saviors stories are bogas, and have been manufactured by certain folks out there.

Evidence for Jesus and Parallel Pagan "Crucified Saviors" Examined
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 04:50 am
thomascrosthwaite;49386 wrote:
Mr. Campbell, I am well aware that there are gaps in the evidence of evolution, and that there are some imaginary links. I do not think that anyone would deny that. However, the overall picture is overwhelming not only from paleology, but also from embryology, D.N.A. and genetics. Hense, the relation of eveloution to medicine. We do not claim to be infallible, you do. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

"The creation account in Genesis and the theory of evolution could not be reconciled. One must be right and the other wrong. The story of the fossils agreed with the account of Genesis. In the oldest rocks we did not find a series of fossils covering the gradual changes from the most primitive creatures to developed forms, but rather in the oldest rocks, developed species suddenly appeared. Between every species there was a complete absence of intermediate fossils." D.B. Gower, "Scientist Rejects Evolution, "Kentish Times, England, December 11, 1975, p. 4. (Biochemist.)
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:10 am
thomascrosthwaite;49386 wrote:
Mr. Campbell, I am well aware that there are gaps in the evidence of evolution, and that there are some imaginary links. I do not think that anyone would deny that. However, the overall picture is overwhelming not only from paleology, but also from embryology, D.N.A. and genetics. Hense, the relation of eveloution to medicine. We do not claim to be infallible, you do. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

One thing that a lot of people don't realize is that they are unbelievably demanding of evolution. Do not expect us to find EVERYTHING in a three billion year range of time. It's not gonna happen. It is akin to me asking a Christian where the Holy Grail, Spear of Destiny, Ark of the Covenant, or Noah's Ark is located.

The answer would go like this:

"Yes, they exist... they are located..." and the story would change from there. Nobody for sure knows where these artifacts are located. There's six or seven locations for the Lance, at least five for the Ark of the Covenant, who knows where the Grail is...

But notice that even though these artifacts are not, to quote Devil, "empirically proven" to exist... you still do not question their existence.

Why? Explain to me why you will say evolution has NO evidence whatsoever because a few pieces are missing while things like this can slip right under the door. In scientific terms, this would be enough to perpetually keep Christianity a theory.

Just because there are some small (yes, they are small) pieces of the puzzle still missing, doesn't mean we can't see the picture we're putting together.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:14 am
Campbell34;49469 wrote:
"The creation account in Genesis and the theory of evolution could not be reconciled. One must be right and the other wrong. The story of the fossils agreed with the account of Genesis. In the oldest rocks we did not find a series of fossils covering the gradual changes from the most primitive creatures to developed forms, but rather in the oldest rocks, developed species suddenly appeared. Between every species there was a complete absence of intermediate fossils." D.B. Gower, "Scientist Rejects Evolution, "Kentish Times, England, December 11, 1975, p. 4. (Biochemist.)

He's a biochem Ph.D. Scientist, yes. Geologist, no. Paleontologist, no. So why's he talking about rocks and fossils?

I could get a Muslim priest to talk down the Bible and say "Priest rejects Christianity". Nice try at a sensational headline.

Oh, did I mention that Gower's a young earther? Funny.
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 11:10 am
@Adam Bing,
Brillant Sabz5150. I would guess that out of a hundred or more professors at Harvard University that you might find one or Two who believe the Biblical story of creation. The most likely place might be the Engineering Department. Fundamentalist have deep parkets and will pay anything to get books published to support their views. While they would likely have a hard time finding a major publisher, there are thousands of small presses, and also vanity publishers. If anyone wishes to know more about vanity publishing I have a discussion about them posted on Nothing Binding. Just go to the bottom of the 1st page and click on groups. Click on the first group and read the post on PublishAmerica.
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