Evolution & Mutation in front of our eyes

Reply Wed 21 Nov, 2007 04:15 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46410 wrote:


For 150 years.

The theory of evolution has stood those rigors and continues to do so. The majority of the world population believes in evolution (although the majority of Americans do not) even under this increased pressure. For one-hundred fifty years.

For a theory, any theory to go through that and come out on the other end... it's gotta be good. Hell, scientists still do not 100% believe in relativity, but nobody even thinks twice about ol' E=MC2. We're still working on breaking that one (FTL propulsion) Smile

So... the majority of the world and 95% of world scientists believe in a 150 year old theory that has stood against more criticism than almost any other scientific theory in the history of man. And the more we research, the more we find out that Darwin was on to something.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 11:15 am
Sabz5150;46350 wrote:
Yes. Those are examples of evolution. A new version. A new combination of characteristics. A new shot at making a better mousetrap. If this new version proves to be an improvement, it will have increased chances of survival and subsequently, increased chances of mating.

It's set of characteristics will be passed on and mixed with another set. Again, a new version. Characteristics taken from both parents and put together in a new way. Again, improvement = survival = mating. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Those are EXTREMELY small steps, but we see them everywhere. Eventually, small steps add up to large steps.

Taken from: Re: How can genetic mutations change the n chromosome number of a species?

"When complex eukaryotes like humans replicate, we create specialized cells ("gametes", known as sperm and ovae) that have half as many chromosomes as the rest of our cells. Instead of having a pair of each chromosome, these gametes only have one of each chromosome. Gametes form to fuse cells that have pairs of chromosomes, half of each pair comes from a sperm, and the other half from an ovum. When new chromosomes are being made, on very rare occasions, the new copies will fail to separate (or "disjoin") from the original copy. When this happens, one gamete will get an extra copy of the chromosome that failed to disjoin, and the other gamete will get no copy. This is called a non-disjunction. In this case, the sperm that got two copies will fuse with an ovum that had one copy, and the resulting cell would have three copies of that chromosome.

Usually, having an extra copy of a chromosome due to a non-disjunction is fatal, and the cell dies. In the three or so billion years that eukaryotes have been around, some organisms with non-disjunctions managed to survive by finding new uses for the genes on that extra chromosome. Of course, this begs the question of who you mate with when you have a different number of chromosomes, and I will get to that later."

Follow link to continue.

This shows that there in fact can be an increase in genetic information.

Small steps. That's what it's all about.

As we sit, there is no need for a drastic change of that level. We aren't being forced to adapt to a new environment, so there isn't need for change like that.

However, change is still going on. Nature is still throwing the dice. I think the name most commonly attached to these changes are "genetic disorders". Well, at least that's what you call them when nature throws snake eyes. Other times they're called 'special' and 'gifted'. And then there are the savants... you've read stories about them I'm sure.

If small steps lead to bigger steps why is there no evidence of such? And why can you not show us this evidence in the fossil record? I can show you evidence to support Scripture which you just deny, and that evidence is pretty obvious. Yet even your own people tell you there is no evidence to support your claims of Evolution. Show us where a mammal had fins in the fossil record. Darwin said we should see lots of them if his Theroy was true. Please show us your facts of science. LOL Your kind of science has little to do with facts, and much more to do with faith and speculation. And this is something you are not willing to admit to yourself, or me.
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 11:21 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46410 wrote:


Your belief of the age of the earth is based on faith, and not science, your evidence for Evolution is not to be found in the fossil record. I don't fear Theories based on speculation and faith. We from the Christian camp agree with your own people which states that proof of Evolution is still missing. Yet, speculate all you want, remember, your sound science is base on faith with no evidence to back it up.
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 11:24 am
QUOTE=Campbell34;46548]Your belief of the age of the earth is based on faith, and not science, your evidence for Evolution is not to be found in the fossil record. I don't fear Theories based on speculation and faith. We from the Christian camp agree with your own people which states that proof of Evolution is still missing. Yet, speculate all you want, remember, your sound science is base on faith with no evidence to back it up.[/QUOTE]

As is your faith in a story book steeped in Myth and Legend, with an imaginary character called Jesus as the 'hero'.

'AGAIN' if forward you to this thread, watch and learn.

Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 11:37 am
Campbell34;46547 wrote:
If small steps lead to bigger steps why is there no evidence of such? And why can you not show us this evidence in the fossil record? I can show you evidence to support Scripture which you just deny, and that evidence is pretty obvious. Yet even your own people tell you there is no evidence to support your claims of Evolution. Show us where a mammal had fins in the fossil record. Darwin said we should see lots of them if his Theroy was true. Please show us your facts of science. LOL Your kind of science has little to do with facts, and much more to do with faith and speculation. And this is something you are not willing to admit to yourself, or me.

Why would I need the fossil record to show mammals with fins? I think they're called "whales" and "dolphins". I can show you a mammal with wings too. It's called a "bat".

However if it's a fossil you really want... Basilosaurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is under the class Mammalia.

Here is another link with more information of ancient water mammals: New Fossils Resolve Whale's Origin: Science News Online, Sept. 22, 2001

My own people do not tell me there is no evidence for evolution. One only has to look at the Dover trial to see the evidence. Even the whole flagellum argument brought forth by the ID guys was busted in that case. Evolution's evidence was put forth on the spot, cited by numerous scientists, research papers and records.

The evidence is there, you simply deny it. If the evidence was NOT present, then ID would be in science classrooms in Dover.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 11:48 am
Campbell34;46548 wrote:
Your belief of the age of the earth is based on faith, and not science, your evidence for Evolution is not to be found in the fossil record. I don't fear Theories based on speculation and faith. We from the Christian camp agree with your own people which states that proof of Evolution is still missing. Yet, speculate all you want, remember, your sound science is base on faith with no evidence to back it up.

it is not often that the scientists (experts of science) will agree unnanimoulsy on something such as the age of the earth, not only do you deny and critiscise known scientific knowledge but you haven't provided a SINGLE SHRED of evidecnce that would say otherwise and you have yet to provide a scientific alternative....your rejection of fact saddens me....there is a group out there who denies that the earth revovles around the sun, and their arguemnets are akin to yours, both are religous based denials and both lack any supporting evidence despite that the only critics are not the experts but religous fanatics....you and I neither of us know enough about science to accurately dabtae the age of the earth but that is why i rely on the experts the people who know the most about science....you criticizing the current theories is much like a small child debating calculus, you lack the necessary knowledge to make an adequet argument!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:15 pm
Numpty;46549 wrote:
QUOTE=Campbell34;46548]Your belief of the age of the earth is based on faith, and not science, your evidence for Evolution is not to be found in the fossil record. I don't fear Theories based on speculation and faith. We from the Christian camp agree with your own people which states that proof of Evolution is still missing. Yet, speculate all you want, remember, your sound science is base on faith with no evidence to back it up.

As is your faith in a story book steeped in Myth and Legend, with an imaginary character called Jesus as the 'hero'.

'AGAIN' if forward you to this thread, watch and learn.


Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament, and Jesus has historical evidence that can be pointed to. Evolution has a Theory and little else. Where can we see the clear record that should be seen in the Fossil record? Show me the mammals that clearly show the process of Evolution. Rember, Darwin said there would be countless numbers of them found (IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE.) So Numpty, show me these fossils, Evolution had over a hundred years to dig them up. Where are they?
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 04:45 pm
Campbell34;46563 wrote:
As is your faith in a story book steeped in Myth and Legend, with an imaginary character called Jesus as the 'hero'.

'AGAIN' if forward you to this thread, watch and learn.


Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament, and Jesus has historical evidence that can be pointed to. Evolution has a Theory and little else. Where can we see the clear record that should be seen in the Fossil record? Show me the mammals that clearly show the process of Evolution. Rember, Darwin said there would be countless numbers of them found (IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE.) So Numpty, show me these fossils, Evolution had over a hundred years to dig them up. Where are they?[/QUOTE]

That's right completely ignore what I posted and move onto what you want. You still have not answered. HAVE YOU WATCHED THEM YET. If you did, did you find them complleing and interesting?

Ok supposing for a second that there is no evidence in the fossil record that you say there should be if evolution is to real. Does that really prove the existence of a God. I rather think not.

I have made no claims about fossil records, you seem to be more of an expert than I. I understand the basic concepts of evolution but if you are to truely understand biology and micro biology to the extent to which Darwin goes then it will take some years for me to understand, As it has taken you a life time to understand the teachings of your God.

You see just because there may as yet not be and answer to the question of evolution (you know I believe there is) it does not mean that it is an Automatic default setting which means there is a god.

This is what you sound like. HA!! no proof in the fossil records. HA!! God exists.

C'mon man, the guys here have clearly showed extensive evidence which shows evolution is a viable option in the development of life on this planet.

You chose to act like this. Insert index fingers in ears and shout as loud as you can,..LALALALALALALALALALA.

You yourself have provide no evidence the world is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs were on the ark, that jesus existed (Outside religous Texts) that adam and eve populated the world without turning us all into inbread, brain dead zombies. Where in the animal kingdom there are talking snakes.
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 06:25 pm
Numpty;46564 wrote:
Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament, and Jesus has historical evidence that can be pointed to. Evolution has a Theory and little else. Where can we see the clear record that should be seen in the Fossil record? Show me the mammals that clearly show the process of Evolution. Rember, Darwin said there would be countless numbers of them found (IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE.) So Numpty, show me these fossils, Evolution had over a hundred years to dig them up. Where are they?

That's right completely ignore what I posted and move onto what you want. You still have not answered. HAVE YOU WATCHED THEM YET. If you did, did you find them complleing and interesting?

Ok supposing for a second that there is no evidence in the fossil record that you say there should be if evolution is to real. Does that really prove the existence of a God. I rather think not.

I have made no claims about fossil records, you seem to be more of an expert than I. I understand the basic concepts of evolution but if you are to truely understand biology and micro biology to the extent to which Darwin goes then it will take some years for me to understand, As it has taken you a life time to understand the teachings of your God.

You see just because there may as yet not be and answer to the question of evolution (you know I believe there is) it does not mean that it is an Automatic default setting which means there is a god.

This is what you sound like. HA!! no proof in the fossil records. HA!! God exists.

C'mon man, the guys here have clearly showed extensive evidence which shows evolution is a viable option in the development of life on this planet.

You chose to act like this. Insert index fingers in ears and shout as loud as you can,..LALALALALALALALALALA.

You yourself have provide no evidence the world is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs were on the ark, that jesus existed (Outside religous Texts) that adam and eve populated the world without turning us all into inbread, brain dead zombies. Where in the animal kingdom there are talking snakes.[/QUOTE]

It was not (I) who said the evidence would be found in the fossil record. It was (Darwin.) (Darwin said) if his Theory was true you would find an abundance of Transitional Fossils. We are not finding this abundance as (Darwin) said we would. Not even after 100 years. Yet he said this would happen, if his Theory (WAS TRUE.)
I have provided evidence of Jesus existence, and this evidence exist outside of the Scriptures, and I have stated that there is proof for some of the most dramatic of the Bible stories. There is extra Biblical writings that indicate that the people spoken of in the Bible really did exist. The evidence for the Bible is there, the evidence for evolution is not. Evolution is really more of a religion, it requires faith in animals that don't exist, and canot be found. You say Evolution is a viable option to how life developed on this planet. How can you believe this, when there is no evidence to support such a belief? Most of the evidence which has been put forward has been tossed out long ago, and with no transitionals, what are we to conclude. Am I to base my belief in Evolution on Faith alone. I will not even base my Christian faith on faith alone. I want evidence that will show me that my belief is more then a myth.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 06:50 pm
Sabz5150;46550 wrote:
Why would I need the fossil record to show mammals with fins? I think they're called "whales" and "dolphins". I can show you a mammal with wings too. It's called a "bat".

However if it's a fossil you really want... Basilosaurus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is under the class Mammalia.

Here is another link with more information of ancient water mammals: New Fossils Resolve Whale's Origin: Science News Online, Sept. 22, 2001

My own people do not tell me there is no evidence for evolution. One only has to look at the Dover trial to see the evidence. Even the whole flagellum argument brought forth by the ID guys was busted in that case. Evolution's evidence was put forth on the spot, cited by numerous scientists, research papers and records.

The evidence is there, you simply deny it. If the evidence was NOT present, then ID would be in science classrooms in Dover.

The reason you would want the fossil record to show a mammal with fins is to prove that Evolution was actually happening. Yet Evolutionest cannot use the fossil record because EVOLUTION does not appear there. (AND DARWIN SAID IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE THEY WOULD BE FOUND.)
Showing me a fully formed whale, dolphin, or a bat does not show me anything other than a fully formed mammal.
The Basilosaurus was as it appeared, and is not a transitional either. Also one of the problems with the idea of it being a transitional is the time it would take to evolve from a ambulocetus creature which was approximately 7-12 feet long, to the basilosaurus, which was approximately 70 feet long. This tremendous size difference is usually not compared in evolutionary writings, of course, because it would bring the 'smooth' transition into question.
No the evidence is not there, and there is nothing there to deny outside of wild speculation that is not based on sound science. Darwin said the Transitionals would be found if the Theory was true, your own people except those who are grasping for straws are saying the same thing. And what they are saying is "the Transitionals have not been found." The ID is not in Dover because that has more to do with politics than science. However, all over the nation ID is being pushed by many, and ID will be coming to the classroom.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:50 pm
Campbell34;46563 wrote:
? Show me the mammals that clearly show the process of Evolution.

Pakicetus to Ambulocetus to Kutchicetus to Rodhocetus to Basilosaurus to Saghacetus-osiris to Dorudon to Cetotherium to Chordata-Vertebrata(modern whales)

this is just the whale evolution, if you want i can find more if you wish!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 23 Nov, 2007 09:58 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
"Vestigial structures are anatomical structures of organisms in a species, which have lost much or all of their original function through evolution. They are typically in a degenerate, atrophied, or rudimentary condition. They are often called vestigial organs, although not all of them are actually organs.

Vestigial structures have been noticed since ancient times, and the reason for their existence was long speculated upon before Darwinian evolution provided a widely-accepted explanation. In the 4th century BC, Aristotle was one of the earliest writers to comment, in his History of Animals, on the vestigial eyes of moles, calling them "stunted in development".[2] However, only in recent centuries have anatomical vestiges become a subject of serious study."

In short, if god created everything then vestigal structures wouldn't exist!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 12:27 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;46582 wrote:
Pakicetus to Ambulocetus to Kutchicetus to Rodhocetus to Basilosaurus to Saghacetus-osiris to Dorudon to Cetotherium to Chordata-Vertebrata(modern whales)

this is just the whale evolution, if you want i can find more if you wish!

I believe we went over Pakicetus before, it turned out to be a four footed structure similar to that of common wolves. It was not an aquatic one. Yet, because it had some details in its teeth and middle ear bones which were a signature of later Eocene whales, National Geographic felt able to call this one the first walking whales. Just one look at the reconstruction of Pakicetus by the evolutionist illustrator Carl Buell will reveal the absurdity terming it a 'walking whale.' If this was not so sad it would be funny. This is what evolution is all about. When you get past all the vodo science, it becomes nothing more than artistic imaginary animals, which are based on a hand full of bone fragments. And when P.D. Gingerich discovered this fossil in 1983 all he had at first was the skull, but then immediately claimed this to be a primitive whale. Even evolutionists admit that the similarities between the two are completely untrustworthy, especially because these similarities can be seen in other terrestrial animals as well. Here again you are seeing National Geographic's tradition of sensational, unsubstantiated, tabloid journalism. This is not science.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 12:37 pm
Campbell34;46597 wrote:
I believe we went over Pakicetus before, it turned out to be a four footed structure similar to that of common wolves. It was not an aquatic one. Yet, because it had some details in its teeth and middle ear bones which were a signature of later Eocene whales, National Geographic felt able to call this one the first walking whales. Just one look at the reconstruction of Pakicetus by the evolutionist illustrator Carl Buell will reveal the absurdity terming it a 'walking whale.' If this was not so sad it would be funny. This is what evolution is all about. When you get past all the vodo science, it becomes nothing more than artistic imaginary animals, which are based on a hand full of bone fragments. And when P.D. Gingerich discovered this fossil in 1983 all he had at first was the skull, but then immediately claimed this to be a primitive whale. Even evolutionists admit that the similarities between the two are completely untrustworthy, especially because these similarities can be seen in other terrestrial animals as well. Here again you are seeing National Geographic's tradition of sensational, unsubstantiated, tabloid journalism. This is not science.

Yes and talking snakes and the 'fact' that the human race was spawned from two people are truely scientific. Can you explain to us how the population of the world came from two 'Asian' people (though they depicted as white in much Literature) and we are able to have such diverse looks as the Inuits in the Arctic circle, First Nation inhabitants of canada, through to the whites of Europe and the Black people of Africa, the chinese and japanese looks through to the Aborigines of Australia and Moauri of New Zealand. If there is no Evolution then how come we all look Different. Surely if we decsended from to people of the same colour we would all be that colour. Am I wrong or have I missed some great excuse,..sorry,...reason in the bible?
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 01:52 pm
Numpty;46598 wrote:
Yes and talking snakes and the 'fact' that the human race was spawned from two people are truely scientific. Can you explain to us how the population of the world came from two 'Asian' people (though they depicted as white in much Literature) and we are able to have such diverse looks as the Inuits in the Arctic circle, First Nation inhabitants of canada, through to the whites of Europe and the Black people of Africa, the chinese and japanese looks through to the Aborigines of Australia and Moauri of New Zealand. If there is no Evolution then how come we all look Different. Surely if we decsended from to people of the same colour we would all be that colour. Am I wrong or have I missed some great excuse,..sorry,...reason in the bible?

It should be obvious that humans have features built into us that help protect us from the rays of the sun. That is why people from southern climates have a darker skin then people from nothern climates. Also, people that have migrated and mixed with others from certain areas of the world will take on features that are common from that area of the Globe. Over time, you have races that have evoloved because of location. This however is not to be mistaken for FULL BLOWN EVOLUTION. We are humans, and have not evoloved into anything but what we are. And that is why Darwin was right when he stated, (if his theory was correct), we would find an abundance of transitional fossils. Yet, we have never found this abudance of transitionals. And this only proves that Darwins Theory never really happened. Believers in Evolution say they have science on their side, yet, I hear this more as a fading echo. Since the discovery of soft tissue and blood cells in dinosaur bones, and the non discovery of transitionals. Evolution is being exposed for what it really is. And that is, the nearest thing to an Atheist having religion.
To bad they have been worshiping a false God of smoke and mirrors, and artistic drawings of make believe transitionals.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:08 pm
Campbell34;46604 wrote:
It should be obvious that humans have features built into us that help protect us from the rays of the sun. That is why people from southern climates have a darker skin then people from nothern climates. Also, people that have migrated and mixed with others from certain areas of the world will take on features that are common from that area of the Globe. Over time, you have races that have evoloved because of location. This however is not to be mistaken for FULL BLOWN EVOLUTION. We are humans, and have not evoloved into anything but what we are. And that is why Darwin was right when he stated, (if his theory was correct), we would find an abundance of transitional fossils. Yet, we have never found this abudance of transitionals. And this only proves that Darwins Theory never really happened. Believers in Evolution say they have science on their side, yet, I hear this more as a fading echo. Since the discovery of soft tissue and blood cells in dinosaur bones, and the non discovery of transitionals. Evolution is being exposed for what it really is. And that is, the nearest thing to an Atheist having religion.
To bad they have been worshiping a false God of smoke and mirrors, and artistic drawings of make believe transitionals.

Evolution is evolution, no matter how small or big it is.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:21 pm
@Adam Bing,
Numphy, I strongly agree with you. As you have noticed I do not post evidence of evolution. I am not a scientist. In fact, I drove a taxi in Chicago for over 26 years. However, I believe that the evidence of evolution is overwhelming and that people like Mr. campbell will do anything to disprove it, including fake evidence, sandal, etc. I wouldn't even put murder past them, as they would claim that it was to save souls. There are no laws that protect people from this type of abuse. I have taken the Bible and shown Campbell that it is nothing more than a refection of what ancient people believed, including the belief that the Earth was flat and that mental disorders are caused by demons, not to mention the many condictions. He is so closed minded that he can not see these things. I have many Christian friends including my wife. I also admire the teaching of Jesus. He was the greatest socialist that ever lived, if he lived. Therefore, I get along well with most Christians, as I believe in some kind of mixture os capitalism and soicalism. If this post sounds like I have mixed feelings,I do. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:46 pm
Numpty;46607 wrote:
Evolution is evolution, no matter how small or big it is.

I believe in small evolution with in the species, nothing beyond that has ever been seen or proven. To believe in anything beyond that requires faith based on nothing.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:54 pm
@Adam Bing,
Arguing science with you seems to be completely pointless... so I propose this:

If Intelligent Design is truly the way it is... show me the Designer. Prove this Designer's existence. If you cannot do this, then YOUR theory has the same merit that you give evolution.

That should make it rather easy. I mean, if the Designer exists, surely you can show him/her to me.
Reply Sat 24 Nov, 2007 02:59 pm
thomascrosthwaite;46609 wrote:
Numphy, I strongly agree with you. As you have noticed I do not post evidence of evolution. I am not a scientist. In fact, I drove a taxi in Chicago for over 26 years. However, I believe that the evidence of evolution is overwhelming and that people like Mr. campbell will do anything to disprove it, including fake evidence, sandal, etc. I wouldn't even put murder past them, as they would claim that it was to save souls. There are no laws that protect people from this type of abuse. I have taken the Bible and shown Campbell that it is nothing more than a refection of what ancient people believed, including the belief that the Earth was flat and that mental disorders are caused by demons, not to mention the many condictions. He is so closed minded that he can not see these things. I have many Christian friends including my wife. I also admire the teaching of Jesus. He was the greatest socialist that ever lived, if he lived. Therefore, I get along well with most Christians, as I believe in some kind of mixture os capitalism and soicalism. If this post sounds like I have mixed feelings,I do. Learning,Speech,&Attention Defects | Man with learning disabilities, communication disorders, ADHD, becomes author

It was not I who tried to push the Piltdown man, the Nebraskman, the Java man, the Orce man, ect. ect. ect. I could of listed many more, but the point being this is all fake evidence that was used to support evolution. You have had years of a steady diet of hearing how Evolution was true, yet when you consider the evidence you discover that much of it is based not on fully formed fossil remains but fragments of bones. The rest of it is filled in by artistic drawings which look impressive, but the science being pushed is more art work than science. The evidence for Evolution is not overwhelming, far from it. And it it was overwhelming then where on earth are all the transitional fossils. Darwin said we would find them and in abundance. We have not found any. There is a time you have to realize that artistic pictures of how some scientest want it to be does not represent the facts or science. The Bible states the earth floats on nothing, and the Hebrew did not have a word for ball shaped, so they used the best word they had which was circle. And I can assure you, Christians that love God donot murder.

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