Numpty;46564 wrote:Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament, and Jesus has historical evidence that can be pointed to. Evolution has a Theory and little else. Where can we see the clear record that should be seen in the Fossil record? Show me the mammals that clearly show the process of Evolution. Rember, Darwin said there would be countless numbers of them found (IF HIS THEORY WAS TRUE.) So Numpty, show me these fossils, Evolution had over a hundred years to dig them up. Where are they?
That's right completely ignore what I posted and move onto what you want. You still have not answered. HAVE YOU WATCHED THEM YET. If you did, did you find them complleing and interesting?
Ok supposing for a second that there is no evidence in the fossil record that you say there should be if evolution is to real. Does that really prove the existence of a God. I rather think not.
I have made no claims about fossil records, you seem to be more of an expert than I. I understand the basic concepts of evolution but if you are to truely understand biology and micro biology to the extent to which Darwin goes then it will take some years for me to understand, As it has taken you a life time to understand the teachings of your God.
You see just because there may as yet not be and answer to the question of evolution (you know I believe there is) it does not mean that it is an Automatic default setting which means there is a god.
This is what you sound like. HA!! no proof in the fossil records. HA!! God exists.
C'mon man, the guys here have clearly showed extensive evidence which shows evolution is a viable option in the development of life on this planet.
You chose to act like this. Insert index fingers in ears and shout as loud as you can,..LALALALALALALALALALA.
You yourself have provide no evidence the world is 6000 years old and that dinosaurs were on the ark, that jesus existed (Outside religous Texts) that adam and eve populated the world without turning us all into inbread, brain dead zombies. Where in the animal kingdom there are talking snakes.[/QUOTE]
It was not (I) who said the evidence would be found in the fossil record. It was (Darwin.) (Darwin said) if his Theory was true you would find an abundance of Transitional Fossils. We are not finding this abundance as (Darwin) said we would. Not even after 100 years. Yet he said this would happen, if his Theory (WAS TRUE.)
I have provided evidence of Jesus existence, and this evidence exist outside of the Scriptures, and I have stated that there is proof for some of the most dramatic of the Bible stories. There is extra Biblical writings that indicate that the people spoken of in the Bible really did exist. The evidence for the Bible is there, the evidence for evolution is not. Evolution is really more of a religion, it requires faith in animals that don't exist, and canot be found. You say Evolution is a viable option to how life developed on this planet. How can you believe this, when there is no evidence to support such a belief? Most of the evidence which has been put forward has been tossed out long ago, and with no transitionals, what are we to conclude. Am I to base my belief in Evolution on Faith alone. I will not even base my Christian faith on faith alone. I want evidence that will show me that my belief is more then a myth.