Campbell34;45706 wrote:Ramapithecus was believed to be a early hominid for many years, but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage. Ramapithecus is now thought to be an ancestor of the modern apes.
Human Evolution
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Fatal... you're reading that, aren't you?
His evidence says THIS:
but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage
Fork in our common lineage... Hmmm. Evolution states that all species came from a common ancestor (hence the name The Origin of Species). So you're using evidence of evolution to discredit it?
Let me requote that again.
"now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage"
Quote:Orce Man found near the village of Orce Spain and believed to represent the oldest human fossil ever discovered in Europe. Later, to the embarrassment of many, the bone was identified as the skull cap of a 6-month-old donkey!
Apologetics Press - No Missing Links Here...
Nice religion based site there (see Brigham Young).
Science long showed this to be fake. We pitched that crap a long time ago. I suggest you do the same.
Quote:Nebraska Man was Illustrated in the London News on June 24, 1922 on the front cover. Henry Fairfilld Osborn, head of the department of paleontology at New York American Museum of Natural History, received the tooth and was prepared to enter it as evidence at the 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial" However, by 1927, scientists had concluded (somewhat begrudgingly) that, in fact, the tooth was that of a species of Prosthennops-an extinct genus related to the modern peccary (a wild pig). No missing link here.
Science concluded it was wrong. Guess what! You never hear that debunked information being used to support evolution anymore. We know it's wrong.
"Although the identity of H. haroldcookii never achieved general acceptance in the scientific community, and although the species was retracted within five years of its discovery, this episode has been seized upon by the creationist movement as an example of the scientific errors which they allege undermines the credibility of palaeontology and hominid evolution."
As shown here.
We never accepted that find as true. It was also completely retracted. However you fundies still try to use this as evidence against evolution, all while you turn to your man tracks, figurines, glyphs and other stuff which have been proven to be hoaxes (even by me in this thread!), and call them "evidence", throwing away whatever evidence is shown to discredit them as "the vast evolutionist conspiracy".
Quote:The false evidence for evolution just keeps coming in. We could talk about Java Man, Rhodesian Man, Piltdown Man, ect, ect, ect. Now you will never see any of this in the public school system because they want you to believe that the discoveries are all based on sound science. Yet the fact is, nothing could be farther from the truth. When Darwin said that (if his Theory was true) there would be an abundance of trans species found in the fossil. History shows us, they have not been found. And there should be millions of them.
Yet that's ok, believers in Evolution really have learned how to do that old song and dance routine. So the lack of evidence is just ignored, just as the evidence that refutes Evolution is ignored.
We can talk about "petraglyphs", "man tracks", "dino-mammoth cave carvings", "mexican figurines", "false dino DNA", etc etc etc. too!
Here's the trick.
The evidence shown to be false is false, and looked upon by the scientific community as such. Your monkey trial tooth is proof of this. However you creationists won't let it go. The donkey skull, proven to be false back in the EIGHTIES, and looked upon by the scientific community as false, is another thing you guys won't let go of. Hell, the tooth is from the 1920's.
So... what about the evidence you cannot dispute? The relative age of dinos, the proof that we were using tools two and a half million years ago, billion year old fossils, so on and so forth.
You speak of the fossil record as your best evidence against evolution. Let me show you how it is the best weapon FOR it.
Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Care to dispute any of that?
Due to an almost-complete fossil record found in North American sedimentary deposits from the early Eocene to the present, the horse provides one of the best examples of evolutionary history (phylogeny).
Why do you guys latch on to things we've already thrown away?
The answer... relatively simple. It's called grasping for straws. Are these old issues the only things you can use? Because if old things are the only weapons in your armory... then how about these (dusting some good ones off).
Didn't you Christians believe the Earth was the dead center of the universe and that the Sun revolved around it? (also known as the Geocentric system)
Didn't you Christians believe that dinosaurs were fake and put here to "test our faith"?
Show me God. Prove his existence. Right now.