Evolution & Mutation in front of our eyes

Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:02 pm
Campbell34;45639 wrote:
In the Bible in the Book of Job Chapter 41 verse 14 through 17 gives a description of a Dinosaur.



Pleaseeee....sttttop!!! I ca' can hardly bre-breathe!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:15 pm

Yes the believers in Evolution did it again. They dismissed scientific evidence without any facts to back up their dismissal. YES, this is the kind of science we see comeing from them now days. No Facts just hot air.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:22 pm
Campbell34;45642 wrote:
Yes the believers in Evolution did it again. They dismissed scientific evidence without any facts to back up their dismissal. YES, this is the kind of science we see comeing from them now days. No Facts just hot air.

and i have yet to see any evidence from you to support a single thing you've said!

Scientists don't just dismiss evidence because it conflicts with their beliefs. such an incenuation(sp?) would show ignorance of the scientific process on your part!
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:23 pm
Sabz5150;45590 wrote:
Just wondering... since you've seen them and know for a fact what they look like, you obviously have witnessed a live dino. So, tell me... where'd you see the little bugger? :rollinglaugh:

Who's this "we" that has all this fossil evidence? I though we (the scientists) were all about this. And if *YOU* cannot believe in the found remains of dinosaurs (you know... the ones proven to be hundreds of millions of years old), then don't waste my time with your young-earth theory.

Please post your evidence!!!!

Watch this!

"I believe, your are a blind faith believer in Christianity. All evidence that might disprove the Bible must be dismissed. And when it comes to who people are going to believe. I guess for you, it's not about what is true, it's how to hide or deny the other obvious evidence."

TADA! That's why you haven't posted one solid bit of evidence that can be 100% proven.

"I believe, your are a blind faith believer in Christianity. All evidence that might disprove the Bible must be dismissed."

Evolution has plenty of fossil evidence.

List of human evolution fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I will ask one single question that will blow away your argument with this link:

Why isn't anyone challenging the age of this fossil? If it is in fact 68 million years old (and remember, nobody is questioning that), it kinda sinks your little ship.

I'm sorry to see your argument degrade to this level. No links, no debating any of the points I have brought up (including the constant dropping of "talking points" after I shatter them to bits). Just plugging your ears and telling me that I have no evidence.

Your "man-tracks"... a farce.
The figurines... blown away.
No record of man over 12K years ago... utterly destroyed.
BYU's DNA find... sacked.
Cave art... not even a chance.

I ask you to post links of your evolution hoaxes and the "coverup" of your so-called evidence... nothing. All you have shown me is that proteins survive longer than we thought. Even helped us find a dino-bird link.

Some of Evolutions Hoaxs

Nebraska man
Neanderthal man
Orce man

Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:29 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45645 wrote:
and i have yet to see any evidence from you to support a single thing you've said!

Scientists don't just dismiss evidence because it conflicts with their beliefs. such an incenuation(sp?) would show ignorance of the scientific process on your part!

They just did dismiss the evidence with out any facts, or did you miss my last post. Where is the evidence for that dismissal. They dismissed his findings based on not evidence, but their personal opinion. That is not evidence.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:29 pm
Campbell34;45646 wrote:
Some of Evolutions Hoaxs

Nebraska man
Neanderthal man
Orce man


Neanderthal is not a hoax it is very real, Also the ramapithecus is very real as well!

Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 02:51 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45648 wrote:
Neanderthal is not a hoax it is very real, Also the ramapithecus is very real as well!


Ramapithecus- Experts now admit that he was not an ancestor of man.

Neanderthal Man- Museums have removed the old exhibts of Neanderthal people and have replaced them with new exhibits showing the Neanderthal people looking very human.

Orce Man- French experts were able to confirm that the skull cap was that of a six-month-old donkey!

Nebraska Man-Turned out to be nothing more than a pig's tooth!

LOL Yeah, this is great science.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 03:35 pm
Campbell34;45653 wrote:

Ramapithecus- Experts now admit that he was not an ancestor of man.
It was never proven that they were an ancestor of man in the first place...

Neanderthal Man- Museums have removed the old exhibts of Neanderthal people and have replaced them with new exhibits showing the Neanderthal people looking very human.
human "looking"? hardly a scientific statement, this is opinion! Rgardless they did exist, there is more evidence for the neaderthal than for your silly jesus

Orce Man- French experts were able to confirm that the skull cap was that of a six-month-old donkey!
Sorry i couldn't find anything online about this perhaps you can site the source?

Nebraska Man-Turned out to be nothing more than a pig's tooth!
It's a ******* tooth, i doubt any scientist proved this to be an ancestor of man!

LOL Yeah, this is great science.
...and compared to religion??? assuming all religions are true, there have been so many religous scams it puts everything else to shame!

read above :cool:
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Fri 16 Nov, 2007 03:37 pm
Campbell34;45647 wrote:
They just did dismiss the evidence with out any facts, or did you miss my last post. Where is the evidence for that dismissal. They dismissed his findings based on not evidence, but their personal opinion. That is not evidence.

Cite your source, I don't believe you!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 02:16 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45655 wrote:
read above :cool:

Ramapithecus was believed to be a early hominid for many years, but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage. Ramapithecus is now thought to be an ancestor of the modern apes.
Human Evolution

Neanderthals contributed little, if any, DNA to modern humans. So why do we still speak of them as if they had anything to do with modern Evolution? Old habits die hard.
Smithsonian Magazine | Science & Nature | Neanderthal Man

Orce Man found near the village of Orce Spain and believed to represent the oldest human fossil ever discovered in Europe. Later, to the embarrassment of many, the bone was identified as the skull cap of a 6-month-old donkey!
Apologetics Press - No Missing Links Here...

Nebraska Man was Illustrated in the London News on June 24, 1922 on the front cover. Henry Fairfilld Osborn, head of the department of paleontology at New York American Museum of Natural History, received the tooth and was prepared to enter it as evidence at the 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial" However, by 1927, scientists had concluded (somewhat begrudgingly) that, in fact, the tooth was that of a species of Prosthennops-an extinct genus related to the modern peccary (a wild pig). No missing link here.

The false evidence for evolution just keeps coming in. We could talk about Java Man, Rhodesian Man, Piltdown Man, ect, ect, ect. Now you will never see any of this in the public school system because they want you to believe that the discoveries are all based on sound science. Yet the fact is, nothing could be farther from the truth. When Darwin said that (if his Theory was true) there would be an abundance of trans species found in the fossil. History shows us, they have not been found. And there should be millions of them.
Yet that's ok, believers in Evolution really have learned how to do that old song and dance routine. So the lack of evidence is just ignored, just as the evidence that refutes Evolution is ignored.
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 12:08 pm
Campbell34;45642 wrote:
Yes the believers in Evolution did it again. They dismissed scientific evidence without any facts to back up their dismissal. YES, this is the kind of science we see comeing from them now days. No Facts just hot air.


Their studies found the samples to be contaminated with human DNA. Can't dismiss that fact.

Man, you support Brigham Young as if they were... I dunno... owned by a Church or something.

Brigham Young University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Funny how this "evidence" they bring up was only given to other scientists AFTER (a) the cave where other samples could be taken had collapsed, and (b) the samples were almost completely destroyed in Briggie's testing.

The burden of proof is on Brigham. If they cannot produce SOLID evidence, then they have no scientific ground to stand on.
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 12:58 pm
Campbell34;45706 wrote:
Ramapithecus was believed to be a early hominid for many years, but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage. Ramapithecus is now thought to be an ancestor of the modern apes.
Human Evolution

Whoa, whoa, whoa... Fatal... you're reading that, aren't you?

His evidence says THIS:

but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage

Fork in our common lineage... Hmmm. Evolution states that all species came from a common ancestor (hence the name The Origin of Species). So you're using evidence of evolution to discredit it?

Let me requote that again. "now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage"

Neanderthals contributed little, if any, DNA to modern humans. So why do we still speak of them as if they had anything to do with modern Evolution? Old habits die hard.
Smithsonian Magazine | Science & Nature | Neanderthal Man
Orce Man found near the village of Orce Spain and believed to represent the oldest human fossil ever discovered in Europe. Later, to the embarrassment of many, the bone was identified as the skull cap of a 6-month-old donkey!
Apologetics Press - No Missing Links Here...

Nice religion based site there (see Brigham Young).

Science long showed this to be fake. We pitched that crap a long time ago. I suggest you do the same.

Nebraska Man was Illustrated in the London News on June 24, 1922 on the front cover. Henry Fairfilld Osborn, head of the department of paleontology at New York American Museum of Natural History, received the tooth and was prepared to enter it as evidence at the 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial" However, by 1927, scientists had concluded (somewhat begrudgingly) that, in fact, the tooth was that of a species of Prosthennops-an extinct genus related to the modern peccary (a wild pig). No missing link here.

Science concluded it was wrong. Guess what! You never hear that debunked information being used to support evolution anymore. We know it's wrong.

"Although the identity of H. haroldcookii never achieved general acceptance in the scientific community, and although the species was retracted within five years of its discovery, this episode has been seized upon by the creationist movement as an example of the scientific errors which they allege undermines the credibility of palaeontology and hominid evolution."

As shown here.

We never accepted that find as true. It was also completely retracted. However you fundies still try to use this as evidence against evolution, all while you turn to your man tracks, figurines, glyphs and other stuff which have been proven to be hoaxes (even by me in this thread!), and call them "evidence", throwing away whatever evidence is shown to discredit them as "the vast evolutionist conspiracy".

The false evidence for evolution just keeps coming in. We could talk about Java Man, Rhodesian Man, Piltdown Man, ect, ect, ect. Now you will never see any of this in the public school system because they want you to believe that the discoveries are all based on sound science. Yet the fact is, nothing could be farther from the truth. When Darwin said that (if his Theory was true) there would be an abundance of trans species found in the fossil. History shows us, they have not been found. And there should be millions of them.
Yet that's ok, believers in Evolution really have learned how to do that old song and dance routine. So the lack of evidence is just ignored, just as the evidence that refutes Evolution is ignored.

We can talk about "petraglyphs", "man tracks", "dino-mammoth cave carvings", "mexican figurines", "false dino DNA", etc etc etc. too!

Here's the trick.

The evidence shown to be false is false, and looked upon by the scientific community as such. Your monkey trial tooth is proof of this. However you creationists won't let it go. The donkey skull, proven to be false back in the EIGHTIES, and looked upon by the scientific community as false, is another thing you guys won't let go of. Hell, the tooth is from the 1920's.

So... what about the evidence you cannot dispute? The relative age of dinos, the proof that we were using tools two and a half million years ago, billion year old fossils, so on and so forth.

You speak of the fossil record as your best evidence against evolution. Let me show you how it is the best weapon FOR it.

Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Care to dispute any of that?

Due to an almost-complete fossil record found in North American sedimentary deposits from the early Eocene to the present, the horse provides one of the best examples of evolutionary history (phylogeny).

Why do you guys latch on to things we've already thrown away?

The answer... relatively simple. It's called grasping for straws. Are these old issues the only things you can use? Because if old things are the only weapons in your armory... then how about these (dusting some good ones off).

Didn't you Christians believe the Earth was the dead center of the universe and that the Sun revolved around it? (also known as the Geocentric system)

Didn't you Christians believe that dinosaurs were fake and put here to "test our faith"?

Show me God. Prove his existence. Right now.
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 01:45 pm
@Adam Bing,
The desperation of Campbell and those like him go almost beyound belief. The fake art work he presended to "prove " that humans were alive at the time of dinosaurs is laughable and destoryed any creditable he might have had before. While many religious people are real good people and don't really know any better, many of their leaders are not. Consider the sexual scander that is rocking the Catholic church. While growing up in Tennessee I watched several ministers go down in sexual scanders. [ They would move to California in a hurry. ] Three of the members where I went to church commited sucide. The main reasons why religion exist to today are power and money. Religion impowers people. Most of their ministers wouldn't be as successful in any other field. As for money it is my understanding that there is a cathedral in Germany that took 600 years to build. The cost must have been beyond imagination. Here at home the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board was a major customer of the former Louisville & Nashvile Railroad shipping tons of printed materal every year. This is why they are so desperate, they see their power and livelyhoods slipping, and they will do anything to hold on as Mr. Campbell has just shown us. wwwfreewebs.com/thomascrosthwaite/
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 06:18 pm
Sabz5150;45735 wrote:
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Fatal... you're reading that, aren't you?

His evidence says THIS:

but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage

Fork in our common lineage... Hmmm. Evolution states that all species came from a common ancestor (hence the name The Origin of Species). So you're using evidence of evolution to discredit it?

Let me requote that again. "now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage""Although the identity of H. haroldcookii never achieved general acceptance in the scientific community, and although the species was retracted within five years of its discovery, this episode has been seized upon by the creationist movement as an example of the scientific errors which they allege undermines the credibility of palaeontology and hominid evolution."

As shown here.

We never accepted that find as true. It was also completely retracted. However you fundies still try to use this as evidence against evolution, all while you turn to your man tracks, figurines, glyphs and other stuff which have been proven to be hoaxes (even by me in this thread!), and call them "evidence", throwing away whatever evidence is shown to discredit them as "the vast evolutionist conspiracy".

We can talk about "petraglyphs", "man tracks", "dino-mammoth cave carvings", "mexican figurines", "false dino DNA", etc etc etc. too!

Here's the trick.

The evidence shown to be false is false, and looked upon by the scientific community as such. Your monkey trial tooth is proof of this. However you creationists won't let it go. The donkey skull, proven to be false back in the EIGHTIES, and looked upon by the scientific community as false, is another thing you guys won't let go of. Hell, the tooth is from the 1920's.

So... what about the evidence you cannot dispute? The relative age of dinos, the proof that we were using tools two and a half million years ago, billion year old fossils, so on and so forth.

You speak of the fossil record as your best evidence against evolution. Let me show you how it is the best weapon FOR it.

Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Care to dispute any of that?

Due to an almost-complete fossil record found in North American sedimentary deposits from the early Eocene to the present, the horse provides one of the best examples of evolutionary history (phylogeny).

Why do you guys latch on to things we've already thrown away?

The answer... relatively simple. It's called grasping for straws. Are these old issues the only things you can use? Because if old things are the only weapons in your armory... then how about these (dusting some good ones off).

Didn't you Christians believe the Earth was the dead center of the universe and that the Sun revolved around it? (also known as the Geocentric system)

Didn't you Christians believe that dinosaurs were fake and put here to "test our faith"?

Show me God. Prove his existence. Right now.

Campbell749, your "evidence" falls apart like a poptart in the rain!

i put evidece in quotations because thats what you called it despite that it is actually conjecture!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 06:21 pm
Campbell34;45706 wrote:
Ramapithecus was believed to be a early hominid for many years, but is now considered an ancient ape that lived near the fork in our common lineage. Ramapithecus is now thought to be an ancestor of the modern apes.
Human Evolution

Neanderthals contributed little, if any, DNA to modern humans. So why do we still speak of them as if they had anything to do with modern Evolution? Old habits die hard.
Smithsonian Magazine | Science & Nature | Neanderthal Man

Orce Man found near the village of Orce Spain and believed to represent the oldest human fossil ever discovered in Europe. Later, to the embarrassment of many, the bone was identified as the skull cap of a 6-month-old donkey!
Apologetics Press - No Missing Links Here...

Nebraska Man was Illustrated in the London News on June 24, 1922 on the front cover. Henry Fairfilld Osborn, head of the department of paleontology at New York American Museum of Natural History, received the tooth and was prepared to enter it as evidence at the 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial" However, by 1927, scientists had concluded (somewhat begrudgingly) that, in fact, the tooth was that of a species of Prosthennops-an extinct genus related to the modern peccary (a wild pig). No missing link here.

The false evidence for evolution just keeps coming in. We could talk about Java Man, Rhodesian Man, Piltdown Man, ect, ect, ect. Now you will never see any of this in the public school system because they want you to believe that the discoveries are all based on sound science. Yet the fact is, nothing could be farther from the truth. When Darwin said that (if his Theory was true) there would be an abundance of trans species found in the fossil. History shows us, they have not been found. And there should be millions of them.
Yet that's ok, believers in Evolution really have learned how to do that old song and dance routine. So the lack of evidence is just ignored, just as the evidence that refutes Evolution is ignored.

To be fair let's compare scientific hoaxs to the number of religous hoaxs!
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 06:32 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
[SIZE="3"]Studies find that the greater the education level the more likely someone will accept evolution![/SIZE]

Beliefs of the U.S. public about evolution and creation
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 08:48 pm
Sabz5150;45718 wrote:

Their studies found the samples to be contaminated with human DNA. Can't dismiss that fact.

Man, you support Brigham Young as if they were... I dunno... owned by a Church or something.

Brigham Young University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Funny how this "evidence" they bring up was only given to other scientists AFTER (a) the cave where other samples could be taken had collapsed, and (b) the samples were almost completely destroyed in Briggie's testing.

The burden of proof is on Brigham. If they cannot produce SOLID evidence, then they have no scientific ground to stand on.

Umm, what studies? And if there were any real studies where is your evidence for them?

Now I did find where in Nature, Stewart and Randall V. Collura explained how human DNA (COULD HAVE CONFOUNDED) Woodward's analysis. Is that the evidence you are speaking of. Because an opinion really does not count as a study or evidence.

And in Science Daily, dated April 12, 2007 It states that scientist have confirmed the existence of protein in soft tissue recovered from the fossil bones of a 68 million year old Tyrannosaurus.

This discovery is yet one more link in the chain that disproves the ancient ages presented by the evolutionary theory. THE LINKS IN THIS CHAIN ARE SOLID SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, THE CHAIN IS GROWING LONGER WITH EACH PASSING DAY. The problem is that scientists have pledged their allegiance to the evolutionary theory are unwilling to accept that soft tissue or permineralized (unfossilized) dinosaur bones could exist.

Scientist are asking, "How can this protein be so fresh when it is contained is such old bones?" We should consider the possibility that they will never find the answer because THEY MIGHT BE ASKING THE WRONG QUESTION?"
Maybe they should ask, "How can these bones be so old, when they contain such fresh protein?"
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 09:28 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45779 wrote:
Campbell749, your "evidence" falls apart like a poptart in the rain!

i put evidece in quotations because thats what you called it despite that it is actually conjecture!

Darwin said (IF) his Theory was true, there would be found in the fossil record an abundance of Trans species. WHERE ARE THEY? Show me your evidence. Believers in Evolution have had over 100 years to put this great abundance of evidence together. Where do we see this dramatic change recorded in the fossil record of mammals, or of birds, or of anything? Everything found in the fossil record may be something we see today, or perhaps an extinct species, yet where are all those trans species that are suppose to be there? So many fossils, and not one dramatic change ever recorded, or discovered? Some how that change that would of taken millions of years, was just always missed. The conditions of the earth where just never quite right for that change to be seen in the fossil record? LOL
I'm sorry, it takes a lot more faith to believe in Evolution than it does to believe in the Bible. And long before I believed in the Bible, I wanted to see a lot more evidence presented for it's truth, than what I believe you are demanding from Evolution.
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Sat 17 Nov, 2007 10:01 pm
Campbell34;45823 wrote:
Darwin said (IF) his Theory was true, there would be found in the fossil record an abundance of Trans species. WHERE ARE THEY?

Homo Habilis, Sahelanthropus tchadensis, Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, Proconsul africanus, Haplorrhini etc... the problem isn't a lack of records it's your ignorance of the fossil records

Show me your evidence. Believers in Evolution have had over 100 years to put this great abundance of evidence together. Where do we see this dramatic change recorded in the fossil record of mammals, or of birds, or of anything?

it's not a dramtic change its a very very slow gradual change!

Everything found in the fossil record may be something we see today, or perhaps an extinct species, yet where are all those trans species that are suppose to be there?

Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Kutchicetus, Rodhocetus, Basilosaurus, Saghacetus osiris, Dorudon, Squalodon, Cetotherium, Kentriodon etc.....and again it isn't about a lack of records it is your ignorance of the records! If evolution was wrong please explain to my why whales have hip bones!?

So many fossils, and not one dramatic change ever recorded, or discovered? Some how that change that would of taken millions of years, was just always missed. The conditions of the earth where just never quite right for that change to be seen in the fossil record?

perhaps you should do some research...

I'm sorry, it takes a lot more faith to believe in Evolution than it does to believe in the Bible.

evolution has evidence
Bible has no evidence

And long before I believed in the Bible, I wanted to see a lot more evidence presented for it's truth, than what I believe you are demanding from Evolution.


Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 01:55 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45837 wrote:

Oh yes, according to believers in Evolution there is suppose to be gradual change, yet that change should be dramatically abundant in the fossil record.
Because if the earth were as some believe hundreds of millions of years old or older, we should be able to look back in time and see that dramatic change as it had occured. And I have done my home work, and I can tell you, not only is there no sign of evolution leading up to the complex invertebrates, but the number of transitionals that need to of existed to bridge the gap between invertebrates and vertebrates are missing also. The fossil record does not leave a single shred of evidence for this enormous transformation.

This problem has been exacerbated by recent finds in China of highly advanced and extremely well preserved vertebrate life forms in the lower Cambrian strata. These fossils have collapsed the available time for the invertebrate to vertebrate transformation by at least 50 million years, to between 2 to 3 million years! This latest find has prompted two leading Chinese scientists to bluntly admit, that these fossils roundly contradict the Theory of Evolution.

It is Evolutions own supporters that are now coming out in greater numbers and debunking the Theory of Evolution.

(The lack of fossils intermediate between invertebrate and verebrate is well documented in the scientific literature)
Carl Zimmer in Science magazine recently wrote: "But the record provides few clues to help resolve this contradiction, because there are no animal fossils that old (AND NO EXAMPLES OF AN INTERMEDIATE SPECIES.)

You can't just point your finger at Bible believers anymore, it's your own believers of Evolution that are coming forward and chipping away at the fragile Theory of Evolution.

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