I'm baffled at the attempts of the Christian Right to change the laws of this
country to suit their own beliefs. They are acting on behalf of themselves and
not on the behalf of the people they represent. It's astonishing that more has
not been said on this topic.
I was reading on CNN.com today that Mike Huckabee was actually quoted as saying
"I'm very tired of hearing people who are unwilling to change the Constitution,
but seem more than willing to change the holy word of God as it relates to the
definition of marriage."
Romney wins straw poll at Values Voters Summit - CNN.com
After reading this, I was forced to pull out my trusty copy of the Constitution
to make sure that the First Amendment had not changed. To my dismay, it had not
been repealed or amended. It still plainly states that "Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
thereof." It goes on to state that "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the
freedom of speech." Which means the Christian Right is allowed to make what ever
comments they wish to make, and I am allowed to respond to them.
I wonder who's god Gov. Huckabee was referring to in his above statement.
Personally, I try to avoid the trap of religion. When I see twisted people
taking money in the name of 'god', it just reaffirms my stance as an agnostic.
Sure, there is more than likely some entity that made everything, but his views
do not control our lives on Earth, nor does he take the time to shape the things
that are happening on this planet. God is more like a football fan watching the
never ending game. He can yell at the players all he wants, but all that yelling
is not going to keep them from doing what they want to do. That's why we still
have murders, thieves and rapists. However, this is a conversation for another
Gov. Huckabee's verbal attacks on congress, and the people of the United States
disgust me. The constitution was written as our guideline to the proper
operation of our country. The founding fathers specifically took god out of the
decision making process. I think one must take into consideration the fact that
god did not 'smite' the framers for making such heretical comments. That in
itself should show that god agree with the decision the framers made. If he
didn't agree, surely a man would have come down from the Rocky Mountains with
lightning inscribed tablet.
Here's my unabridged comment to the Christian Right:
"Keep your religion out of my politics. You are free to believe what you want.
You can say what you want, as long as it does not impose on the liberties of
others. Changing the constitution to ban gay marriage or ban abortions is a
direct slap in the face to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
and the others that put their lives and faith on the line to make this country
great. If you think god would have you silence the views of those that oppose
your rational, then I think you have missed the lesson of tolerance that Christ
spent his adult life trying to spread."
I'm quite aware that my minority view is going to be cast aside like yesterday's
garbage, but the battle not fought is the first battle lost.