You are watching a puppet show.
Do not pay attention to the figures on the stage. You must be able to pull the curtain back, and see who controls what others see on stage.
You are aware of who this individual is? Son of an Israeli terrorist. His father was a member of Irgun, which promoted the slaughter of Palestinains because they're not Jewish.
Rahm Emanuel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How comfy it must be to have the president's ear on matters concerning policies in the Middle East.
Like father like son. And hell to pay for it someday too.
We are being lead to war because of Israel. And their zionist leadership.
I say cut the cord, and kick AIPAC out of the country. The ADL can have their own island too somewhere else. Zionazis need to be purged from our govenment.
Get out! You're not American enough to matter.