Drakej;56299 wrote:Exactly. It is bull**** when the government says "Its a matter of National Security" and they do not allow any one to question any thing. Who the hell is watching the watcher? Nothing good has come from using the Patriot Act, if we would have caught someone with concrete evidence derived from the Patriot Act they would plaster that all over the media to show what a HUGE success it is and how we can all sleep better at night.
Got it in one,..in this country the Gov are trying to detain people for up to 48 days without trial so that they can gather more 'evidence',....that sound like 'we torture you until you give us what we want to hear' or what?
We lived in this country for 25 years with the threat of the IRA, many bombings on mainland UK, yet in all that time very little changed in the way we dealt with and impirisoned suspects, the security forces got their fair share of people, but since the bombing in London and the half arsed atttempt in Scotland nothing,...zip,...nadda.
And they will tell you the the 'measures' in place and the ones they want to put in place are there to protect us,....BULLFUCKINGSHIT, they are there to moinitor us.
Always hear this one,...'If you have nothing to hide why do you not want to be watched on CCTV?' (Closed Circuit Televison if no-one knew)
My Answer,....'If I have nothing to hide WHY do you need to watch me on CCTV?'