Biden Is Obama's Dick Cheney -- Doug Patton -- GOPUSA
Barack Obama and Joe Biden each committed a telling gaffe during their speeches in Springfield, Illinois. Obama, introducing his newly named running mate, initially called him "the next president," confirming the thought that was running through the minds of many Americans - namely that, based on age and experience, this ticket should be flipped, with Biden running for president and Obama in the VP role.
Biden is 66, with nearly four decades in public life, most of it in Washington; Obama is barely 47 and had served 143 days in the U.S. Senate before announcing he was ready to be president. John McCain wasted no time ribbing Obama for his verbal blunder, suggesting that Obama appeared ready to turn the top job over to "his new mentor."
Biden's faux pas during his Springfield speech was even more entertaining. Apparently he got so excited about his newfound celebrity that, in a bizarre moment reminiscent of Jimmy Carter calling former Vice President Humphrey "Hubert Horatio Hornblower" at the Dem's 1976 convention, Biden referred to Obama (whom the McCain campaign has dubbed "The One") by a new superhero's name: "Barack America."
We all knew Obama needed a lot of phony reinforcement to bolster his image, but "Barack America"? Perhaps we should expect the Democrat nominee to show up on the campaign trail wearing tights and a red, white and blue cape.
So what's in a nomination? What does Joe Biden bring to Barack Obama's campaign? Obviously, the tongue of every pundit inside and outside the Beltway has been wagging about the foreign policy experience Biden brings to Obama's side. (One wonders how many experts Obama will have to bring in to prop up his rookie credentials. So many experts; so little time...) But there is now a sense that finally, a grownup is on the scene. Maybe that thinning white hair will lend some credibility to a campaign heretofore characterized by juvenile themes and no specifics.
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