I'm bored, let's rip Techdude to shreds.
Some have also tried to blur the issue by pulling facts out of their butts and claiming that all three documents must have been printed on different printers – sorry, but all real certificates are printed and issued through the same office using the same printer. I could get all technical and confuse some people again and point out how to fingerprint a specific printer but as I said this is being written so that any 4th grade dropout can follow along so here is the simplest way I can write this explanation for them without using any words that they may not understand.
FAIL. If you COULD finger out a specific printer (it can be done) you would have. You'd have gotten somebody's cert from Hawaii, compared the printer signature to the one on Bam's and had a match if they were the same printer. If they weren't, then the case would be closed and you would KNOW it was a forged cert. You wouldn't be mucking around with Photoshop and superimposing images.
Come on, any hacker worth his salt could tell you that.