CBS's Byron Pitts Concedes He's 'Excited' by Obama's Nomination --6/9/2008-- Media Research Center
CBS's Byron Pitts Concedes He's 'Excited'
by Obama's Nomination
On Sunday's Reliable Sources, Howard Kurtz played a clip of CBS reporter Byron Pitts on Wednesday's CBS Evening News hailing Barack Obama's Democratic nomination victory as proof "one of America's oldest and ugliest color lines has been broken, and there is a new bridge for a new generation," then proposed: "You obviously are paid to be an objective journalist, but some part of you must be excited that Barack Obama won this nomination." Pitts confirmed his excitement: "Well, certainly. I mean, as an African-American man, this is significant. I mean, look, for my entire life I've been able to, as a man, dream of doing great things. But a dream I could never have was being President of the United States. Now, for instance, my sons, my nephew, they can have that dream. And I think those kinds of images are important."
Pitts continued with a quip about getting a cab in Manhattan: "For instance, one reason why I'm a journalist today was because I saw Ed Bradley on television in the 1970s, and that told me that was possible. So I think -- I mean, look, the reality is it's still going to be hard for a black man to get a cab in New York. There is still going to be problems with race in this country. But having Barack Obama as the nominee is significant."
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