Obama Disses Wounded Troops by Greg Reeson congress, elections, politics | Gather
So Senator Obama and his campaign decided that it would be inappropriate to visit wounded soldiers in Germany while touring Europe as a candidate for the presidency. Senator McCain hit this one right on the head: it is never inappropriate to visit our wounded men and women in uniform. In fact, I don't anything could have been MORE appropriate.
The Obama camp's explanation was that since the Europe trip was funded by his presidential campaign, it wasn't right to schedule a visit with our injured soldiers (and I use that term to mean soldiers, sailors, marines, and members of the Coast Guard) and that the decision was made out of "respect" for the members of our armed forces.
Newsflash: the best way to show "respect" to our wounded is to visit them, spend time with them, love them, and care for them. Each and every one of them is a hero who volunteered to serve his or her country in uniform, and then shed their blood so that the rest of America's citizens could go about their daily lives in ignorant bliss.
I find it hard to accept the campaign's reasoning for the cancellation of the visit. I just don't buy it. What's really going on here? Is it that Senator Obama was worried that he might not be greeted as warmly by the men and women doing the fighting as he was by the Europeans eager for the United States to end the war in Iraq? Was Senator Obama showing us all what his priorities are by making a huge production of his "We are all citizens of the world and I'm going to fix America for you" speech rather than thanking those who left pieces of themselves on Iraq's battlefields? What's the real reason behind this?
I'm not buying the campaign line, and neither should anyone else. As a sitting United States Senator and serious contender for the presidency of the United States, I believe that Senator Obama had an OBLIGATION to visit our wounded men and women in uniform.