Tue 16 Oct, 2007 01:48 pm
I have a problem with people coming sites like this one and many others sites, claimimg that all the Military is doing over in the mideast is killing and raping, this is an insult to all american troops, a spit in the brave american and brits troops that are over.there
I for one have spend many years in the military, meet many soldiers not only American, but british, Germany and many others, these young man and woman put their lifes on the line every day, like me thinking they are doing some good to help others, they have to live in fear of death (something most of you will never understand) and when they get home, this is what they hear, baby killer,rapist, and believe it or not that hurts, it hurts every vet and it hurt those that still over there.
People we need to think about how these statements are harming those bave man woman, stop bad mouthing, or allowing others to to talk crap about them..
I do the best I can to defend my brothers and sisters, but I am just a burned out braindead vet that can't handle the un-American crap that some of you are putting out there, I get pissed easy and say things that not right, that me the meds and the insults that come from hearing all this crap, we are not over there killing and raping, we are fighting to help others have a better life, so if there any good people out there, and that are willing "STAND UP FOR OUR TROOPS" and let these people know they are wrong for lying.
BTW I couldn't find the American flag in the icons..what happen?
I don't think I have seen a post here saying that all American soldiers are doing in Iraq is killing and raping innocent people. Being a combat veteran of Iraq myself, I have strong feelings, and oppositions to politicians that have used the military, and their own posistions to further their personal agendas, and the war.
92b16vx;41978 wrote:I don't think I have seen a post here saying that all American soldiers are doing in Iraq is killing and raping innocent people. Being a combat veteran of Iraq myself, I have strong feelings, and oppositions to politicians that have used the military, and their own posistions to further their personal agendas, and the war.
well than you need to read it again, there on there and I don't know how to bring them up, but the statement has been made"ALL WE'RE DOING THERE IS RAPING AND KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE" I don't care about the goverment but I do care about my soldiers that have been over there and are still over there,people here can burn Bush, dems, and reps all they want and half of that i might even agree with, but i can not and will not allow statements the thoes above go with getting pissed, being a veteran, we are brothers and we must defend our brothers..even if we don't agree on everything....I am glad you are home and I hope your not as messed up as I am..
you don't see allot of it hear and I'm glad. War is terrible, any prolong conflict will bring crimes by either side. It's an unfortunate bi product of large numbers of humans, some will always be bad.
The difference is what when Abu Ghraib happened we punished our solider and investigated. When the insurgents blow up a school filled with innocents they praise god and each other.
Recently a solider claimed numerous atrocities in Iraq. After a thorough investigation it was deemed that not only was he fabricating the info, but he wasn't there to begin with. Rush rightfully calls him a "phony solider" (and he was he lied) and gets blasted by the media. Where is the outrage I wonder when Rosie O'Donnell claims US soldiers are torturing Iraqi Children?
It seems perfectly acceptable to lie about US soliders in the media, so long as your bashing them
Silverchild79;41984 wrote:you don't see allot of it hear and I'm glad. War is terrible, any prolong conflict will bring crimes by either side. It's an unfortunate bi product of large numbers of humans, some will always be bad.
The difference is what when Abu Ghraib happened we punished our solider and investigated. When the insurgents blow up a school filled with innocents they praise god and each other.
Recently a solider claimed numerous atrocities in Iraq. After a thorough investigation it was deemed that not only was he fabricating the info, but he wasn't there to begin with. Rush rightfully calls him a "phony solider" (and he was he lied) and gets blasted by the media. Where is the outrage I wonder when Rosie O'Donnell claims US soldiers are torturing Iraqi Children?
It seems perfectly acceptable to lie about US soliders in the media, so long as your bashing them
And that is whats pissing me off, being a soldeir and a man I have never rape a woman in my life nor have i killed any babies, I had to shoot at childern and woman at time, but they were being used by the arabs as cover, and my brothers were being pinned down by cross fire, and that hard enought to live with, without being called names..I live in a nightmare everyday day and every time I look at my sons, wondering what if it was them being used, but the only bright spot in this shittie deal is I was over there trying help them...
To blindly say that what American soldiers are doing in Iraq is all good shows narrow mindedness, as does saying that they are all baby killers and such. I bet America IS doing some good over there. NO DOUBT. But the good that is being done can be outweighed by the killing of innocent civilians (babies amongst them) by the U.S. military, even if it IS unintentional.
That is why I invited AMERICAFIRST on to my blogtalk show. He was there. He should know what is going on, I would hope anyway.
There is NO DOUBT that he loves America. He is obviously quite passionate about it. I TOO love America, but when I say that I'm against the war I get called un-American. (I'm not referring to anyone specifically)
I think THAT is just as ignorant and hurtful because I AM NOT un-American. I might not have served in Iraq but I DO consider myself a patriot with some of the things that I do.
This war has divided America. In its values. In its views. In its people.
Hey this is just part of narrow minded people trying to promote their agenda.
When I left the Nam, they were landing us in America at 2:00 AM. And after arriving at FT. Lewis, Washington. We were fitted for uniforms and then feed. While being issued our uniforms we were told by this officer that wisdom for those of us to be traveling was not to wear our uniforms. Well I for one disregarded wisdom and flew to N.Y. and not once was spit on but did get some stares which I ignored. Most of the hippies must have spent their money on pot and were not flying that day. lol
But late I was told I couldn't be a hippie as I fought in an unjust war, was a baby killer and smack the ____ out of the clown saying this to me while his buddies backed up. Note I wasn't in uniform at the time. As I was discharged earlier. I never was spoken to again that way in my home town. Nor did I careto become a hippie but did liketo dress a bitout of the norm from local people. Smoke a joint ortwo and party. But doing so wasn't being a part of the pop culture.
And my thanks to all veterans who served and Welcome Home. Something I never got till moving to Kansas, from this couple at a Topeka, gathering for Nam vets. I came home in 1968 and didn't move here till 1984.
Soldiers are tools of war, and their feeling and emotions as soldiers need not be considered when discussing military or foreign policy. They are citizens, and as such can vote, but they signed up for the life of danger and excitement, so I feel no sympathy for those people who volunteer for military service only to be called to serve in dangerous situations.
The military is a sweet gig for most people, as it provides for its people exceptionally well (where else in the world can a 19 year-old kid with no real job skills make 1,500 USD a month, get free food, housing and health care, and automatically enter into a 20 year 401k?), which is why many people join up. I understand they have feelings, but the military is designed to be controlled by the civilian authority, and the second we start allowing the military to have a say in policy formulation is the same second we start moving towards a militaristic regime.
Short version: I don't give two shits about soldiers' feelings. If you don't like your job, or the way people treat you, you shouldn't have signed the dotted-line.
AMERICAFIRST;41982 wrote:well than you need to read it again, there on there and I don't know how to bring them up, but the statement has been made"ALL WE'RE DOING THERE IS RAPING AND KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE" I don't care about the goverment but I do care about my soldiers that have been over there and are still over there,people here can burn Bush, dems, and reps all they want and half of that i might even agree with, but i can not and will not allow statements the thoes above go with getting pissed, being a veteran, we are brothers and we must defend our brothers..even if we don't agree on everything....I am glad you are home and I hope your not as messed up as I am..
nobody is saying "ALL WE'RE DOING THERE IS RAPING AND KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE" the troops in IRaq should not have been put in the position they are now in,iraq did not attack the USA !
Freeman15;42059 wrote:Soldiers are tools of war, and their feeling and emotions as soldiers need not be considered when discussing military or foreign policy. They are citizens, and as such can vote, but they signed up for the life of danger and excitement, so I feel no sympathy for those people who volunteer for military service only to be called to serve in dangerous situations.
The military is a sweet gig for most people, as it provides for its people exceptionally well (where else in the world can a 19 year-old kid with no real job skills make 1,500 USD a month, get free food, housing and health care, and automatically enter into a 20 year 401k?), which is why many people join up. I understand they have feelings, but the military is designed to be controlled by the civilian authority, and the second we start allowing the military to have a say in policy formulation is the same second we start moving towards a militaristic regime.
Short version: I don't give two ****s about soldiers' feelings. If you don't like your job, or the way people treat you, you shouldn't have signed the dotted-line.
Your a traitor you belong in government with your cold blooded moraless feelings. You and Nancy or Ann are a real match. Your a sad American. Your a cold blooded. darn it just when I started to like you. Your a lost soul without a natural feeling about a thing. i will try hard to avoid anyhing you post from now on.
mlurp;42156 wrote:Your a traitor you belong in government with your cold blooded moraless feelings. You and Nancy or Ann are a real match. Your a sad American. Your a cold blooded. darn it just when I started to like you. Your a lost soul without a natural feeling about a thing. i will try hard to avoid anyhing you post from now on.
It's not cold-blooded, it's thinking the way our founders wanted it.
First you give the military a say in war policy, then you give them a say in deciding whether or not to go to war, then eventually they become a part of the law-making process. Happened in Germany, happened in France, and it can happen here.
The founders designed the military to be completely subject to the civilian government, and calling me a traitor shows your lack of understanding of a) the word treason and b) the vision of the founding fathers.
I don't wish any harm to come to soldiers, but I certainly won't weep for their lost lives. It's tragic for their families if they die, but that is the fault of the soldier for putting his family in that position. These guys join the army or marine corps because they want to fight and be hooah, not to protect my freedom (which they are not doing). I wise man once said, "It's not tragic to die doing what you love", and it applies to soldiers too.
They are tools of war to be used when the civilian authority deems necessary, period.
People we need to think about how these statements are harming those bave man woman, stop bad mouthing, or allowing others to to talk crap about them..
Lets take the soldier off the pedastol a bit. and point the finger in many of THEIR direction. Quit saying you are in Iraq fighting for my freedoms, quit demanding I respect you for being in the military.
Do your job, and if you do a good job, sit back and accept the praise that will come.
I love my country, I love my military, but I hate the loudestg of the bunch that says something so insanely ignorant as "I am fighting for your rights"
You know what I didnt need 4000 of my country men to die for MY iraq
People we need to think about how these statements are harming those bave man woman, stop bad mouthing, or allowing others to to talk crap about them..
Lets take the soldier off the pedastol a bit. and point the finger in many of THEIR direction. Quit saying you are in Iraq fighting for my freedoms, quit demanding I respect you for being in the military.
Do your job, and if you do a good job, sit back and accept the praise that will come.
I love my country, I love my military, but I hate the loudestg of the bunch that says something so insanely ignorant as "I am fighting for your rights"
You know what I didnt need 4000 of my country men to die for MY iraq rights, they can keep em.
QUOTE:so I feel no sympathy for those people who volunteer for military service only to be called to serve in dangerous situations.END QUOTE.
Now get around that freeman15? That is what I take issue with thinking like this.
mlurp;42466 wrote:QUOTE:so I feel no sympathy for those people who volunteer for military service only to be called to serve in dangerous situations.END QUOTE.
Now get around that freeman15? That is what I take issue with thinking like this.
Mlurp, This is an unpopular war. Our brave kids are likely to get caught in the mudslinging. They should not. But on the other hand, there are so many Americans saying that they did not ask for the soldiers to go to Iraq.
The counter-argument that they are fighting for our freedom is already proven incorrect.
The true enemies of our children in Iraq are the politicans who needlessly sent them there in the first place. Lets not take out our ire on fellow citizens upset at this fact.
The true enemies of our children in Iraq are the people who after sending them, failed to adquately provide for their safety in Iraq both through inadequate equipment but more so by creating a horrible civil failure and then expecting our kids in the military to get them off the hook.
The true enemies of our children in Iraq and the real criminals are those politicans WHO FAILED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE MEDICAL CARE TO OUR WOUNDED CHILDREN WHEN THEY CAME BACK HOME.
After Walter Reed, I ripped off the "Support our Troops" decal from the car. Shame on me. Shame on all of us for allowing this to happen. Shame on me.
mlurp;42466 wrote:QUOTE:so I feel no sympathy for those people who volunteer for military service only to be called to serve in dangerous situations.END QUOTE.
Now get around that freeman15? That is what I take issue with thinking like this.
Get around what? I don't feel sympathy for them. If you join the Army or Marine Corps these days, odds are you'll be put in a dangerous situation. if you don't know that before you sign the dotted line, you're an idiot.
Freeman15, lie and say yes your feeling sorry for the situation they are in. Don't blow them off because of the people who put them in this situation.
An American is suppose to feel others pain, and that quality was what once had us a good name in the world. But you feel bad for those in Dar fur or the other many bad situations people find themselfs in. Or maybe not. I don't
know you that well. but if you have no compassion why bother?
Man some of these troops are just trying to get out of the getto/inner city and others to serve and pull their weight to be part of this country. And found a way, but even a truck driver or cook thinking they might be spared finds they have to go.
Your attitude goes back to the Hippie's throwing sh** or calling us who returned 40 years ago baby killers.
Is it so hard to ask you to have feelings for others? I beg you reconsider this one point between us!!
So when I heard about Enron or the many others who lost it all I felt their pain and was upset this was allowed and that the lawyers made out well and the crooks got off easy. What did you think and feel? I am sure it wasn't well they worked for the company to heck with them. pleas think about this I beg you.
mlurp;42508 wrote:Freeman15, lie and say yes your feeling sorry for the situation they are in. Don't blow them off because of the people who put them in this situation.
An American is suppose to feel others pain, and that quality was what once had us a good name in the world. But you feel bad for those in Dar fur or the other many bad situations people find themselfs in. Or maybe not. I don't
know you that well. but if you have no compassion why bother?
Man some of these troops are just trying to get out of the getto/inner city and others to serve and pull their weight to be part of this country. And found a way, but even a truck driver or cook thinking they might be spared finds they have to go.
Your attitude goes back to the Hippie's throwing sh** or calling us who returned 40 years ago baby killers.
Is it so hard to ask you to have feelings for others? I beg you reconsider this one point between us!!
So when I heard about Enron or the many others who lost it all I felt their pain and was upset this was allowed and that the lawyers made out well and the crooks got off easy. What did you think and feel? I am sure it wasn't well they worked for the company to heck with them. pleas think about this I beg you.
Life is about choices and the consequences of those choices. If you join a combat-oriented branch of the military (say, Marine Corps Infantry, or Army Armor) you know damn well what you're getting into, especially these days. I feel so sympathy for somebody who made a choice and now has to live with the consequences. I don't hate soldiers, but I certainly don't feel sorry for them. You don't feel bad for mid-level businessmen who fly all over the country do you? They are away from their families, and generally make as much as a military officer, but where is the sympathy for them?
Members of the military have the ability to vote (most of them), and so they can use that right to elect leaders that will NOT put them in harm's way. We as society don't owe it to them to keep them from combat. If we decide war is necessary, it's their job to fight it, period. They need to quit whining.
You as usual change the portion of the question to suit youself. And yes I have expressed the causes th eworking families ove r40 hour work week etc. etc. But you lack of any compassion disgusts me. And we shall leav eit there. Or I will. The next time a tornado hits lie the other night get a laugh because some one chose to live in the area. You must watch the news each night and really enjoy others pain and suffering. Good Bye and thanks for nothing.
AMERICAFIRST;41975 wrote:I have a problem with people coming sites like this one and many others sites, claimimg that all the Military is doing over in the mideast is killing and raping, this is an insult to all american troops, a spit in the brave american and brits troops that are over.there
I for one have spend many years in the military, meet many soldiers not only American, but british, Germany and many others, these young man and woman put their lifes on the line every day, like me thinking they are doing some good to help others, they have to live in fear of death (something most of you will never understand) and when they get home, this is what they hear, baby killer,rapist, and believe it or not that hurts, it hurts every vet and it hurt those that still over there.
People we need to think about how these statements are harming those bave man woman, stop bad mouthing, or allowing others to to talk crap about them..
I do the best I can to defend my brothers and sisters, but I am just a burned out braindead vet that can't handle the un-American crap that some of you are putting out there, I get pissed easy and say things that not right, that me the meds and the insults that come from hearing all this crap, we are not over there killing and raping, we are fighting to help others have a better life, so if there any good people out there, and that are willing "STAND UP FOR OUR TROOPS" and let these people know they are wrong for lying.
BTW I couldn't find the American flag in the icons..what happen?
Yeah....anyone in the US military who dares to behave that way stands an overwhelming chance of getting caught and slam-dunked. The military has total control over its members, legally and procedurally, and there are always a million witnesses to every crime. Criminals usually get caught.