@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;45537 wrote:replies in bold
You want me to prove the tangibility of the universe?
Wow. I know I said to make it difficult for me in the Evo/Mutation thread, but that's out there even for me! You cannot prove that either way. The Big Bang is still a theory, but so are all others. I don't think that answer will be available for many many millenia to come.
If aliens were to come to earth, we MIGHT know about it.
You say that perhaps time is not an issue to such a race... wouldn't you think a species that advanced would be able to sneak past our (what to them would be) ancient technology?
Given your theory, a species that lives in the same universe as us (living under the same limitations in physics) would have to be able to
manipulate time to their needs. That, or they could use other theoretical methods of traveling (folding space, that in itself kind of requires the universe to be tangible). Again, a species that advanced could sneak past a species that has barely even started space travel.
It's kind of like Google Earth'ing a tribe in the rainforest. They have no clue they're being watched or any concept of how it's done, but they are.