Europe is source of evil

Reply Sat 1 Sep, 2007 01:48 pm
tvsej;33298 wrote:
First of all there is a big difference in what parts of Europe you mean. The countries in the European Union are viewed more civilized and humane, they had war on their own ground they know what that means and do not want it to be repeated. We as Americans do not know this yet and hopefully we will not. We are the youngest 1st world country, our history is only a bit over 200years, we are babies compared to Europa.

As for us putting ourselves out defending Europe, no that is not true, Bush pushed for this war, Europe (Germany is still cleaning up our mess in Afganistan) warned us not to invade Iraq at the time we did. They (Germany and France) gave us intell about the plan to take down the World TCs, our government chose to ignore the warnings of what was coming. It was not an accident that our gov. did not expect to happen, they knew. There are so many muslims living inside America legal and illegal, we have no idea what they are upto and what they plan to do from the inside. Where do you think the guys that stole the planes on 9/11 came from? Right under our noses people!

Germany no longer allows the doors to be closed to non muslims in a mosque. They must be open for all to see just like our churches. There are no unknown cells in Germany, they know every single muslim in this country. They catch someone coming in illegally within hours of crossing over. All call shops and muslim owned business are carefully watched at all times, virtually nothing goes unnoticed here.

More intelligent no, better educated yes, their further education is free (except in England now, they have adopted our system) to go to University in Germany for certain is free. We must pay or receive a scholarship for a full ride in the US, sad, very sad. Does that make them somewhat superior? I think in some ways yes it does. It does not matter which class you come from to get an education. There are intelligent people at poverty level that deserve an education, that alone limits or resources for qualified decent human beings. Social education and Social medicine would not make us Socialist, just a smarter healthier nation.

What SS officers are marching? Not in Germany France England, Spain, Holland, Austria....and and and. They may share the same continent as the E.U. countries but that is it right now.

Baltia, that sounds like it is east of Germany. The people from the eastern European countries (none of which are in the EU just yet but up for consideration) have recently (used loosely) freed themselves of communist rule, that will take 5 generations to change their thought process and breed it out of them, not overnight. Poland is the next to come in and they are big friends of the US. The others want everything we all have had for a long time and they want it now, thus, they resort to criminal acts to get it. They are children in that respect and less educated because of their supressive gov. Anything east of Germany and Austria is not the same as 1st world Europe.

What filth is coming from Europe? There is plenty of home grown filth were you stand, That makes no sense.

To be politically correct all the white Americans are actually European Americans, Black,African American, Hispanic,Latin American, Asian American... and so on. We all came from somewhere else to populate America, the Native Americans are the true Americans in that respect, they were always there.

As for Great Britain, the rest of Europe views them much like they view America. Most other Europeans do not care much for England, their politics, and their stuck up attitudes. They are not like the rest of Europe, their large muslim population stems from their British colonies all over the world which entitles people of those colonies passage to England. Now they must build this giant mosque for their very large Islamic peoples to worship. England is only partly in the E.U. as of now, soon they will be broke and have to change to Euro money as well, then they will be totally in the E.U. in all aspects.

Gay people are everywhere, there are no more in Europe than in the US or other lands, that is also silly to say.

As Fed-Up would say, I disagree with 34.8, maybe even .9, percent of what you're saying. Europe is crazy-drunk with Socialist liberalism, and will soon get its butt handed to it by Islamo-Fascism. The US will undoubtedly have to rescue it, again, from its own stupidity and lethargy. I can't believe we evolved from those idiots.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 08:56 am
Pinochet73;34123 wrote:
As Fed-Up would say, I disagree with 34.8, maybe even .9, percent of what you're saying. Europe is crazy-drunk with Socialist liberalism, and will soon get its butt handed to it by Islamo-Fascism. The US will undoubtedly have to rescue it, again, from its own stupidity and lethargy. I can't believe we evolved from those idiots.

keep them coming pino ! your always good for a laugh lol
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:12 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;34249 wrote:
keep them coming pino ! your always good for a laugh lol

Who's laughing??
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:22 am
socalgolfguy;34260 wrote:
Who's laughing??

Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:24 am
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;34266 wrote:

I get a big ol' LOL out of yours, too...and occasionally, flatulence to my gut.
scooby-doo cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 09:39 am
socalgolfguy;34269 wrote:
I get a big ol' LOL out of yours, too...and occasionally, flatulence to my gut.

sorry to hear your full of hot air ! the smelly kind :eek:
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 10:14 am
Pinochet73;34123 wrote:
As Fed-Up would say, I disagree with 34.8, maybe even .9, percent of what you're saying. Europe is crazy-drunk with Socialist liberalism, and will soon get its butt handed to it by Islamo-Fascism. The US will undoubtedly have to rescue it, again, from its own stupidity and lethargy. I can't believe we evolved from those idiots.

I strongly disagree with 99% of your statement Pino. I live here and that is simply not true in Germany, Socialist liberalism, tolerating gays doesn't make them socialist liberals, just tolerant, I don't even know of another example of Socialism here to tell you about. Education, Medical care, just common sense and good gov. Healthy educated people are created. Nothing bad about that. Maybe the allowance of certain amounts of refugees but we do the same in the US.

Islamo-Fascism na, not where I live, the Islamic population in Germany (forget the news from england on U tube, their version of CNN) not pulling their weight and integrating successfully are getting their asses handed to them very soon, believe it! They will never gain a foot hold here.
I am on the inside of young politics in Germany today, the old guys in the gov. 65+ are on their way out because they are old, tired and disconnected from the generation of today, the young German is tired of paying, they are hitting the streets but not the way they did in WWII, they will simply enforce laws that were set long ago and create situations that a poorly integrated person can not handle, simple, they must then go back home. No one made them, they caused it all by themselves, by not following the rules set.
After living here for 20 years and not speaking, reading and writing the language, or having basic knowledge of the country you live in, having a job that will support you or the family you created (now on welfare), obey the laws of the country or go the **** home.
It pissed me off to no end when I would call some place in the USA and the auto... operater speaks first another language, then tells me to push 1 for English, why should I have to push 1? Its my country and my language, make them push 1.
Learn the language after a given time or go home. We change our way to accommodate them, not them to us. We made school easier, driving test in their language, shopping, court house, ATM, Walmart and much more all in their language, they do not have to learn it because we don't make them. Check the stats in our land for crimes commited by whom, piss poor man. We put up with it and say nothing, at least nothing that will make a change.
The crimes commited in Germany are from a whopping 80% non German person (not all muslim PW). The people are fed up, its coming to a head here. You will see big changes over the next 10 years with the up coming political generation.
Red cv
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 05:12 pm
Reply Sun 2 Sep, 2007 05:18 pm
@John OMellie,
For shame SCOOB.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 11:34 am
@Red cv,
Red;34363 wrote:

Well this is one case in Frankfurt court, the highest court in Germany is in Karlsruhe, when it is a very high profile case that needs further attention it will end up there. This is a daily occurrance amoung these inhumane people who come here to live on the hard working German, just like in America.

When a couple seeks to divorce here there are laws that must be followed before that takes place, 1 year seperation time before it is final.

There are criteria to determine what constitutes a "hardship" case, to allow an accelerated divorce. The judge ruled against the presented evidence saying there was not enough evidence or presented circumstances to grant this couple a speedy seperation under a hardship ruling because of the way they choose to live their lives. Now it becomes Germanys problem to save a women who chooses this way life when she no longer has to if she doesn't want to after coming here to live. If she had converted to a nonmuslim religion or no religion, the judge would not have ruled that way stating a passage from their Quran.

Nothing strange about that. There is no space for these people in a western world society to continue Islamic religious beliefs and practices under western rule that include such inhumane treatment and see a women as a second class citizen. Here lies the problem. It simply just doesn't work. When in Rome do as the Romans do. If they ever hope to melt with us western people, they have to make big changes in the human rights department.

They and others are the 80% of non Germans committing the crimes here.

FYI, Spiegel TV, Spiegel Online, Bildzeitung, are equal to America's Enquirer newspaper, its more of an entertainment newspaper than a real news reporting paper. Believe the story or not.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 01:26 pm
tvsej;34281 wrote:
I strongly disagree with 99% of your statement Pino. I live here and that is simply not true in Germany, Socialist liberalism, tolerating gays doesn't make them socialist liberals, just tolerant, I don't even know of another example of Socialism here to tell you about. Education, Medical care, just common sense and good gov. Healthy educated people are created. Nothing bad about that. Maybe the allowance of certain amounts of refugees but we do the same in the US.

Islamo-Fascism na, not where I live, the Islamic population in Germany (forget the news from england on U tube, their version of CNN) not pulling their weight and integrating successfully are getting their asses handed to them very soon, believe it! They will never gain a foot hold here.
I am on the inside of young politics in Germany today, the old guys in the gov. 65+ are on their way out because they are old, tired and disconnected from the generation of today, the young German is tired of paying, they are hitting the streets but not the way they did in WWII, they will simply enforce laws that were set long ago and create situations that a poorly integrated person can not handle, simple, they must then go back home. No one made them, they caused it all by themselves, by not following the rules set.
After living here for 20 years and not speaking, reading and writing the language, or having basic knowledge of the country you live in, having a job that will support you or the family you created (now on welfare), obey the laws of the country or go the *** home.
It pissed me off to no end when I would call some place in the USA and the auto... operater speaks first another language, then tells me to push 1 for English, why should I have to push 1? Its my country and my language, make them push 1.
Learn the language after a given time or go home. We change our way to accommodate them, not them to us. We made school easier, driving test in their language, shopping, court house, ATM, Walmart and much more all in their language, they do not have to learn it because we don't make them. Check the stats in our land for crimes commited by whom, piss poor man. We put up with it and say nothing, at least nothing that will make a change.
The crimes commited in Germany are from a whopping 80% non German person (not all muslim PW). The people are fed up, its coming to a head here. You will see big changes over the next 10 years with the up coming political generation.

I want to believe you, but I suspect that even while you type, Turks keep pouring into Germany. And yes, the US is being Hispanicized. Geographic proximity to Latin America and our moral inability to be cruel enough to genuinely seal our borders have made that inevitable. But, it's not all bad news. At least Latin America is Catholic. Its invasion might actually help us recover our Christian heritage.
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 01:28 pm
@scooby-doo cv,
scooby-doo;34275 wrote:
sorry to hear your full of hot air ! the smelly kind :eek:

You should be sorry to know you bring the worst out of him.Very Happy
scooby-doo cv
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 02:27 pm
Pinochet73;34529 wrote:
You should be sorry to know you bring the worst out of him.Very Happy

dont blame me for him being full of hot air :eek:
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 04:02 pm
@John OMellie,
Here's my main source for articles on Islam in Europe: Independent Online Edition > News

My favorite reporter is Johann Hari. She pulls no punches when reporting, she tells the truth as she see it.
Reply Mon 3 Sep, 2007 05:59 pm
@Red cv,
Red;34551 wrote:
Here's my main source for articles on Islam in Europe: Independent Online Edition > News

My favorite reporter is Johann Hari. She pulls no punches when reporting, she tells the truth as she see it.

Keep kicking it!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 10:01 am
Pinochet73;34529 wrote:
You should be sorry to know you bring the worst out of him.Very Happy

actually, the cathartic is most relieving....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 11:16 am
Pinochet73;34528 wrote:
I want to believe you, but I suspect that even while you type, Turks keep pouring into Germany. And yes, the US is being Hispanicized. Geographic proximity to Latin America and our moral inability to be cruel enough to genuinely seal our borders have made that inevitable. But, it's not all bad news. At least Latin America is Catholic. Its invasion might actually help us recover our Christian heritage.

Good point!
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Tue 4 Sep, 2007 04:52 pm
The latest out of Belgium: Here comes Eurabia. Link: PJC Journal :: Belgium breakdown could spell War in Europe

Belgium breakdown could spell War in Europe

by IanPP on Tue 04 Sep 2007 21:22 BST | Permanent Link | Cosmos
The break up of Belgium. As each day passes, the King and the Council of State (CoS) pontificate over the future of Belgium and the Nationalist parties call for Belgium to divide get louder.

The obvious is the annexing of the two largest regions, Flanders into Holland and Wallonia into France, which would in all essence leave Brussels as a region with no home.

This would create a power vacuum that needs to be filled, but could it filled with danger.

The 'Colleagues' would see this as an opportunity.

They would have within their power the ability to create a capital state, in the same way that Washington sits within the District of Columbia (DC) and the Australian capital Canberra sits within the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Brussels would therefore become a state in its own right. A true capital of a new super state.

Americans and Europeans should ask themselves how that would upset the status quo, with not only the EU being head quartered in Brussels, but also NATO.


Brussels an independent state!, Capital of Europe!, with a Muslim majority!.

How long would it take before Brussels was declared an Islamic state. - EURABIA.

How would the 27 member states react being tied by treaty to the supremacy of Brussels if it was an Islamic state.
Sharia Law is something the peoples of Europe would never accept. The breakdown of Belgium is much more dangerous for all of us than we are being told.

Belgium it seems is doing little to stem the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in its country, nor to stop or slow down immigration, as this article from Wisdom from the Realm shows.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 06:25 pm
@John OMellie,
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 10:52 am
@John OMellie,
Europeans are effete and arrogant. As a group they have so little respect for their enemies that they cannot see the threat immediately in front of them. Remember the French saying "Let them eat cake"?" immediately after they suffered through an overthrow.

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