I am all for universal health care administered by individual states . With federal hands out of the money pot it would involve.
But I am all for truth in government and telling it like it is.
I keep hearing from republican lawmakers opposing the bill say that they have included health care for
some limited adults . But nobody says what adults.
Is it for the parents of ill children in the program who are unable to work due to their child's health problems? Then I am for it.
If it is for drug addicts and alcoholics living in half way houses then I am not for it at this time. Not at least till all are extended the same services drug addicts or not.
We need all the facts before we can even start to make a
intelligent informed decision as to if the president has a right to veto it or not.
Because while George Bush certainly sneaks around and does things under the table and in the dark . Two wrongs never make a right and it is not right to sneak stuff in. And we all know both parties just worry about who is going to put the most money in their own pockets. Democrat of Republican very few actually give a damn about this country anymore.
Of coarse since none of the republicans have ever said anything about what adults the program now covers it may well be that it is extending coverage to parents of children with say terminal cancer so they can care for that child in its last months of life. And then of coarse the republicans would be against it but would not have the balls to say so.