Cultural Revolution

Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 12:16 pm
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 827 • Replies: 7
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Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 12:51 pm
I bet the neocons are having a effect. You can bet these people are hunkering down and praying to God that he save them from the bombing. Its only normal that the culture which is very religious (doesn't matter what religion) will look around it and try to do anything they can to make God happy when they face the danger the US poses to their lives and beliefs.

I do not think this is the effect the neocons were hoping for, but then again maybe it is.
Reply Mon 8 Oct, 2007 01:17 pm
I am confused with the label neocon, so I put it in Word Web. Got a longer form of the word (neoconservatism) so I copy & pasted that into Word Web. And it showed that,
Quote: An approach to politics or theology that represents a return to a traditional point of view (in contrast to more liberal or radical schools of thought of the 1960s) End Quote. Now that sounds (to me anyway) like a good thing. If the traditional view is back to the way our country was founded and grown till the Hippy Generation, which I was told I couldn't be a member of because I was a village burner and baby killer. Now again could someone tell me why this is a bad thing.

I would prefer middle of the road thinking over either the far right or left point of view. Notice I said far for both right or left. Because a little to the right or left isn't always so bad.

And to follow the thread I agree things are progressing faster than any school of thought might have considered. Which to me points towards a future all of us might not care for.
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Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 12:42 pm
Gee RedOct, I had to make a new folder in my favorites. But had to think what to call it. So I chose WEIRD THINGS, if that is alright with you. And I use a standard English thesaurus dictionary to look up a word, find another word and just share the results and I am forcing what? Whom am I forcing this upon. Now I need to look up "sharing" so i won't continue to force anyone. I guess Free Will Of Choice doesn't count on this subject.
I tried to read the site. man I can't pronounce some of the words and I got lost in all the ???????? i don't care to describe it.
And I get balk posting a simple piece of paper supposedly from 1919 about revolution.
I don't speak code nor do I care how the Jewish State protects itself. God, says those that look to harm His, people will be dealt with and those that stand by them will be rewarded. I think I shall delete it from My favorites but save the Weird Folder as I know I can find other things as weird as that propaganda. I prefer to be on the safe side.
Look the word is as I shared it. At least to me. It make more sense that way.
Thanks for trying to explain what I found on my own to me.
Nor do I think wvpeach will take it that way. Or any real Christian worth their salt. And yes I came in Sept. this year. So I am a newbie. lol
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Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 04:40 pm
My kind?????????????????????? Look I don't need to defend myself from the likes of you or anyone else.
But, I am a American, I fought for my country (right or wrong) and I live here and am worried about our present situation around the world. I would like my government to do what the vast majority of it's people want done. I believe in Jesus and God the Father and therefore like millions of others support Israel's right to life..
I also stand to support freedom and democracy around the world if a country wants it.
I believe somethings differently than you so that makes me a thinker and nothing else.
Now have a good day. And I wish you well.
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Reply Tue 9 Oct, 2007 06:55 pm
Neoconservatism was actually conceived by a German, Leo Strauss who wound up as Political Science professor, but was birthed by Irving Kristol, and came to rights in the 60's early 70's inrebuttal to modern liberalism and "Hard Left"™ acceptance of freedom to be yourself. Bah, read it for yourself...

Neoconservatism is the political philosophy that emerged in rejection of liberalism and the New Left counter-culture of the 1960s. It was formulated in the 1950s, achieved its first victory in Barry Goldwater's nomination as the Republican presidential candidate in 1964,[1][2], and coalesced in the 1970s.

It influenced the Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and the George W. Bush presidential administrations, representing the re-alignment in American politics, and the defection of "an important and highly articulate group of liberals to the other side."[3] One accomplishment was "to make criticism from the Right acceptable in the intellectual, artistic, and journalistic circles where conservatives had long been regarded with suspicion."[3]

As a term, neoconservative first was used derisively by democratic socialist Michael Harrington to identify a group of people (who thought they were liberals) as newly simulated conservative ex-liberals. The term stuck because neoconservatives were confused with true conservative.[4]

The idea that Liberalism "no longer knew what it was talking about" is Neoconservatism's central theme.[5] By the 1980s, being considered a conservative was no longer a cultural insult.[4]

The etymology of this conservatism is based on the work and thought of Irving Kristol, co-founder of Encounter magazine, and of its editor (1953–58),[6] Norman Podhoretz,[7] and others who described themselves as "neoconservatives" during the Cold War.

Prominent neoconservatives are associated with periodicals such as Commentary and The Weekly Standard, and with foreign policy initiatives of think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA).

Neoconservative journalists, policy analysts, and politicians, are often dubbed "neocons" by supporters and critics alike; however, in general, the movement's critics use the term more often than their supporters.[8][9]

And yes, it's supporters are HIGHLY zionistic.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 12:59 pm
Heck it is becoming a second langue here to........ looool As long as I don't need to learn French or Arabies..... he, he, he.

92b16vx, I thank you for the full story.
But I will just stick with my opinions which change a little here and there. I try to be middle of the road and slip to the right or left just a weee bit now and again. Why because eveyone has ideas and some need to be used in different situations. I don't think any one school of thought (except Christs) applies to all that mankind faces. We need to be open to all ideas and decide for ourselfs what is the best for each situation. And the best way to do that is think of others before ourselfs. But even I mess that up every now and again. :dunno: why maybe because I am human and make mistakes.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 01:13 pm
RedOct;41071 wrote:
In Bulgaria, it's only Bulgarian, which is really a dialect of Russian.

I met more english speaking people in Bulgaria than I ever have in Mexico, and Germany combined. Almost every single person I met there spoke great english.
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