Thu 21 Jun, 2007 09:24 am
Senator Dale Righters wife, is a judge at the Coles county Court house in Charleston Illinois. Tehresa was the judge in my divorce case. My wife had stole all our money and got a lawyer to fight me in court. At the same time their was another divorce going on by judge righter. I knew the girls mother in the divorce, and she told me everthing that went on in court with her daughter. Well I am a man, and I was told from people that Judge Teresa k Righter favored women over men. I didn't beleive it until I found out that Threasa gave $300 a month to this girl for two years for maintenance, and she had a good full time job with no kids. I got the same amount, but only for 6 months, and I was without a job; go figure that one out. She also made me sell my home by using threats of the court. Judge Teresa K Righter set the price and made me take a $1700 loss on my home. She Put a decorated disabled vetern, that fought proudly in the gulf War out on to the streets to survive. I lived in my van during the middle of the winter, until I finally found a job. The job was helping kids with disabilities. My personal oppnion is that she is ruthless to the bone and very cruel to people. I Loved my home and put alot of work into it, just to loose it, because some judge decided to make me sell it on her terms. This action to me is not somthing that should happen in america. It reminds me of what they do to people in communist countrys. I just wonder what Dale Righter thinks about his wifes desision to throw a veteran into the street to die. I emailed him several times, but he never gives any replys back. :dunno:
@Hogan 21,
that sucks
thanks for serving the country though
@Hogan 21,
Asshole (her.) People like that prove to me that Hell exists.
Sorry to hear.
@Hogan 21,
Single white male, they got what they wanted, all you had earned to that point. The system is set up that way, you are the abuser and she is the victim.