@Fatal Freedoms,
Well Fetal, fortunately, I don't believe we'll be having you as King of anything. I believe that your goals are not lofty enough.
This is what I would do as "King of the World":
A. End racism. Very simple to accomplish. Separate all the races. Place each race upon its own land. Since blacks were once a mighty and intelligent race (" 'fo da Whites man dun kidnaps dem"), I am sure they can once again develop their land into something great w/o any aid from us. Asians already have lands that are developed and prosperous. They will continue to do well, I am sure. Mestizos might not do so well in their third world country, but then, they aren't doing so well in mine either.
What of the people of mixed races? They would go with the minority that they are mixed with.
Contact between the different countries/races would be minimal and I am sure we will all do well on our own with our own.
B. Return to the gold standard and demolish the Federal Reserve Banking system in the U.S.
C. Take over all the manufacturing of medicines and drugs and charge only the cost of making them to the consumer.
D. Burn down Hollyweird and Lost Wages, (Vegas) as well as a few other cities of sin.
E. Remove the Jews from Israel and from the middle east and give the land back to the Palestinians.
F. Bring up every living past and current president on crimes against the people. When, (not if), convicted, the lightest punishment would be life without parole.
G. Rebuild the industries that once made this country rich and prosperous. End much of the international trade agreements.
H. The use of illegal drugs, (including marijuana) will be dealt with harshly. Execution of drug dealers would be mandatory.
I. Reinvent the criminal justice system.
J. Incarcerate liberals for whatever length of time is needed to "get their minds right."
K. Outlaw all homosexual activity. Any person found to be a homosexual will be placed in a camp with like people where they will not receive medications for any sexually transmitted diseases they might have.
L. Christianity would be the religion of the U.S. Only Christians will be allowed to hold public office in the U.S.
There is much, much more, but it's past my bed time. Have a job to go to. Have a good night.