Oh, and the Willie Horton ad was aired by Bush Sr's campaign, not our current president, I have trouble keeping them straight too sometimes, no big deal.
My question was what would Bush Sr. stand to gain from turning his constituency against blacks?
I don't work for anybody, I'm a libertarian and I seek to contribute to the world as such. I believe in absolute economic and personal liberty to the point where the free exercise thereof infringes on the economic and personal liberty of another human being. I desire a world in which people are allowed to rise and fall based on their own merits and are treated not as members of a race or clique, but as individuals.
That said, the American people have voluntarily joined their states under the Constitution, and have set their laws and borders according to their own tastes and preferences. The United States is the property of the American people, and so they have a right to deny the use of its land and laws to non-American residents. Bulgarians, Mexicans, Chinese, or Martians, it doesn't matter, if you're not an American, you don't own this country, and so entry without permission and use of its infrastructure constitute trespassing and theft respectively.
I welcome immigrants, they bring a lot to the table as far as new ideas and generally strive to succeed here because they worked so hard to finally arrive. That said, if you'd watch the video, you'd see that America cannot maintain our current unhealthy numbers of immigrants if we are to sustain our standard of living, which is ultimately why immigrants come here. If we are dragged down into poverty because of overpopulation, then NOBODY has the chance to prosper in America. I'd rather SOME, legal immigrants contribute to our society and enjoy the benefits of our standard of living than let everybody in without consequence and see our country turned into the third world.
Are there segments of the anti-illegal crowd that are simply anti-brown? Yep, just like I imagine there are segments of the "legalize it" crowd that only care about the cause so that they can get baked. The majority of the anti-illegal crowd however recognize the burden these people put on our country and the unadulterated arrogance of the illegal immigrant to simply "walk across" when thousands, maybe millions of people from countries too far away for them to simply "walk across" are waiting patiently for their chance to improve their lives.
Look at the immigrants we had in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (ie, when most American families came here):
They usually came from Europe or Asia by ship with everything they had, came in much smaller numbers than we see today, and came here largely legally. Then, once they were here, there was no wiring money back home like the Mexicans do, they started their new lives as AMERICANS. They learned our language while retaining their own (which is ok, so long as you learn our's), reinvested in their communities (because they couldn't send the money away......not easily anyway), and generally were some of the most disciplined and hard-working people this country has seen. Legal immigrants show us exactly how grateful we should be for our blessings whereas illegal immigrants show us the exploitation of our resources that we should reject as a culture.