The Metamorphosis of the Iraqi War

Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 07:45 am
The Metamorphosis of the Iraqi War

In a post from a Yahoo Group :

"Dear K,

I am reminded of that old saying: "Every dog has its day!"

From human history, it appears that "what goes around, comes right back around!"

We - The United States of America - are in for quite a mess; the price of foolishly allowing ourselves to be lead into a RELIGIOUS WAR!

Only suicidal fools fight religious wars.

You might remember an email of mine sometime last year in which I wrote of breaking out a rather expensive bottle of bubbly - the GOOD STUFF from France; not some California "sparkling wine" and toasting to the nuclear glow over Middle America.

As Eva Gabor sang in the theme song from 'Green Acres': "Good bye to dear life!"

We Americans, as a group have brought upon our own heads - death and destruction.


Stay well, lineman"

How true, how true....cowboy mentality has gotten us into cow doo doo, up past our ears, with no clear way out. But fault ourselves, for allowing ourselves to be deluded, and accepting the smoke and mirrors from a charlatan.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 829 • Replies: 10
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Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 08:24 am
So will you toast to the nukeler glow over middle America as well?
Will you and your bother be toasting arm in arm?
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 09:32 am
Drnaline;29652 wrote:
So will you toast to the nukeler glow over middle America as well?
Will you and your bother be toasting arm in arm?

"bother"? Did you mean brother? That should be an infraction on your part.
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Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 09:47 am
I was gonna say something else but brother will do?
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Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 09:52 am
aaronssongs;29643 wrote:
The Metamorphosis of the Iraqi War

In a post from a Yahoo Group :

"Dear K,

I am reminded of that old saying: "Every dog has its day!"

From human history, it appears that "what goes around, comes right back around!"

We - The United States of America - are in for quite a mess; the price of foolishly allowing ourselves to be lead into a RELIGIOUS WAR!

Only suicidal fools fight religious wars.

You might remember an email of mine sometime last year in which I wrote of breaking out a rather expensive bottle of bubbly - the GOOD STUFF from France; not some California "sparkling wine" and toasting to the nuclear glow over Middle America.

As Eva Gabor sang in the theme song from 'Green Acres': "Good bye to dear life!"

We Americans, as a group have brought upon our own heads - death and destruction.


Stay well, lineman"

How true, how true....cowboy mentality has gotten us into cow doo doo, up past our ears, with no clear way out. But fault ourselves, for allowing ourselves to be deluded, and accepting the smoke and mirrors from a charlatan.

the Mathematical inaccuracy of this statement is immense.

As in Vietnam, military victory in Iraq is a mathematical certainty if we keep going, and wars aren't supposed to be fun

And to somehow try and lead people to believe any future attack will be a retaliation for free 25 million oppressed people is a farce. Radical Islam was blowing up the USS Cole and the WTC way before 2003.

What you fail to realize is that further attacks will only embolden us, the worst thing Bin Laden could do now is strike us and piss us off again. You fail to see Americas ferocious will to win, probably because you don't possess it...
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 03:48 pm
Silverchild79;29675 wrote:
the Mathematical inaccuracy of this statement is immense.

As in Vietnam, military victory in Iraq is a mathematical certainty if we keep going, and wars aren't supposed to be fun

And to somehow try and lead people to believe any future attack will be a retaliation for free 25 million oppressed people is a farce. Radical Islam was blowing up the USS Cole and the WTC way before 2003.

And why do you suppose they blew up the USS Cole and the WTC in the 90's?
It was because of our failed and misguided foreign policy...stop believing what the government is telling you, get your head out of your behind, and look around. Our domestic and foreign policies are in place to benefit the rich, and powerful...those who are not, are not in consideration...and if you believe otherwise,....sooner or later, you're going to feel the pinch, because you're hardly rich, nor are you powerful....you've had the wool pulled over your eyes, while you're being "done" from behind....and you're being asked if you like it...and you're saying, "harder". Do me baby....( A Prince song, actually)

What you fail to realize is that further attacks will only embolden us, the worst thing Bin Laden could do now is strike us and piss us off again. You fail to see Americas ferocious will to win, probably because you don't possess it...

Piss us off again???? Ooh, I know he's shaking in his boots...when we get attacked again..there will be all kinds of excuses concerning Homeland Security, and they will claim they did everything that they could do...and someone like you, will fall for it
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Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 03:57 pm
so if you hate ur government so much why do you want it to be bigger?
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 04:04 pm
Silverchild79;29723 wrote:
so if you hate ur government so much why do you want it to be bigger?

Hmmm. let me alter what I was gonna say...I do hate the government...this government...this administration. Republicans and conservatives. Subversives and war mongers. That being said...government is of the people, by the people and for the people...the government is there to cater to the people...it's not there for its' own edification....what planet are you from?
It is the responsibility of the government to take care of its citizenry, when they cannot do it for themselves...If you believe in God...and in God We Trust...then you must agree with me....of course if you're just fronting, then all bets are off....just as I surmised. Just be a man, and tell the truth. If you can.
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Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2007 11:53 pm
sounds like someone dosen't have much faith in our military....
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 08:30 am
bizkit;29791 wrote:
sounds like someone dosen't have much faith in our military....

Oh, I have faith in the military, especially the troops, not necessarily the commanders, on the ground, or in the Pentagon. It's one thing to execute commands and to fulfill them to the best of one's abilities, and something altogether different to command intelligently, to have a strategy, wisely conceived, and to have consensus. We haven't had that, have we? This is the worst conceived and executed war in American history.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 09:25 am
This is the worst conceived and executed war in American history.
Not likely, got proof?
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