Why I hate Ann Caulter
Ok not only is the women narcissistic but she is just a cruel, malicious evil troll and hwere is why. Her latest opinon....with of course my opinion added.
"Fox News ought to buy a copy of Monday's Democrat debate on CNN to play over and over during the general election campaign. For now, the Democratic candidates need to appeal only to their nut-base. So on Monday night, the candidates casually spouted liberal conspiracy theories that would frighten normal Americans, but are guaranteed to warm the hearts of losers blogging from their mother's basements"
Ok "need only appeal to their nut-base." This is an example of the pot calling the kettle black. Obviously not seeing she herself is a nutjob. This is typical of the extremist right thinking that it is within their right to verbally abuse people such as calling John Edwards the F-ggot word. The use of the words "Conspiracy theories" in an attempt to discredit the left with inaccurate labels. I find it scary this women is a lawyer. I can see her prosecuting a rape victim. Claiming she made up all these conspiracy theories about the man raping her. How if she took personal responsibility and not invited the man into her home, wore that sexy outfit, or smiled so much the man would not have rapped her. "guranteed to warm the hearts of losers blogging from their mother's basement". Wow I mean this women just enjoys beating up on people who are obviously already down. Here lady punch my little baby in the head it will make you feel better. I mean seriously she gets away with this emotional abuse because we let her. She just basically punched innocent people in the face. They did nothing more than be tolerant, understanding and compassionate to others. So what they are having a hard time in life and maybe living in their mothers cellar. I would rather be living with my parents and be compassionate, understanding and tolerant than to be a lonely, old, spiteful hag who's whole meaning in life is to take out her self hatered on everyone else and then claim to be a christian. if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object(); window.yzq_d['0MUFPtGDJHs-']='&U=13brn6i2m%2fN%3d0MUFPtGDJHs-%2fC%3d597737.10774534.11536918.1442997%2fD%3dLREC%2fB%3d4684435';
"B. Hussein Obama got the party started by claiming he couldn't get a cab in New York because he's black. This line was a big hit with white liberals in the audience who have never been to New York. "
Notice she used Hussein in his name. This is a trick to relate his name to some evil or Muslim in nature. Not truly a christian she is suggesting. She also states that only white related to his revelation that there is still injustice for blacks. Trying to underplay that we still need much improvement in getting rid of predjudice and racism.
"Even writers for The New York Times don't drag this canard out anymore. Last year, a black writer in the Times pointed out how things had changed in New York in the 10 years since he had been out of the country. Not only did he have no trouble getting a cab, but he cited statistics from taxi sting operations that showed a 96 percent compliance rate among cabbies in picking up blacks. (Remarkable, considering that New York cabbies' compliance rate on daily bathing is less than half that.) "
Yes try to use a black token to show that things have truly changed so that the extremist right or Christian supremisist do not have to spend any more money or time in making sure it is true equality for all people. " I am not racist I have black friends, yes of course they are just for show" Just as Americans claim they are for religious equality and freedom but will not vote for any president who doesn't claim to have Jesus as their personal savior. Yes Ann we see your manipulation. You often call out the left for their emotional manipulation but never call yourself out. Your hateful rants or nothing more than ways to get attention because obviously mom and dad couldn't care less about so you have to use negative behavior to get peoples attention because you know deep down inside that if you were a nice person and debated without hitting below the belt you wouldn't get the time of day. You have no value but to make other people feel as worthless about themselves as you do about yourself. Each mean statement, each cruel word screams for attention.
"As the Times writer noted, even 10 years ago, "most of the drivers who refused to pick me up or take me to my destination during that time were of African descent." When he asked one cabbie -- 10 years ago -- why he avoided picking up black customers, the driver displayed a scar across his neck, a souvenir from a black customer who had robbed him. "I have to choose which is worse," the driver said, "a fine or death." "
"Thanks to Rudy Giuliani, cab drivers in New York no longer have to make that choice. Under his mayoralty, New York City became a lot safer for cab drivers -- and everyone else. The murder rate went from about 2,000 murders a year under Mayor David Dinkins to about 700 by the end of Giuliani's term. The last time a cab driver was killed in New York was in 1997. "
Gee if someone with a (D) by their name yeilded the same results she would be accusing them of everything in the book and assinating thier charactor and I am terribly suprise she would have anything good to say about Giu because she is pro-choice and a moderate republican but I guess of all the Republicans on the plateform Giu is the only one who isn't a religious wack job, Christian supremisist and Sheeple. yes of course dear and Bin Laden did nto attack the WTC on Bush's watch. It was all clintons fault.
"In addition to making it safer for (mostly African-American and Muslim) cabbies to pick up African-Americans, Giuliani made it costly for them not to. He started "Operation Refusal" in 1999, sending out teams of black undercover cops and taxi commissioners to hail cabs and give fines to those who refused to pick up blacks. "
mostly blacks and muslims have low paying jobs. I find this racist in itself. She acts like not dying on the job has made their lives so much better. I guess struggling pay check to pay check and not health insurance for minorities is an excellent quality of life as long a they don't die from a cab robbery. Yes racial equality has come so far!!
Sure Gui made is safer but why are mostly african-American and Muslims cabbies? Why are the minorities in minimum wage, low skilled jobs?? and why does she assume
"Even back in 1999, in the first 12 hours of "Operation Refusal," out of more than 800 cabs hailed, only five cab drivers refused to pick up a customer -- one of whom was a white woman with children. And by the way, I've had dozens of cabs refuse to stop for me on Fifth Avenue. Sometimes they forget to turn on the "off duty" light, or they're daydreaming or maybe they've read my columns on Muslims. "
Ok fact check please. I think she just pulled this out of her butt!! Please show proof. Link or credible non-bias or slanted or tainted source please. How many of the undercover police officers where white? How many supervising those white officers where white. Oh year of course supervisors of the police department would never sanatize reports... Ahem...Mel Gibson jewish rant???
"Next time, B. Hussein Obama ought to tell us the one about Kool cigarettes being owned by the KKK and causing impotence in black men. There may not be overwhelming evidence disproving that one as there is for the yarn about blacks not being able to get a cab in New York. "
Yawn...ZZZZZZZZ"Overall, Hillary appeared to be the only Democrat even dimly aware that there will eventually be a general election. But she too played to her audience with wacky conspiracy theories. Oops, I mean she "discussed the Democratic platform in detail." No need for me to get judgmental. "
Once again comes the conspiracy theories to reinforce the idea that liberals are nut jobs. Like the far right has never come up with crazy theories that have absolution not scientific proof to back it up. ...like... ahem creationism. ROFLMAO!
"Hillary raised the Bush-stole-the-2000-election fairy tale, saying: "I think it is a problem that Bush was elected in 2000. I actually thought somebody else was elected in that election, but ..." (Applause.) "
Wow she applaused herself or expect others to applaud what she thinks is a deserving welcome to her idotic rants. These type of people are always in delusional self centered states of narcissism.
"On Nov. 12, 2001, The New York Times ran a front page article that began: "A comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward."
Round and round we go. Save us some time and our sanity put repeat of paragragh 5 just rearranged. I am know I am an amataur writer but geez.
"Another Times article that day by Richard L. Berke said that the "comprehensive review of the uncounted Florida ballots solidifies George W. Bush's legal claim on the White House because it concludes that he would have won under the ground rules prescribed by the Democrats."
Who care is he won. It has not been decided by 72 percent of the nation that Bush is an idiot. Be proud that you voted for him. You people are like a drunking monkey with a loaded gun. You have just enough power to kill yourself and everyone around you. Going around spouting about personal repsonsibiltiy yet refuse to accept responsability for 9.11, Iraq war failure, increase in global terrorism, being verbally abusive for your own self gradification. It is sickning.
"On Nov. 18, 2001, notorious pro-abortion zealot Linda Greenhouse wrote in the Times that the media consortium's count of all the disputed Florida ballots -- in which the Times participated -- concluded "that George W. Bush would have won the 2000 presidential election even had the court not cut the final recount short."
You know what is worse about a sore loser is a victor who sticks and rubs the loser nose in it every chance they get. It is called "bad sportsmanship" and while you are critcizing the sore loser for thier bad sportmanship you not noticing your own. Typiccally unaware of your own behavior. It is easy to point fingers at everyone else when you can't see what an idiot you are. Ignorance is bliss."
"If three prominent articles in the Treason Times isn't enough to convince Hillary that Bush won the 2000 election, forget the White House: ABC ought to hire her to replace Rosie O'Donnell on "The View." I know that's a big seat to fill, but maybe she can finally convince Elizabeth Hasselbeck that 9/11 was an inside job. "
Treason Times.. like Ann the Man Caulter.. or Faux news, Repugs. I do not agree with Rosie about 911 simply because I think Bush is too stupid to come up with a plan like that. However Rosie has more class than you ever will. Rosie is a Queen while you are the evil troll. Rosie may not have long fake blonde hair, be a poster child for anerixia, or have an adams apple but she understands the prhase "know thyself". You ma'am think everyone else is the problem for Americas problems instead of realizing your part of the problem and until you see that and the million of other delusional morans out there see that no amount of finger pointing at liberals, character assination, spiteful cruel words or scapegoating is going to make America better.
STFU ANN! and take your forked tongue that spits poison with you!!