STNGfan;22185 wrote:oh I guess that I am a problem. I am sorry I get tired of people calling me baby killer, tree hugger, dyke, unethical, immoral because I am a Democrat. So excuse me for being human and taking a bit of joy when a Republican who think they are holier than thou jump ship.
I disagree with both Democrats and Republicans on different issues and I have never been called things like Unamerican, unpatiotic and communist from a Democrat.
There is a huge difference from both parties and when I can walk around with a pentagram and no be called a satanist or sacrifice animals in rituals or practice black magic I will not discriminate against someone who has a (R) by his name.
It is called reprisal.
I'm so in agreement. I never saw such arrogant crybabies as the Repubs...
If they don't like what Dems are saying, they will distort, malign, spin, accuse, and a whole laundry list of attacking manuevers...oh, but let the Dems call them on anything, and you never saw such righteous indignation.
Do you know to this day, out of the hundreds if not thousands of missteps, misdeeds, poor judgement, ignorant statements, and crimes committed, George Bush, for the most part, has never admitted any wrongdoing...and the Republicans, by and large, refuse to point out any...isn't that more than odd?
From his own party, he has never sustained more than a "weak" slap on the wrist (like, "he could have done it or phrased it better") Amazing.
But they impeached Clinton for lying about an extra-marital affair.
I'd take a randy, philandering President (who happens to be a Rhodes scholar) over a privileged, ignorant do-nothing (who's father "bought" him the presidency. if you really want to know), with illusions of grandeur, any day.
Clearly, by all accounts, the most "suspect" and worst president in history, bar none. And if not, why are most of the party loyalists deserting him in droves? The Republican field is loathe to even speak his name, much less his failed foreign and domestic policies. Can we say "lame duck"?
If Bushie is so wonderful and his presidency such a shining example of Republican fortitude, then why are his poll numbers in the 30 percentile range....anyone want to blame that on the liberal press, or an error in the polls? I know...I know...it's Kerry's fault...or that hot air bag, Al Gore, and his demonizing of industrial "runoff", and pollution (I mean, how do we know it really hurts anyone? I mean, has anyone ever died of "pollution"???) For godssake, the air and the water are good enough...and the pesticides are keeping the bugs off our food...damn, get a life...next thing you'll be wanting is improved infrastructure...you got any money for that? You shouldn't...that's what them tax cuts is about...too much gov'ment spending ...that money could be used for something useful...like , mo' betta vacations, and stuff. Right?
My God, when Reagan was president, Republicans and Democrats were genteel, and civilized to and with one another. Today, with the political dirty tricks of Ralph Reed, Dan Bartlett, and Ken Mehlman (who reportedly is a "Log Cabin" Republican...how hypocritical is that?), there is such animosity and distrust, that it will take a generation for healing to occur, if ever.