Bill O'Reilly, different form of Pro Wrestling.

Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:59 pm
I finally get Bill O'Reilly, for a long time I thought he was about journalism, news reporting - nothing could be more wrong. Billy is only about ratings and inflaming right/left issues, he's not a journalist just an over paid TV Shock Jock and doin good.

Billy's ratings are big, no doubt, but big for what? People on the right want to beleive FOX News is legit, what a sad reality. FOX NEWS is about contraversy and they do a great job.

Ratings aside, O'Reilly does way more harm than good. Spreading divisive left/right divide is bad.

This has nothing to do with Jessicas Law or immigration, the best way to spread hate is to mix hate with truth, that's what O'Reilly does, mixes a few good issues with acid hatred for the left - ratings and he really doesn't mean it or believe it.

I've heard of another entity that spreads hate mixed with the truth, Lucifer.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 966 • Replies: 16
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:09 pm
YOu listen to Lucifer often?
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:16 pm
DesertDave;19593 wrote:
I finally get Bill O'Reilly, for a long time I thought he was about journalism, news reporting - nothing could be more wrong. Billy is only about ratings and inflaming right/left issues, he's not a journalist just an over paid TV Shock Jock and doin good.

Billy's ratings are big, no doubt, but big for what? People on the right want to beleive FOX News is legit, what a sad reality. FOX NEWS is about contraversy and they do a great job.

Ratings aside, O'Reilly does way more harm than good. Spreading divisive left/right divide is bad.

This has nothing to do with Jessicas Law or immigration, the best way to spread hate is to mix hate with truth, that's what O'Reilly does, mixes a few good issues with acid hatred for the left - ratings and he really doesn't mean it or believe it.

I've heard of another entity that spreads hate mixed with the truth, Lucifer.

Actually, O'Reilly's ratings aren't that big. He gets maybe 2 million viewers a night. Probably roughly the same people who tuned in the night before and the night before ad infinitum. To put it in perspective, Rush Limbaugh has on average about 20 million listeners a day.

It is interesting the FOXNews, the bastion of conservatism, is owned by Rupert Murdoch. He's a guy who publicly supports Hillary Clinton for president and continually green-lights some of the worst trash on the airwaves i.e. Fox.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:18 pm
Sounds like your jealous.
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:22 pm
Drnaline;19621 wrote:
Sounds like your jealous.

What in my response even hinted of jealousy? Is there any way to require a reading comprehension test before allowing someone to post on the Internets? Nothing complicated, just basic third-grade stuff.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:30 pm
Murdoch can support anyone he likes, and program what ever the hell wants, it's his station.
Is there any way to require a reading comprehension test before allowing someone to post on the Internets? Nothing complicated, just basic third-grade stuff.
Nope SOL.
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:37 pm
Drnaline;19630 wrote:
Murdoch can support anyone he likes, and program what ever the hell wants, it's his station. Nope SOL.

Murdoch can program whatever the hell wants? So he IS doing the bidding of Beezelbub! I knew it!

I know it's beyond you, but I'm sure others can see just how phony FOXNews and Rupert Murdoch are. A perfect illustration of the false left-right paradigm that to explain to you would be akin to teaching quantum physics to a chimpanzee. A dumb chimpanzee.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 07:39 am
lancesorbenson;19634 wrote:
Murdoch can program whatever the hell wants? So he IS doing the bidding of Beezelbub! I knew it!

I know it's beyond you, but I'm sure others can see just how phony FOXNews and Rupert Murdoch are. A perfect illustration of the false left-right paradigm that to explain to you would be akin to teaching quantum physics to a chimpanzee. A dumb chimpanzee.

Murdoch can program whatever the hell wants? So he IS doing the bidding of Beezelbub! I knew it!

Yeah, his work runs along the same lines as you. Don't like the competition?
I know it's beyond you, but I'm sure others can see just how phony FOXNews and Rupert Murdoch are.
I can see it, but i learned what to watch for watching ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and all the rest. See when you put a human in front of a camera and even if the are reading of a cue card, who ever wrote it is using personal apinion. That **** of being unbiased in any MSM is a crock, not just for Faux. Funny your just centered on them, a little biased yourself?
A perfect illustration of the false left-right paradigm that to explain to you would be akin to teaching quantum physics to a chimpanzee. A dumb chimpanzee.
This chimp would end up teaching you physics, and probably break it down simple enough for you to understand..............Well maybe not.
On a second not, the chimp would like to know what party you belong too, by party i mean any afilliation. Do you vote? Are you a willing participant of this left-right paradigm?
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:04 am
Drnaline;19641 wrote:
This chimp would end up teaching you physics, and probably break it down simple enough for you to understand..............Well maybe not.
On a second not, the chimp would like to know what party you belong too, by party i mean any afilliation. Do you vote? Are you a willing participant of this left-right paradigm?

LOL, that's a pretty pitiful response right there, thanks for the morning laugh.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:05 am
The chimp says good morning.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:12 am
Drnaline;19650 wrote:
The chimp says good morning.

Good morning to you too.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:36 am
more crazy hoopla

He is out to make money, this is his career. But he's rational and he does have a greater purpose to proliferate what he thinks is right.

His stances on parenting are responsible, and for anyone who wants to scream "far right, far right", last night he was blasting an evangelical for calling a vote for Mit Romney "A vote for the devil"

so while you don't often see him temper his conservatism it does happen. He's just found a way to esentially lobby and make millions doing it, don't act like any of us wouldn't have any interest in that

If someone wants to make me rich and put me on primetime for "The Silverfactor" you guys won't be seeing me lmao
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:39 am
Drnaline;19641 wrote:
Yeah, his work runs along the same lines as you.

You may find this hard to believe, but I don't own a cable news network.

That **** of being unbiased in any MSM is a crock, not just for Faux. Funny your just centered on them, a little biased yourself?

They're all pretty bad, but FOXNews is just the much obvious, phony, hypocritical outlet out there.

This chimp would end up teaching you physics, and probably break it down simple enough for you to understand..............Well maybe not.

Nice try.

On a second not, the chimp would like to know what party you belong too, by party i mean any afilliation. Do you vote? Are you a willing participant of this left-right paradigm?

I'm proudly independent. I will vote for Ron Paul in the primaries here in Texas if I get the chance. I don't particularly care about what party a candidate is in.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:47 am
Another word for indepentent is liberal. You guys have a fear of being nailed down to anything. Alot would call you and Ron Paul rino's. Wolf in sheeps clothing. Too bad for you the sheepdog knows what's under that skin.
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 09:24 am
Drnaline;19662 wrote:
Another word for indepentent is liberal.

not true

Ross Perot was more conservative the Gulliani or Paul
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scooby-doo cv
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 09:36 am
DesertDave;19593 wrote:
I finally get Bill O'Reilly, for a long time I thought he was about journalism, news reporting - nothing could be more wrong. Billy is only about ratings and inflaming right/left issues, he's not a journalist just an over paid TV Shock Jock and doin good.

Billy's ratings are big, no doubt, but big for what? People on the right want to beleive FOX News is legit, what a sad reality. FOX NEWS is about contraversy and they do a great job.

Ratings aside, O'Reilly does way more harm than good. Spreading divisive left/right divide is bad.

This has nothing to do with Jessicas Law or immigration, the best way to spread hate is to mix hate with truth, that's what O'Reilly does, mixes a few good issues with acid hatred for the left - ratings and he really doesn't mean it or believe it.

I've heard of another entity that spreads hate mixed with the truth, Lucifer.

well said dave :thumbup: we get fox news over here in the UK,THE NO SPIN ZONE AND THE FAIR AND BALANCED NEWS :eek:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 11:55 am
Drnaline;19662 wrote:
Another word for indepentent is liberal. You guys have a fear of being nailed down to anything. Alot would call you and Ron Paul rino's. Wolf in sheeps clothing. Too bad for you the sheepdog knows what's under that skin.

Wow, I'm a liberal. I'm pro-gun, pro-free-market, pro-life, anti-UN, pro-drug legalization, pro-states' rights, pro-secure border, pro-small government, pro-Constitution. I guess us liberals make perfect sense.

And please, spare the "sheepdog" talk. If I hear one more Internet tough guy talk about being a "sheepdog" I think I'm gonna toss my cookies. That is some of the corniest bullsh!t I've ever heard.
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