Drnaline;21478 wrote:I'll leave them alone just so long as the keep it indoors. We know the chances of that, LOL.
Funny you should mention that, we had a nice "Community" park within walking distance to the apartment we rented while house hunting. Our first trip to the park was an experience, it appears the gay community claimed the park as theirs and would decend enmasse daily to have sex with prostitutes in the shrubs, trees, and path ways. The second time I went to the park the police were taking a photo of my license plate, when I asked why he explained it was an attempt to stop the gay prostitute Johns from coming back. It didn't work, the general public complained daily and twice a year the community had public meetings with the police to complain but the police are afraid to prosecute because the gay community screams "Racism" (when was same sex a race issue?) so they allow the gay community to run off non-gays and the rest of the non-gay community is denied access to this park unless they want to see men fornicate with other men. NO thankyou, my eyes my eyes. Let me state I saw men have sex out in the open with no attempt to conceal what they were doing. One gay customer was eager to show me his wee wee until he noted I was female. Double standards yes, if a hetro group took over a local park the police would of shut it down by week one, but the gay community seems to be untouchable because the left join in and scream "Homophobe" they don't care what we as a society are forced to endure as long as the "Gay" agenda keeps gaining movement. When will equality stop being enough and parks are turned into freak shows for perverts whom have no boundries. Will the phrase dogs allowed off leashes mean something totally different, and what about my rights. Nope don't have any if the gay community wants something the left will see that they as a "Minority" will receive it and my rights to access a "Public Park" shall be ignored. I for one am getting sick to death of "Gay this gay that" I don't care who has sex with whom but get it the pluck out of the public eye. Bath houses with group sex, thanks to moral-less left. Now gay only bars in Quebec where hardcore porn is the norm as strangers have sex on pool tables. I can't make this stuff up, the Human rights tribual ruled they could bar non-gays cause we "Might" make fun of them. Excuse me, make fun of them like those who par-take of this kind of decadence care what I think. This is the cause the socialist fight so hard for, double standards or hypocrisy you decide. I know one thing, I'm not risking my dog being violated at an of leash park because of the "Left" I'm not sure what that means anymore. It reminds me of a song, leave my dog alone, or was that leave my girl alone?