WW1 (1917-1918) - Balfour Declaration of 1917 - Zionists would bring US to the aid of UK if UK allowed their mass immigration to it's colony of Jordan.
WW2 (1941-1945) - US sets up Pearl Harbor (
Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies) to crush it's imperialist adversaries, Germany and Japan.
Korean war (1950-1953) - As socialism wins half the world without firing a single shot (because it appealed to the poor masses), US comes up with Truman Doctrine to contain Socialism, because the USSR-zone had refused to go along with US' Marshall Plan to establish dollar hegemony.
Vietnam war (1964-1972) - Another war for containment of socialism - only this one nearly crashed the US dollar and depleted it's gold reserves, causing Nixon to renege on Bretton Woods agreement, refusing to redeem any more dollars for gold. However, dollar is saved by the oil-rich Arab Kingdoms, who quadruple the price of oil, thereby quadrupling the demand for dollars nations needed to buy oil - thanks to the dollar hegemony.
Afghan-Soviet war (1981-1989) - US lures USSR into Afghanistan (
Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski) to drain them as they had drained the Americans in Vietnam. US Congress coughed up barely $6 billion for war and Saudis another $5 billion, but most of the war funding came from the Columbian drug cartels.
Panama war (1989) - Just as soon as the Afghan-Soviet war ends, the "war on drugs" begins, in which Noriega is chosen as a scape goat for facilitating the drug trade to US (Panama borders Columbia to the north) - there's an excellent made-for-TV movie on this - Noriega: God's Favorite (2000).
Gulf war (1990-1991) - As in Iraq-Iran war, US plays both sides - Kuwait oversells oil beyond OPEC quotas to further depress oil prices and diagonal digs to tap into Iraq's oil along their common border, while US gives Saddam a green light to attack Kuwait (
APRIL GLASPIE TRANSCRIPT) - against their own 1972-3 agreement with oil-rich Arab Kingdoms - Arabs would buy the worthless US treasury bills (worthless because they'll never be able to redeem them), export oil only in dollars and keep it cheap - and the US would protect them from internal and external threats. However, things go wrong when Saddam refuses to further listen to US and British, as he had since 1969.
Afghan war (2001-?) - US sets up "a new Pearl Harbor" to implement it's Project for New American Century (PNAC) - in this case, to deal with growing energy scarcity and possible peak oil. UNOCAL was working on an energy pipeline there until 1998. Both the post-Taliban Afghan President and US Ambassador to Afghanistan worked as consultants for UNOCAL.
"The United States cannot simply declare a "strategic pause" while experimenting with new technologies and operational concepts. Nor can it choose to pursue a transformation strategy that would decouple America and allied interests. A transformation strategy that solely pursued capabilities for projecting force from the United States, for example, and sacrificed toward basing and presence, would be at odds with larger American policy goals and would trouble American allies. Further the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." Defense and National Security, Rebuilding America's Defenses, Section V, paragraph-5, Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force, Project for New American Century.
Iraq war (2003-?) - In 1999 Saddam converted 100% of Iraq's currency reserves from dollars to euro, and beginning 2000 asked euro for oil, challenging the dollar hegemony established since 1972-3. Within 4 months of Iraq war, Iraq was back exporting oil for dollars. Oil was only a secondary reason for this war. While in Vietnam there were 2.6 wounded for every dead, in Iraq there are 7 wounded for every dead. In Vietnam, Americans wondered what they were fighting for; in Iraq, 9/11 provides that justification.
Iran war (?) - In March 2006 Iran (world's 4th largest net energy exporter) establishes world's 4th oil bourse (exchange) - only this one allows all transactions in euro. Iran's nuclear program is only to back this challenge to US.
Miss Universe Pageant (2007) - And Miss USA gets all the boo's.