Rudy's 12 commitments to America

Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 02:36 pm
For your comments and opinions -
Seems we've heard it all before but here is comes again...

Dear Friend,

I'm running for President of the United States based on what I can offer the American people. When I was the Mayor of New York, the city was in a crime crisis, a budget crisis and a financial crisis. When I left office, we had turned the city around dramatically with real results.

Many of the things I did as Mayor of New York City are transferable to what America needs now. That's why a few weeks ago I announced my 12 commitments to you, the American people. These commitments are intended to lift our vision from the rear view mirror to the road ahead of us - the future.

My 12 commitments to the American people are:

1. I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us.
2. I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.
3. I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending.
4. I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.
5. I will impose accountability on Washington.
6. I will lead America towards energy independence.
7. I will give Americans more control over, and access to, healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions.
8. I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.
9. I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges.
10. I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
11. I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.
12. I will expand America's involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.

My focus - as it was when I ran for Mayor - is on the future. Because real leadership is focused on handing our nation to the next generation far better than it was handed to us. Today, I'm asking you and all of my fellow Americans to join me in this mission. Will you go to my website, JoinRudy2008.com, and show your support?

Nothing energizes a government and a people better than challenging it to reform, change and improve. We can do what others thought was impossible and couldn't be accomplished. I did it as Mayor of New York City, and I can do it again in Washington.

If I am elected President, I want to be held accountable for the progress we make as a nation. That is the kind of leadership I am offering. And that is why I am running for President.


Rudy Giuliani
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 842 • Replies: 11
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 02:42 pm
RUDY IN 08!!!!

he's our only chance

it's a Moderate or Hillary, choose wisely
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 03:10 pm
Yes, but how many times have we heard this before? Those same 12 points are on everyone's list in one form or another. And, politics is about compromise. Take the first issue - keeping America on the offense on the WOT. The dems do not think there is a WOT, so how do we expect any politician to build a consensus with so much division in the country? In California, Arnold tried to muscle his programs through only to meet the most fierce opposition from the labor unions that run the state. Is there anyone out there that can truly unify the country? For the sake of future generations, I hope so.
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 03:17 pm
becasue Rudy actualy made most of those things happen already in NYC

it's not for sure but anybody who can make abortion levels drop in NYC has to be viewed as effective
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Reply Thu 28 Jun, 2007 03:35 pm
I don't give a damn what he says he is going to try to do, I give a damn HOW he is going to do them. He is no "security expert" or terrorism expert" so right off the top two of those are lies pandering to public fear of "terrorism". We do not need him to reduce illegal immigration, we need to enforce existing laws, once again, pandering to public outcry against something we already can do but don't. It's all lipservice.

Pro choice
Pro gay
Anti gun
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Reply Sun 1 Jul, 2007 11:34 pm
That is a very valid point. I fell there are some people that run for office that do want to do the right thing. That do want to make America better but how do you go about doing that when there are so many others involved that do not feel the way you do? Ideas and values are a great thing for people to be aware of but please tell us how you are going to carry these things out.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 07:31 am

it's a Moderate or Hillary, choose wisely

The only thing that makes Rudy moderate is the (R) next to his name.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 08:03 am
Two questions:

What qualifies a city mayor to be President of all 50 United States of America?

Shouldn't there be some intermidiate level at which a candidate gains experience, knowledge, and facility with national and international affairs?

Running a police department and other municipal infrastructure does not prepare you to be Commander in Chief or the Chief Executive of a Nation.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 08:10 am
Not really, you could run for President, probably, if you wanted to.
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Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 03:15 pm
NY is a VERY blue state. it only makes sense that he has democratic ways about him.


1. I will keep America on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us.
2. I will end illegal immigration, secure our borders, and identify every non-citizen in our nation.
3. I will restore fiscal discipline and cut wasteful Washington spending.
4. I will cut taxes and reform the tax code.
5. I will impose accountability on Washington.
6. I will lead America towards energy independence.
7. I will give Americans more control over, and access to, healthcare with affordable and portable free-market solutions.
8. I will increase adoptions, decrease abortions, and protect the quality of life for our children.
9. I will reform the legal system and appoint strict constructionist judges.
10. I will ensure that every community in America is prepared for terrorist attacks and natural disasters.
11. I will provide access to a quality education to every child in America by giving real school choice to parents.
12. I will expand America's involvement in the global economy and strengthen our reputation around the world.

4 does not balance on 2, 6, 7, 10, and 11.

you cannot cut income and increase programs that require stupid ammounts of money.

so whats left...
1,3,5 8,9 and 12

1 - ok, how?
3 will never happen.... at least not in 4-8 years. its so fu$$ed that its going to take a long time to fix.
5 - about time... but it won't change anything. it will just be another scooter libbey case.
8 - how do you plan to make people adopt more? the notion itself is absurd.
9 - did i hear constitutionalist? why not just vote ron paul in the first place, and bypass rudy's BS?
12 - exapand to what? we can't compete with 3rd world prices... and we're kicking all the illegals for $3 an hour out.... so, you're dumb.

see my sig.
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 04:38 pm
briansol;24618 wrote:
12 - exapand to what? we can't compete with 3rd world prices... and we're kicking all the illegals for $3 an hour out.... so, you're dumb.

see my sig.

Let me clarify that for you, "government support for the UN, foreign aid, citizen surveillance, NAFTA, CAFTA, MEFTA etc., foreign ownership and control of American ports, selling taxpayer paid infrastructure to foreign private companies,". Him and the rest of the RINOs are in a hurry to sell America to foreign interest, and the democrats want to steamroll socialism across us, we're fucked because all the lapdogs only believe the opinions the MSM gives them.

" " = artfulhogster
Red cv
Reply Mon 2 Jul, 2007 06:40 pm
92b16vx;24621 wrote:
Let me clarify that for you, "government support for the UN, foreign aid, citizen surveillance, NAFTA, CAFTA, MEFTA etc., foreign ownership and control of American ports, selling taxpayer paid infrastructure to foreign private companies,". Him and the rest of the RINOs are in a hurry to sell America to foreign interest, and the democrats want to steamroll socialism across us, we're ***ed because all the lapdogs only believe the opinions the MSM gives them.

" " = artfulhogster

Let me know when the socialist take control of the US, we'll start a cross boarder support group. We have a con government but a socialist controled Senate that blackmails the elected government to get their socialist agenda passed. At least you get to vote for your policy makers, the Senate isn't elected members but Liberal appointees. Now I'm depressed.
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