Why The Male Domination in Forums?

Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 10:51 am
@Skye cv,
Skye;49932 wrote:
Seig Heil Rug

Actually I believe they are distinct paths people use to arrive at decision-making.
So my answer to your question would be 'no'.

Often another feature is involved that of 'past influence'. Things we have already learned which bring both emotion and logic to the process, often in conflict with each other.

Men will resort to the most reasoned and cool whereas women seem to bubble with feeling and empathy (or the opposite - dislike).

It is an interesting experiment when you read something on a forum - an opinion or article - which commands your attention, and the succeeding process you go through - either through a re-read employing logical steps or a reactive one employing emotional steps.

It's all wound up in what we call life experience. Something we may not be aware of if it is too painful or unimportant at the time of the earlier experience.

It's early - forgive the attempt.

How about this?

If you read the following opinion from me: All men think women are inferior.

Go through the steps you take - the first usually is personalizing it.
It is a flamer of a statement and that is what makes forums live (unfortunately) - those opinions with which we disagree or are confused by.

Otherwise we would all be sharing recipies for great garden mulch or muffins.
Being bored.

Anyway I hope we can all appreciate the differences in gender thought.

You are right, my first reaction the statement is "Of course a woman would be pissed by that statement, truth often times hurts more than lies LMAO
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Skye cv
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 11:00 am
@Skye cv,

Touche!! Hahaha...

Perhaps it's our (we women) best leverage to allow that train of thought to continue?
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:20 pm
@Skye cv,
As I have spent much of the last eight years belonging to, contributing to and reviling my foolishness within the hallowed halls of these cyber kingdoms, I wonder why the majority of forums on the internet which seek to discuss relevant societal topics seem to be male oriented and for want of a better word: dominated.
I don't think were oriented. Men are just a little more forward then women. Hetero males having to actively seek what he wants. Whether it be sex, politics, or anythng he considers a challenge or has passion for. While "dominated" sums it up nice i think it a little strong.
I haven't necessarily sought out gender when looking for a place to roost for a spell, but look for thought out discourse, interesting topics, a minimum of hysteria, four-letter invectives, and often seek out humor - well done humor.
You and me are like pees and carrots.
In sum - 90% of these are male owned, operated, moderated, contributed to by a male group, and while I have met some extremely interesting and vital women on these forums, we seem to be in the minority - not only in numbers but in consideration of our opinions and our offers of debate.
"but in consideration of our opinions and our offers of debate." Could you provide some examples? Just because you are a small percentage doesn't run the same line as males lacking consideration because of that percentage? If i understand you correct? I can't speak for everyone but i frequent a number of sites and i can see why you see what you do. But i believe it goes way deeper then that.
I am not a feminazi by any means - I adore men and adore their company on a forum, but it seems with exception of a very few truly wonderful women I have met, many females barter for attention with strange behavior, stranger messages, whining, and complaining.
I think the problem is with women, not the men. I agree they can be very strange. Who knows why some do what they do.
Puhleese...is this my insular and uneducated opinion only or do other people find this to be almost fact (nothing in the internet world is real fact is it?)..?
Glad you listen to that side once in a while.
caveat there are many female forums on child rearing, education, self-help groups, that kind of topic - but for a general forum based on social, governmental, political issues of each day.... men seem to be the ruling authority, and strangely enough god-like in the eyes of a few trusting slaves.
Like my father is laws says when were playing cards. "No guts no glory", but my fav is "Sometimes chicken, sometimes feathers." IMO with a few more women with alittle more of the perverbial balls, you guys would rule the establishment. That and a little more co-op.
IMO when men compete, they tend to become friends through the competition. Women IMO tend to be more serious which eventually ends up emotional because of the stress it induces. Online if this follows the same pattern. Debating politics would tend to be too emotional and that's just not an area women like to position themselves in as a standard? I'm sure they are opinionated as much as any male. What the difference is, they decide not to participate? Or maybe they feel they can't articulate there thoughts well? My wife always tells me she couldn't handle arguing/debating every day. We have conversations alot about what we talk about here she just don't want to get into a fight with any one. Dont understand it, don't think i'll try.
Guess what we'll be talkin about tonight, LOL.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:23 pm
Emiliana;49861 wrote:
I know women who pose as men on message boards for that very reason.

I know one woman in particular who did an interesting study on the sociology of gender and the internet. She was treated much better when people believed she was a man AND she received a lot more attention from first other men looking to talk about people and second women who were, well, cruising.

I go to two political sites run by women and both places are accused of being headed by "bitches", "ballbusters", or "dykes" when they run their sites like men.

What you are talking about is societal and it carries over into cyberspace.
Got links so we can see for ourselves?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:27 pm
briansol;49884 wrote:
as a person who runs many websites, you're absolutely right.

I think it's this way for a couple reasons based on stereotypes:

guys research stuff, girls impulse buy
girls watch more tv than guys (when was the last time you heard a guy say OMG THAT'S MY SHOW!)
the IT field is dominated by guys (at least 90-95%) and thus, guys start stuff they are interested in. you won't see my running a purse forum (but i can recomend you one that a buddy runs for his g/f)
Guys are into more 'techy' hobbies, like cars, computers, home theatre, which requires product research, part help, etc, where as girls are into clothes, fashion, shopping, and scrap-booking....

So, again, totally stereotypical, but thats the reason why there's more guys on forums than girls I think
Stereo or not, it's true.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 06:30 pm
@Skye cv,
Skye;49893 wrote:
Thanks SoCal!

It's great - I worried much after I posted my topic if any guys would take part - and I hoped so.

There are forums I would not bother writing anything resembling the post as it would be taken negatively but the group here so far seem to be ok with it.

I think...
It's sad to here people make you feel that way. No class.
You couldn't of kept me away from this one.
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Skye cv
Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 07:06 pm
@Skye cv,
Durty you made my day thanks so much!

I'm about to sign off right now - and I'll need time to re-read your great posts - I appreciate the points you have made here. I'll be back.
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Reply Fri 4 Jan, 2008 08:26 pm
@Skye cv,
Skye;49932 wrote:

Anyway I hope we can all appreciate the differences in gender thought.

Skye, take heart that you and a few other ladies are having an impact on this issue. Men, however are not at fault for the status quo.
The lack of interest and lack of consideration of issues that deserve serious thought have not been at the front of the minds of women. When that changes, so too will the status quo. Men have quickly adapted to changes brought on by the technological advances in society. Examples being, race issues, poverty, homosexuality. Women, to be accepted in these forums, must delve seriously into issues with forethought. Which I believe they will. But the issue you have brought up, is simply the beginning of a new era. Which you are an effective leader in.
Skye cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 08:06 am

Emiliana expressed her knowledge of some forum leaders disguised as males for the purposes of credibility and you requested a link.

For whatever reason this was also accomplished in a forum I joined some time ago and as it has since ceased to operate I'll offer its name: Ranters Roost.

Something was revealed about six months ago when the forum ran into technical problems. It was operated by an administrator 'Vik' and his second in command and I assumed moderator was a person with a female name.

As a sporadic poster there - I didn't keep up with the whole episode - but 'Vik' was outed as the second in command female by another member who thrives chaos and conflict and finding fault. It was the female second 'moderator' who was using two personalities to operate.

It meant nothing to me but in recollect, I thought Vik a rather cool character - unresponsive to many female 'wiles' being used as some do in normal circumstances when the administrator adds new features or 'toys' for the membership - and thank yous were delivered. These were all felt to be
'in absentia' to this godlike anonymous creature who posted on occasion rather than being one of the crowd.

Meanwhile the female was a thriving, alive, wonderfuly adept writer with an ability to express all manner of emotion and intellect rolled into readable material. I thought they might have been a team - a married couple - and the male Vik was allowing his wife to run the show while he managed the technical side for her. But no - she was a one 'man band' - solo and credible.

Yet when she was 'outed' a few of the posters took up against her and I remembered their negative comments as if she had committed some kind of sin against them being in disguise, when perhaps she felt the male figure would be able to have more control over the forum than her own true fun personality might be able to accomplish.

She is now a part of another forum and allowing her wonderful knowledge of current events and politics to be written as her own - what a load it must have been having to wear a mask all those years.

And being a female - guess what I on occasion thought of Mr. Vik??? I thought he was an gay person in agony trying to conceal it. Now that's an emotional take if there ever was one. Possibly hurt that I could not flirt or tease successfully???

I wonder.

It is possible nobody is more conflicted over this issue than me myself and I.

Yet I think it is an issue in our exchanges which seems more defined on forums rather than in real life. Women rely so much on other signals than the written word.

I do know women can add the flavor and a wonderfully diverse view on so many topics if they can find a balance between wanting credibility and that old cousin 'attention'. Credibility being offered is so much more rewarding even if it takes longer to earn. I'm still a student in that department being a slap dash poster myself, having gathered up enough black marks to try and
become more careful in what I write.
0 Replies
Skye cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 08:21 am
g-man;49990 wrote:
Skye, take heart that you and a few other ladies are having an impact on this issue. Men, however are not at fault for the status quo.
The lack of interest and lack of consideration of issues that deserve serious thought have not been at the front of the minds of women. When that changes, so too will the status quo. Men have quickly adapted to changes brought on by the technological advances in society. Examples being, race issues, poverty, homosexuality. Women, to be accepted in these forums, must delve seriously into issues with forethought. Which I believe they will. But the issue you have brought up, is simply the beginning of a new era. Which you are an effective leader in.


Agreed - there are other issues which captivate the female both in intellect and emotion - and these are primarily to do with status and family within society which pays homage to equality and yet there are still some dark corners difficult for women's participation on an equal footing. Perhaps there will always be - just as there are female issues men prefer to pass over.

Even now in our modern age, some well read, well educated, bright females find it daunting to enter into a discussion in which males are engaged in debating opinion. Even now they readily identify themselves (in their minds) as having a lesser membership in these select groups within forums and it affects their posting style, their readiness to take on some challenges and sadly resort to the 'but you guys know better' song and dance.

Still.... it's improving....but it's only going to be acceptable as long as women understand they can offer credible thought and viewpoint as a female: not replicating male style - but from a female vantage point.

Self-acceptance is even more difficult than acceptance from the entrenched male membership of the forum.

It's a long road being travelled.... I am fortunately one of the beneficiaries...
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Skye cv
Reply Sat 5 Jan, 2008 08:25 am
@Skye cv,
And Durty

I hope your wife will one day choose too insert her opinion on this forum - having opposition thrown into a debate -or alternative thought - only enriches the topic if
people are open to the truth.

If we all agreed on every issue, we would be dull robots indeed.

Disagreement is what keeps a thriving society alive and well. There is always a better
bridge to be built.
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Joe Stalin
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 06:19 pm
@Skye cv,
It seems to me women lurk more than men. Then if they finally join they are loathe to post for fear of being called a jerk or something worse. They worry that they may appear foolish in advancing their opinion. Men will spout anything so as not to appear foolish or dense even if the results boomerang.
Men expect some replies that question their birth and generally disregard them. Women feel wounded in some cases so seldom venture back into a debate or argument.
We do not necessarily have to win a argument so much as to get our 2 cents in.

Then there are posters, both genders, whose subject's are 3 storey's higher than the average Joe's intellectual comfort level. He may read them but not contribute.
If nobody replies to one of my illuminating educational pastes but there are 67 views I consider it a success.
Skye cv
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 07:45 pm
@Joe Stalin,
Thanks Joe

There are the two concepts again: logic and emotion. Vive la difference eh?

I guess we two creatures of the species human approach life from different perspectives for what reasons?
Learned response?
Physical limitations or differences?

Both heading in the same direction I hope.
Joe Stalin
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:32 pm
@Skye cv,
I bought a book online a couple of years ago. Not sure why as I didn't ever get around to reading it. I fall asleep after a page or two.
I will mail it to you if you can't find a copy in the library.
It is called "The alphabet versus the goddess" by Leonard Shlain.

Amazon.com: The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image: Books: Leonard Shlain

Book review here.

I think you would enjoy all 432 pages of it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 12:51 pm
@Skye cv,
What if I admitted I was actually a woman posing as a man....
Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 03:29 pm
socalgolfguy;50579 wrote:
What if I admitted I was actually a woman posing as a man....

I wouldn't be surprised. Laughing (J/K)
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Red cv
Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 07:44 pm
socalgolfguy;50579 wrote:
What if I admitted I was actually a woman posing as a man....

You'd break my heart.:p

Of course I'm a man pretending to be a woman pretending to be a man. Wasn't that a movie? Victor Victoria I do believe.

Here's a link to a man and his posting style, oh and enjoy.

Link: Are Women Becoming Redundant?

Snippet: Listen carefully. Basically, women were designed by Nature to taste good to men when they are hungry; and that, fundamentally, is the end of the matter. The Universe does not seem to have figured out any other long term purpose for them. And even the ancients clearly recognised this by emphasising the important bits of women in their sculptures. ...
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Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 08:22 pm
@Skye cv,
For you, baby doll, I'm all man.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 08:35 pm
Emiliana;49861 wrote:
I know women who pose as men on message boards for that very reason.

I know one woman in particular who did an interesting study on the sociology of gender and the internet. She was treated much better when people believed she was a man AND she received a lot more attention from first other men looking to talk about people and second women who were, well, cruising.

I go to two political sites run by women and both places are accused of being headed by "***es", "ballbusters", or "dykes" when they run their sites like men.

What you are talking about is societal and it carries over into cyberspace.

I actually considered posing as a Black dude, just to see what kind of reaction I'd get by promoting neo-fascism. Ha.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Jan, 2008 08:37 pm
@Skye cv,
Off-topic, but tell me, Joe -- why the Mexican-looking dude with a sombrero, named 'Joe Stalin'? I don't get it. What's the connection?

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