The NRA wants suspected terrorists buying guns!

Reply Sat 5 May, 2007 11:28 pm
Read all about it here:
NRA-ILA :: Legislation
Go figure.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,062 • Replies: 13
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Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 08:05 am
The long-standing strategy of the NRA has been to fight all attempts to compromise the Second Amendment, suspecting that someday it will be completely suspended. The idea is to never surrender an inch on the legal battlefield, no matter how rational the Opposition's argument might be, at any given time. Therefore, it frequently appears insanely intransigent, when it's really a matter of tactics, supporting an overarching strategy of protecting the Second Amendment, as long as possible. It's a seige mentality.:headbang:
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Reply Sun 6 May, 2007 08:16 am
The legislative proposal would allow this - or any future - Attorney General to deny a firearm purchase to individuals on terrorist "watch lists" without due process of law.
Watch lists are not an admitence of guilt.
Reply Mon 7 May, 2007 08:26 pm
This thread does not deliver.
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Reply Tue 8 May, 2007 07:38 pm
Yeah.....I want more 'umph' outta this dang ol thang.
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Reply Wed 9 May, 2007 09:23 pm
That is a rather weak attempt to under mind the second amendment. But they are playing on the general publics fear of "the enemy". Carnivore/The Patriot act got the green light so hell lets give away the guns.
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Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 04:45 am
Fight to the death for your guns, people. Fight to the death. Civilization will die the day state authoritarianism arises, in combination with the radical secularization and Third World conquest of Western culture. Guns, in the hands of Western Christian nationalists, will constitute our only defense.
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Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 10:00 pm
I meant to get back to this sooner.

Drnaline;15249 wrote:
Watch lists are not an admitence of guilt.

Of course. But it seems to be a presumption of guilt. Otherwise, they could get on airliners.

I guess it's true-that old saying-"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
I'm actually pro 2nd amendment. I'm pro all of them. I wish they were all defended as vigorously as the 2nd. I will never believe, though, that the 2nd was ever supposed to be unlimited unregistered access to the kind of weapons availible today. Yeah, yeah, I know all the talking points. The criminals are better armed than the cops. Always have been. They won't have to worry about me shooting back. Fine. Maybe they will be comfortable enough to leave their's home and not shoot me over the 10 bucks I got in my wallet. Besides, the way I read the laws, someone has to be actually shooting at me before I can legally shoot back. Otherwise, someone with a grudge could follow me around and shoot me the minute I pulled out my 12 gauge to go hunting, and claim self defence.

How many deaths are gun related in America each year? 30,000? 40? When is enough enough? Seems like all Osama bin forgotten has to do is invest in Ruger if he wants to kill lots of Americans. I've twice had a gun shoved up into my face, once by an irate Arab (see-once upon a time I was an advocate of genocide, too) and once by an irate husband. (that commandment is bullshit, if you ask me) Point is, there are plain old too many guns in the hands of to many poeple that have no business with them. Civilisation ain't gonna collapse if guns are banned. If we are really worried about saving lives, they gotta go. It might be rough for a couple years, 'till all the hot-heads that shoot first and ask questions later are weeded out. I can't really see car loads of gang bangers having drive-by knifings. I can't see Hinkley running up and clubbing Ronnie Raygun with a bat. Chapman could have just kicked John Lennon in the balls to get his point across. And these last two weirdo's-the Virginia Tech guy and the guy here at the mall in Salt Lake, why they just need to pull their selves up by their bootstraps and join the damn corps. Or get the help they needed, if there was any money for that left over after buying all them bullets.
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:02 am
Pritch;15684 wrote:
I meant to get back to this sooner.

Of course. But it seems to be a presumption of guilt. Otherwise, they could get on airliners.

I guess it's true-that old saying-"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"
I'm actually pro 2nd amendment. I'm pro all of them. I wish they were all defended as vigorously as the 2nd. I will never believe, though, that the 2nd was ever supposed to be unlimited unregistered access to the kind of weapons availible today. Yeah, yeah, I know all the talking points. The criminals are better armed than the cops. Always have been. They won't have to worry about me shooting back. Fine. Maybe they will be comfortable enough to leave their's home and not shoot me over the 10 bucks I got in my wallet. Besides, the way I read the laws, someone has to be actually shooting at me before I can legally shoot back. Otherwise, someone with a grudge could follow me around and shoot me the minute I pulled out my 12 gauge to go hunting, and claim self defence.

How many deaths are gun related in America each year? 30,000? 40? When is enough enough? Seems like all Osama bin forgotten has to do is invest in Ruger if he wants to kill lots of Americans. I've twice had a gun shoved up into my face, once by an irate Arab (see-once upon a time I was an advocate of genocide, too) and once by an irate husband. (that commandment is bull****, if you ask me) Point is, there are plain old too many guns in the hands of to many poeple that have no business with them. Civilisation ain't gonna collapse if guns are banned. If we are really worried about saving lives, they gotta go. It might be rough for a couple years, 'till all the hot-heads that shoot first and ask questions later are weeded out. I can't really see car loads of gang bangers having drive-by knifings. I can't see Hinkley running up and clubbing Ronnie Raygun with a bat. Chapman could have just kicked John Lennon in the balls to get his point across. And these last two weirdo's-the Virginia Tech guy and the guy here at the mall in Salt Lake, why they just need to pull their selves up by their bootstraps and join the damn corps. Or get the help they needed, if there was any money for that left over after buying all them bullets.

So, you claim to support the 2nd Amendment, and then in the same breathe say we should get rid of guns for civilians (I am guessing you'd keep LE, and military armed). Please, don't do anyone that actually supports the constitution any favors and claim to be an ally.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 04:03 pm
Pritch;15217 wrote:
Read all about it here:
NRA-ILA :: Legislation
Go figure.

Yes, we want them to buy guns, meet us out on the high plains, and fight us to the death. We intend to kill them all, take their guns, thus building up our arsenals and gaining some great live-fire training. We rock.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 07:52 pm
So Pritch your saying if they outlaw guns then every single gun in America will simply go away? Wow that is a happy world to live in. The biggest point here the thing that gets looked over the most is this is a RIGHT. If they take "The 2nd" away we may as well bend over and let the government have its sweet way with us. We cannot allow anyone and I mean anyone, police, military, local and city governments all the way up to the federal level take away any of our rights. For over 200 years people have died for these rights, left every thing they had for these rights. And so many people want to piss all over them and say, Well sorry guys you all died for nothing.
Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 10:48 am
Drakej;27930 wrote:
So Pritch your saying if they outlaw guns then every single gun in America will simply go away? Wow that is a happy world to live in. The biggest point here the thing that gets looked over the most is this is a RIGHT. If they take "The 2nd" away we may as well bend over and let the government have its sweet way with us. We cannot allow anyone and I mean anyone, police, military, local and city governments all the way up to the federal level take away any of our rights. For over 200 years people have died for these rights, left every thing they had for these rights. And so many people want to piss all over them and say, Well sorry guys you all died for nothing.

Mine will get buried, with thousands of rounds of ammo, all over the US. I will keep a few to train with, clandestinely, and I will fight the CLINTON MAFIA that will be responsible for such tyranny, for the rest of my few years on Planet Earth. FIGHT CLINTON. :beat:
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Reply Fri 27 Jul, 2007 07:35 pm
A good example of outlawing something everyone wants is a little time i like to call prohibition.
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Reply Sat 28 Jul, 2007 08:05 pm
When I die, the last thing I say will be, "F*** Clinton."
0 Replies

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