Curmudgeon;43844 wrote:Aaron, I was in Alvin, near Houston, then Beaumont in college, then in Tanzania in the Peace Corps. I participated in anti-war rallies, antidiscrimination rallies,and demonstrations of several types.
I support our troops, our President, America and her position in the world, and dislike the politics of people like Clinton, Pelosi, Murtha, and others, and I consider myself a patriot whether you do or not.
I support our troops, when they are deployed "intelligently", and with "purpose", not with agendas of a corrupt administration (read : Cheney, and by proxy, Bush)...while I admire Clinton, he wasn't a saint(although, he might be the most intelligent president, ever)...and proved "human", just like the rest of us.
Pelosi (and Reid) has proven she doesn't have the cojones to stand up to Bush and the rest of the demented Republican Congress (who supports this president, right or wrong, come hell or high water)...Murtha, was a war hero, and rightfully against this war, and for bringing our troops home, immediately...
I remember listening to JFK's inaugural address...and being inspired, and feeling at that tender age of 8, that this was a great nation, and that he was a great man. I felt, in fact, "patriotic", although I didn't know it at the time....so, I resent your implication that I might not be, sir.
And I don't know how one could call themselves "a patriot", without being 'outraged" at this poor excuse for a man and a president...and nobody from the Republican side, save Chuck Hagel, and John Warner ( at one time or another) calling this president on "his stuff"...the silence is 'deafening"....there is something wrong with that picture. Excuse me.