Drnaline;27594 wrote:Did Saddam pay suicide bombers? Was he active in terror.
Not against America. And technically, no, he didn't pay suicide bombers anything, nor did he finance their operations, he paid money to the suviving families of suicide bombers, which to be an antagonist wasn't funding suicide bombings. So do you believe we should fight Israels war for them? Would you sign up to go fight Israels war for them? Or just call up more US troops and chickenhawk the war?
Quote:Care to state why we were bombing them? Do you understand the reason or are you in denial of it?
As a matter of fact yes, I do know. Part of Clintons failed Iraqi Liberation Act because Saddam was hendering inspectors during the Iraq disarmarment. It was part of a plan to destabilize Saddams control.
Quote:Just like we didn't make any headway when you were there right?
In the grand scheme of things, no. Just like now, we cleared out many areas, installed a government that was scared to do anything, and the extremist flooded back into areas we cleared once we left. I am reserving my views on teh "Surge" to see if it yields actual long term results, or just a bandaid on an arterial puncture.
Quote:How many Xmus do you think have been killed in this past weekend in Iraq? Didn't we just capture the number one in Iraq? Oh, he must of fallen in our lap huh?
We killed plenty of insurgent forces, you want me to post some pictures? And leaders of a fluid organization are easily and quickly replaced. While capturing the high ups, might help dissolve the main groups, it is speculated that they will actual fracture into smaller harder to trace groups, that can do more damage.
Quote:Where are the majority of XMus that want to kill Americans?
According to the NIE it seems just outside our range of effect, Pakistan, Saudi, Iran, Syria.
Quote:So what's your plan?
Either broad sweeping action across ALL states that sponsor terrorism, or redeploy to AMerica, and dump all that manpower and money into securing our country, and it's borders. We spend billions per month in Iraq, but they claim it is too expensive to secure our ports, which approximately only 2% of cargo is checked, and thousands weekly stream across our borders undetected.
Quote:Your too late, where have you been?
Sorry, I don't pay much attention to your ignorance, and lack of understaning for Ron Pauls policies.
Quote:So Ronny is gonna invade sovereign nations to attack an ideology? Nope, he is gonna withdraw and appease.
Nope, he sure wouldn't, unless those countries attacked the US. The only people doing any appeasing are BushCo. They have given billions to Pro-Taliban government types, and the Paks while terrorist are festering in their borders, without much effort to stop it. Opium production is at it's HIGHEST level ever, in the country we are supposedly occupying and fighting it in. Appeasement? LOL, We sure are appeasing those Saudis, making them billions while they send over 40% of the foreign fighters into Iraq to fight our boys. It's a very bad joke being played on the American people, and people like you sitting around trumpeting your little internet horn chickenhawking the war are a disgrace.