Rant-Who are the real terrorists?

Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 04:19 pm
I'm pissed off at the majority of politicians, well actaully only the ones who repeatedly use the words "Global Terror, Terrorism, WMD's..." etc. in their campaign speeches. I feel like I'm being conditioned to be afraid of these unseen forces that are around every corner, and that I should cower in my home, and pay all my wages to the govt. so that they can protect me from the evil extremists.
I ask myself a question:
"A terrorist is someone who uses fear to accomplish their goals. So if the liberal politicians who are pushing for more govt. powers to protect America, while at the same times propagandizing the fear of a terrorist threat, ARE THEY NOT THEMSELVES TERRORISTS?"
I would rather live my life with my constitutional rights and civil liberties intact, only to be blown up by a terrorist who the govt. didn't have enough power to stop, than to live to be 100 years old, all the while cowering in fear, having given up all my freedoms for the govt to be able to protect me.

I'm sorry if you've already discussed this issue, I don't post here much, but needed an outlet to vent. Thanks.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 883 • Replies: 8
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Red cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 04:54 pm
LOL I feel the same way, if we lose one of our constitutianal rights it's one to many. I'm not prepared to cow down and suffer government interference in my life under the guise of protecting me from Terrorist. Since Sept. 11 Americans and Canadias have lost far to many rights in the name of fighting terror. The terrorist win another blow against us everytime some fool comes up with a hair brain idea (national identity cards) in the guise of fightening terrorists. We know who wants to hurt us, and it's not elderly men or women it's Radical Muslims. We know the enemy so why pretend the new laws the government want passed will protect us. Stop the political correctness and go after Radical Islamists not everyday American people. Racial Profiling can save lives, having access to my internet to spy on me fights terrorism how?
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Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:00 pm
I don't understand how Americans can fail to realize that the govt. is a self expanding entity that perpetually seeks to expand it's power. This fact slaps me in the face every day, yet some seem to miss it entirely. I don't understand why Americans aren't more conservative. Is it fear, laziness, both?
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:12 pm
Terrorism is just the latest excuse. America was becoming less free and democratic long before Bin Ladden was even born.
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Red cv
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:20 pm
I disagree, the Terrorist appeaser like the world to think that but frankly the US is one of the democratic countries in the world. If you don't like the path she's on try and change it when you vote. At least you have Freedom of Speech without fear of Persecution, like Canadians, execute your right to speak and be heard.
Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:39 pm
@Red cv,
Red;35538 wrote:
I disagree, the Terrorist appeaser like the world to think that but frankly the US is one of the democratic countries in the world.

Disagree all you like, but since WWII we have been fighting two invisible enemies one, after another, communist, now terrorist. Both of them hyperboled into something that even though a vast majority of Americans would NEVER in a lifetime face, we can all now almost taste the fear.

I have a friend from the 80's that has a tattoo of a mushroom cloud that says "I don't want to die in a nuclear war". He didn't get it because he though the commies were going to kill him with one, but because our government has been selling fear to the American people since the 50's.

Remember Vietnam? Everyone was sooooo sure that when we pulled out, the communist were going to "fill the vacuum" and be that much closer to destroying Americas way of life. We now have trade deals with Vietnam. I often thought it funny reading some of the more ignorant replies here about pulling out of Iraq, and comparing it to Vietman, and wondered if they had ever even attemped to read ANY real history.
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Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 08:56 pm
Those who think America is a bastion of democracy usually haven't traveled far outside its borders. A two-party system controlled by wealthy aristocrats doesn't even qualify as a representative government. You think just because you're allowed to cast a ballot that might have some influence on those in the electoral college who cast the real votes makes this a democracy? Get a grip on reality!

United States Electoral College - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saddam Hussein let people vote too, you know. So what does that prove?
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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 08:11 am
Well now howdy, I like you guys! :spot:

Excellent post 92B ! You have got a way with the truth !:headbang: :headbang:


Exactly, people think America is the best country on earth and it used to be. But steadily since world war 2 the money grubbers have been tightening their controls. We do not have a working democracy or else we'd throw 2/3 rds of the politicians out of office. But due to the electorial college and the way our elections are structured we don't even get a chance to vote for any real change anymore.

I am 49 years old and have watched this country go steadily down the tubes over the last 25 years . And its not because of abortion or gay people. Its because of big corporations and crooked politicians and the citizens can't seem to do a thing about it under the current system.

Its going to take a real revolt I fear to change this broken system we have in this country.
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Reply Sun 16 Sep, 2007 10:27 pm
klyph;35534 wrote:
I don't understand how Americans can fail to realize that the govt. is a self expanding entity that perpetually seeks to expand it's power. This fact slaps me in the face every day, yet some seem to miss it entirely. I don't understand why Americans aren't more conservative. Is it fear, laziness, both?

I say self interests and stupidity. it has to be to give up what made our nation a Nation. Look at what has happened in the last 40 years. We allowed it all to happen. Kids raising kids and education actually being a place our teens had to meet and socialize. About half drop out each year or don't graduate.
Jerry Springer has a third of the countries attention and the idiots of Hollywood get the rest. people turn on the local news (most only watch that much) for the weather. Ya what is being fought for now and from our nations foundation is about lost. When America wakes up from it's nap Freedom will only be a word we once heard now and again.

I love this comic, Bill Hicks. He said it well. Go to sleep America your government is protecting you! We listened.
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