Silverchild79;57107 wrote:I'm all for removing the free ride on fuel regulation that's given to large vehicles. The fact is unless you own a business and need it to make a living there's really no practical reason to own over a 1/2 ton truck. I'm sick of "apartment cowboys".
Therein lies our problem. "Apartment cowboys" as you like to call 'em.
Quote:But drilling in Anwar would raise US production and therefore lower US price. I think we should do it but I think that's only one of the things that should be done to lower fuel prices. We need to offer more energy trust rebates for things like solar energy and rethink the way we produce energy on a basic level. Consider Americas fitness market. How many of us go to the gym and hop on a treadmill after work. Why can't those be hooked to generators?
The answer is not raising production. That's what we've done for ages. We used to constantly build refineries and drill for our own oil... now we just pressure OPEC to make more. Well, that isn't working much anymore.
Drilling in ANWR would bump our production by a slight margin over a long period of time. Building costs, drilling and finding the oil, pipelines, etc. etc. etc. so on and so forth.
This would, of course, be a great reason for a little extra pinch at the pump. Gotta pay for this somehow! Then when they get the bastard online, you're back to the nice lower price you were paying before they started drilling.
Quote:I know that seems a bit creepy, people running on a treadmill to make energy but we need to get past that, you're using that energy regardless and it should be recycled. Then we should remove the pass that's given to large vehicles as I've said before and expand our rail system to take 18 wheeler's (lorry's scooby) off the road. By comparison a train gets over 400 miles to the gallon!
Sadly that is an infrastructure upgrade that America cannot afford... primarily because we're in the middle of a "conflict" and the majority of our funds are being shoveled in that direction.
Our rail systems need upgrading, our power grid is HORRIBLY in need of upgrading (bring ALL the nuclear reactors online), our highways and bridges are literally falling apart. The mess left from Katrina is still there. How about that 9/11 monument? And those are the things on the 'front burner'. So many other things are a mess... Two words: Space Shuttle.
I'm sorry, this is the Liberal barking, but we have no money because Iraq needs a democracy.
Quote:The solutions are there and they're simple, but until energy companies put the good of the nation above their profits we're hosed. Why do you think Bush always talks about Ethanol? Because it can be regulated, taxed and sold like gasoline. You can't do that with solar and wind energy generated at a residential level and they know it.
Efficiency is key. The individual consumer needs to actively spend and use less. Remember, if we're buying, they're selling. We need to start reducing energy consumption at the personal level. Yes, buy CFLs. Yes, buy a compact. Yes, buy Energy Star appliances. Yes, recycle. Things like this are what's gonna be needed to solve this problem.