McCain, Arnold, Rudy and the "New" GOP

Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 09:25 am
After McCain's wins in Florida and SC, states who's primaries do not allow Independents, he has now went from financial trouble in almost dead last, to the frontrunner in the 08 primaries.

While the fight is far from over, a win in California (where he leads) and a good showing at Super Tuesday and this thing could be sealed up...

The interesting thing here is that McCain isn't the favorite with the Ultra Conservatives, Fox News (most notably Sean Hannity) pencils him a liberal, and hopes for a Romney surge. Other conservative radio personalities also blast him.

That being said in Florida, a state where independents can't vote and therefore a more conservative candidate should do well, the Moderate candidates (McCain and Giuliani) garnered over 50% of the vote (McCain 36%+ 15% Rudy= 51%).

Add Ron Paul's numbers (3%) to that (who is more conservative then either but is against Iraq and therefore also out of line with the GOP status quo), and you have almost 6 out of 10 voters saying that the Republican party that Bush embodies should not represent the great Elephant going forward. If that is true Romney and Huckabee would seem like politicians of days past trying to hold on.

With Rudy and Arnold (Who is another popular Moderate Republican) endorsing McCain he is expected to surge yet again (Rudy's voters need somewhere to go), which begs the question...

Are next generation Republicans moving the party closer to center? (that's the topic of the thread for our threadjackers out there)

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 769 • Replies: 18
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 09:59 am
I like peanut butter (ribbing of Threadjacking)

I think more and more people are going AGAINST straight ticket voting (thank the maker).
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 11:51 am
mccain almost ran as a democrat in 04, didn't he?
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 12:57 pm
umm, no I don't think so. Ron Paul is more adpt to run as a Libertarian. Lieberman ran as an Independent for his re-election and beat a Democrat

McCain gets so much ish for his immigration bill. Why is it people jump up and down about spending to much, then want any bill to include a thorough effort to find every illegal in America and ship them south. That's so financially obtuse it's ridiculous. We can't find a 6'5" Arab in a low populated area, how do we expect to find millions in the urban jungle?

We talk so much about how we hate polarization, how we want the parties to work together. Then the first time it happens we call for both their heads...
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 01:42 pm
McCain is going to be slaughtered in the general election if he is the nominee. He is a mental midget on the economy, and after his pathetic "attack" on Romney last night, his true colors really shine bright. McCain-Fiengold, McCain-Kennedy, and his work with democrats will bring him down, everyone realized this last time he tried, it will all come to light again, let's just hope it does before the primaries are over.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:03 pm
Silverchild79;52383 wrote:
umm, no I don't think so.

there's an article on news max about it.


Ron Paul is more adpt to run as a Libertarian. Lieberman ran as an Independent for his re-election and beat a Democrat

he already said hes not going to do that.


McCain gets so much ish for his immigration bill. Why is it people jump up and down about spending to much, then want any bill to include a thorough effort to find every illegal in America and ship them south. That's so financially obtuse it's ridiculous. We can't find a 6'5" Arab in a low populated area, how do we expect to find millions in the urban jungle?

We talk so much about how we hate polarization, how we want the parties to work together. Then the first time it happens we call for both their heads...

he doesn't even support his own immigration bill. how retarded is that?

92b16vx;52390 wrote:
McCain is going to be slaughtered in the general election if he is the nominee. He is a mental midget on the economy, and after his pathetic "attack" on Romney last night, his true colors really shine bright. McCain-Fiengold, McCain-Kennedy, and his work with democrats will bring him down, everyone realized this last time he tried, it will all come to light again, let's just hope it does before the primaries are over.

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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:10 pm
okay, back on topic, we have 1000 threads where we can flame candidates

is the Republican party moving to the middle or isn't it? Why?
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:13 pm
the party isn't moving.
the people claiming to be something really aren't.
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 02:39 pm
but yet they're getting Republican votes, infact the majority of them

If the voters didn't want them they could vote Romney and if he's to Mormon for the Party they could have went Huckabee who's as close to Bush as you get really

But they aren't. McCain, according to his detractors, is not a "republican" but the republican voters think so. The ultra conseratives seem to be the minority and on the outisde looking in.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 03:04 pm
The ideas of a party don't have to be uniform, there can be conservative and moderate factions. People like McCain because there's not much else to like, at least if you don't like Romney, Paul, or Huckabee (all three are ridiculously easy to not like, and McCain is somewhat likeable.) By my own estimation, many Republicans are still disillusioned with all of the candidates.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 03:58 pm
The strange thing about the GOP race is that they don't want Bush and they don't want Not Bush.

I think it's a time of transition for the GOP. The old way of being in bed with the evangelicals is nearing it's end. it simply won't fly with younger conservatives who are more religiously open minded. This greatly bothers older Republicans because they are losing "their party"

While that's my opinion, it does match up nicely with everything we're seeing go on right now, let's just hope once we pick somebody, Be in Romney or McCain, we can move forward together. Because Hillary/Obama is much worse, regardless of what kind of Republican you are...
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 03:59 pm
Would you be one of the religiously open minded young conservatives?
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 04:26 pm
I am a Once Rudy now McCainanite. I'm pro Military, Personaly Pro-Life and legally Pro-Choice (it's not about flip flopping it's about letting people decide for themselves), Anti Gun Control, Who's Pro Seperation of Church and State and favors small governments with few taxes
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 05:01 pm
Silverchild79;52408 wrote:
but yet they're getting Republican votes, infact the majority of them.

who else is there? hillary? come on
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 06:39 pm
no they could vote Huckabee or Romney, but they aren't
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 07:55 pm
They are both way too easy to dislike. I prefer McCain, because I just like him more than the others, though on the whole, he's nowhere close to being near to being my ideal candidate. However, I find myself admiring him more and more despite his politics. I couldn't stand Romney, the only realistic competitor, he's the perfect polished politician, which I can't stand. Huckabee is a wacko. Ron Paul is worse than Huckabee.

I think a lot of people feel as optionless as I do.
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Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 09:08 pm
yup, While McCain and I don't square perfectly, when you average it out, and consider the type of guy he is. When he is asked a tough question he says how he feels and when it's not a popular answer he say "Sorry, I'm not willing to lie to win". That speaks volumes above all other candidates.
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 09:32 pm
Silverchild79;52365 wrote:
After McCain's wins in Florida and SC, states who's primaries do not allow Independents, he has now went from financial trouble in almost dead last, to the frontrunner in the 08 primaries.

While the fight is far from over, a win in California (where he leads) and a good showing at Super Tuesday and this thing could be sealed up...

The interesting thing here is that McCain isn't the favorite with the Ultra Conservatives, Fox News (most notably Sean Hannity) pencils him a liberal, and hopes for a Romney surge. Other conservative radio personalities also blast him.

That being said in Florida, a state where independents can't vote and therefore a more conservative candidate should do well, the Moderate candidates (McCain and Giuliani) garnered over 50% of the vote (McCain 36%+ 15% Rudy= 51%).

Add Ron Paul's numbers (3%) to that (who is more conservative then either but is against Iraq and therefore also out of line with the GOP status quo), and you have almost 6 out of 10 voters saying that the Republican party that Bush embodies should not represent the great Elephant going forward. If that is true Romney and Huckabee would seem like politicians of days past trying to hold on.

With Rudy and Arnold (Who is another popular Moderate Republican) endorsing McCain he is expected to surge yet again (Rudy's voters need somewhere to go), which begs the question...

Are next generation Republicans moving the party closer to center? (that's the topic of the thread for our threadjackers out there)


Don't like some of his views. He can't win, anyway. Hillary has it in the bag.:no::frown::no::frown::no::frown:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2008 09:42 pm
Silverchild79;52455 wrote:
"Sorry, I'm not willing to lie to win". That speaks volumes above all other candidates.

Lol riiiiight, Romney, and the moderator busted him lying about what Romney said.

YouTube - John McCain vs. John McCain

John McCain doesn't even know what John McCain is talking about, or saying.
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