Oregon Ballot Measure 50 (2007) - Ballotpedia
it's supposed to tax tabacco to fund Children's healthcare, unfortunatly most of the mney doesn't even go there. And what happens in 50 years when nobody smokes?
Arguments for
Supporters of Measure 50 say that:
The tax will bring Oregon cigarette taxes into line with cigarette taxes in the neighboring state of Washington.
When children are insured through the "Healthy Kids Program" funded by the proposed cigarette tax, taxpayers will save money on emergency room visits by those who are currently uninsured
A broad coalition of Oregon organizations support the measure
It will guarantee health care for 100,000 uninsured Oregon children
It will reduce tobacco-related healthcare costs
"Big Tobacco...is target(ing) our children as their next generation of customers."[3]
Arguments against
Opponents of Measure 50 say that:
Most of the money from the new tax won't go to children's health insurance as the measure's supporters claim
The new tax will be written into the state constitution
Insurance companies will get millions of dollars in state business without a competitive bid.
It's unfair to ask "the slim percentage of Oregon smokers to solely foot the bill for universal health insurance for uninsured children".[4]
Smoker Dianne Stiles makes the fairness argument when she says, "I'm not going to quit smoking, but I don't think I should have to pay so damn much for my cigarettes. It's not fair."[5]