Abusing Government Healthcare (please help)

Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2007 10:35 am

the big thing the Dems want is a national health care system, wherein the poor can receive medial treatment for free on the dime of the middle and upper class.

If this passes expecting mothers would then in theory be able to terminate their pregnancy on the dime of those who oppose abortion. Meaning that even though I'm pro-life, I would have to give a portion of my wages to the government so that they could give it to mothers to have an abortion.

So can anybody find me some statistical data on moral abuses of government health care in Canada and Europe? Abortions, sex changes, anything you can find

ready, set, Google!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,019 • Replies: 12
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Reply Thu 19 Jul, 2007 05:12 pm
canada's federal tax rate is near 45% to pay for all thier socialistic programs like healthcare and free college.

ready, set, don't vote for a friggin Dem if you work for your money.
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 08:03 am
They don't want to help the poor, they want there hand in the pie. If the cost of heathcare is expensive now how much do you think it will cost when they get ahold of it? Who ultimately pays the bills, not them. So it will cost us about three times more then it does now and thats on the conservative side.
Reply Tue 24 Jul, 2007 08:25 am
Don't know if these will help.

UCLA Department of Statistics Home Page

Lots of links here. Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook - Statistics & Research

Good article with some statistics. The Scotsman - Health - Politics could be bad for your health

The President's Council on Bioethics
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Red cv
Reply Wed 25 Jul, 2007 06:57 pm
It sounds like the US has jumped on the Socialist Band Wagon, god help you. My taxable income is more than my take home pay, it's sickening. Young women can have cradle to grave welfare as long as they pump out babies every couple of years. It doesn't seem to matter that on the birth certificate where it asks father's name these same women write "Unknown". What have we become when a female doesn't know who the father of her children are? No family values anymore, thankyou socialist hoesssssssssssssssssssssss and your supporters of anything goes and is acceptable. I feel for you Silver but the socialist are on the move and we're losing to commies I'm afraid.
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 10:00 am
Silverchild79;27070 wrote:

the big thing the Dems want is a national health care system, wherein the poor can receive medial treatment for free on the dime of the middle and upper class.

If this passes expecting mothers would then in theory be able to terminate their pregnancy on the dime of those who oppose abortion. Meaning that even though I'm pro-life, I would have to give a portion of my wages to the government so that they could give it to mothers to have an abortion.

So can anybody find me some statistical data on moral abuses of government health care in Canada and Europe? Abortions, sex changes, anything you can find

ready, set, Google!

Hey Silver. Sorry I have been gone for a while. I am a full time student for business Administration, a 6 year old, 3 year old and one on the way, dealing with Post Truamatic Stress Disorder and some other things so I have been preoccupied with work.

I understand how you feel about abortion. I am pro-choice but I would never have an abortion. I went to doctors late just last week for my pregnancy because of insurance problems. I was on Medicaid and Medicare because I am disabled with the PTSD as stated above. I cannot maintian a job because I do not have the proper interpersonal skills and am terrible at conflict resolution. I have no filter that most people have when speaking. I speak my mind way too much and it causes a lot of problems. I also become triggered. Triggered is a term when your logical self shuts down. (thinking is gone) and only the emotional instincts are working. Because if the abuse I suffered as a child including physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse for countless years along with neglect any one in authority can trigger me if too demanding, mirco-managing, aggressive, or overly critical. I am in what is called recovery for inner rage over the injustices I suffer as a child and healing from the traumas so that I can function agian in society without disrupting the work environment and believe me I can be extremely disruptive. Anyway so because I could not work I qualified for Medicaid and Medicare to help pay for the weekly therapy sesson and medication. I also have bi-polar 2.
(please those of you who think I am just a welfare whore. I have been going to school full time 90 percent of my illness so that when I am well I will not be the working poor and still qualifying for welfare because I have two kids and also I worked for 15 years before my disability developed and put into social security about 200 per month over 15 years which is 35,000 dollars of my money that I am currently using not your "dime" anyway I met my husband Richard in October of last year and we got a along famously became engaged in Decemeber and decided to get married in May of 2007. Well I expected to lose all my Medicaid and Medicare because of his income. Medicaid dropped my very fast but Medicare and AARP for prescriptions plan B would not drop me until medicare had dropped me and somehow their two systems did not communicate with each other and it took weeks before Medicaid confered that I no longer qualified meanwhile I am missing my first trimester doctors appointments because Richards Insurance (he works for Mircrosoft as a software engineer) was covering me but I am not suppose to have two insurance so I couldn't use either one or get double fined. Finally after months of writting letters and phone calls Medicare and AARP finally dropped me. Apperantly Medicare and AARP are not income based. You qualify if you are old or disabiled regardless of your income they both have a premium to pay 100 for the AARP and 100 for the Mediare. I did not want to pay 200 dollars in premiums for me to see 2nd rate doctors when my husbands insurance paid through Microsoft was paying 740 dollars a month to cover the whole family. They made it very difficult for me to get off those programs even though I was already coverd through Microsoft premere Blue cross. I also wanted a better selection of doctors. I live in a rich neighborhood now and very few doctors take Medicaid or the medical coupon. The doctors on Medicaid and Medicare know they are not going to get a good overhead and well their treatment shows. If there was universal health care my baby and me would not be forced to wait for treatment while this insurance garbage had to get straighten out. I put myself in danger and the baby in danger by not visiting the doctor sooner but I did not want to burden by husband with 200 dollar doctor visits.
Also the doctor said that because i am 34 turning 35 in August that the baby had a 1-300 risk of having down syndrome and he talked test and if they show positive that I could abortion. I told him I would never do that unless the baby was going to come out severly mentally retarded or his/her quality of life was just going to be unbearable. I said I am pro-choice buy I myself would never get an abortion unless absolutly necessary.

I understand your concern not paying for something you feel is immoral and that only reason I am pro choice is because I grew up abused and neglected and now I was on the system. Gang members, rapist, serial killers and other of societies ills are the result of abuse and neglect of parents who did not want them. I do not think children should be forced into this world if their mother doesn't really want them. Children know when they are wanted and cared for and it is cruel and unusual punishement to force them to grow up with someone who dispises them. I would be willing to go pro life if we had a system that made sure that these unwanted children were well cared for both emotionally and financially. Mega centers for unwanted children and an overhaul of adoption and foster care including constant therapy for these children. I do believe a fetus is a life form and I think it is terrible to kill it but I also think it is terrible to bring a child into this world and treat it like a dog like I was.

I am willing to find options to keep abortion from happening but few republicans are willing to house, feed and take care of the unwanted children. They want to end abortion but at no cost to them. They do not want to take social responsibility for those who make mistakes in their lives and I have seen they are not willing to teach proper sexual education only abstanince which obviously is not working. We need proper sex education in our schools to prevent unwanted pregnancies and we need to find ways of getting boys to wear those dang condemns. We need to make it so it is not a stigma to be pregnant out of wedlock. Many young girls run to abortion doctors because they are afraid their "christan families" will find out she had sex!!! and the shame and guilt of what she has been told is a sin!! It is not all secular immoral woman going to abortion doctors. remember 80 percent of the people in America are Christians so far more christian girls are going to get abortion than you might think.

I am great with the idea of getting rid of abortion except in the most extreme cases but we have to be realistic here about how to do it. Chrisitans are going to have to losen up with this "sexual immorality" and suck up the fact that taxes will increase to support the unwanted children and they need to teach full and extensive sex education including birth control! Humans love sex and teens have very little control over their emotions and hormones. We expecting children who's bodies are screaming at them to propigate not resist their natural urges. What teen ever listens!!? and doesn't think he/she knows better than you??
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 10:31 am
briansol;27153 wrote:
canada's federal tax rate is near 45% to pay for all thier socialistic programs like healthcare and free college.

ready, set, don't vote for a friggin Dem if you work for your money.

Yes, but Canada is not outsourcing all of their jobs to china and India because Americans need high such high wages to suppor themselves to pay for medical insurance and pay back their 40,000-70,000 student loans and the cost of high living expenses like over priced property values.

Canada can afford to hire canadians for jobs because the company does not have to pay 700 dollars or more plus premiums for their employees and family medical insurance.

What you do not realize is you are already paying for the healthcare of people who are not covered. It is already socialized just in a way that hids it from you. Those who are not covered will not see the doctor early and then become gravely ill and go to the hopstial with a 10,000-40,000 dollar problem that could have been minimized by see a doctor sooner and cost much less to treat. The personal obviously cannot pay this tab and when the hospital cannot collect they secretly pass that charge on to you and your insurance company by raising the cost of health care services on all of you who can pay and does have insurance. You would be paying far less in healthcare overa if everyone was forced to pay insurance through taxes and all business were forced to cover half of that.

You said canada tax was 45. I think that is a bit. I lived in Germany for 4 years and their healthcare is socialized and we pay 38 percent in taxes with deductibles for children and spouse so you got a little break if you had a family so many people only paid 35 percent taxes. For a monthy check of 4,000 dollars for a family of 4 this would be 650 dollars per month and of course not all of that 35 percent is on health care, you have other government spending including welfare, military, roads, and other government stuff so we pay 20-25 percent now in taxes that is only 10 percent more. So so lets say you are paying 100-150 dollars more a month on a 4,000 dollar monthly income for everyone being covered instead of paying 740 dollar a month on health insurance plus premium a month. You are saving and millions of americans are saving 550-600 dollars a month. Businesses could afford to hire American workers and stay competitive in a capitalist market.
Americans across the board would become wealthier.
Unless of course your business happens to pay for all your insurance needs including dental and know that only a fraction of companies do that and it is dwindling I do not see why you would not want to have americans to increase their quality of life. The only reason I can see going against this logic is if your employers already takes full care of your medical expenses and you simply do not want to pay 100-150 dollars extra a month out of your own pocket for the safety and well being of the whole nation. I think that is rather selfish and self centered and you are short sighted because if you think your employer will not cut those extra benifits to stay competitive and to keep gaing better profits you are in for a rude awakening. We can no long rely on businesses to take care of us.
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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 10:59 am
briansol;27153 wrote:
canada's federal tax rate is near 45% to pay for all thier socialistic programs like healthcare and free college.

ready, set, don't vote for a friggin Dem if you work for your money.

Truth about canadas tax rate

Federal tax rates for 2007 are:
15.5% on the first $37,178 of taxable income, +
22% on the next $37,179 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $37,178 and $74,357), +
26% on the next $46,530 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $74,357 and $120,887), +
29% of taxable income over $120,887.
from What are the income tax rates in Canada?
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:07 am
@Red cv,
Red;27812 wrote:
It sounds like the US has jumped on the Socialist Band Wagon, god help you. My taxable income is more than my take home pay, it's sickening. Young women can have cradle to grave welfare as long as they pump out babies every couple of years. It doesn't seem to matter that on the birth certificate where it asks father's name these same women write "Unknown". What have we become when a female doesn't know who the father of her children are? No family values anymore, thankyou socialist hoesssssssssssssssssssssss and your supporters of anything goes and is acceptable. I feel for you Silver but the socialist are on the move and we're losing to commies I'm afraid.

Am I missing something or did these women get pregnant by themselves?? Seriously women pumping out babies? Yes everyone women want to be single with children it is our lifes dream. It takes two to get pregnant and when the man skips town because he decided he no longer want to play "father" or says how much he loves you and want to marry while harassing you to have sex with him but after he gets his self gradification and you become a liabiity(pregnant with his child) he takes off. The women do not have this luxury to just dump their baby on someone and live a free life. Men can do this no one gets prosecuted women do this and it is called neglect and abondonment.

Men cannot afford to be sticking their penis in women to get off without wearing a condomn yet they do and while he does not have to pay for childcare and child health care services his pathetic excuse of a "child support" payment does not keep the women off of welfare.

there is plenty of blame to go around. Republican claim abortion is wrong but then stigmatize and chastise women who don't kill their babies because that puts them on welfare.

Well you people can't have it both ways!!! If you don't want people to have abortions stop flaming single mothers who decide to keep their babies dispite no or little support from the man who GOT THEM PREGNANT!!!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 11:11 am
Drnaline;27580 wrote:
They don't want to help the poor, they want there hand in the pie. If the cost of heathcare is expensive now how much do you think it will cost when they get ahold of it? Who ultimately pays the bills, not them. So it will cost us about three times more then it does now and thats on the conservative side.

They do not want to help the poor and yes republican do!! LOL

Republicans will tie a rock to your feet throw you in the water and say... Now sink or swim!! and if they sink..well it was their own fault for not taking personal responsibility for the cause of their situation.

Or this we will dunk you in water for 1/2 and hour if you survive you are a welfare whore if you die well I guess you had a legitimate reason for needing help.
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 04:00 pm
STNGfan;27876 wrote:
They do not want to help the poor and yes republican do!! LOL

Republicans will tie a rock to your feet throw you in the water and say... Now sink or swim!! and if they sink..well it was their own fault for not taking personal responsibility for the cause of their situation.

Or this we will dunk you in water for 1/2 and hour if you survive you are a welfare whore if you die well I guess you had a legitimate reason for needing help.

Looks like some things change and some things stay the same.
Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:37 pm
Drnaline;27898 wrote:
Looks like some things change and some things stay the same.


Very Happy

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Reply Thu 26 Jul, 2007 06:54 pm
STNGfan;27873 wrote:
Truth about canadas tax rate

Federal tax rates for 2007 are:
15.5% on the first $37,178 of taxable income, +
22% on the next $37,179 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $37,178 and $74,357), +
26% on the next $46,530 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $74,357 and $120,887), +
29% of taxable income over $120,887.
from What are the income tax rates in Canada?

do the math on this...

say i make 100,000 Candian a year for ease of math.

i owe
15.5% of 37178 = 5576
+ 22% of 37179 = 8179
+ 26% of 25643 = 6667

thats 20% of 100k

after that 20%, you have your province/local whatever income tax, sales, tax, GDP, all that other stuff. it ends up close to 45%
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