They finally said it...

Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 09:42 am
FOXNews.com - Republicans Blast Harry Reid for Saying Iraq War Is Lost - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum



spineless, nothing like letting one day make the call for the last four years
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 717 • Replies: 9
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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 02:11 pm
I new they would have to do something quick before the surge was a success. Why would they intentionally hold up there own bill? Because they know as soon as it hits Bush's desk, the next place is it's final stop, the trash can. Withholding the bill only serves to slowly strangle are armed forces. Fine example of support don't you think!
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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 02:48 pm
Their plan is coming together and it just makes me mad

The surge was showing promise but without funding the current troop level, let alone a surge, cannot continue.

This comment was not made to benefit the Anti Surge stance of the DNC, it was made to poor foundation to stand on during the fact approaching funding conflict on capitol hill which will then kill the surge.

If the surge continues then we might win yet, which will mean no pull out before Bush leaves office, which means (god forbid) a Democratic President could actually preside over a real war for the first time in 50 years. Even that thought is humorous at best as there aren't really any Democrats left anyways, it is an empty name given to a group of people who do not have one ounce of the spine early 20th century Dem's had...

The funding fight is nothing more then a way for Democrats on capitol hill to overstep their power limitation and seize control of the war from the Commander in Chief and his Generals.
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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2007 07:48 pm
The Democrats SUCK, hard, long and deep. When they inhale, bedsheets get sucked up their butts. When they exhale, bubbles come out of their snouts. They suck, bad.:dance2:
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Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 06:40 pm
Wow. I wasn't aware we were at the level of kindergarten insults here.

Further proof that my hopes that people actually became mature at some point once they grew up were totally unfounded. Oh, well. I gave up that belief long before I became an adult myself.
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Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 06:42 pm
The Dems have many places where they can say what they want about Republicans and let me tell you, the feeling's mutual.
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Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2007 10:01 pm
Oh, I'm aware.

But even so, does that makes it alright to go down to their level?

All going down to their level does is discredit you at an equal level. It's certainly of use.
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 06:56 am
0Megabyte;14128 wrote:
Oh, I'm aware.

But even so, does that makes it alright to go down to their level?

All going down to their level does is discredit you at an equal level. It's certainly of use.
Ann Coulter is about as bad as we get, i wish i could say the same for the dems. Any thing a repug has said i bet i can top it with one from the side of openminded tolerence.
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 11:58 am
Actually, I've read Ann Coulter.

When it comes to published authors on either side, she's about as bad as it gets.

Every word she speaks, pretty much, is slander, lie, or inaccurate. Her bile is pretty much exactly the sort of junk I loathe so much. She, and people like her on both sides, are so bad it's almost treason.
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2007 12:28 pm
Oh please nothing is changing long term and we would have to lock down this country for it to make any difference....It would take 100,000 troops to make any real difference.....This hasn't been the kind of war guts alone can win for along time and nobody is offering much else...
I agree about Coulter..and her contemporaries on both sides of the political media...we live the tabloid nightmare .....
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