briansol;52822 wrote:we're not headed into recession over a couple hundred million in tax cuts.
we're headed into recession because the damn war costs a hundred million a DAY.
Your absolutely right, which is why we need all the tax revenue we can get in the short term
What you lay down and believe at the behest of Ron Paul, the sort of Kool Aid of his message, is that we can actually leave Iraq.
The surge is working, so well in fact the liberal media has shifted it's attention away from the war, which the left were banking on as a foothold in the 08 election. The idea that we can walk away from Iraq is unimaginable. The last time we attempted this on the same scale was after we beat Germany in WWI. What happened? The Germans blamed Europe for leaving their country a smoking whole and we got WWII, now that's blow back. Go back and look, after WWI we taxed Germany and kicked them while they were down, after WWII we helped them rebuild because we learned through mistake that rebuilding is the best course of action in the long term. A lesson this generation should not unlearn lest history repeat.
Either we can finish the job in Iraq with this generation while we have momentum, or our children can start it all over again.
We need to stop thinking in terms of convince. The reasoning of American convince is killing us on all levels.
We can't ignore nutrition labels any longer, we cannot ignore global warming or our dependence on oil any longer, we cannot wish away credit card and mortgage debt any longer and we cannot abandon Iraq because in hindsight we think getting into it might have not been such a hot idea.
This line of thinking is rotting America and each tenant of it is inseparable, regardless of how inconvenient that might be. It's time to dig deep and dig out, we cannot run away from our commitments and obligations and that includes Iraq and Afghanistan.