I said I assumed you didn't use properties to find the answer, fbaezer and obviously I didn't assume too much.
I did figure out that one can upload from their harddrive to tinyurl and then use properties to move the pic over to here. Good idea!
Does this shot depict someone in the 19th Century?
Wish it were a bit larger -- have no clue what the actor's face looks like so it could be one of hundreds of films.
He is alone, in a town square, holding a piece of paper in his hands.
Is this scene in Europe? (Mainland Europe)
Yes, mainland Europe.
Other (larger) pictures will help:
The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser
You are correct, lightwizard.
Yikes, now I have to find one!
I can't identify the actors.
Let me guess: European film, fifties or sixties.
Am I on the right track?
Wild guess. David and Lisa?
Can't be. David was Keir Dullea and wouldn't let nobody touch him.
(Actually, the actor in the photo has the looks of a lost Craven de Kere)
No, not "David and Lisa." I'm not sure *caramel* meant us to give hints after three guesses like we've been doing in the other movie quizzes but I will if that's Kosher.
That would work out to be two clues and then the tenth guess would have to be right or the answer is revealed.
Is it 'Through a Glass Darkly'?
Someone knows their Bergman films and welcome!
You are correct. Your turn.