I recognize the character actor from the period but cannot remember his name. So I assume "Take Me to Town" is also incorrect? (Douglas Sirk directed, BTW)
Not Take Me to Town. Is it hint time?
Well, can't be -- it's a Western!
This isn't an oddball color still which is actually from the B & W Kubrick film, "The Killing" is it?
Nope. not from The Killing and it's not a Western. And I'm ready offer a hint if you want one.
I think a hint would help. I'm exhausted unless this in an uncredited Sterling Hayden appearance. It's not "The Godfather" I assume.
Not The Godfather. The picture I posted is from the movie. The actor on the right played the TITLE character in an old classic movie based on a Rudyard Kipling work.

And you know this movie, L. W. It's cemented in time. :wink:
Then it would have to be "The Asphalt Jungle," which in any case makes that not a still from the movie as it is in color and the movie was black-and-white.

Oh, you are so right. I am so sorry. I never even thought along those lines. But, I wonder why the picture is in color.
It's likely a publicity shot for one of the film's posters (an insert in one or more of the posters). It threw me off as I was only considering color films until I finally recognized Sam Jaffe from your clue.
Anyhoo -- here's a new one and it is in color!
hmmm.... tricky..............................
No clue. Any hints??
Nope and it's too soon for clues -- make some guesses even thoughn they may seem wild.
Welcome, daleliop, to A2K and the Film Forum -- we do have some fun around here besides the serious talk about film so never feel outweighed.
Star Trek: Insurrection?
Star Trek: Nemesis?
Logan's Run?
You really covered the gambit -- but not the answer.
When it comes to you it will be like a lightbulb going off over your head.
No, but that's a good guess.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension?