I'm too much of a Rocky Horror fan (or I was, in my youth) to not recognize Richard O'Brien. That wasn't his look for Never After, and the next one I thought of was Dark City...
Next picture:
not The Life of Emile Zola
not Swept from the Sea
not Zina
I just discovered that this is listed at IMDb as a TV movie. Sorry if that has slowed anyone down, but I saw in a movie theatre and didn't remember that it was originally produced and broadcast by the BBC.
Repeated line from the film: "I saw something nasty in the woodshed!"
Walter and June?
King Lear?
Sometimes a movie will be produced for television but screened briefly in a theatre to qualify for academy award consideration. PBS's American Playhouse did this quite a bit.
HBO should release "Angels In America" to theaters except it's too long -- and needs to be.
Yes to Cold Comfort Farm. I loved Ian McKellan in that as a fire-and-brimstone preacher.
The black-and-white also threw me and I haven't seen the movie yet but it has gotten very good reviews. It really is a bonofide theatrical release over here.
For this game please
Post picture only from theatrical release movies. If a movie is produced for television but screened briefly in a theatre to qualify for academy award consideration it means that not everyone will be able to see it. So please NO tv movies.
Thank you!
Lightwizard wrote:New visual clue:

James Mason in Odd Man Out?
I really thought this was tough profile shot but you got it!