I think I watched the same thing. It was really something to understand that these young men felt they had no reason to return. I can't understand how they can't get scholarships when they return after a stint. This is certainly a horrendous situation they are in, and if they are so deprete for soldiers than can't they at least offer a better reward?
I know here in Canada, we reward those who rub shoulders with terrorists with...um...over 10 million dollars of taxpayor money. In the meantime our troops are using ancient tanks and old weapons, and get a low pay with no scholarship at the end of a stint in this heindonous situaiton.
In the meantime, what about the billions of dollar accumulating in the bank accounts of these middle-eastern countries in which we are entrenched in "freeing'?
how about we get some of this money that our troops are basically protecting, l think the UN needs to fork some of it over. For Iraq for example the UN is babysitting about 500,000,000 a week...so, leeeeets see, how about we add it up, then subtract a few government salaries, and KKKaa-CHING, Ka-Ching I see about 20 Billion. Now why are our boys suffering and dieing with not a dime to their legacy, and feeling like they can't even get an education after risking their life, and in the meantime the Shitikes and the Sonny-boys are undermining every effort towards a lasting peace????
Just look at those young faces of officers who have died for their country trying to help these people who hate them, these people of the middle-east who are basically fighting for the money...