@Red cv,
I love the US, they are great partiers and a least have leadership and back-bone...in the meantime l want everyone to no Steven Harper has lost my vote since his last bone-headed move planned and orchastrated by his promotion advisors who want to boast his ratings with women.
The press reported that he 'stood up' to the AMERICANS, by using taxpayors money with free abandonment to help a terrorist supporter. Yep, the nitwhit gave a speak intented to show a 'gentler' 'kinder' Steven, who bashed the US while supporting this terrorist sympathizer and then to make matters go from bad to worse, advocating the PAYMENT of this terrorist friend, by supporting the payment of OVER TEN MILLION TAXPAYORS DOLLARS!!!!!
Then this terrorist lover, who was seen here there and everywhere with a known suicide bombers and hatred mongering prophets as buddies, who was found shooting pictures of target buildings, and target government buildings, said with a pained expression painted on his face in front of the throng of reporters said, oh, no amount of money could ever make up for what l have been through....
And no amount of money could have compensated for the lifes and destruction that would have happened if his photographs had happened to fall into the hands of his buddies...
Thank God for CSIS keeping up diligent efforts on hate-mongering visiting prophets who come to gather support and sympathy for terrorist activities.
All this, at the expense of taxpayors, is to help Harper be seen by women as 'kinder' and 'gentler' when in fact he is a wasteful nit-whit in my view.
I hang my head in shame....