why do you say i'm not active?
Join Date: 12-22-2006
Total Posts: 381 (2.81 posts per day)
Join Date: 03-28-2007
Total Posts: 83 (2.07 posts per day)
I'm a HAIR behind activity than you are. Plus, half the time you are posting, i'm am doing some admin option which takes time out of my posting per day.
Cam is blowing you away.
Join Date: 03-30-2007
Total Posts: 231 (6.08 posts per day)
Your claims of inactivity are unfounded.
To say that the site is not my brain child is accurate, but i knew about it long before you did. I've been e-friends with brent for a long time now.
In fact, the skin you are looking at was done by a designer that i referred him to.
Frankly, i'm not very interested in politics. I'm very set in my ways, and trying to convince me otherwise is a waste of keystrokes. I pipe in where i see fit. Otherwise, I have the maturity to shut my mouth and carry on.
I was online with prodigy in 1991. I assure you, I was fully able to walk by the time i was 11 years old and had long kicked the stroller to the curb. I could even wipe my own ass!!!
I'm senior developer at the firm i work at 9-5, run a small department of coders for fortune 500 level companies online stores. I can code circles around you. Your age means nothing to me, and if anything, it shows that you've failed to do something with yourself for all these years, where as I have stepped in, made business decisions, and have profited from my hard work at half your age. How that makes me look like a failure is beyond me.
do you use youtube? that sold for 1.6 billion to google.
do you use myspace? that sold for 350 million or some thing like that to fox media
do you use Flickr? that sold to yahoo for some odd millions.
do you use winamp? that sold to AOL for some figure i don't remember
i can go on...
nearly every major site has been sold at some point.
That's how you make money-- be it online or in the real world.
you come up with an idea, you build it, get it going, and then you sell and move on to come up with a new idea.
The buyer looks at it as an investment (as of right now, i'm in the hole... but in a couple years, it will turn profitable, should the site remain active) and hopes to return his money and then some over time.
The story of Semthex has nothing to do with this at all and is not remotely related. I am not a team. You are not part of my team. I am me. if this board gets ripped off, its because i robbed myself. I can't be unfair with myself.
you do no "work" here. You spend leisure time here, because its something you enjoy doing. You can do it here, or anywhere else you want as you see fit to register, but you're going to run into the exact same thing.
Look at the board above, that you linked. vbseo. I don't get paid to promote their product, nor do i get paid to help out other users. Yet, i have 1700 posts there, and i have purchased multiple licenses from them at 150 a pop.
Am i being exploited?
Helping other people is something I ENJOY doing, at my leisure, and if i should decide to never post there again, or never help anyone else out again, it is on my own accord.
You've paid me nothing to use my bandwidth, my database, or domain, or my hard drive storage for your thoughts and words, yet somehow, i'm the bad guy here?