Yah yah - blah blah -- here's an interesting link that might give you both a little more perspective. Fatal Freedom, I do find it hugely hilarious that in your list of "wars" of your alleged "christianity", you included the Mongols and their conquering.... Ummmm...they were Asian -- and weren't even Christian..... Not to mention that the Crusades were a RESPONSE to the invasion/conquering of Islam (as you can see in the unbiased historical over-view in my link below). Once Christianity pushed back the barbarism of Islam and relative "peace" (note the quotes) came between the two, Christianity bred the western world and the enlightenment which brought about the great advancements in science and democracy, freeing the individual from SUBMISSION (which is what Islam truly means), allowing mankind to soar to our current heights. Islam, of course, in it's misguided forceful application of it's barbaric Sharia law, stifled individual freedom and that is why Islam could go no farther, and why the muslim nations are all so sorely lacking in education, freedom and advancement.
History of Religion
See, while you point out the "truths" you shown in all your old testament quotes, Jewish people and Christians as a whole (not any individual acts of atrocity that we RESOUNDLY minimalize) understand those stories to be for that specific time - that specific sacking/siege of a city, etc. In other words - WE DON"T DO THAT ANYMORE AS A WHOLE!!! ....BUT according to Sharia law --the alleged word of God - All sorts of atrocities are permissable - stoning is not only ok - it's STILL done today. So, while the grown-ups in the west understand the "word" they recieved to be for it's time and place, the Muslims in any nation where Islam is the religion of the land, as decreed by those in power, still BELIEVE their "word" to be how they should behave -- including beheading, stoning, cutting off hands etc. The ONLY reason Islam had any "science" was due to it's taking over more advanced cultures in it's own "conquering" days. But, once Sharia was implemented and the human spirit squelched, they devolved into the dung-heeps of Muslim society that we see today all over the world. And it's because of ISLAM and the imposition of Sharia law -- Salmon Rushdie most CERTAINLY had it correct in the title of his book.....
If you looked at the map lin I included, you'll also see that Christianity, prior to it being the religion of Rome - -really did spread through a large area by peaceful conversion. And you CAN'T say it's "just in the bible"! -- It's historical FACT that the Romans persecuted Christians---and they were PEACEFUL!! An you can see in the map the seeds they spread through a decent chunk of the roman empire, until it became adopted as the religion of the land by decree. You're being disengenuous to to ignore Islams expansion and only point out the west expansion (as if the Spanish conquistadors were "terrible" for doing what mankind has done since it's beginings -- conquer - or be conquered....) The indians of North America and incans and mayans (etc. etc) weren't the "noble savages" some make them out to be. They conquered also -- and had their own religions -- a better, stronger one just came along and conquered - as mankind has done since evolving beginnings -- and opened there eyes to their barbarism. And so they evolved..... They're certainly better off now than under Incan, Mayan or any of the tribal indian rule. And the same thing would have happend if Islamic nations had found the America's.
I could go on and on about who did what and where....suffice it to say, Christainity as a whole, marginalizes it's few thousands of extremists.....Muslims glorify it's millions of jihadis (supported by nations) and name streets after it's atrocious, barbaric "martyrs" who blow themselves up to kill as many innocent people as possible TODAY!!!
There is NO comparison to anyone with a truly unbiased eye.
By the way, there are also some other neat little maps-of-time at the link I gave you above.