Islam? A better religion for minorites

Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 08:08 pm
Dire position of minorities in America?? You mean the America where more people of all faiths, "colors" and beliefs can come to gain wealth and comfort like never has been possible in the history of humanity?? Puhleeasee!! If you want intolerance of other peoples/faiths and true discrimination - visit any backward Muslim (a redundancy of words there) nation. At least in America people have the choice and can literally make something of their lives - anyone - of any "color". Why are you so racist?? Is it your religion??

You also fail to realize that while America has it's roots in Judeao-Christian values, it also has a huge secular population. that's one thing about the west muslims fail to understand -- we have separation of church and state - because it WORKS!! Before that, there was too much "in fighting" -- you know, kind of like what goes on among the muslim nations themselves - always fighting against each other about who is the "true" islam. If you all separate mosque from state - You will excel, too, because you are human as well - and have the potential. It's just that Islam, and the imposition of sharia law, is keeping you down. JUST as the Catholic church and it's imposition of clerical decrees of "what God meant" in their interpretations of his word, kept Europe in it's "Dark Ages" (Though it can also be argued that the dark ages were a direct result of the fall of Roman empire, and the church filling the gap, kept things from slipping even further in to chaos) . So, too, does your entwining mosque and state keep all muslims down - which is why all Muslim nations are still backwards. Only after people were freed from "submission" (decreed by men "interpreting" the word for them) to the churhc/state by separating them! in the "reformation" and beyond, did the human race excell in the west.

I'm 100% positive you all could excell, too, if you all had your own reformation. - Separate mosque from state.

Anyhow, I'm not sure where you get the "obviously this God is not color-friendly". Your insinuations are because you are uninformed about America. How come people come from all over the world, from all nationalities and creeds - to make successes of themselves?? And as for the "jew blood brings wealth" dogma - bah! You all are merely jealous of the success of Jewish people! Jews build!! Muslims can only destroy. See my other post above on the accomplishments of Judaism vs. Islam - there is no comparison -

It's not the "God of money" (though, to secular America it is). America and her freedoms (derived from Judea-Christian AND secular values) offers the best hope for "minorities" - Note the quotes -- because to me, we're all just HUMANS -- The only thing islam would be capable of is destroying it all for everyone so that we're ALL equally piss-poor and miserable, living by primitive 7th century dogma.

No thanks, bud - And all the "minorities" that have come to America and excelled (including my forefathers) laugh at your offer of assistance with an outdated, primitive "religion". What's great about America is that they have the choice to "believe" or NOT believe. It's their choice. And EVERYONE has the choice to work hard and excel, or NOT work - and collect off the public dole -- Kind of like the large chunk of muslims in europe that are sucking off the welfare tit because the only thing in life they know how to do is worship a false god -- and they are so caught up in their anger and hatred for others who are successful and create, that they wish to destroy -- because they've been brainwashed to think that they are "the best of the nations" when even a casual glance around the world shows that, well - they AREN'T!! That's tough on the ol' muslim ego, isn't it?? So, you all hate -- and falsely accuse and blame others for the failure of yourselves.

I wish Ishmael would grow up and join Isaac and John at the table of mankind. Why aren't people flocking to Muslim nations?? And why are they flocking to America and the west?? You can jealously call it "the God of money" - but what it is is human beings wishing to be FREE -- free from the shackles of religion, if they so choose - free to work hard and excell - to BUILD a better life for their children. That's something that just isn't possible in a muslim nation -- which is why they are all so backwards.

Separate Mosque and state. Reformation. Christianity had theirs and came out the better -- islam needs it's own now, if it wishes to join the human race of this tiny planet called earth, which is in the Sol solar system, far out on the edge of the left arm of the Milkyway galaxy. Small place, really. I wish some of the natives weren't so damn primitive and ignorant, though.

May there be true peace in Israel, soon.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 12:40 am
While we appreciate your assurances that Sunni Isalm is "THE" Islam and Shiites etc are wrong and not following Islam, reality is that they say the same thing about you - and they believe it as strongly as you do. So, the world looks around at what ALL Islam is doing throughout the world (( TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World )) and we cannot help but see that all evidence points to ISLAM being the problem .

ok ofcourse its my word against theirs for you , but as a sunni am the majority , so its our view and understanding of Islam that should be considered ,

-- since ALL the other Muslims devotely follow and believe their holy book and are proclaiming they are doing the evils they do throughout the world in the name of allah.

Exactly , and so in order to pass a judgement one must educate himself on what those muslims you mentioned call their holy book , and find out where is it written in it to do what they do ( extreme measures )

If that bothers you, take it up with them. of course, they'll gladly kill you as the heretic

If you know a little bit about Islam this statement of yours should make you think of them as non-muslims as a muslim isnot allowed to kill unless in selfdefence or in war.

I'm sick and tired of you muslims stating how all the crap throughout the world "isn't true Islam" - When, in fact, those commiting atrocities throughought the world are doing it in the name of islam. It's really YOU who doesn't get it. You're correct in some aspects - all muslim nations are dysfunctional and use the words of the quran to justify their barbarism. What you need to do, my fellow human, is turn your persuasive arguments to the millions of muslims throughout the world. islam needs a reformation - You all need to separate mosque from state - and throw out the primitive parts of islam. It's not the "perfect" religion ~ I've read up on it's claims - and I see what goes on throughout the world in its name. Your god is most definitely NOT the Judeao-Christian God of Abraham.

if some one commites a crime and say's its because God told him to , will you believe him? , if a guy tried to kill you and when caught and asked why he said because jesus told him to will you think that christianity is evil or will you take that guy to the nearest mental health institution ?

so what if a million terrorists say Islam told them to kill the infidels, read the Quraan their are a billion translated versions , their are alot of things you will not understand but you can ask some one who will explain it , find out the truth for your self , why base your opinions on speculation when all you need to do is read a book ?

and btw the moment i make a suggestion of " reforming " Islam i seaze to be a muslim, and we dont need that , we need to understand it thats all.

What has islam brought to the world? Even in it's alleged "golden age" - that was only due to barbaric people militarily overcoming more advanced societies. As sharia law was imposed, since it's NOT from the one true God, those societies crumbled into the dungheaps of what we witness now in the world. It's islam and sharia law that is the problem

you dont know much about the history of Islam do you ?

all modern science was built on the leftovers of muslim scientist during what you call the dark ages of your european history , it is true that these nations crumbled but that was after the opression and greed that fell on them from their own kings and royal families , sharia law was imposed since the days of the prophet and it drove this new and young nation into the most civilized and advanced one of its time, and from the day the kings started ignoring sharia laws they started falling, the same scenario happened in spain.

If you want to convince anyone different - I suggest you convince the tens of millions (that "1%" of extremists) of followers of muhhamed that they are the ones who are incorrect. Quit telling us it's wonderful and perfect - because your fellow muslims would just as gladly cut off your head as an infidel as they would mine

well actually other than Alqaida i dont know where to find any extremists ( not that i can find Alqaida) but its easy to find hatred towards the US and the west generally .

what am trying to do in this forum JoJO is give Islam a chance to be viewed as it is really , and you speak of the muslim world as if when one walks the streets he gets greetings by men with a hundered metre long beard carrying a sword on the right hand and a biological weapon on the other , and from his neck dangles the Quraan , you think that Alqaida has offices in down town with a big neon sign that reads ( buy tickets to heaven here) or ( vacancies suicidal martyr needed urgently , apply here ) you have no clue as to life here , i will give you an idea , do you know that my generation ( 20's ) has developed hatred yes i said hatred towards beards , and is suspiscious of every bearded man they meet in daily life? not because they think he is a terrorist , we dont have this " topic " discussed around here because such things dont exist in our life as sudanese , but its because we think he is a government agent, did you ever imagine a muslim can develop hatred towards the hallmark of his society? am sure NO .

So, no where on earth can we find "true Islam", huh? well, that's a pretty sad state of a religion, wouldn't you think??

we can not find true Islam in any "state" , all these states claiming to be Islamic is alot of BS , and yes it is a pretty sad state of a religion.

Son, logic and reason and an impartial eye looking at the events of the world today only point in one direction - islam allows for atrocities to unbelievers - and all over the world we see it's affects

tell me , how does a religion allows for atrocities to unbelievers? isnot it through its teachings and holy versus?

show me how Islam did that?


you said only three choices:-

1- convert.
2- pay tax.
3- or die. right?

well the place you got this info from failed to mention to you that these are the choices for those with whom we are at war , for example if an Islamic nation declares war on a non-Islamic nation or the opposite , only then do these become the choices, and an Islamic nation is allowed to declare war only in one case(other than self defence) if that said nation refuses to allow Islam clerics to teach non-muslims about Islam , meaning if that nation did not allow us to try and convert people to Islam , which means that in this time ( 21st century) with human rights its impossible for war to be declared because i can go to the vatican pope and invite him to Islam.

P.S. by sharia law we are forced to sign peace deals(as long as the conditions are just) with any one who wants to , please dont forget this.

May the one true God open your eyes and have mercy on your soul

And all of humanities too.

and may there be true peace in Israel......soon

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 08:40 am
Thank you, Mr. Politically-wrong. I could tell from your other posts your are a reasonable man. The above one of yours proved it. There was plenty of room for you to get upset about what I wrote and go off, but instead you remain calm and rational. I think maybe there is some hope for mankind after all. ;-) Thank you.

ok ofcourse its my word against theirs for you , but as a sunni am the majority , so its our view and understanding of Islam that should be considered ,

I understand the Sunni version of Islam to certainly be more moderate - and it would be neat to see your version prevail. I think if every muslim behaved as rationally as you are speaking here, there would be hope. Unfortunately, it appears that extremism and jihad is gaining momentum in the world. Now, I DO have to tell you. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear of your (and many of your friends) "hatred towards beards", due to thinking they could be government agents. No matter a persons (or nations) religion, those darn "governments" and "politicians" can sure be a pain. So, we share a commonality there! A distrust of government!! ;-)

Exactly , and so in order to pass a judgement one must educate himself on what those muslims you mentioned call their holy book , and find out where is it written in it to do what they do ( extreme measures )

If your were to check out those two sites by ex-muslims, you could find all the scriptural quotes you want that extremists use to justify their actions. From the quran as well as the hadiths. It really does boil down to interpretation though. It's just that they choose to interpret the book to allow them their actions.

If you know a little bit about Islam this statement of yours should make you think of them as non-muslims as a muslim isnot allowed to kill unless in selfdefence or in war.

Self-defense -- interesting concept. And the extremists use this to - oh, let's see -- self-defense over CARTOONS to protect the "honor" of their prophet - and they riot in the streets by the tens of thousands, and killed people who had nothing to do with the cartoons. So, while you and I KNOW "self-defense" really means lliterally if you are physically being attacked, the extremists use the excuse of defending the religions "honor".
How did you feel about the cartoon fiasco? (the one where the Danish newspaper had some cartoons about your prophet). ANd while we're at it, how did you feel about the murder of Theo VanGogh??? Granted, it could easily be said that the power-hungry imams, mullahs and "rulers" used this as an excuse to rile people up - which they sure did! - but it was all done using scripture to justify it. This is just one of many examples (see TheReligionofPeace.com - Islam: Making a True Difference in the World for evidence of just this kind of interrpretation of scripture throughout the entire world -- many incidences having nothing to do with the west. It's just that those being attacked aren't muslim.....or not Muslim enough.
Basically, and with a superficial reading of the quran, it can be said that all those good qualities of decency you mention only apply muslim to muslim. And there is plenty of "interpretation" that allows for ANYTHING against the unbeliever. I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears a mullah stating that, if you see a Kuffar in the street - you can rob him - you can take him as a slave - you can kill him. He is an unbeliever. It is just such "interpretations" that people like you and I need to stand up against.

if some one commites a crime and say's its because God told him to , will you believe him? , if a guy tried to kill you and when caught and asked why he said because jesus told him to will you think that christianity is evil or will you take that guy to the nearest mental health institution ?

so what if a million terrorists say Islam told them to kill the infidels, read the Quraan their are a billion translated versions , their are alot of things you will not understand but you can ask some one who will explain it , find out the truth for your self , why base your opinions on speculation when all you need to do is read a book ?

and btw the moment i make a suggestion of " reforming " Islam i seaze to be a muslim, and we dont need that , we need to understand it thats all.

You're correct - if someone commits a crime and says God told him to, in the west, we cart them off to a mental ward. In Gaza and the Left Bank, they name streets for them....

While we in the west do appreciate your words that the thousands of events througout the world are "not true islam" -- it really really would be beneficial if you all told the ones commiting the atrocites that they are wrong - instead of telling us we are wrong, when we merely point out what the islamists themselves are telling us when they say they are justified in your scripture, while we're cleaning up after a bus, hotel or nightclub bombing.....

you dont know much about the history of Islam do you ?

all modern science was built on the leftovers of muslim scientist during what you call the dark ages of your european history , it is true that these nations crumbled but that was after the opression and greed that fell on them from their own kings and royal families , sharia law was imposed since the days of the prophet and it drove this new and young nation into the most civilized and advanced one of its time, and from the day the kings started ignoring sharia laws they started falling, the same scenario happened in spain.

The base of modern science is derived from the Greco-Roman left-overs of their age. The dark ages came about after the fall of Rome, and, during the Byzantine era, Islam ascended and conquered. Turkey and Spain are perfect examples - They were Christian at one point in time, you know. Islam conquered them - the scientists still kept on, of course - but that all fell as sharia was imposed. We eventually took back Spain - and Turkey stayed Muslim.

I'll tell you what - I'll agree to give Islam a little more credit for having knowledge and seeking scientific answers to reality at one point in time (the "golden age"), if you agree to lower your beliefs that all we have now in science is somehow a product of islam... I mean, come on! - One could say that what Islam contributed was only due to them picking up the pieces from the Romans, who picked up the pieces from the Greeks, who picked up some pieces from the Persians, who picked things up from the Babylonians - and on and on we go.

Let's look around today -- Why is it that Mexico (Mexico!!) translates more books in one year - than the ENTIRE combined "glory" of muslim nations?? I will believe that Islam allows for science and advancement when I see it. If it's the rulers of muslim nations keeping you all down - then REVOLT and REFORM! We did it in the west.... "We, the people..." You and I, brother.

As for Arabia becoming more civilized with the imposition of sharia, yep you're correct! The tribal foolishness and warring and barbarism DID stop (internally!) after sharia imposition - BUT, imposing it on more civilized peoples only brings them down. A real good analogy is that coporal punishment of spanking works, when used properly, with little children -- but you don't go spanking adults!! So, sharia (spanking in the analogy) works great with barbaric people (children) but for adults (civilized societies) it does NOT work. Western law works better. This keeps imams and mullahs (priests and pastors) from imposing THEIR interpretation of "the law" (sharia) on to people. Do you really and honestly believe that in this day and age, cutting off the hand of a thief is the way to go?? Or stoning a woman for adultery?? Do you also honestly believe that it takes TWO women's testimony to equal a mans?? That is all part of sharia - and frankly, I want no part of that. Sharia was developed for/by a misogynistic, warring tribal leader to bring some semblance of "peace" to barbarians(children). It succeeded there - and fails everywhere else. The muslim world would be better off if it stopped demanding everyone learn the quran exclusively, and started teaching it's children how to read, write and do math. Only then can you have a chance to have another "golden age".

tell me , how does a religion allows for atrocities to unbelievers? isnot it through its teachings and holy versus?

show me how Islam did that?

There is waaayyy too much for me to do here. Just check out those two sites by ex-muslims and you'll see all the scriptural justification used throughout the world for doing anything to the unbeliever. Oh, and by the way - here's a little historical tidbit from America:: Early in this nations history, Thomas Jefferson had to deal with the Barbary pirates - muslims who would attack shipping and take hostage (as slaves!) men from our nation, as well as the other European nations. When Jefferson asked their leader what right they had to do this, the reply was that it was written and commanded of them in their holy book - which is WHY Jefferson had that copy of the quran that Ellis (the first muslim elected to public office here) wanted to swear in on. Jefferson wanted to read up on their beliefs - "know thine enemy" and all that.
What ended up happening is that America (and Europe) paid them off to stop the piritical attacks -- until eventually they started demanding too much and we finally went to war with them to stop it.
Oh, and by the way - here in America and in the west, anyone can become a public official - no matter their religious beliefs. That's an impossibilty in muslim nations. Is this sharia?? or is it just the way the rulers of Muslim nations do things?? In sharia, can a non-muslim take part in governing?? This is why there needs to be a separation of mosque and state.

well the place you got this info from failed to mention to you that these are the choices for those with whom we are at war , for example if an Islamic nation declares war on a non-Islamic nation or the opposite , only then do these become the choices, and an Islamic nation is allowed to declare war only in one case(other than self defence) if that said nation refuses to allow Islam clerics to teach non-muslims about Islam , meaning if that nation did not allow us to try and convert people to Islam , which means that in this time ( 21st century) with human rights its impossible for war to be declared because i can go to the vatican pope and invite him to Islam.

P.S. by sharia law we are forced to sign peace deals(as long as the conditions are just) with any one who wants to , please dont forget this.

Excellent point! and thank you!! And guess what?? As you certainly know, being the good muslim that I truly do know you are, sir, the world is divided into Darul Islam - The house of islam(submission) and Darul Harb (sp?) -- the house of WAR. So, outside of Muslim nations, technically, islam is at war with the rest of the world by definition (so say the Islamists themselves) - so, the three choices apply. Actually, from what I've read, those choices are only given to "the people of the book" (Jews and Christians) - atheists and such just get murdered straight out. So, while you, my brother, look at it like I do - real war, self-defense etc. - the jihadists and islamists don't. They believe (as they themselves state) that they ARE at war with the rest of the world - until islam prevails!

I LOVE how you stated that in Islam, you can go to war if a country refuses to allow you to preach islam to it's people!! Wow! Very telling! Now tell me again, how come Muslim nations don't allow for the same?? Proselytizing any other religion in a muslim nation is a capitol crime - often punishable by death. Yeah, that really sounds "fair" - rotfl!! No one can preach other than islam in muslim nations, and if the rest of the world doesn't allow you to preach in their countries - you can declare war on them! Wow!! Further - if any of the other nations simply try to curtail the extreme teachings done in mosques, they are "impeding the spread of islam" and jihad can be called.
Dude, Islam is a religion of perpetual war against unbelievers!! How can you not see that!!

For your p.s - yep - you can sign peace treaties (I believe the period is for 8 years, since that's what your prophet did) but, just like the prophet - you can use that to build up arms until you are stronger - then break the treaty at will and attack - because they are only kuffar, after all - and the prophet did it..... Again, there isn't enough space to quote all the quranic and hadith text - but you can find all those answers on the two sites, by ex-muslims, that I mentioned.
Oh, and by the way - do you agree with sharia (and your prophet) that someone who renounces islam should die?? Or is there TRULY no compulsion in your religion??

That just brings us to the last two line -- and thank God we agree that may God open all humanities eyes, AND....that there be a TRUE peace in Israel....soon.

Thank you, Mr. Politically-Wrong. You're the first muslim I met who could rationally discuss all these things!! So, there IS hope for humanity after all!! May the one true God watch over you and help you spread your moderate beliefs. By "reform" no one means reforming the words in your book - I mean the same reform that Christianity went through - rethinking it's INTERPRETATION of the words in their book -- and this is so very badly needed in Islam!! Because if it doesn't reform, Islam truly will be the "religion" of the "end-times" that will bring about the destruction of the world. Can you imagine nukes in the hands off Al Qaeda!! (may God helps us all!!)

I'd fight right along side you, brother - in defense of truth and justice.

And lastly - I was also pleased with seeing that, though you are a Sudanese muslim, you are against the government there. What has been going on in Sudan has been a pet peeve of mine for decades - ethnic and religious cleansing of Christians and black muslims. And It's nice to hear you are against that.

Take care - and may God protect you from your fellow Muslims who truly would kill you for your moderate views of Islam - because they would consider you the heretic and unbeliever.

Or has all this merely been excerise in taqiyya for you? -- (lying to unbelievers, as sanctioned by your prophet and your holy book, in order to advance islam by any means.)

No - I don't believe you have intentionally been practiving taqiyya - I believe you are sincere. But just because someone is honestly sincere, that doesn't mean they aren't blind to the realities of what their fellow co-religionists are doing, thousands of times a year throughout the world, in the name of the same god. Please!! Tell THEM that they are wrong!! Not us.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 03:28 pm
[SIZE="3"]Equality in Justice[/SIZE]

The Quranic standards of justice transcend considerations of race, religion, color, and creed, as Muslims are commanded to be just to their friends and foes alike, and to be just at all levels, as the Quran puts it:

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it be against yourselves, your parents, and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the poor...” (Quran 4:135)

According to another Quranic passage:

“Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away from justice. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness…” (Quran 5:8)

With regards to relations with non-Muslims, the Quran further states:

“Allah does not forbid you from doing good and being just to those who have neither fought you over your faith nor evicted you from your homes...” (Quran 60:8)

The scholars of the Quran have concluded that these rulings apply to all nations, followers of all faiths, as a matter of fact to all humanity. In the view of the Quran, justice is an obligation. That is why the Prophet was told:

“…If you judge, judge between them with justice…” (Quran 5:42)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 03:47 pm
That's cool. But those exact ideas - with very similar words - are in the Torah and Talmud, as well as the Christian bible. Where do you think your prophet got them from?

And we can both point to passages in each of our scriptures where there are events that would be considered "atrocious" by todays "standards", though we both could/would each justify the actions of our forefathers as necessary and the "way of the world" for the times.

The difference is that the west, in it's Judeao-Christian heritage, and as part of the growth after reformation, has learned to "see" those events of old as only necessary for the times. NOT applicable to today and this age. We've grown up some, you see. On the other hand, many muslims (comprising NATIONS) look to the acts of old (beheadings, stonings, rapings and slavery, maimings etc., as ascribed in sharia law) and, since your prophet did it back then in the primitive 7th century, sincerely believe they should duplicate those same 7th century "atrocious" acts today. That, brother Ishmael, is one HELL of a big difference......

Reformation - Brother Ishmael -- Reformation. You all truly need it......

Maybe then you can join Isaac and John at the table of humanity.
Don't you think father Abraham (Peace be upon him) would want that of his sons??
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 05:44 pm
Dire position of minorities in America?? You mean the America where more people of all faiths, "colors" and beliefs can come to gain wealth and comfort like never has been possible in the history of humanity??

minorities are hardly basking in wealth,comfort or good health...The Ku Klux Christ is for whites and jews are part of the conspiracy
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 06:21 pm
Mousyyyy...come on over to America and look around, huh? While, just as Jesus said, "the poor will always be with us", because he knew that some people really DO make bad choices and keep themselves down, if you look at the over-all stats, you'll find minorities DO have it better here than anywhere in the world!! I once heard it said of a man who had met an African, and one of the African's dreams was to visit America -- so he could see fat poor people. Kind of hard to get fat when you're oppressed, bud...ahem.
One interesting statistic is that people with alot of melanin in their skin ("black" people) coming over from Africa, do MUCH better, on average, than the American of African descent here for generations. Because they take advantage of the opportuniteis afforded them!! Instead of screaming the vicitm mentality b.s. And at this point, let me add that the man I respect more than any in the world at this time, is Thomas Sowell. Google him and see.
How come Asians come over here and, though NUMERICALLY are as "minority" as ANY others, they aren't given any preferences in scholorships or ANYTHING because, well -- they don't need any -- they excell GREATLY here - despite your alleged racist America - even though they may meet the occasional bigoted fool, as we all do (since it's a free country). And they excel because they try hard and work hard!! ANY other "minorities", any HUMAN can do the same -- and those that try, do. It's as simple as that - for all your dogma to the opposite.

The KKK?? puhleeease. You'll have to try harder than that. We've grown up well past that. They have been marginalized and minimized and are nothing. The only reason they are still around is because in America we are all free. They have the right to espouse their bigotry.
Slick, the over-whelming majority of Americans disagree with the KKK more than you. Because then people like you say "ah! look at America!" when, they AREN'T America! Though they DO have the constitutional right to their biggoted and ignorant opinions - just as you do. One thing is for SURE ~ Numerically, they are no where even close to the TENS OF MILLIONS of islamists and extremists (not to be confused with good people who follow the good parts and interpretations of islam). And, while we marginalize our extremists (like the KKK) you all don't exactly seem to be doing that in your world.....In fact, it's seems like you are supporting them sometimes. Darfur. And the world once said "never again". **sigh**

Christ is NOT "just for whites", and shame on you for denigrating the millions of Latin, Spanish, Indonesian, Chinese, Russian, "black" - well, EVERYONE of every different nationality on the globe, who are Christian by intelligent choice!! ~ I promise you we won't riot in the streets and kill innocent people in defense of some misbegotten honor though! What we'll do is just laugh at you....and pray for you.

Jews part of the "conspiracy"?? ROTFL!! **and a heavy sigh**

<<<get behind me satan....>>>>

I wipe the dust from the soles of my feet and leave you.

The next song I write will be "The Tears of Abraham" ~ And it will be about all three of his sons.
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 09:58 pm
[SIZE="3"]Islam is Fastest Growing Religion in United States[/SIZE]

By Jim Garamone / American Forces Press Service

0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 10:31 pm
I have no problem with that at all. Welcome to America! Please leave sharia law at the borders, as we want no part of it. Respect America's laws and constitution - come here to join humanity and work side by side as our brothers and sisters, and we accept you as such.

Come here to cause trouble and eventually impose sharia....and you'll find a different attitude - the one of our forefathers.

You all always love to state how "islam is the fastest growing!" ~ or hear infidels writing of it.....but somehow it all smacks of "Baghdad Bob" ~ lolol. "We are having a glorius victory!!" ~ **as the bombs from the invaders are exploding in the background.... ROTFL!

So what of those stats, even if true? (and I've seen stats that show a different story).

Here's some neat clippets from the same writer that you quoted, and from the same page....

"By countering jihadis, the West and moderate Muslims are enemies of true Islam."

"The men asked Muslim scholars what the correct term for Islamic extremists would be and they came up with "hirabah." This word specifically refers to those engaged in sinful warfare, warfare contrary to Islamic law. "We should describe the Islamic totalitarian movement as the global hirabah, not the global jihad," they wrote."

Here's a link to another article by him:

DefenseLink News Article: Loosely Interpreted Arabic Terms Can Promote Enemy Ideology

It reads well if you're a moderate muslim - and truly looking to fit in to America as a productive human.

And, since I was once a soldier, my thanks to ALL my fellow brothers in the armed services, nobly serving America and ALL her people. Be they Muslim, Christian, Jew, or any other.....

But, due to the nature of our common enemy and taqiyya (lying/deceiving the infidel) please forgive me my natural dash of suspicion as to your true intentions, and let's root out those hirabah together!!~!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 04:40 am
I think maybe there is some hope for mankind after all. ;-) Thank you.

well i hope i deserve this much credit loools Smile

Unfortunately, it appears that extremism and jihad is gaining momentum in the world. Now, I DO have to tell you

an important aim for me is to separate the word Jihad from being mentioned in the same breath with extremism, Islam say's the hardest type of jihad is a word of honesty and truth in the face of a tyrant ( thats one understanding of jihad thats been missing) .

So, we share a commonality there! A distrust of government!! ;-)

Apparently yes, and if it came to be known around here what am doing online iam not so sure what can possibly happen.

If your were to check out those two sites by ex-muslims, you could find all the scriptural quotes you want that extremists use to justify their actions. From the quran as well as the hadiths. It really does boil down to interpretation though. It's just that they choose to interpret the book to allow them their actions.

i was trying to tell you that the Quraan does not tolerate what being done in the name of Allah by some, am surprised that you were able to understand it is a wrong interpretation of the holy verses of Quraan. (more common ground)

and killed people who had nothing to do with the cartoons

this is absolutely wrong , it shouldnot have happened , personaly am not sure what Islam say's about what to do in such a case (the cartoons ) but violence against those who had nothing to do with it is surely out of the pic, regarding the one who made the cartoons i wish i can understand what was he trying to accomplish, btw i never till date saw those cartoons.

So, while you and I KNOW "self-defense" really means lliterally if you are physically being attacked, the extremists use the excuse of defending the religions "honor".

Add to that defending Islamic nations against invasions and occupation( am sure you know what am refering to), regardless of whether that nations exists in the same continent as i , or the said invasion or conflict happened during my life time, its irrelevant to me ( i say this because a couple of members were trying to convince me otherwise) .

How did you feel about the cartoon fiasco? (the one where the Danish newspaper had some cartoons about your prophet). ANd while we're at it, how did you feel about the murder of Theo VanGogh???

what do you assume i felt like? hatred pure and simple , if there was a way i could bankrupt that news paper i would have done it, and this is because am not sure what Islam say's to do in this case bankruptcy feels like a least thing to repay the news paper.
if it had been some other religions prophet attacked they would have repayed with doing the same to Jesus (pbuh) but as a muslim i wouldnot do that since i believe him to be a prophet from God too .

the west must put all sacred stuff under some federal law protection, I mean if you think that I will say in answer to the movie this van fellow directed that he has a right to express himself then you are totally mistaken , what he has terribly insulted without logic or necessity is sacred to me , which means its more valuable to me than my own life , if the west intends to live peacefully with the moderate parts of islam such things must not happen( van’s movie- the cartoons) these things are too sacred to me to give a **** about freedom of speech , hell its more important to me than life it self for get some law, and that guy van he had it coming., there are many many critics of islam , as your self jojo , but do you think I will look at that van fellow the same way as you? NO .

with a superficial reading of the quran, it can be said that all those good qualities of decency you mention only apply muslim to muslim. And there is plenty of "interpretation" that allows for ANYTHING against the unbeliever

may be true but it remains to be wrongful interpretation, as a muslim i can live peacefully with a christian neighbour , hell i can marry his daughter, if Islam allows astrocities against them why would it allow us to marry into them?

I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears a mullah stating that, if you see a Kuffar in the street - you can rob him - you can take him as a slave - you can kill him. He is an unbeliever. It is just such "interpretations" that people like you and I need to stand up against.

man that Mullah is waaaaaaay off base , can you tell me where was that? i mean the country.

You're correct - if someone commits a crime and says God told him to, in the west, we cart them off to a mental ward. In Gaza and the Left Bank, they name streets for them....

are you trying to tell me the conditions in the west are comparable to those in Gaza and the left bank? am not condoning naming streets after murderers, but if you are going to refer to that conflict we better take it from the begenning.

While we in the west do appreciate your words that the thousands of events througout the world are "not true islam" -- it really really would be beneficial if you all told the ones commiting the atrocites that they are wrong - instead of telling us we are wrong, when we merely point out what the islamists themselves are telling us when they say they are justified in your scripture, while we're cleaning up after a bus, hotel or nightclub bombing

big misunderstanding here my friend, am not trying to tell any one that they are wrong , you (and every citizen of the US except the politicians) have every right to view Islam as you do, whenever you turn on your TV you can see and hear news of sick deeds by people calling themselves muslims, you can see suicidal attacks against civilians in Israel and sometimes the US and UK, you listen to statistics regarding the 911 attacks and so on, its perfectly understandable , and since we ( as those representing true Islam ) are unable to convey to you( as US citizens in your homes and life) our stance and understanding and mentality , this becomes our shortcoming, not your misunderstanding or wrongfullness (spl) , about telling the extremists they are wrong do you really believe they will amend their way's? , also do you think that it is easy to uproot the extremists roots? their financing ? do you think it is easy to discredit their propaganda that is daily gaining because of hate crimes commited against ordinary muslims across the globe? and in particular Iraq and Palestine!! you must also remember that what you call moderate muslims and i call muslims (without moderate) are being oppressed by aotucratic regimes , their belongings confiscated , their gatherings forbidden, and their mentality rediculed by government controlled media!!

the US government or specifically the CIA was involved in overthrowing a democratically elected government in Sudan ( 1964-1969) this government was formed of what you would call a moderate Islamic party headed by Elsadig Elmahdi who has had his education in oxford and is known and respected in political circles in the west only to put a military government in his place headed by general Numeiry who was actually leaning towards the soviet union in his first two years of rule but became a strong ally of the US after that, this same government was responsible for the torture and death of many opposing parties and people, and helped todays governing party accumilate wealth that enabled them to overthrow another democratic government later on, this political party is responsible for whats happening in Darfor and the murders of many many innocent Sudanese citizens of different political affiliations, thats an example of what US interference did to moderate and democratic Islamic nations.

I mean, come on! - One could say that what Islam contributed was only due to them picking up the pieces from the Romans, who picked up the pieces from the Greeks, who picked up some pieces from the Persians, who picked things up from the Babylonians - and on and on we go.

thats exactly what am saying , we did contribute during the golden age by picking up from where other nations stoped, and then others( modern day europe) continued .

Let's look around today -- Why is it that Mexico (Mexico!!) translates more books in one year - than the ENTIRE combined "glory" of muslim nations?? I will believe that Islam allows for science and advancement when I see it. If it's the rulers of muslim nations keeping you all down - then REVOLT and REFORM! We did it in the west.... "We, the people..." You and I, brother

as i said Islam now is in a very sorry state , am not at all surprised at this bit of news, the continuation of dictatorships ruling over us is the main culprit , not only today’s governments but their predecessors and their predecessors.

A real good analogy is that coporal punishment of spanking works, when used properly, with little children -- but you don't go spanking adults!! So, sharia (spanking in the analogy) works great with barbaric people (children) but for adults (civilized societies) it does NOT work

let me ask you this, how embarrassing would it be for you if you were to be publicly spanked ( the common punish for kids !! ) , extremely embarrassing i would guess right? plus in sharia law , the cases for which flogging or spanking is the punishment could be counted with one hand , and is mainly used to embarrass the culprit so much so as to not commit the felony again, this is usualy done for minor crimes where sharia law left it for the judge , as in if some one insulted another person publicly its upto the judge to decide the punishment , their is a condition that for flogging ,the sentence ( or number of floggings ) must be less than the established numbers of floggings for crimes in sharia law.

Western law works better

you are entitled to your opinion as i am Very Happy

Do you really and honestly believe that in this day and age, cutting off the hand of a thief is the way to go?? Or stoning a woman for adultery?? Do you also honestly believe that it takes TWO women's testimony to equal a mans?? That is all part of sharia

in regards to cutting the hands of a thief there are a lot of conditions that must be met before that judgment is passed , for instance the value of the stolen goods ( i can recall right now how much but i will get back to you on that) , plus their must be very very strong evidence that removes all shadow of doubt, i mean fingerprints prove where a person has touched, but video tapes show you stealing, John Grisham would call it irrefutable evidence Very Happy ,
about stoning its regardless of gender ( i mean its not for women only men too) and several factors must be established before stoning they are:-
1- the accused is or was married.
2- the accused was witnessed by 4 people together (i mean all the four should have seen the act of adultery together ).
3- all the four witnesses must state that they actually saw the male organ entering the vagina ( i have to be this clear) , for example if they saw the two just fondling each other even if butt naked it does not amount to stoning.

i also must mention that during the life time of prophet mohamed (pbuh) authenticated hadith proves he allowed only one incidence of stoning the proof was admittance of the act ( which is the only other way ) .

now that you understand the very difficult conditions under which stoning can be made in sharia law, there is another angle to cover, why would islam allow stoning in the first place? isnot it too cruel?

this is how i see it, a person or a couple who allow themselves to indulge in adultery even after being married and quenching a human need(whether biological emotional or physical) in a lawful way and still they want to have practice sex outside marriage then these are seriously in need of psychiatric help , but those who are so unlawful and un-abiding with absolutely no sense of shame to the extent of allowing themselves to be witnessed by four people ( what are the odds of that happening? ) these people are challenging our core values , they don’t give a **** about society, and are totally deprived of decency and common knowledge .

must keep in your mind that the practice of sex outside marriage is the source of all evil to society, in other words high rates of crime, murder and rapes are mostly caused by outcasts of society , in the muslim world children born out of wedlock constitute 90% of societies outcasts , the results of wide spread practice of adultery will be the direct cause of a fall of the western world if its not controlled soon.

i dont want my society to suffer from this.

The muslim world would be better off if it stopped demanding everyone learn the quran exclusively, and started teaching it's children how to read, write and do math. Only then can you have a chance to have another "golden age".

The islamic madrassas you are referring to here we go to them ( in my country) before the age of entering first grade in school, the islamic madrassas for all ages teach all modern science like mathematics and physics, and they concentrate on Islamic studies a bit more than regular government schools, we dont think it is enough for a person to only learn the Quraan and nothing else , and please allow me to say that it would be stupid of you to assume that the majority of Muslims believe that either.

There is waaayyy too much for me to do here. Just check out those two sites by ex-Muslims and you'll see all the scriptural justification used throughout the world for doing anything to the unbeliever

i wanted you to state some so i can point out the way those verses should have been understood , the obvious way , the way it has been said.

Oh, and by the way - here's a little historical tidbit from America:: Early in this nations history, Thomas Jefferson had to deal with the Barbary pirates - muslims who would attack shipping and take hostage (as slaves!) men from our nation, as well as the other European nations. When Jefferson asked their leader what right they had to do this, the reply was that it was written and commanded of them in their holy book - which is WHY Jefferson had that copy of the quran that Ellis (the first muslim elected to public office here) wanted to swear in on. Jefferson wanted to read up on their beliefs - "know thine enemy" and all that.
What ended up happening is that America (and Europe) paid them off to stop the piratical attacks -- until eventually they started demanding too much and we finally went to war with them to stop it

thanks for the info, these guys u mention , they are nothing but typical pirates , whom on which the rule of the marine world should have been applied to.

Oh, and by the way - here in America and in the west, anyone can become a public official - no matter their religious beliefs. That's an impossibility in Muslim nations. Is this sharia?? or is it just the way the rulers of Muslim nations do things?? In sharia, can a non-Muslim take part in governing?? This is why there needs to be a separation of mosque and state

i can reply and say i will believe that America will allow a Muslim to be its president when i see it, but i understand that the law's allow it, but the law's also state its the people that choose, if a candidate can win their hearts and minds then he can be a president regardless of all else.

regarding non-Muslims taking part in government am not sure about that too , but i think that its a necessity at least in my country ( where we have minorities of other religions) they should have representatives in office, but i would still prefer the head of state to be a Muslim.(on the condition that minorities can live according to their own religious laws with consideration of feelings to the Muslim majority)

being the good Muslim that I truly do know you are, sir, the world is divided into Darul Islam - The house of Islam(submission) and Darul Harb (sp?) -- the house of WAR

sorry that’s news to me, i think Islam orders me not to attack those who do not attack me, have peaceful co-existence as the base for relationships with others, and apply the three choices to those am at war with.

those choices are only given to "the people of the book" (Jews and Christians) - atheists and such just get murdered straight out.

those choices are applied to those with whom we are at war, regardless of religion, that’s my understanding and the oppressed majority (the common man or woman).

Now tell me again, how come Muslim nations don't allow for the same?? Proselytizing any other religion in a Muslim nation is a capitol crime - often punishable by death

COMBONI is one of the oldest Christian establishments in Sudan , they have built churches in many areas ( actually not so far from my own home) , they have schools, they have colleges , they have hospitals ( i have been treated in one of them several times ) and in my country its not punishable by death, which means Islam does not teach it, Christians in Sudan are known to own the best real estate in the capital, its like this is their business, i have and had many Christian friends, many of them discussed Christianity with me without fear and they did not think they had to fear anything, some countries may consider it a capital crime but its allowed to preach Christianity in personal levels like in a church or if you establish clubs and the sorts, but surely not on TV or radio it would not be allowed anywhere in the Islamic world.

you can sign peace treaties (I believe the period is for 8 years, since that's what your prophet did)

well there is no limit, the basic rule is forever as long as you don’t make any moves considered as declaration of war.

just like the prophet - you can use that to build up arms until you are stronger - then break the treaty at will and attack - because the are only kuffar, after all - and the prophet did it..... Again, there isn't enough space to quote all the quranic and hadith text - but you can find all those answers on the two sites, by ex-Muslims, that I mentioned.

absolutely wrong , i can not and will not break a treaty of peace unless you willfully and intentionally break it first and all hope of returning to it has been exhausted , you say prophet mohamed (pbuh) did it i say he did not, the website you mentioned is blocked from here i can not access it so just copy and paste the hadiths or verses or whatever they base their accusations upon.

Oh, and by the way - do you agree with sharia that someone who renounces Islam should die?? Or is there TRULY no compulsion in your religion??

there is no compulsion to enter into the religion , regarding the death of those who renounce it that’s my understanding of what sharia law's teach , but i need more info on that, i will get back to you on that.

You're the first Muslim I met who could rationally discuss all these things!!

exactly the first one you met , there are many you have not met , who do not have access to the internet , and do not know how to converse in English fluently enough to discuss these matters , they are here alright.

By "reform" no one means reforming the words in your book - I mean the same reform that Christianity went through - rethinking it's INTERPRETATION of the words in their book -- and this is so very badly needed in Islam!!

if by reform you mean correcting the misunderstandings of many Muslims of what the Quraan teaches , am with you 100% .

Can you imagine nukes in the hands off Al Qaeda!! (may God helps us all!!)

they would not give you enough time to imagine anything.

And lastly - I was also pleased with seeing that, though you are a Sudanese Muslim, you are against the government there. What has been going on in Sudan has been a pet peeve of mine for decades - ethnic and religious cleansing of Christians and black Muslims. And It's nice to hear you are against that

am against them , and against their deeds in darfor and the south too , this government should go, i hope they stick to the peace treaty signed last year that will make elections a possibility.

Take care - and may God protect you from your fellow Muslims who truly would kill you for your moderate views of Islam - because they would consider you the heretic and unbeliever.

any one who would kill me inspite of my saying the Shahadatan is not a fellow Muslim of mine Smile

Or has all this merely been exercise in taqiyya for you? -- (lying to unbelievers, as sanctioned by your prophet and your holy book, in order to advance Islam by any means.)

you seem to know about Islam more than me loools , there is nothing as Taqiya in my understanding at least, actually this word means a cap in Arabic , lying is allowed only during warfare ( bombs flying around) against the enemy as a means of deception, and to bring two friends back together , or husband and wife back together.

I believe you are sincere. But just because someone is honestly sincere, that doesn't mean they aren't blind to the realities of what their fellow co-religionists are doing, thousands of times a year throughout the world, in the name of the same god. Please!! Tell THEM that they are wrong!! Not us.

those you refer to as co-religionist are not in fact what you call them( in my opinion) , they shame the name of Islam, and I totally deny any ties to them.Smile
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 05:57 pm
That's one helluva post there PW.
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 06:09 pm
What has Christianity done for minorities? That's an irrelevant question. Christianity is the religion of Jesus Christ. One either believes in Him or not. It's not a matter of politics. Anyone who converts to any religion on the basis of politics, much less narrow personal agendas, isn't thinking clearly.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 07:29 pm
JoJoJams;36106 wrote:
Mousyyyy...come on over to America and look around, huh?

My ancestors was before the Europeans

While, just as Jesus said, "the poor will always be with us", because he knew that some people really DO make bad choices and keep themselves down,

Slavery and/or exploitation is hardly a choice of the enslaved or exploited

if you look at the over-all stats, you'll find minorities DO have it better here than anywhere in the world!! I once heard it said of a man who had met an African, and one of the African's dreams was to visit America -- so he could see fat poor people.

Africa is rich in resources, no reason to starve, but white people strip the country and kill the people(diamonds)

One interesting statistic is that people with alot of melanin in their skin ("black" people) coming over from Africa, do MUCH better, on average, than the American of African descent here for generations. Because they take advantage of the opportuniteis afforded them!! Instead of screaming the vicitm mentality b.s.

Victim Mentality? More so than the jews? Anyways immigrants have not experienced centuries of white brutality in the NAME OF CHRIST

The KKK?? puhleeease. You'll have to try harder than that. We've grown up well past that.

It was never a growing thing..but rather GREED

One thing is for SURE ~ Numerically, they are no where even close to the TENS OF MILLIONS of islamists and extremists (not to be confused with good people who follow the good parts and interpretations of islam).

Yet a terrorist organization...

Christ is NOT "just for whites", and shame on you for denigrating the millions of Latin, Spanish, Indonesian, Chinese, Russian, "black" - well, EVERYONE of every different nationality on the globe, who are Christian by intelligent choice!! ~

Committ any sin you desire.... and for a fee.. the spineless Ghost of Christ will forgive you

I promise you we won't riot in the streets and kill innocent people in defense of some misbegotten honor though! What we'll do is just laugh at you....and pray for you.

Christanity is not with a history of killing the innocent

Jews part of the "conspiracy"?? ROTFL!! **and a heavy sigh**

No different than whites(GREEDY)..except smarter

<<<get behind me satan....>>>>

Like the priest behind the lil kiddies?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 11:04 pm
Hey Mr. Politically-Wrong

Nice to hear from you again. Mazel Tov, my brother.

well i hope i deserve this much credit loools Smile

I'm just happy to meet a muslim I can rationally discuss all this with. So, in my book - you deserve credit.

an important aim for me is to separate the word Jihad from being mentioned in the same breath with extremism, Islam say's the hardest type of jihad is a word of honesty and truth in the face of a tyrant ( thats one understanding of jihad thats been missing) .

That ties in well with the link I posted in my comment to Sword of god - The link was by the same guy he quoted. After reading the article and hearing your words - I'll join you in that, my friend. Hirabah, then. Does that work with you? Or what is your suggestion to replace "Jihad" in the description of what the hundreds of thousands of people who refer to themselves as Jihadists should be?? I like your interpretation for jihad - I prefer a Word over a Sword any day, myself. There is an old saying in the west that "the pen is mightier than the sword". ((mostly only when there is free speach!)) Personally, I like the pen, but I also have a sword - and I pray God allow my aim to be true.


(JoJoJams)I'm pleasantly surprised to hear of your (and many of your friends) "hatred towards beards", due to thinking they could be government agents. No matter a persons (or nations) religion, those darn "governments" and "politicians" can sure be a pain. So, we share a commonality there! A distrust of government!! ;-)

Apparently yes, and if it came to be known around here what am doing online i am not so sure what can possibly happen.

And there is a part of me that worries for you - man to man - friend to friend - brother to brother - knowing the possibilites of what could happen to you where you are at (Sudan). However, since your arguing in favor of Islam - that's most definitely in your favor. It's just your interpretation some of them might have problems with - and I'd hate to see anything happen to you. Do you all (the average citizen) have the right to bear arms over there? For all the propaganda to the contrary, truly - no one here in America (joe average citizen) is ever afraid of a "knock in the night" and being hauled off somewhere for intterogation. ~ Just for using the internet and speaking their mind. But you're Muslim - so you'll more than likely be aok in Sudan. Are you a Sudanese of African or Arabic descent?

this is absolutely wrong , it shouldnot have happened , personaly am not sure what Islam say's about what to do in such a case (the cartoons ) but violence against those who had nothing to do with it is surely out of the pic, regarding the one who made the cartoons i wish i can understand what was he trying to accomplish, btw i never till date saw those cartoons.

Personally, I'd blame the riots and murders on the Imams and mad mullahs - riling up the people - and over-blowing the charges. The cartoonists (and the paper) were trying to do what they do for every other government, political entity or religion.... ONE picture, to make a political/theological/ideological statement and get people THINKING!!!!! The worst one printed in the paper was an image of your prophet with a turban that looked like a bomb. That was all. And what it was meant to convey is EXACTLY what you have experienced here by people - TRYING to show that the teachings mohammed taught -- are used by those that would blow up schools, busses, hotels, and nightclubs. And, of course, the muslim worlds gets mad at us for pointing that out. In the west, the cartoon would have been an opening for DIALOGUE to talk about the realities of what is going on in the name of your prophet and your god. Instead of talking about it MAN to MAN - as you and I are doing here, a large chunk of the Muslim world instead gets mad, riots and kills people -- Because we're trying to point out what is being done in the name of your prophet and your god. you and I have already covered that point of interpretation though.

Add to that defending Islamic nations against invasions and occupation( am sure you know what am refering to), regardless of whether that nations exists in the same continent as i , or the said invasion or conflict happened during my life time, its irrelevant to me ( i say this because a couple of members were trying to convince me otherwise) .

And while I hear where you are coming from - (in both instances) - understand this:
People gripe and scream that we "created" or "support" those in power over you, (even though it's just been trying to pick the "lesser of two evils" in who can be a "friend" in the world/nations scene - letting them run themselves! instead of running things for them) BUT, when we go in and take one of the pieces of sh1t out, and try to give you a chance to run it yourselves, "We, the People..." you all STILL scream bloody at us!! lol-- we are truly "damned if we do, and damned if we don't". Now - here's something I'm sure we both can agree on. In the first war against saddam, my government promised many citizens of Iraq who wanted hussein out that we would help them if they rose up and revolted, while we liberated Kuwait (see - we've fought for muslims many times). Many people rose up --- and my contrey abondoned them. After Kuwait, we left ((So friggin much for OCCUPATION and "INVADERS!!" and "STEALING THE OIL@!!)) ~ But we abondoned good men and women who wanted to be free.... Saddam, of course. then began a retribution against those we urged to rise up....and then we abandoned.
We should have continued on to Baghdad that first time and took the s.o.b. out -- We then would already have been done and gone - and Iraq would be a whole different country with a muslim equivalent of "We...the people" running it.

what do you assume i felt like? hatred pure and simple , if there was a way i could bankrupt that news paper i would have done it, and this is because am not sure what Islam say's to do in this case bankruptcy feels like a least thing to repay the news paper.
if it had been some other religions prophet attacked they would have repayed with doing the same to Jesus (pbuh) but as a muslim i wouldnot do that since i believe him to be a prophet from God too .

Ummm - you really are unfamiliar with the west then, huh? Do you know that over ten years ago there was a display of "art" at a New York museum, the artist paid for by tax payer dollars!, where an up-side-down crucifix was in a jar of urine??>>??? Christians complained loudly, for sure, but the "left" and "liberals" said it was art and we should get over it. Don't look if we don't like it. Christians didn't riot in the streets and kill people, though. So, you see, this is a big difference between the two religions. What's funny is those same lefties today in American were too afraid to reprint the mohammed cartoons - lol. Because they were afraid. They're not afraid to mock Christians, though. Because the judeao-christian God is one of love. And really, ultimately -- He can fight his own battles. I don't need to get offended for him and do judgment in his staid - it's up to HIM and the lost individual, whom I'll pray for. See, my God is a bigger God.....He doesn't take offense at cartoons. Politically-Wrong, don't you realize that what I have said here in these post is WORSE than the cartoon fiasco and the pope's comment, and even Theo VanGogh's documentary, combined, BY FAR!!! ~ So, since you've told me how you feel about them, how do you feel about me??? Why is it that Muslims believe Christians are incorrect to venerate Jesus "too much" - for believing him the perfect man - God come down in the flesh to experience what we experience, so he can more better, fairly judge due to "walking in our shoes", but then they can themselves venerate a mere man, just as (or more) than God - and riot and kill over an alleged
"blashpemy" ((a friggin CARTOON!!))??
Don't you see the problem there, my friend??

the west must put all sacred stuff under some federal law protection

No way - ridiculous. God can help himself. It's not Him being offended ~ it's you who are offended..... And the best way is rationally, logically and calmly debating the issues - as you and I are doing here. ALL things should be open for discussion. Again, seeking and asking uncomfortable questions, doesn't bother God. Why should it bother you?? Let God deal with it and pray for the lost persons soul. Hate the sin - love the sinner. - It isn't our place to mete judgement.
Did God or mohammed tell you he was offended by those cartoons?? Or are you merely offended yourself because someone calls in to question the fondations of your belief??
If your beliefs are truly solid and "true" - you have no need to be offended and can laugh in a mockers face. However, if the foundation of your belief and religion is truly weak, spiritually, and groundless in theology, logic, and reason - well - then I suppose you would get offended and want to riot, kill, and shut up the person you disagree with.

And yet again a real difference between the Judeao-Christain and Islamic beliefs surfaces......

The cartoons were meant to open dialogue to try to come to an understanding of how islam DOES contribute to the terror we are seeing in the world today, and instead of rationally discussing it - as you and I are doing here - others rioted in the streets and killed innocent people, and the rest screamed at us that how DARE we say the "religion of peace" has any ties to terror. It really is mind boggling, actually.....

I mean if you think that I will say in answer to the movie this van fellow directed that he has a right to express himself then you are totally mistaken , what he has terribly insulted without logic or necessity is sacred to me , which means its more valuable to me than my own life , if the west intends to live peacefully with the moderate parts of islam such things must not happen( van’s movie- the cartoons) these things are too sacred to me to give a **** about freedom of speech , hell its more important to me than life it self for get some law, and that guy van he had it coming., there are many many critics of islam , as your self jojo , but do you think I will look at that van fellow the same way as you? NO.

Did you see it?? The gist of it was:: naked women in translucent scarfs - and all over their bodies were quranic scripture quoting how woman are to be beaten and kept down, they're opinion half that of a man - they are stupid, etc. - How they are OPPRESSED in muslim societies, due to quranic scripture and sharia law. Maybe you can't see his point, being a muslim man. The woman in his film were all ex-muslims. It was all real - and all to OPEN DIALOGUE -- OPEN EYES!!!--- OPEN MINDS!! To real truth....

But you fail to see that and hate him -- because you've been told to hate him -- and you never even saw what he did. lolol- - still you were offended. It kind of scares me, brother, because what I have said here on this sight is FAR worse then all three events (cartoons, pope, VanGogh) combined....

What you fail to see, in your indoctrinated hatred (because you've never even seen the cartoons or the documentary! You were only told what to believe!) and false "honor" is that NONE of them were mocking you!! They were trying to open eyes and start dialogue. To help people to GROW UP past primitive misogynistic theocratically enforced b.s.
But you all feel you are sooooo right, that how dare anyone question it!!
Dude, respect is EARNED - not coerced and forced. And it's earned by logic, reason and decency. Not by rioting, killing and governmentally enforced "hate crimes" laws. Mr. VanGogh did NOT have it coming!!! He did it to stand up to the TYRANTS in ISLAM, hoping to help WOMAN of ISLAM. The woman in the film were ex-muslims who wanted real freedom - most beat and abused. ((oh, and don't start about the west's stats on this - just look at the log in your own eye for this part....that's all we're saying)) Free up (TRULY free up)) the other 50% of your population, along with separation of mosque and state, and you will excell as well!! But instead, some of you would just rather shut up the one opening that dialogue....well, kill them. You say you won't look at me like VanGogh - but what I've said throughout this intelligent, reasonable debate is FAR worse than what the people you hate and condemn did. I'm sorry - this is all just too convoluted for me to grasp your mindset....

may be true but it remains to be wrongful interpretation, as a muslim i can live peacefully with a christian neighbour , hell i can marry his daughter, if Islam allows astrocities against them why would it allow us to marry into them?

Ummmm, because when you marry into them, you demand she convert to Islam?? lol--- COme on!! With all you've said so far, anyone reading this KNOWS that if you took a christian girl home to momma and poppa - it would be demanded she convert. - lol ;-) you're funny, bro! :-)

Check out those two site links in previous posts of mine for all the quranic scripture relating to how anything is permitted against an infidel. And it's all from ex-muslims. Seriously - I think you seem like a good guy. maybe they can help open your eyes. Or, if your faith is strong enough....maybe you can convince them they are wrong. They're all definitely more versed in the quran then I, since they were indoctrinated from birth in it - so you'll have a much harder time with them than me. Still, if you felt spiritually up to it, it could help open your eyes -- if you aren't afraid to see what they say, that is.....

man that Mullah is waaaaaaay off base , can you tell me where was that? i mean the country.

It was in England - and granted, he was an English convert speaking it in English - and yes, I know, unfortunately too many madrassas are supported and run by the wahabbi sect.... I know this. Still - they comprise millions and are gaining in numbers (people always flock to evil it seems). Would you like to join me in countering their interpretations?? (please)

are you trying to tell me the conditions in the west are comparable to those in Gaza and the left bank? am not condoning naming streets after murderers, but if you are going to refer to that conflict we better take it from the begenning.

I know all about that conflict - in many of it's facets. Too much for here -- we can chat on that some other day, some other thread. My comment still stands, as is, for all to see:: When someone commits a crime in the west and says God told them to do it, we take them to a psychiatric ward. When someone in the west bank or gaza says god told them to kill a bunch of people by blowing them up - they name streets after them.

big misunderstanding here my friend, am not trying to tell any one that they are wrong , you (and every citizen of the US except the politicians) have every right to view Islam as you do, whenever you turn on your TV you can see and hear news of sick deeds by people calling themselves muslims, you can see suicidal attacks against civilians in Israel and sometimes the US and UK, you listen to statistics regarding the 911 attacks and so on, its perfectly understandable , and since we ( as those representing true Islam ) are unable to convey to you( as US citizens in your homes and life) our stance and understanding and mentality , this becomes our shortcoming, not your misunderstanding or wrongfullness (spl) , about telling the extremists they are wrong do you really believe they will amend their way's?

YES!!!! Just as we've marginalized the KKK and our own "extremists"!!! By standing up to them -- telling them EN MASSE that they are WRONG and FIGHTING against them!!! ((Didn't you say something earlier about "speaking truth in the face of a tyrant"?!?!)) My GOD man!!! It's (allegedly) only 1% of muslims that are extremists!!! You don't think the other BILLION people can't stand up and stop those 1%??!?? If you all WANTED to ---you could....It's as simple as that.

, also do you think that it is easy to uproot the extremists roots? their financing ?

Well, those supporting and financing it are what, another 20 - 30% of muslims?? That still leaves a majority of people like you, who SHOULD stand up to the rest. Hey, in my life, when I've been at parties and someone cracked a racial joke - I always soundly put them in their place - DESPITE being out numbered. Why can't you all do the same?? Hell, all you reasonable muslims aren't even outnumbered!! Stand up to them! If God is on your side, there is nothing to be afraid of..... Speak TRUTH to TYRANNY - as you yourself stated.....

do you think it is easy to discredit their propaganda that is daily gaining because of hate crimes commited against ordinary muslims across the globe?

My brother, the propaganda IS that hate crimes are committed daily against ordinary muslims across the globe.....***sigh** and the mad-mullahs and power hungry imams will blow ANYTHING out of proportion, (like a cartoon or a comment (which was true) by the pope, and in lieue of any REAL event, they will create or make one up.... On the cartoon controversy - the imams/mullahs from Finland inserted their own cartoons in the batch - that were TRULY offensive. they created them -- taqiyya -- to rile the masses. -- but truth is, the worst one was a pic of mohammed with a turban that looked like a bomb-- that was all..... That is how islam has spread since it's inception. By deception, taqiyya, and the sword. Riling the masses with propaganda and lies, and promises of virgins in paradise....

and in particular Iraq and Palestine!!

Iraq - the worst atrociteis are between Shia and Sunni. You all condemn us for supporting hussein (like in their war with Iran) and condemn us for "supporting" all these terrible dictators -- but if we go in and take them out for you, to try to help you build your own autonomous nation of "We...the people" ...well - hey -- you condemn us still....
Other than us infidels curling up and dying, is there anything that pleases the muslim masses??

you must also remember that what you call moderate muslims and i call muslims (without moderate) are being oppressed by aotucratic regimes , their belongings confiscated , their gatherings forbidden, and their mentality rediculed by government controlled media!!

I remember -- and it's one of the reasons I worry for you. Since you're in the Sudan. Again, though - luckily you're a muslim - so if you just keep quiet and don't speak Truth...they won't come after you.....ahem.

the US government or specifically the CIA was involved in overthrowing a democratically elected government in Sudan ( 1964-1969) this government was formed of what you would call a moderate Islamic party headed by Elsadig Elmahdi who has had his education in oxford and is known and respected in political circles in the west only to put a military government in his place headed by general Numeiry who was actually leaning towards the soviet union in his first two years of rule but became a strong ally of the US after that, this same government was responsible for the torture and death of many opposing parties and people, and helped todays governing party accumilate wealth that enabled them to overthrow another democratic government later on, this political party is responsible for whats happening in Darfor and the murders of many many innocent Sudanese citizens of different political affiliations, thats an example of what US interference did to moderate and democratic Islamic nations.

We supported the apparent "lesser of two evils" at the time - Like you even stated - the guy came off as a decent moderate!! Why is it OUR fault for him practicing taqiyya on us!!! And hey!! I myself have been for DECADES begging people to see what is going on over there and DO SOMETHING!!! But NO ONE in the world cares. America could come in and topple them and give you your country back -- but then you'd just scream at us again!!.....ahem
And where are all the muslim nations!! Turning a blind eye to you - as is the U.N. and the rest of the world....
I know you take this one personally -with good reason - and I hear you, I truly do... But another blunder we made was the CIA supporting the Ayahtolla in deposing the shah of Iran -- and now look what a bloody mess they turned in to! All that we have always done, is tried to support the lesser of two evil - as opposed to imperialistically running it for ourselves. You know what?? It's not OUR fault that people come from disfunctional and sick cultures, and they practice taqiyya on us so we can help them - and then turn to evil acts once they get in power. That's their fault and the culture that bread them.

thats exactly what am saying , we did contribute during the golden age by picking up from where other nations stoped, and then others( modern day europe) continued .

Fair enough. I've just heard some say that it was ALL due to islam -- never mentioning picking up the pieces, as though islam discovered everything.

as i said Islam now is in a very sorry state , am not at all surprised at this bit of news, the continuation of dictatorships ruling over us is the main culprit , not only today’s governments but their predecessors and their predecessors.

Agreed!! But the way to freedom isn't more of the same!!! Islam has it's "last chance" in Iraq to build a free nation. based on the muslim version of "We....the people". But with all the sunni vs. shiite killing constantly going on - just to "drive the invaders out" ((as if we never liberated and then left kuwait! **sigh**)) - I can't see islam getting better. It's only sinking lower. Separate mosque and state - and your religious wars against each other (sunni vs. shiite etc.) will stop. Only then will Islam grow up to meet the 21st century.

let me ask you this, how embarrassing would it be for you if you were to be publicly spanked ( the common punish for kids !! ) , extremely embarrassing i would guess right? plus in sharia law , the cases for which flogging or spanking is the punishment could be counted with one hand , and is mainly used to embarrass the culprit so much so as to not commit the felony again, this is usualy done for minor crimes where sharia law left it for the judge , as in if some one insulted another person publicly its upto the judge to decide the punishment , their is a condition that for flogging ,the sentence ( or number of floggings ) must be less than the established numbers of floggings for crimes in sharia law.

Actually, in the west, if one person insulted another publically, there's a typical childrens playground retort of "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names can never hurt me" -- then we stick out our tonuges and give a big ***PLPLPLPP**** rasberry. lolol ~ God that Honor/Shame foolishness is oh so funny!! lolol. Sharia wouldn't work in the west at all. We've been free too long and don't want to be shackled. If someone insults you -- laugh in their face and toss a (truthful/honest) jibe back at them, and grow on in your life. If you laugh in the insulters face and belittle him as an ignorant child -- the "honor" is there. I don't need sharia and flogging a fool to accomplish that. and I don't even need to kill him! And I'm the better man for that.....

in regards to cutting the hands of a thief there are a lot of conditions that must be met before that judgment is passed , for instance the value of the stolen goods ( i can recall right now how much but i will get back to you on that) , plus their must be very very strong evidence that removes all shadow of doubt, i mean fingerprints prove where a person has touched, but video tapes show you stealing, John Grisham would call it irrefutable evidence Very Happy ,
about stoning its regardless of gender ( i mean its not for women only men too) and several factors must be established before stoning they are:-
1- the accused is or was married.
2- the accused was witnessed by 4 people together (i mean all the four should have seen the act of adultery together ).
3- all the four witnesses must state that they actually saw the male organ entering the vagina ( i have to be this clear) , for example if they saw the two just fondling each other even if butt naked it does not amount to stoning.

i also must mention that during the life time of prophet mohamed (pbuh) authenticated hadith proves he allowed only one incidence of stoning the proof was admittance of the act ( which is the only other way ) .

now that you understand the very difficult conditions under which stoning can be made in sharia law, there is another angle to cover, why would islam allow stoning in the first place? isnot it too cruel?

this is how i see it, a person or a couple who allow themselves to indulge in adultery even after being married and quenching a human need(whether biological emotional or physical) in a lawful way and still they want to have practice sex outside marriage then these are seriously in need of psychiatric help , but those who are so unlawful and un-abiding with absolutely no sense of shame to the extent of allowing themselves to be witnessed by four people ( what are the odds of that happening? ) these people are challenging our core values , they don’t give a **** about society, and are totally deprived of decency and common knowledge .

Whew - that's a big one. And while I see some of your points, I still think you are wrong.

Why the slow torture of stoning?? (other than that "the prophet did it") in this day and age, why not a quick bullet into the head, then? Quicker and easier for everyone, yes? But, actually, isn't it enough that the spouse that was cheated on divorces and casts her (or him) out, and there is a shunnning in the society, in the hopes that the person repents and grows up?? Christianity gives them that chance to repent (which we all are capable of) -- you all just kill them.....

There once was a woman in Judea -- 650 years before your prophet was born, who was caught in adultery - caught in the act!!.... She was dragged out by the crowd/people and rabbis to be stoned.....
A prophet (at least YOU said he was a prophet) said: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..." And one by one the people turned and left....

After they all left and the woman thanked Jesus, He told her to "Go, and sin no more".

You know what, my brother?? That woman went and sinned no more. How do I know this?? Because she isn't mentioned by name in scripture. You see, the one true God would not want to libel a person who's soul had changed.....
You, my brother, would never have given her that chance.
Such is the difference between Judeao-Christain values and Islam.

must keep in your mind that the practice of sex outside marriage is the source of all evil to society, in other words high rates of crime, murder and rapes are mostly caused by outcasts of society , in the muslim world children born out of wedlock constitute 90% of societies outcasts , the results of wide spread practice of adultery will be the direct cause of a fall of the western world if its not controlled soon.
i dont want my society to suffer from this.

Oh, Bro -- while I agree that a family, comprised of a father, a mother and children ARE the bedrock of society, I don't agree that sex outside of marriage is the source of all evil to a society.
What's funny/sad is you don't see the correlation in your statement of bastard children (HUMAN BEINGS!! ~ WHo are INNOCENT!! It wasn't THEIR fault their parent chose to "sin"! Why do you "outcast" the human child, for their fathers/mothers sin??? ~ Another differnce between judeao-Christian values and Islam) being 90% of OUTCASTS in your society.... If they are "Outcasts" ~ what options do they have except crime??? So it's YOUR "outcast" mentality that causes them to HAVE to commit crimes to LIVE......Sad.

Maybe if children born out of wedlock (it wasn't THEIR fault, after all...) were HELPED in your society, they wouldn't commit the crimes you attribute to them. PLUS, I would have to say your numbers are surely inflated - Crimes are committed by people of all walks of life, all castes, all levels in society -- because it is individuals who make choices to commit a crime or not. Anywhere therre is humanity, there will be people even "well off" and from "good families" who choose to commit crimes. Now, certainly, an unmarried woman with a child has a hard time to excell - and often ends in poverty - and within poverty is generally more crime (though why were crime rates lower during the world's Great Depression than they are now?? Because even without money, people still lived values/morals.)

In one sense, you ARE right! I mean, a person who is so "loose" and immoral as to mess around and have a child outside of marriage is also the type who couldn't/wouldn't raise that child properly, to be a good, productive human.
But, there are plenty of good people who have made mistakes (and gotten pregnant) - and DEFINITELY learned and grew up from those mistakes, and they've raised wonderful, good, productive chidren. And Sharia would have killed them before they got that chance.

I don't belive it's "adultery" that will cause the fall of the west - I believe it's the left/liberal/"progressive" perspective that seeks to destroy the family and marriage itself that will destroy the foundation (family/marriage) of western culture. Similar concepts - but different, really. And trust me - many here are fighting that -- but we won't KILL people over it. It HAS to be by reason and logic and dialogue....not by the sword.

The islamic madrassas you are referring to here we go to them ( in my country) before the age of entering first grade in school, the islamic madrassas for all ages teach all modern science like mathematics and physics, and they concentrate on Islamic studies a bit more than regular government schools, we dont think it is enough for a person to only learn the Quraan and nothing else , and please allow me to say that it would be stupid of you to assume that the majority of Muslims believe that either.

Of course not! There's the Hadiths to learn, too! ;-) ~ Sorry - couldn't resist. :-)

Ok then -- great -- then refer back to my previous post listing the accomplishments of Islam vs. Judaism, as well as the fact that Mexico (Mexico!) translates more books in a year than the entire muslim world combined??? Proof is in the pudding..... Or, you can tell a man by his fruits.
What are the fruits of islam, for all this math and physics you say is being taught?? No offense, but there's many muslims who are only using that knowledge to build a better IED..... How about if we build a better world for ALL instead?? Like the Jews have been doing.....


((this in reply to my requesting he visit the website links to see scripture extremists use))

i wanted you to state some so i can point out the way those verses should have been understood , the obvious way , the way it has been said.

I've seen the different interpretations - I know your answers - I also know it is just as "obvious" for the extremist's interpretations-- which is why MILLIONS see what the extremists see and follow it.

The biggest difference between Judeao-Christain heritage and Islam is that, while we see events of the scripture in light of the "way of the world" and necessary for those times only, Islamists (not to be confused with good people/muslims like you) see that your prophet did it - and they want to emulate those (what we would consider in this day and age) atrocities.

I KNOW what you say your scripture should mean....please, for the love of God, tell the extremists what they mean.....


((in response to comment of Barbary pirates))
thanks for the info, these guys u mention , they are nothing but typical pirates , whom on which the rule of the marine world should have been applied to.

Cool -- Yeah it is an interesting tidbit of hstory. Here's the Wikipedia (which is more P.C./lefty than I like) description of them::

Barbary pirate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umm-- as you can read -- it was a lot more than a few pirate renegades...they were actually an extension of the Ottoman empire, my friend. It went on for hundreds of years and was pretty much sanctioned and part of the muslims world towards the west....

This, along with the pope's referrence to a 17th century debate between an Muslim and a Christian in which it was stated that the only thing Islam has brought new to the world was the sword, instead of reason, (which --ummmm--- sparked the usual riots by ignorant peoples who refuse to see the truth....) prove that this alleged "extremist" perspective you sincerely belive to be wrong...is endemic to Islam itself and has been ongoing since it's inception.....perpetual war against those that don't belive in Islam and the words of your prophet.

i can reply and say i will believe that America will allow a Muslim to be its president when i see it, but i understand that the law's allow it, but the law's also state its the people that choose, if a candidate can win their hearts and minds then he can be a president regardless of all else.

Amen! ~ And since the majority of people abhor the tenets of sharia, and they couldn't trust a muslim president, it will be a long time before one could be president here. Say, AFTER the reformation that is soooo sorely need in the muslim world.
Still, the point was that a muslim WAS elected to public office here in America -- I never said anything about the president - but you just had to enlarge it try to "show" America's "bigotry" -(note the quotes) - One makes it to public office, but you have to say one could never be president. MY point was that in a muslim society, someone of a different religion COULDN"T BE ANYTHING!! So which society offers more to ALL people??? The west, of course.....

regarding non-Muslims taking part in government am not sure about that too , but i think that its a necessity at least in my country ( where we have minorities of other religions) they should have representatives in office, but i would still prefer the head of state to be a Muslim.(on the condition that minorities can live according to their own religious laws with consideration of feelings to the Muslim majority)

But they DON'T have representation in office!! That's the point! ~ and in one paragraph, you knock America, stating you'd beleive a muslim could be president when you see it, stating that, well - yeah, by the LAW one could - but those people!! insinuating they would never allow it.....and then in the next paragraph you boldly proclaim that you prefer a Muslim as the head of your nation!! puhhleease!!! lol -- allow us the same mode of thought as yourself!! lolol ;-)

The TRUTH remains: Here, a muslim was elected to public office -- in a Muslim nation, the reverse of that could NEVER be.

We see...my friend....the west sees your "truth".....


((need to read my last post - too long to reproduce: basically, I stated the Islamists, per Islam, divide the world in to Darul Islam and Darul Harb -- The "house of Islam<submission>" and the "house of war" - so islamists see theirselves at perpetual war outside of islamic nations. It's THEIR own words -- not mine)))
sorry that’s news to me, i think Islam orders me not to attack those who do not attack me, have peaceful co-existence as the base for relationships with others, and apply the three choices to those am at war with.

Great. And I do believe you. Maybe between you and I, we can convince the rest of the Muslim world about that, too.


((the choices are, per the quran, for the people of the book (Jews and Christians) and they are: Convert, pay the tax and be second class citizens (actually worse than the old "Jim Crow" stuff), or die/be killed -- but there is no cumpulsion in religion, mind you...***chuckle***))

those choices are applied to those with whom we are at war, regardless of religion, that’s my understanding and the oppressed majority (the common man or woman).

Well, all the ex-muslims I've spoken with tell me different. Check out those two sites I mentioned. The choices really do appear to be only for "the people of the book" -- and all others can be killed outright. You can (should) go debate them about it. Since they're ex-muslims, they certainly know more than me. Of course, they have to watch themselves -since they are considered apostates and leaving Islam is punishable by death.....not that there is any "cumpulsion" there, mind you. ;-)

COMBONI is one of the oldest Christian establishments in Sudan , they have built churches in many areas ( actually not so far from my own home) , they have schools, they have colleges , they have hospitals ( i have been treated in one of them several times ) and in my country its not punishable by death, which means Islam does not teach it, Christians in Sudan are known to own the best real estate in the capital, its like this is their business, i have and had many Christian friends, many of them discussed Christianity with me without fear and they did not think they had to fear anything, some countries may consider it a capital crime but its allowed to preach Christianity in personal levels like in a church or if you establish clubs and the sorts, but surely not on TV or radio it would not be allowed anywhere in the Islamic world.

Soooo cool to hear. Then there is some hope for Sudan. <<unless this is taqiyya>> So, what's up with Darfur and the christian and black muslim genocide going on???

Though it is kind of telling that, while it might be allowed on a "personel" one-on-one level (which is all Christ needs) they cannot broadcast their beliefs equally in the public forum....very telling. I believe if the opposite were true, (say, if in America muslims were not allowed the public forum they ARE afforded) there would be muslims screaming bigotry, racism and calling for Jihad. That's the word they would use!! I know - you and I wish to change the description to Haribah... anyhow....

absolutely wrong , i can not and will not break a treaty of peace unless you willfully and intentionally break it first and all hope of returning to it has been exhausted , you say prophet mohamed (pbuh) did it i say he did not, the website you mentioned is blocked from here i can not access it so just copy and paste the hadiths or verses or whatever they base their accusations upon.

Good to hear YOU wouldn't. On mohammed breaking the treaty, that would be the treaty he had with the Jews in the region. I forget the name, but I think it started with a Q. ((I could look it up, but I'm tired, and I'm sure you remember to which I am refering to now) Certainly, the islamic histroy is that the Jews broke the treaty and plotted to kill mohamed, but the western history is that it was mohamed who concocted that story of treason, and purposely broke the treaty once he built up his arms. Maybe the truth is somwhere in the middle? since mo was JUST a man, and ALL sides write history from their own perspectives. The truth is generally somewhere in the middle.....

Hey, Bro ~ I am SOoooo sorry those sites (and I'm sure many more) are blocked from you. There is Soooo much out there in the world you are missing!! God, I wish you lived in America where you could be truly free!!
I'm totally serious there....I think you would be an asset to what America is about.....

there is no compulsion to enter into the religion , regarding the death of those who renounce it that’s my understanding of what sharia law's teach , but i need more info on that, i will get back to you on that.

That's what I've read - anyone renouncing islam is an apostate and should be killed - and allegedly it was an edict from mohammed himself.

exactly the first one you met , there are many you have not met , who do not have access to the internet , and do not know how to converse in English fluently enough to discuss these matters , they are here alright.

That's good to know. Truly.

if by reform you mean correcting the misunderstandings of many Muslims of what the Quraan teaches , am with you 100% .

Then we are soooo in agreement here!!!

they would not give you enough time to imagine anything.

Too true...

I am against them , and against their deeds in darfor and the south too , this government should go, i hope they stick to the peace treaty signed last year that will make elections a possibility.

Me too - and I'll pray for that. And for your safety.

any one who would kill me inspite of my saying the Shahadatan is not a fellow Muslim of mine Smile

Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed at them, too, if they killed you. You seem a very good Man. Serious! :-) Which is why people like me are generally willing to come over and help remove the governments you so dislike -- if you'd let us.... But then agian, the betrayal of Iraqi's in the first gulf war makes that a hollow hope -- to my shame.....Still, I have a dream.....

you seem to know about Islam more than me loools , there is nothing as Taqiya in my understanding at least, actually this word means a cap in Arabic , lying is allowed only during warfare ( bombs flying around) against the enemy as a means of deception, and to bring two friends back together , or husband and wife back together.

Yes, for you ~ For islamists, since there is "Darul Harb" (house of war) they believe it means just in general, since they are in perpetual war....

those you refer to as co-religionist are not in fact what you call them( in my opinion) , they shame the name of Islam, and I totally deny any ties to them.Smile

way cool -- we both feel some shame for the actions of our brethren.....

Hey, Politically-Wrong, ((wish I could call you, in respect/friendship by your real name)) This has been a very neat dialogue.

There IS hope for humanity......

Take care, God bless, guide and watch over you there.

You're in my prayers.

((and lastly......gaa..., my brother/friend....many of the things I've stated may have been a bit melodramatic and "offensive" - on the personal level, I apologize if they bothered you, though I hope they got you thinking.....but I still do stand by my statements! ~ I just hope you take them in stride and openings for the real dialogue you and I have been having... Maybe that can help other people who disagree to dialgoue in reason and decency. And I do hope you take it to heart <and think about it> that what I have said here, between you and I, HAS been worse than the cartoons, the pope's statement, and VanGogh's movie, combined. You and I have still talked rationally -- does that not tell you something?? Mazel Tov....)))
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 11:10 pm
Moussssy !! lol~!~! **sigh** lolol
It's late and I'm tired -- I'll get to your bigoted and ignorant ranting tomorrow.

lolol ~ God you're so funny/sad!!

(mostly sad)

I'll pray for you.....

Read Politically-Wrong's and my interaction together -- and learn how to be a man...

Politically-Wrong I highly respect and consider a friend and fellow brother in humanity, as crazy as that sounds --you, well - I mostly pity you.....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 07:22 am
Drnaline;36250 wrote:
That's one helluva post there PW.

thanks Drnaline , it takes one to know one Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 08:39 am
am at the office just right now but i have to get back home and then answer you jojo give a couple of min.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 04:21 pm
Looking forward to it, Politically-Wrong. It's been great ~ And by the way, I like your tagline quotes! ~ Though we are of two different religions and cultures, we are actually quite alike.... Two human men with similar ideas and ways....

One of my favorite quotes I use in emails (at work, no less! ~ a company of 10's of thousands of people! ;-) ) is:

"In our thirst for Liberty and Freedom, let us not drink from the cup of bitterness and hatred."
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Look forward to hearing from you, my friend.

((To Mousy, I'm not even going to reply to that last post of yours - you aren't worth it. I suggest you read Politically-Wrong's and my interchange of dialogue and ideas. And may God open your eyes and clean your soul of it's bigotry and hatred. Sincerely.)))
0 Replies
Red cv
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 06:07 pm
mousy;36103 wrote:
minorities are hardly basking in wealth,comfort or good health...The Ku Klux Christ is for whites and jews are part of the conspiracy

LOL the Joos it's the Jews. You do know that the KK hate Jews right Mousy? Give me strengh, I'm so tired of the Jews being blamed for all that ails this world.

JO great rebuttals, fair and knowledgable.

PW I'm glad you are in a safe area of the Sudan, and your thoughts on the janjaweed are correct. I just don't want to endanger you incase your being monitored. I'll call them weedies from now on. One can't be to careful.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 02:21 am
an important aim for me is to separate the word Jihad from being mentioned in the same breath with extremism, Islam say's the hardest type of jihad is a word of honesty and truth in the face of a tyrant ( thats one understanding of jihad thats been missing) .

That ties in well with the link I posted in my comment to Sword of god - The link was by the same guy he quoted. After reading the article and hearing your words - I'll join you in that, my friend. Hirabah, then. Does that work with you? Or what is your suggestion to replace "Jihad" in the description of what the hundreds of thousands of people who refer to themselves as Jihadists should be?? I like your interpretation for jihad - I prefer a Word over a Sword any day, myself. There is an old saying in the west that "the pen is mightier than the sword". ((mostly only when there is free speach!)) Personally, I like the pen, but I also have a sword - and I pray God allow my aim to be true

my intention was to point out that Jihad in its true meaning does not only mean taking up arms against enemies, many times jihad means to oppose a tyrant who is ruling over your own country (which is one important thing the muslim world needs to do) , this is my jihad right now.

ofcourse i would prefer the jihad of the word over the sword as long as am allowed to speak my mind(as is the case in the west now).

about your aim being true , at least you believe that there is a wrong aim and a right one , some people believe all aims in the muslim world are ok .

Do you all (the average citizen) have the right to bear arms over there? For all the propaganda to the contrary, truly - no one here in America (joe average citizen) is ever afraid of a "knock in the night" and being hauled off somewhere for intterogation. ~ Just for using the internet and speaking their mind. But you're Muslim - so you'll more than likely be aok in Sudan. Are you a Sudanese of African or Arabic descent?

carrying arms is a tabo around here, only under very special conditions ( well conected to local government + bribe + you must be stinking rich) when all these conditions exist you can bear arms .

now adays its much much better than it used to be during the ninties, then every one who so much as does anything at all is rounded up and taken into what we call ghost guesthouses , turture and anything can happen there, now its totaly different, only the major and most effective opposers ( unlike me fortunately) are arrested, one of their most favourite torture styles was to make those arrested for political charges after striping them sit on a bottle of pepsi , guess where that bottle goes into?

am of arabian descent , i can trace my ancestors to the cousin of prophet mohamed (pbuh) Ali bin Abi Talib(كرم الله وجه) and the husband of his Daughter Fatima الزهراء رضي الله عنها , from my Moms family tree.Very Happy

ONE picture, to make a political/theological/ideological statement and get people THINKING!!!!! The worst one printed in the paper was an image of your prophet with a turban that looked like a bomb. That was all. And what it was meant to convey is EXACTLY what you have experienced here by people - TRYING to show that the teachings mohammed taught -- are used by those that would blow up schools, busses, hotels, and nightclubs. And, of course, the muslim worlds gets mad at us for pointing that out. In the west, the cartoon would have been an opening for DIALOGUE to talk about the realities of what is going on in the name of your prophet and your god. Instead of talking about it MAN to MAN - as you and I are doing here, a large chunk of the Muslim world instead gets mad, riots and kills people -- Because we're trying to point out what is being done in the name of your prophet and your god. you and I have already covered that point of interpretation though

well dont tell me its a heritage in the west to start an ideological discussion by insulting the sacred to the opposing party!! is it supposed to be stimulating?!!
this doesnot buy ground with me, you want to discuss a matter with me?!! ok dude invite me over, or better yet come on over and i will bring my best scholars you do the same and lets see who can generate more logic , how's that for a start?

i apreciate the values of the west of ( his insulting my principals this way isnot going to hurt them) but its another ballgame for us, insult me and i would respond exactly the same way you do , but you will surely not get a peaceful response from insulting my prophet, not from any one who calls himself a muslim.

btw just to give you an idea , in all islamic serials on tv and movies we made about the history of islam , not in one single scene will you find a character playing the role of prophet mohamed (pbuh) why? because we are not allowed to depict him since we believe no one can even beggin to do so ( depict him) , see what i mean !! if we will not allow a muslim to play his character in a movie about islamic history made by muslims how will i respond to a depiction an insulting depiction even ( it will insult me even if the cartoons showed him as the supreme human being, because you just can not depict him), point out the mistakes without depicting the prophet and you will find many many ready to hold a dialogue ( am one for starters Very Happy).

People gripe and scream that we "created" or "support" those in power over you, (even though it's just been trying to pick the "lesser of two evils" in who can be a "friend" in the world/nations scene - letting them run themselves! instead of running things for them)

so its either you choose who or you run it your self? isnot that a bit emmmmm ... ok you get it.

BUT, when we go in and take one of the pieces of sh1t out, and try to give you a chance to run it yourselves, "We, the People..." you all STILL scream bloody at us!! lol-- we are truly "damned if we do, and damned if we don't".

i can only mention one piece of **** that you took out, Saddam , and we dont scream bloody because you took out Saddam but because of the situation Iraq is in now due to your actions .

while we liberated Kuwait (see - we've fought for muslims many times). Many people rose up --- and my contrey abondoned them. After Kuwait, we left ((So friggin much for OCCUPATION and "INVADERS!!" and "STEALING THE OIL@!!))

you didnot fight for muslims you fought for oil and a chance to place a foot in the biggest oil reserves of the world , plus after you liberated kuwait there was no need to stay to steal the oil because you were assured of supply once the kuwaiti government was restored ( which means either they sell you oil if they like it or not or you will come kick ass wild west style and take it for free)

We should have continued on to Baghdad that first time and took the s.o.b. out -- We then would already have been done and gone - and Iraq would be a whole different country with a muslim equivalent of "We...the people" running it.

Roger that !!

Ummm - you really are unfamiliar with the west then, huh? Do you know that over ten years ago there was a display of "art" at a New York museum, the artist paid for by tax payer dollars!, where an up-side-down crucifix was in a jar of urine??>>??? Christians complained loudly, for sure, but the "left" and "liberals" said it was art and we should get over it. Don't look if we don't like it. Christians didn't riot in the streets and kill people, though. So, you see, this is a big difference between the two religions. What's funny is those same lefties today in American were too afraid to reprint the mohammed cartoons - lol. Because they were afraid. They're not afraid to mock Christians, though. Because the judeao-christian God is one of love. And really, ultimately -- He can fight his own battles. I don't need to get offended for him and do judgment in his staid - it's up to HIM and the lost individual, whom I'll pray for. See, my God is a bigger God.....He doesn't take offense at cartoons. Politically-Wrong, don't you realize that what I have said here in these post is WORSE than the cartoon fiasco and the pope's comment, and even Theo VanGogh's documentary, combined, BY FAR!!! ~ So, since you've told me how you feel about them, how do you feel about me??? Why is it that Muslims believe Christians are incorrect to venerate Jesus "too much" - for believing him the perfect man - God come down in the flesh to experience what we experience, so he can more better, fairly judge due to "walking in our shoes", but then they can themselves venerate a mere man, just as (or more) than God - and riot and kill over an alleged
"blashpemy" ((a friggin CARTOON!!))??
Don't you see the problem there, my friend??

God does not need to fight any battles, if he wanted no one to make a cartoon of prophet mohamed (pbuh) all he had to do is will it,if he wanted all muslims to become Christians he can do it in a second, it will be crazy of any one to think that he is fighting because God can not do it himself, and equally crazy to think that God will do his own fighting, that’s not the issue at all , its not God taking offence humans are way too weak for that, anything is too weak for that, i donot understand what you mean by the lost individual , and you do not know what God takes offence to or whether he takes offence at all we do not know that, its me the human muslim taking offence at those cartoons just as i will take offence if some one redicules or insults for example my father , only prophet mohamed(pbuh) is much more important to me, and what you said here is not worse than the van's documentary because you are not trying to insult him , you are saying this or that is wrong because so and so , the documentary showed Quraanic verses written on naked women ( ex-muslim to add insult to injury ) , i can listen to you saying that every action of prophet mohamed was wrong because so and so , i will not listen to you if you merrily call him names , i hope you understand the difference from my point of view.

as muslims we believe jeses(pbuh) to have been a prophet not a perfect man , there is no perfect man , we believe prophet mohamed (pbuh) to be the best human being ever , and also the Quraan shows that he at least once made a mistake when a blind man (a muslim) came to him during the period of oppression against muslims in its first years , while the prophet was talking to a big man in mecca trying to convince him to convert to islam , the blind man wanted guidance and teachings and he inturupted the prophet in mid sentence , it semms the prophet either shouted at him or just ignored him ( can not remember which) the Quraan say's that was wrong on the prophet's part , people who believe are always more important than those who do not , btw God does not need to walk in our shoes to experience humanity , he created it , and his knowledge is unlimited , since knowledge it self is his creation , and our anger is not because of a cartoon its because of an insult to our most sacred human being regardless of the nature of the insult .

No way - ridiculous. God can help himself

JoJo loooooolz i know God can help himself , its about us those who sacre what some might redicule not about God , its about respecting people beliefs , respecting their existence , once i told another member about this and he replied with " well you do burn our flag in riots !! ) this member has absolutely no idea about the depth of emotion behind sacred stuff , ok i will not be happy when some one burns the flag of my country but man you are insulting my God my prophet thats a whole different area.

it's you who are offended

Bingo !! thats a bullseye Very Happy

And the best way is rationally, logically and calmly debating the issues - as you and I are doing here.

there is nothing rational about insult , dont ask for something if you are not willing to deal the same , and you are not insulting to any of my beliefs , you are critical there is a huge difference dude .

ALL things should be open for discussion. Again, seeking and asking uncomfortable questions, doesn't bother God. Why should it bother you?? Let God deal with it and pray for the lost persons soul. Hate the sin - love the sinner. - It isn't our place to mete judgement.

Islam is cool with that ( on condition of zero insult and zero depictions of sacred stuff )

Did God or mohammed tell you he was offended by those cartoons?? Or are you merely offended yourself because someone calls in to question the fondations of your belief??

as we agree its me who is offended this point is clear , and those cartoons they didnot question anything at all , they just insulted , they never never made me question anything about my religion, on the contrary they made me go into defensive immediately , some went into the offensive.

If your beliefs are truly solid and "true" - you have no need to be offended and can laugh in a mockers face. However, if the foundation of your belief and religion is truly weak, spiritually, and groundless in theology, logic, and reason - well - then I suppose you would get offended and want to riot, kill, and shut up the person you disagree with.

sorry but its only you who say's i dont have to be offended, secondly you can not convince a person not to feel insulted, because he just feels it.

Did you see it?? The gist of it was:: naked women in translucent scarfs - and all over their bodies were quranic scripture quoting how woman are to be beaten and kept down, they're opinion half that of a man - they are stupid, etc. - How they are OPPRESSED in muslim societies, due to quranic scripture and sharia law. Maybe you can't see his point, being a muslim man. The woman in his film were all ex-muslims. It was all real - and all to OPEN DIALOGUE -- OPEN EYES!!!--- OPEN MINDS!! To real truth

no thanks dude, dont wanna see it, nothing usefull in it, and whom am i supposed to discuss the documentary with? its just a cheap shot at becoming the centre of a controversy with all the fame that comes with it.

But you fail to see that and hate him -- because you've been told to hate him -- and you never even saw what he did. lolol- - still you were offended. It kind of scares me, brother, because what I have said here on this sight is FAR worse then all three events (cartoons, pope, VanGogh) combined....

nope nope and nope , i hope am crystal clear , there is no one whom i go to for guidance , may be i ask questions about scriptures and teachings , but i choose my actions by my self, i hated him simply because i hated what he did , not because some one told me to , and many many times i raised eyebraws because of the nature of my mentality and rebuttals of standard mentality , i derive joy of showing mistakes of what has been standard way of life around here , because many of it is actually wrong , has nothing to do with islam and is simply stupid.

and false "honor" is that NONE of them were mocking you!!

if they were mocking me , it wouldnot have bothered me one little bit, they are mocking my way of life , the whole centre of my being , what can i say , the most important for me of all.

To help people to GROW UP past primitive misogynistic theocratically enforced b.s.

yep , they have a wonderfull way to help us grow up , insult us , nice going JoJo.

But you all feel you are sooooo right, that how dare anyone question it!!

actually it goes like this, how dare anyone insult it.

Dude, respect is EARNED - not coerced and forced

sure , but they werenot trying to make van respect them, and those who deserve to want them to respect us ( i mean who are worthy of our caring to make them respect us) are not those who insult us, but actually people like you JoJo.

He did it to stand up to the TYRANTS in ISLAM, hoping to help WOMAN of ISLAM

first of all, if he wanted to stand up for tyrants in islam there are plenty like nowadays presidents, ministers officials , take your pick , secondly was he trying to help Women of Islam by telling them look at what you are all missing, in christianity you can appear naked on tv and get away with it?!! i dont get it.

The woman in the film were ex-muslims who wanted real freedom - most beat and abused

thats their husbands and family's fault , its not teached in Islam that your wife is your slave .

((oh, and don't start about the west's stats on this - just look at the log in your own eye for this part....that's all we're saying))

i wouldnot have done so because even if it was that 100% of western women are molested or violated , that will not make me right , it will just make us both wrong.

Free up (TRULY free up)) the other 50% of your population,

you have to come here one day and see for your self the so called victims opinion of the opression against her.

along with separation of mosque and state

big tabo.

you will excell as well!!

if it ever came to choosing between excelling and sharia law , i would choose sharia law any day of the year, because i prefer the after life , and its not like that( i dont have to choose , they can come both) i just need to over throw all islamic governments of today ( actually not really islamic at all) .

Ummmm, because when you marry into them, you demand she convert to Islam?? lol--- COme on!! With all you've said so far, anyone reading this KNOWS that if you took a christian girl home to momma and poppa - it would be demanded she convert. - lol ;-) you're funny, bro! :-)

actually no JoJO , islam allows me to stay married to her , even if a give up all hope of her converting to islam , yes i will try to make her convert but wouldnot you just do the same? , her converting isnot a condition to the continuance of the marriage.

Check out those two site links in previous posts of mine for all the quranic scripture relating to how anything is permitted against an infidel. And it's all from ex-muslims. Seriously - I think you seem like a good guy. maybe they can help open your eyes. Or, if your faith is strong enough....maybe you can convince them they are wrong. They're all definitely more versed in the quran then I, since they were indoctrinated from birth in it - so you'll have a much harder time with them than me. Still, if you felt spiritually up to it, it could help open your eyes -- if you aren't afraid to see what they say, that is.....

as i said those sites are blocked , so are all porn sites , loolz , wish i could log on to them ( i meant your sites not the porn ones) , and am not afraid of debating with any one , i have enough faith in me , but please no insults .

It was in England - and granted, he was an English convert speaking it in English - and yes, I know, unfortunately too many madrassas are supported and run by the wahabbi sect.... I know this. Still - they comprise millions and are gaining in numbers (people always flock to evil it seems). Would you like to join me in countering their interpretations?? (please)

any time , just give the word.

When someone commits a crime in the west and says God told them to do it, we take them to a psychiatric ward. When someone in the west bank or gaza says god told them to kill a bunch of people by blowing them up - they name streets after them

there is a deffirence between some one trying to regain his mother land , and a simple murderer , palestinians are defending their home land and lives from invaders.

YES!!!! Just as we've marginalized the KKK and our own "extremists"!!! By standing up to them -- telling them EN MASSE that they are WRONG and FIGHTING against them!!! ((Didn't you say something earlier about "speaking truth in the face of a tyrant"?!?!)) My GOD man!!! It's (allegedly) only 1% of muslims that are extremists!!! You don't think the other BILLION people can't stand up and stop those 1%??!?? If you all WANTED to ---you could....It's as simple as that.

the conditions you existed under were totaly different from what am living in , there is no human rights around here , if the government dont like you they destroy your life , i can not make associations or unions unless the government has total control over it, my hands are tied .

Well, those supporting and financing it are what, another 20 - 30% of muslims??

very very few individuals finance extremism, its usually governments , some times even parties anti-islamic finance extremism in islam(without showng their real identities ofcourse) and you can guess why they do that , this may sound far fetched for you, its perfectly logical for me.

all you reasonable muslims aren't even outnumbered!! Stand up to them!

we have to be organized to do that , impossible under governments suspicious of us since they are secular and we are muslims , moderate islam is the only way with which the west can fight extremism because we have the masses , the seculars have the armies, which will you bet on to prevail on the long run?

My brother, the propaganda IS that hate crimes are committed daily against ordinary muslims across the globe

yep the genocide of der yasin exist's in propaganda only , astrocities in chichniya exist in propaganda only too, random selection in US airports which never fails to pick up middle easterns is only in propaganda, and many many examples you know them .

the imams/mullahs from Finland inserted their own cartoons in the batch - that were TRULY offensive. they created them -- taqiyya -- to rile the masses

you can not be sure about that.

the worst one was a pic of mohammed with a turban that looked like a bomb-- that was all

would not you agree that if that cartoon just had to be made would not it have been more to the point if it was bin ladin?!! that would have made people rethink as you wanted!! and please dont say that was all , there can not possibly be something worse .

That is how islam has spread since it's inception. By deception, taqiyya, and the sword. Riling the masses with propaganda and lies, and promises of virgins in paradise

now this how one is supposed to start a discussion, unlike the cartoons , and may i ask you what is wrong of rewarding a faithfull and good believer in the after life with what he likes?!!

Iraq - the worst atrociteis are between Shia and Sunni

these never happened during the rule of Saddam , why did it start with you?

You all condemn us for supporting hussein (like in their war with Iran) and condemn us for "supporting" all these terrible dictators -- but if we go in and take them out for you, to try to help you build your own autonomous nation of "We...the people" ...well - hey -- you condemn us still

yep , it was wrong of the US to support Saddam since he was a coldblooded murderer , and it was wrong of the US to destroy the whole nation in the process of taking him out, sorry but usualy i hate coldblooded murderers and destruction , didnot know you liked them.

Other than us infidels curling up and dying, is there anything that pleases the muslim masses??

how about converting to Islam Very Happy , j/k , i dont want you to die , am asked by my religion to help you see the light, to help you understand jesus(pbuh) better ( i know you are lol at this but we believe we know jesus(pbuh) better than you Smile ) , and if i can not do that we can peacefully co-exist.

so if you just keep quiet and don't speak Truth...they won't come after you.....ahem.

loolz , as i said now adays its a bit more moderate of a government that we have , but still their moto is " say no to politics" looolz.

We supported the apparent "lesser of two evils" at the time - Like you even stated - the guy came off as a decent moderate!! Why is it OUR fault for him practicing taqiyya on us!!! And hey!! I myself have been for DECADES begging people to see what is going on over there and DO SOMETHING!!! But NO ONE in the world cares. America could come in and topple them and give you your country back -- but then you'd just scream at us again!!.....ahem
And where are all the muslim nations!! Turning a blind eye to you - as is the U.N. and the rest of the world....
I know you take this one personally -with good reason - and I hear you, I truly do... But another blunder we made was the CIA supporting the Ayahtolla in deposing the shah of Iran -- and now look what a bloody mess they turned in to! All that we have always done, is tried to support the lesser of two evil - as opposed to imperialistically running it for ourselves. You know what?? It's not OUR fault that people come from disfunctional and sick cultures, and they practice taqiyya on us so we can help them - and then turn to evil acts once they get in power. That's their fault and the culture that bread them

sorry may be i didnot make my self clear, first there was a democratic government led by Elsadiq Elmahadi ( a known politician respected in western circles and they told him "your biggest mistake Mr.Elsadig was that you were born in the thirld world" as i heard from some) this very very good government through any standards was overthrown by Dictator general numeiry , this generals government has ruled for 16 years and was supported by the US through most of it except the first two years when he was leaning towards the soviet union , during those same two years he committe the biggest of the astrocities that history remembers about him, still your government found it in them to support him.

If someone insults you -- laugh in their face and toss a (truthful/honest) jibe back at them, and grow on in your life. If you laugh in the insulters face and belittle him as an ignorant child

wll sharia gives you the choice, either do exactly what you said, or if you feel thats not enough report him and let him be punished, its your choice.

Why the slow torture of stoning?? (other than that "the prophet did it") in this day and age, why not a quick bullet into the head,

this punishment isnot mean for the sinner, it is meant for those who might watch it or hear about it , that will keep the weak ones away from it, the faithfull dont need it.

actually, isn't it enough that the spouse that was cheated on divorces and casts her (or him) out, and there is a shunnning in the society, in the hopes that the person repents and grows up?? Christianity gives them that chance to repent (which we all are capable of) -- you all just kill them.....

it would have been enough if the hurt was limited to the husband and wife , but it affects the society as a whole , and a person who still finds it in him to indulge in adultery even after marrying and was blatant enough to have all the difficult conditions for stoning available , this guy really does not have one little bit of decency , he will corrupt society as a whole , we are much better of without him.

You, my brother, would never have given her that chance.

1- christianity teaches that God said to stone a married adulterer.
2- it was Jesus(pbuh) that helped that woman not to be stoned by making a condition for the people to stone which was imposible .

jesus knew it was God's will that this woman go scot free for his wisdom is unlimited , unfortunatly we do not have some one who can communicate with God nowadays so am gonna stick to the scripture.

What's funny/sad is you don't see the correlation in your statement of bastard children (HUMAN BEINGS!! ~ WHo are INNOCENT!! It wasn't THEIR fault their parent chose to "sin"! Why do you "outcast" the human child, for their fathers/mothers sin

i grew up in a culture that is very strict about sexual relatioships , i can not help my feelings towards those children , and it is my feelings not the teachings of islam , its the same case for people around here .

So it's YOUR "outcast" mentality that causes them to HAVE to commit crimes to LIVE......Sad.

i said out casts , but we do have establishments that help them (and all who need help ), educate them , feed them untill they can do it for themselves, but dont ask me to be his friend , dont ask me to accept him as the husband of my daughter (if any be) , and i would not buy or rent a house that has him as a neighbour , sorry can not do it.

PLUS, I would have to say your numbers are surely inflated - Crimes are committed by people of all walks of life, all castes, all levels in society -- because it is individuals who make choices to commit a crime or not.

well actually i was trying to say most of crimes and not exactly 90% , and am talking about insane crimes , murder for theft , breaking into houses at night , i meant the daredevil crimes .

Of course not! There's the Hadiths to learn, too! ;-) ~ Sorry - couldn't resist. :-)

no need to apologize , i can take a sense of humour , just ask RED and Pino Very Happy.

then refer back to my previous post listing the accomplishments of Islam vs. Judaism, as well as the fact that Mexico (Mexico!) translates more books in a year than the entire muslim world combined??? Proof is in the pudding..... Or, you can tell a man by his fruits

that post compares the accomplishments within a very short period in relashion to the age of Islam and judism , go back further , which one was considered the most civilized nation of its time for a longer period , compare the accomplishments of Islam during its golden age to the accomplishment of this golden age of jews ( strange that their golden age is at the same time the worst for their neighbours the palestinians ? wonder why!! )

..... How about if we build a better world for ALL instead?? Like the Jews have been doing

that perfect world the jews are building must be on Mars or something are you serious?!!

Cool -- Yeah it is an interesting tidbit of hstory. Here's the Wikipedia (which is more P.C./lefty than I like) description of them::

Barbary pirate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Umm-- as you can read -- it was a lot more than a few pirate renegades...they were actually an extension of the Ottoman empire, my friend. It went on for hundreds of years and was pretty much sanctioned and part of the muslims world towards the west....

thats reminds me , this Ottoman empire was responsible during its final years of existence for most of the trouble we are in now , i mean supporting germany in the war?!! they lost that war and we lost our nations to colonialism (spl) .

MY point was that in a muslim society, someone of a different religion COULDN"T BE ANYTHING!! So which society offers more to ALL people??? The west, of course

my Vice president is a christian .

But they DON'T have representation in office!! That's the point!

My friend i too dont have representaion in Office, ponder that .

allow us the same mode of thought as yourself!! lolol ;-)

reread my post , i said i can reply saying i will believe it when i see it , but i didnot did i?
secondly i never said that these islamic nations of today will alllow a christian to be in office, but you said you will allow him, proove what you are saying Razz .

The TRUTH remains: Here, a muslim was elected to public office -- in a Muslim nation, the reverse of that could NEVER be.

i have already replied to that.

Soooo cool to hear. Then there is some hope for Sudan. <<unless this is taqiyya>> So, what's up with Darfur and the christian and black muslim genocide going on???

as i said i do not know what is taqiyaa as per your understanding it does not exist for me , i know it to mean a cap in arabic language, and i dont need to lie , because i believe am right. Very Happy

Though it is kind of telling that, while it might be allowed on a "personel" one-on-one level (which is all Christ needs) they cannot broadcast their beliefs equally in the public forum....very telling. I believe if the opposite were true, (say, if in America muslims were not allowed the public forum they ARE afforded) there would be muslims screaming bigotry, racism and calling for Jihad

well why dont you finance building your own radio station , am sure the west can fill every empty square in my country with them if it wishes to , do that and broadcast what you want, dont ask me as a muslim tax payer to pay for helping christianity spread in my country . Very Happy

On mohammed breaking the treaty, that would be the treaty he had with the Jews in the region. I forget the name, but I think it started with a Q. ((I could look it up, but I'm tired, and I'm sure you remember to which I am refering to now) Certainly, the islamic histroy is that the Jews broke the treaty and plotted to kill mohamed, but the western history is that it was mohamed who concocted that story of treason, and purposely broke the treaty once he built up his arms

Banni Qurayza is what you are looking for , and yep they tried to murder prophet Mohamed just as they tried to murder Jesus ( you believe they succeeded) , in a court of law predecence is admissable i believe , loooolz.

since mo was JUST a man

weeeeeeel the best man there ever was, ok.

Hey, Bro ~ I am SOoooo sorry those sites (and I'm sure many more) are blocked from you. There is Soooo much out there in the world you are missing!! God, I wish you lived in America where you could be truly free!!
I'm totally serious there....I think you would be an asset to what America is about.....

well truly am sorry too , i really never met an ex-muslim , would have been one hot heated argument , looolz , and about me and america thanx man , i appreciate what you said , hope i can visit there one day ( if i can pass through random selection without being taken to guantanamo Very Happy ) .

Yeah, I'd be pretty pissed at them, too, if they killed you. You seem a very good Man. Serious! :-) Which is why people like me are generally willing to come over and help remove the governments you so dislike -- if you'd let us.... But then agian, the betrayal of Iraqi's in the first gulf war makes that a hollow hope -- to my shame.....Still, I have a dream

pissst...... between me and you i would not terribly mind if you take out this gov , its kinda difficult doing it from the inside , all this is off the record ofcourse looolz.

i like how sincere you are , hope you become the US president one day , i will vote for you, and any way you can not possibly be any worse than GWB , can you ? loolz j/k

Hey, Politically-Wrong, ((wish I could call you, in respect/friendship by your real name)) This has been a very neat dialogue.

i will send you a private message, i used to put up my pic as an avatar , but then i thought better of it.

((and lastly......gaa..., my brother/friend....many of the things I've stated may have been a bit melodramatic and "offensive" - on the personal level, I apologize if they bothered you, though I hope they got you thinking.....but I still do stand by my statements! ~ I just hope you take them in stride and openings for the real dialogue you and I have been having... Maybe that can help other people who disagree to dialgoue in reason and decency. And I do hope you take it to heart <and think about it> that what I have said here, between you and I, HAS been worse than the cartoons, the pope's statement, and VanGogh's movie, combined. You and I have still talked rationally -- does that not tell you something?? Mazel Tov....)))

hey you should not have said that , i wanted every one to see that no logical challenge can get me angry its the illogical one's that anger me.

Whats Mazel Tov ?!!

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