Well, the first few responses we've covered well enough....Good job bro! ***high-five*** :-)
That's too bad only the well connected over there can have weapons. I'm a firm believer in the "right to bear arms" as per the U.S. constitution. ((even King David, (in the bible) had his sling....and he brought down Goliath.
A well armed citizenry is the best protection against a tyrannical government.
Cool pedigree (ancestry) you have there. :-)
On to some rebuttals...
Quote:well dont tell me its a heritage in the west to start an ideological discussion by insulting the sacred to the opposing party!! is it supposed to be stimulating?!!
First off, nowadays in Islam it is the "norm" to NOT depict your prophet, and depicting him is what brings outrage. (Many in the west either don't even know that, or don't understand WHY it's forbidden....) But, Islam itself has hundreds of works of art made over the centuries with depictions of mohammed!! That's a fact!! I could dig up some links that show them, but they are more than likely banned for you. (I'm sure by now you can at least take my word for it that I've seen them) Bear in mind, they are just normal works of art, made by muslims - for beauty and arts sake. Granted
some of them have him "faceless", but the majority don't. The point being, there have been MANY periods in Islam's history where it
hasn't been "wrong" to depict mohammed. And I believe ONE of those times many works of art created by muslims, beautifully depicting mohhammed, was during it's more tolerant "Golden Age"......
Quote:this doesnot buy ground with me, you want to discuss a matter with me?!! ok dude invite me over, or better yet come on over and i will bring my best scholars you do the same and lets see who can generate more logic , how's that for a start?
Well, you're talking on the personal level - political satire isn't meant that way, because it goe out to everyone, though it
is meant to get people thinking/talking amongst themselves. Yeah, I'd like to come over (or vice verce) and chat with you - I believe we could have some great discussions. I'd prefer it without the cadre of "experts" looking over our shoulders, though. :-)
Quote:i apreciate the values of the west of ( his insulting my principals this way is not going to hurt them) but its another ballgame for us, insult me and i would respond exactly the same way you do , but you will surely not get a peaceful response from insulting my prophet, not from any one who calls himself a muslim.
So far, then, from what you're saying, is that the insult was the
depiction of mohammed itself, combined with the bomb in the turban, of course. From your perspective of it being taboo to even depict mohammed in any way, I can see then how just a depiction can be taken as an "insult" (though that's truly NOT how it was meant).
1) Throughout the centuries, there have been hundreds of paintings and works of art created by muslims depicting mohammed - So it hasn't always been "wrong" to depict him.
2) A political cartoon HAS to convey a large amount of information and meaning in just one image. Since mohhamed was the founder of islam, who gave muslims their holy book, the political cartoon conveyed the message (whether agreed with our not) that since the foundation of your religion, is the justification for bombings.
Why feel "insulted" by all that?? It seems you all venerate a mere man too much, just as you all say christians venerate Jesus (a man) too much.
Quote:btw just to give you an idea , in all islamic serials on tv and movies we made about the history of islam , not in one single scene will you find a character playing the role of prophet mohamed (pbuh) why? because we are not allowed to depict him since we believe no one can even beggin to do so ( depict him) , see what i mean !! if we will not allow a muslim to play his character in a movie about islamic history made by muslims how will i respond to a depiction an insulting depiction even ( it will insult me even if the cartoons showed him as the supreme human being, because you just can not depict him), point out the mistakes without depicting the prophet and you will find many many ready to hold a dialogue ( am one for starters ).
I pretty much already covered this in that at many points in time in islam it
hasn't been wrong to depict him. (including in Islams more tolerant golden age)
Quote:Quote:People gripe and scream that we "created" or "support" those in power over you, (even though it's just been trying to pick the "lesser of two evils" in who can be a "friend" in the world/nations scene - letting them run themselves! instead of running things for them)
so its either you choose who or you run it your self? isnot that a bit emmmmm ... ok you get it.
At a glance, I suppose - But, in reality,
ALL nations "support" each other in one way or another, looking to work with those that may share some common goals for trade and commerce, etc. That's just the way the world has ALWAYS worked. France is helping Iran to build their nuclear reactors. Russia assists other nations in armament (as does China and the U.S.) - It's a working relationship between nations - which is how the world has always run. Why is it only America that is castigated for this? Though we've made mistakes and supported the wrong people sometimes (Saddam hussein), that can only truly be judged in hindsight. At the time, it seemed the "lesser of two evils". you are either "friends" with someone and have a mutual relationship of assistance, or you are not, and leave them alone to run their own life. Do you have a third option??
BUT, when we go in and take one of the pieces of sh1t out, and try to give you a chance to run it yourselves, "We, the People..." you all STILL scream bloody at us!! lol-- we are truly "damned if we do, and damned if we don't".
i can only mention one piece of **** that you took out, Saddam , and we dont scream bloody because you took out Saddam but because of the situation Iraq is in now due to your actions.
Jimmy Carter thought the Shah of Iran was a piece of "stuff", in his mind, and many muslims, we assisted in taking out that "piece" as well. And there is more... You get the jist.
Our "action" of taking him out (which you like) is the ONLY reason things have escalated - and the hirabah choose to "drive off the infidel". By trying to foment sectarian violence between Shiite and Sunni. There doing a good job of it, unfortunately. We took Saddam out - which you like. If the hirabah had never came to "drive us out", there would be no situation in Iraq. We could have been out of there a few years ago, and Iraq would be back to running itself. Don't blame us because hirabah think it's ok to blow up innocent people at the market.....and they justify it using the quran.
Yep, there have been many mistakes made (as there is in all warfare) but the fact is, the "war" would have been over years ago (and we would have left), if the hirabah had never started their violence against innocenct people. THAT is where the blame logically should go!! Because even you yourself said you're glad we took him out. The rest of the crap is due to the hirabah. ((for those new to this, hirabah is the word for muslims engaged in illegal, un-quranic warfare)).
We really, truly thought that by freeing Iraqis from saddam - they could start there own "We...the people" country.... But the muslim hirabah don't want that. Please, put the blame for the crap over there now on them - because that IS where the blame is..... (and don't forget Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabian meddling/support for those hirabah). The rulers of those countries don't want you all to be free.....and so they fight against us. WE liberated.....it is muslims (with different interpretations from yours) that are doing the destruction. That's not our fault - and we are doing everything we can to stop them. But the propaganda grows - and if even someone like you can't see what we tried to do, and where the blame
truly lies for the continuing bloodshed, well, then there
isn't hope for the muslim masses.
while we liberated Kuwait (see - we've fought for muslims many times). Many people rose up --- and my contrey abondoned them. After Kuwait, we left ((So friggin much for OCCUPATION and "INVADERS!!" and "STEALING THE OIL@!!))
you didnot fight for muslims you fought for oil and a chance to place a foot in the biggest oil reserves of the world , plus after you liberated kuwait there was no need to stay to steal the oil because you were assured of supply once the kuwaiti government was restored ( which means either they sell you oil if they like it or not or you will come kick ass wild west style and take it for free)
That's where that "mutual interests" thing in world interaction takes affect. A moderate country with close friendship/ties to ours, with a resource we need, was invaded by a tyrant. Yes, in one sense it was for "oil". But it was also to beat back a tyrant. One we knew was only getting worse after the Iran/Iraq war. Hell, a lot of the surrounding muslim nations were getting afraid of saddam - who wanted to bring back the glory of Babylon. Yep - friends help friends. Kuwait (a friend with mutual trade agreements) was invaded. And we helped her. Certainly oil was an interest there. BUT you are COMPLETELY wrong if you think that, had they not already had agreements to selling their oil to us, that we would come in and take it by force. That's just all the propoganda you hear talking. And what do you mean "sell the oil whether they like it or not"?? Kuwaitis (and any oil rich nation) rakes in billions from selling us there oil. If you think they'd rather not have those billions, you're being naive. It'd be nice to see those nations use all that billions in bettering the lives of their people, though, instead of keeping it for themselves and leaving the masses in poverty, riling them by blaming us for their troubles (while pounding their qurans) - when it's their own leaders who are keeping them down.
Quote:Quote:We should have continued on to Baghdad that first time and took the s.o.b. out -- We then would already have been done and gone - and Iraq would be a whole different country with a muslim equivalent of "We...the people" running it.
Roger that !!
Hey! We agree again!! ;-)
Quote: only prophet mohamed(pbuh) is much more important to me, and what you said here is not worse than the van's documentary because you are not trying to insult him , you are saying this or that is wrong because so and so , the documentary showed Quraanic verses written on naked women ( ex-muslim to add insult to injury ) , i can listen to you saying that every action of prophet mohamed was wrong because so and so , i will not listen to you if you merrily call him names , i hope you understand the difference from my point of view.
But why do you venereate a man that much?? How is that any different from the over-veneration of the man called Jesus??
I'm truly glad YOU see what I have been saying - but most certainly there are many muslims who would look at what I wrote and call it blasphemy and an insult (I don't put the PBUH after his name, after all..) and many would find that an insult, as well as the other things I stated. I mean, just the simple fact that I don't believe
at all that he was a prophet from God can be an "insult" to some.
On the VanGogh documentary:: The quranic verses were all verses about how to treat woman - and due to those verses the woman were beat and abused. Now, while I KNOW you, my friend, wouldn't abuse your wife (based on your reasonableness, honesty and sincerity here) - the fact remains that others DO - and they use those scriptures quoted as their justification. The west does not see any problem in our God-given bodies. While most people believe we should be modestly attired, etc. - when it comes to art - the human body has been portrayed often. And the human body is not evil. It's our hearts and thoughts that can be evil. No "thing" is evil, in and of itself. It's how we look at things (and lust for) that can be evil.
What is so insulting about quranic verses on a human body, trying to convey the message of how woman are abused in the muslim world, using those same verses as their justification?? It's really the same thing as what we've been talking about here - how quranic verses are used as justification for terrorism throughout the world.... At least you DO see that. It really is the same thing!! ~ Quranic verses used to justify beheadings, stonings, bombings, etc, and quranic verses used to justify beating woman - their testimony worth half a man's etc.....
Actually, I think some of the woman in the film were still muslim - but they had to flee to the west - where they knew they could be safe. They didn't want to be killed due to some childish "honor" thing.......
Quote:as muslims we believe jeses(pbuh) to have been a prophet not a perfect man , there is no perfect man , we believe prophet mohamed (pbuh) to be the best human being ever ,
And I've read of his exploits and what he did. (quran and hadiths) and I cannot tell you how I truly feel about it all -- because you would most certainly be offended. I find his actions and ways completely barbaric and atrocious, and truly cannot understand how anyone can think he is "the best human ever". And I cannot comprehend how anyone can venerate him so much, that they would get offended and kill over someone looking at his deeds and going:: GAHH!!! That's evil stuff!! How could a human being DO that!! How can ANYONE think that stuff is good and wish to emulate it!! It goes against what all humanity has been evolving out from!! ~
That's as far as I'll go on that - -I really don't want to offend you!! (because I think your a neat guy and sincere at heart.)
Quote:and also the Quraan shows that he at least once made a mistake when a blind man (a muslim) came to him during the period of oppression against muslims in its first years , while the prophet was talking to a big man in mecca trying to convince him to convert to islam , the blind man wanted guidance and teachings and he inturupted the prophet in mid sentence , it semms the prophet either shouted at him or just ignored him ( can not remember which) the Quraan say's that was wrong on the prophet's part , people who believe are always more important than those who do not , btw God does not need to walk in our shoes to experience humanity , he created it , and his knowledge is unlimited , since knowledge it self is his creation , and our anger is not because of a cartoon its because of an insult to our most sacred human being regardless of the nature of the insult.
Well, christian theology is that Jesus didn't make
any mistakes - and was perfect. As for the part about God not needing to "walk in our shoes" - you're correct, in a sense - he didn't need to -- but they believe he CHOSE to -- for our sake...not His.
Personally, of the 3 religions of Isaac, Ishmael and John - I think I prefer Isaac's..... It's written MUCH better (it's not so choppy and jumbled like the quran). Then I'd choose christianity. It's "judaism lite" for the rest of the world. And in all honesty, I can't even comprehend choosing Ishmaels. I know islam states it is Judaism and christianity that has perverted God's word - but from what I see - and after having read them ALL.... It's islam that has perverted and twisted God's word. ((no offense - just my opinion))
Quote:JoJo loooooolz i know God can help himself , its about us those who sacre what some might redicule not about God , its about respecting people beliefs , respecting their existence , once i told another member about this and he replied with " well you do burn our flag in riots !! ) this member has absolutely no idea about the depth of emotion behind sacred stuff , ok i will not be happy when some one burns the flag of my country but man you are insulting my God my prophet thats a whole different area.
Ok - but--- WHY!!!!! ~~~~ It just seems so darn primitive!!!! I can make fun (joke) about some tribe in the jungles of the amazon worshipping an anaconda or a coconut - and still respect their existence as human beings!! (and maybe even envy their simpler way of life). WHY! take such offense at what is "sacred"?? I can make fun of a belief - and still "respect" and "tolerate" anothers beliefs. That definitely IS a difference between western thought and other ways of thought. Your way of thought on the "sacred" is why we have "honor killings" in the muslim world ( though I agree that most are not really quranically justified -just culturally justified) -- and it also closes the door to rational discussion. Not with YOU, mind you -- but with the overwhelming majority who would look at what I've written on these posts.....and want to kill me. You HAVE to admit that there are MANY who would do just that! While I "see" where you are coming from on the "sacred" - I do not understand it (and why someone would embrace it). Because I believe it to be a more primitive mode of thought....
it's you who are offended
Bingo !! thats a bullseye
And yet, for the things you take offense at - -the western mind just can't understand why.... Granted, that's mostly because the west has forgotten what loving God fully even is (not me!)...and they've forgotten religion enough to not see anything as "sacred". But, even those in the west who still love God fully and worship him, and try to abide by his will -- still cannot fathom killing and rioting over cartoons.... And for that I'm glad.... Because I believe it to be a misplaced "sacred" and a misplaced "insult". NO ONE called mohammed any names!! ~ And as stated before, muslims themselves have depicted mohammed in their art for a millenia....why is it such a problem today?? Now, I know there are quranic versus against making ANY image - but if that's the case, why in Islams more enlightened days (the golden age) did they create art depicting mohammed? I truly believe that the imams and mullahs telling you it is sacrilege to do that, are misreading the quran for their own power. After all, islam once DID produce many paintings and murals of mohammed in their more tolerant and enlighttened "golden age". It certainly did give the imams a reason to rile up the masses now, didn't it???
Quote:Quote:And the best way is rationally, logically and calmly debating the issues - as you and I are doing here.
there is nothing rational about insult , dont ask for something if you are not willing to deal the same , and you are not insulting to any of my beliefs , you are critical there is a huge difference dude .
Wrong on the first part of this! The correct answer is: There is nothing rational about taking insult - WHEN NONE IS MEANT!!
On the second half -- you do have that correct - I am not trying to be insulting to you or anyone. But truly! Neither was the cartoon satirists, the pope,
or Theo VanGhoh. ~ They, too, were being critical. And one of them is dead now - thanks to a misguided muslim justifying his actions using the quran - and whom you happen to sadly agree with......
Quote:Quote:ALL things should be open for discussion. Again, seeking and asking uncomfortable questions, doesn't bother God. Why should it bother you?? Let God deal with it and pray for the lost persons soul. Hate the sin - love the sinner. - It isn't our place to mete judgement.
Islam is cool with that ( on condition of zero insult and zero depictions of sacred stuff )
No insults were meant -- and the depictions at many points in time in Islam were ok enough to where there are hundreds of depictions of the prophet in islamic art.
Quote:as we agree its me who is offended this point is clear , and those cartoons they didnot question anything at all , they just insulted , they never never made me question anything about my religion, on the contrary they made me go into defensive immediately , some went into the offensive.
And while that is partly the fault of those in the west who don't understand that in this time (unlike other times/ages) islam considers depiction of the prophet as an insult in and of itself, it's also the fault of those who would see a depiction - and immediatley take offense - and not see/hear what was trying to be said. Due to close-mindedness and the current islamic perspective of "no depictions of mohhamed AT ALL".
Quote:Quote:If your beliefs are truly solid and "true" - you have no need to be offended and can laugh in a mockers face. However, if the foundation of your belief and religion is truly weak, spiritually, and groundless in theology, logic, and reason - well - then I suppose you would get offended and want to riot, kill, and shut up the person you disagree with.
sorry but its only you who say's i dont have to be offended, secondly you can not convince a person not to feel insulted, because he just feels it.
True - but just because someone "feels" insulted - that doesn't make it right and real. Plenty of people "feel" all sorts of illogical emotions. But that doesn't mean we should "accept" it and kowtow to their feelings. Usually we just tell them to grow up. You truly DON'T have to "feel" offended. Take control of your emotions better! Understand that if no insult was meant - there truly is NO reason to "feel" insulted!! It truly is your choice!!
Quote:Quote:Did you see it?? The gist of it was:: naked women in translucent scarfs - and all over their bodies were quranic scripture quoting how woman are to be beaten and kept down, they're opinion half that of a man - they are stupid, etc. - How they are OPPRESSED in muslim societies, due to quranic scripture and sharia law. Maybe you can't see his point, being a muslim man. The woman in his film were all ex-muslims. It was all real - and all to OPEN DIALOGUE -- OPEN EYES!!!--- OPEN MINDS!! To real truth
no thanks dude, dont wanna see it, nothing usefull in it, and whom am i supposed to discuss the documentary with? its just a cheap shot at becoming the centre of a controversy with all the fame that comes with it.
So, you're judging something without ever even seeing it....
It wasn't a "cheap shot" and trying to gain fame from controversy. He REALLY did want to try to better the lives of Muslim women!! Hirsti Ali also helped him on it. It had NOTHING to do with cheap-shots and trying to gain fame. They truly were only trying to HELP msulim women.... And for this he was killed. Trying to speak truth to tyrants (the tyrants being many muslim men - not you though - but others that DO take the verses differnetly - and abuse their wives.
Quote:nope nope and nope , i hope am crystal clear , there is no one whom i go to for guidance , may be i ask questions about scriptures and teachings , but i choose my actions by my self, i hated him simply because i hated what he did , not because some one told me to ,
You hated him because you HEARD a perspective of what he did - but never heard "the rest of the story" about what he did and why. And never even saw it for yourself. You were misled into hatred, plain and simple.
Quote:and many many times i raised eyebraws because of the nature of my mentality and rebuttals of standard mentality , i derive joy of showing mistakes of what has been standard way of life around here , because many of it is actually wrong , has nothing to do with islam and is simply stupid.
Yeah - I'm with you there - -I do the same over here in the west, from a western perspective -- lolol -- we are a lot alike.... ;-)
Quote:Quote:and false "honor" is that NONE of them were mocking you!!
if they were mocking me , it wouldnot have bothered me one little bit, they are mocking my way of life , the whole centre of my being , what can i say , the most important for me of all.
No, they weren't even mocking your center of being etc - all they were doing is what I have been doing here. Showing how, though YOU don't believe all these acts we've talked about are "true islam" - the muslims themselves doing it are using scripture etc and believe it to be true islam. Maybe that's the reason the imams and mullahs and muslim news agencies riled things up and blew it all out of proportion - to keep people from digging deeper into truth and seeing YOUR "true Islam", instead riling the masses to get carried away by "feelings" of hatred - over nothing.... Perpetuating the extremist perspective.... and they even ensnared you.
Quote:Quote:To help people to GROW UP past primitive misogynistic theocratically enforced b.s.
yep , they have a wonderfull way to help us grow up , insult us , nice going JoJo.
Well - you and I have covered it enough - It wasn't meant to insult, but you choose to take it as insult. We can agree to disagree on this one then.
Quote:Quote:But you all feel you are sooooo right, that how dare anyone question it!! te:
actually it goes like this, how dare anyone insult it.
And yet, insult was never meant - it's the way it was CHOSEN to be taken....
Quote:Quote:Dude, respect is EARNED - not coerced and forced
sure , but they werenot trying to make van respect them, and those who deserve to want them to respect us ( i mean who are worthy of our caring to make them respect us) are not those who insult us, but actually people like you JoJo.
Thanks. Seriously. But really, that's all that the others meant, too. They didn't do it to insult. VanGhoh really thought he was doing it to help muslim women.
He did it to stand up to the TYRANTS in ISLAM, hoping to help WOMAN of ISLAM
first of all, if he wanted to stand up for tyrants in islam there are plenty like nowadays presidents, ministers officials , take your pick , secondly was he trying to help Women of Islam by telling them look at what you are all missing, in christianity you can appear naked on tv and get away with it?!! i dont get it.
True enough for the targets. But the point was that your SCRIPTURE (as interpreted by many) is what cause the problems - it's what HELPS CREATE tryrants.....
The nude part was for "art" as well as that, well - in the west - nudity isn't that big a deal. In the artistic sense, it was meant to convey that, just as in the west with it's own degradation of the female body in porn and all, in the muslim world, that female body is subjected to abuse sanctioned by your scripture (in other muslims eyes, not yours of course! - I'm sure YOU are a good, loving husband to your wife). In a sense, he was artistically and visually stating what we (myself and others posting against islam) have been stating - -that's all. And the west has a hard time in "seeing' why the muslims wish to supress human expression. There is a difference between porn and art -- A lot of ancient greek art is of the naked human body - There is nothing wrong with nudity in and of itself. Porn - I agree - is bad -- the nude human form is NOT - as it is how God made us. In the "garden of eden" from the bible, Adam and Eve were created naked..... It was only AFTER we "fell" that we started wearing clothes.....
Now, that all said - i believ in modesty just as you do - but I can also see the artistic value and BEAUTY in the human form!! ((minus lust and all the crap)) -- of course, I'm a musician and have an appreciation of art and all - so, I can look at a female body and see the beauty -- and still not "lust" -- that's a truth from my heart to you mind..... Someone once said: Nothing entering in to a man can defile him - the defilement comes from within his heart... I belive that in it's totality - be it the ingesting of food "not allowed" in some religions, as well as hearing or seeing. There is NO thing that is evil - the evil comes from ourselves and what we think about something. ((a cartoon isn't evil -- our hatred over that cartoon comes from our heart -- and we choose to hate or not....)) You used the analogy of if someone mocked you earthly father - you would be mad and take retribution. I would laugh at them -- shake my head and walk away. And pray for them... Yep -- there are big differences between Judaeo-Christian and Islamic beliefs. One is based on human emotions and honor/shame -- and the other is based on higher, God given modes of thought -- to help people grow up beyond the primitive emotions of honor/shame.....
Quote:Quote:The woman in the film were ex-muslims who wanted real freedom - most beat and abused
thats their husbands and family's fault , its not teached in Islam that your wife is your slave .
Which of the 4 allowed wives?? It's not specifically stated she's a slave - but to the western mind (of men and women) what the quran teaches about woman DOES make them slaves....As a muslim man, though - you could never understand that.
Quote:Quote:((oh, and don't start about the west's stats on this - just look at the log in your own eye for this part....that's all we're saying))
i wouldnot have done so because even if it was that 100% of western women are molested or violated , that will not make me right , it will just make us both wrong.
Cool - I've debated many to where it just turns in to a finger pointing contest. I do like how you state that "it would just make us both wrong".
We agree yet again.
Free up (TRULY free up)) the other 50% of your population,
you have to come here one day and see for your self the so called victims opinion of the opression against her.
If one grows up with it and it's all she knows - -of COURSE she wouldn't see herself as a victim - she would think it is just hte way it is... Including the cultural aspect of genital mutilation that many woman (and even in the Sudan!) have to endure! I know, that's not Islam - and it isn't. Than speak out against that cultural atrocity of cutting off the clitoris of women! That's a barbaric cultural thing and Islam should loudly stop it! Because you and I know that that ISN'T in the quran!
Now, if a woman from over there were to come to live in America and were ALLOWED to go about on her own -- she would eventually see that, yes, she WAS abused and kept from being truly free.... To choose whatever she wishes to choose..... That's between her and God.
along with separation of mosque and state
big tabo.
I know - and therein lies one of the problems....
Too many in the west just don't understand/realize that islam is a "total" system - religious AND political -- and, due to the dogma of the quran, it isn't allowed to separate. And THAT is why all muslim states are failures...... And why the "golden age" came to an end after imposition of sharia and islamic control of governments. It just doesn't work.... It's NOT the fault of outside forces....it's the fault of the impostion of sharia and your entwining religion and state.
you will excell as well!!
if it ever came to choosing between excelling and sharia law , i would choose sharia law any day of the year, because i prefer the after life , and its not like that( i dont have to choose , they can come both) i just need to over throw all islamic governments of today ( actually not really islamic at all) .
Well, it IS like that - because under sharia law you can NEVER excel.. And really, I look foreward to the afterlife as well -- but God also put us here to excell and be the best we can be -- to honor him.
the Taliban tried imposing strict sharia in afghanistan.... They didn't do too well in life there ---. NOWHERE that strict sharia is applied, do human beings do good and grow and excell. The two
are mutually exclusive. In order to excell, one has to be free. And sharia shackles us in bondage/submission to fear and 7th centruy dogma. The golden age of islam (pieces picked up from more advanced cultures that were conquered by invading muslims) ended as sharia was imposed and people were no longer free. I'm sorry, my brother. But that is real Truth.
Ummmm, because when you marry into them, you demand she convert to Islam?? lol--- COme on!! With all you've said so far, anyone reading this KNOWS that if you took a christian girl home to momma and poppa - it would be demanded she convert. - lol ;-) you're funny, bro! :-)
actually no JoJO , islam allows me to stay married to her , even if a give up all hope of her converting to islam , yes i will try to make her convert but wouldnot you just do the same? , her converting isnot a condition to the continuance of the marriage.
That's cool to hear. Yes, I would do the same as you. But there's too many others (from both of our bretheren) who would do different -- and quote scripture all the way.....
Quote:as i said those sites are blocked , so are all porn sites , loolz , wish i could log on to them ( i meant your sites not the porn ones) , and am not afraid of debating with any one , i have enough faith in me , but please no insults .
Well, I don't recall any insults - at least, nothing different from what I've been saying -- and if you aren't feeling insulted by what I say, then you'd do ok on those sites. I truly wish you could get them. It's kind of telling, though, that the "powers that be" over there are too afraid to let "We...the people" of muslim nations hear/see those sites. What is it do you think they are so afraid of??? ((the Truth))
It was in England - and granted, he was an English convert speaking it in English - and yes, I know, unfortunately too many madrassas are supported and run by the wahabbi sect.... I know this. Still - they comprise millions and are gaining in numbers (people always flock to evil it seems). Would you like to join me in countering their interpretations?? (please)
any time , just give the word.
Well, the word is given (literally, figuratively, and spiritually).
I'll do my jihad on this side, you do it over there. If we can each reach a few people...and those few people each reach a few people -- eventually, you and I can help to build a better world for all... I've started decades ago -- come join me.
When someone commits a crime in the west and says God told them to do it, we take them to a psychiatric ward. When someone in the west bank or gaza says god told them to kill a bunch of people by blowing them up - they name streets after them
Tere is a difference between some one trying to regain his mother land , and a simple murderer , palestinians are defending their home land and lives from invaders.
There is NO excuse or reason for blowing oneself up and trying to take out as many "jews" as possible who are innocent. This is too much to get in to on this thread -- With just this one aspect/point we can post a longer debate then all that we've written so far, I'm sure. ((actually, I wouldn't mind doing that-- it really should be a different thread, though....
The land wasn't stolen. Israel is a SLIVER of land compared to what was offered to the arabs of the region after WW2. Any land "lost" was due to the arabs declaring war on Israel immediately after her formation. The invading arabs from the surrounding nations (nations themselves "created" by the west after the fall of the Ottoman empire) ended up losing their war to "drive the Jews into the sea". Generally, throughout history - the loser of a war (especially one the loser started) lost land, etc. It was actually a miracle that the Jews won that first war - because there God is the God of Abraham.....
there were roughly 600,000 "palestinians" dispersed due to that war (the war started by the surrounding arab nations, who TOLD them to flee, so they would not be in the way of the glorious arab victory). there were also roughly 600,000 jews kicked out of all the arab nations, in hatred, at that time - and everything they owned was confiscated. They only left with their lives. The newly RE-created nation of Israel took in their dispersed and helped them. the arabs refused to help the dispursed palestinians (dispursed due to the ARABS telling them to flee!!) and they arabs perpetuate the misery of the palestinians. Arafat was offered fullly 98% of his demands, and the palestinians could have had their own homeland decades ago (actually, what is now Jordon was initially created for them, with the small sliver of Israel given for the Jews after the holocaust and the world saying "never again") but instead, muslims, due to their scripture, cannot "give up" any land they have conquered (and arabs DID conquer those lands, before WE conquered them back....ahemm), so - the anger and hatred continues to this day. And by the way, that's why bin laden still talks about reclaiming andalusia (SPAIN!!!). That, in a nutshelll, is why the crap still continues over there in Israel. If the Arabs put down their weapons today -- there would be peace.....if the Jews put down their weapons, there would be no more Israel.
enough on this one -- it's for another thread....
YES!!!! Just as we've marginalized the KKK and our own "extremists"!!! By standing up to them -- telling them EN MASSE that they are WRONG and FIGHTING against them!!! ((Didn't you say something earlier about "speaking truth in the face of a tyrant"?!?!)) My GOD man!!! It's (allegedly) only 1% of muslims that are extremists!!! You don't think the other BILLION people can't stand up and stop those 1%??!?? If you all WANTED to ---you could....It's as simple as that.
the conditions you existed under were totaly different from what am living in , there is no human rights around here , if the government dont like you they destroy your life , i can not make associations or unions unless the government has total control over it, my hands are tied .
I know. It is too much for just you, of course. I just wish the majority who are like you would all get together and rise up. and bring decency back to Islam. Wish I could help you there.
Well, those supporting and financing it are what, another 20 - 30% of muslims??
very very few individuals finance extremism, its usually governments , some times even parties anti-islamic finance extremism in islam(without showng their real identities ofcourse) and you can guess why they do that , this may sound far fetched for you, its perfectly logical for me.
To an extant that's true -- but unfortunately, many of the "charitable" organization that many muslims give to DO fund terrorism -- so -- 20 - 30% DO support terrorism - whether they realize it or not.... It isn't far-fetched. I see it too, how un-islmaic parties would fund extremist terror - it helps keep them in power.
all you reasonable muslims aren't even outnumbered!! Stand up to them!
we have to be organized to do that , impossible under governments suspicious of us since they are secular and we are muslims , moderate islam is the only way with which the west can fight extremism because we have the masses , the seculars have the armies, which will you bet on to prevail on the long run?
Well, if I had more faith in my government to help, I would say YOU do--- but after our abandoning of Iraqi's in the first gulf war...... **sigh**
point taken.
My brother, the propaganda IS that hate crimes are committed daily against ordinary muslims across the globe
yep the genocide of der yasin exist's in propaganda only , astrocities in chichniya exist in propaganda only too, random selection in US airports which never fails to pick up middle easterns is only in propaganda, and many many examples you know them .
My google on der yasin brought up some interesting stuff. I'm sure you can only see sites that show one side of that battle. (bearing in mind there never would have BEEN a battle had the Arabs accepted the creation of Israel and Pan-Jordon for the palestinians). Either way, from sites both "for" and "against" Israel (that's one good thing about the west -- we get to see ALL sides of an argument) it doesn't appear to be anything more than another typical battle that humanity has experienced since the dawn of man... it certainly wasn't a massacre -- and that's based on statements from a pro-arab side site! -- Chechneya was/is Russians (athiests). Yes. they were brutul -- that's why America was always against them in the "cold war". And ---ummmm---we HELPED muslims against them there!! In fact, we're accused of "creating Bin Laden because we HELPED you all in chechnya against Russia!! Sheesh!! ;-)
The U.S airports thing-- puhhhleeease!!! :-) You even stated they were random -- because they ARE!! White scandinavian grandmothers get searched, too!! And, while we Americans gripe about the inconvenience, it would be nice if, when a muslim gets picked - he didn't whine about it -- since we ALL have to be inconvenienced by it!! Most Americans dislike the way the searches are conducted because they are too Politically Correct!! ~ Why randomly search and inconvenience EVERYONE -- which is what is happening -- when the entire world KNOWS that, while not all muslims are terrorists, the overwhelming majority of terrorists are Muslim!! So why search the 80 year old scandinavian athiest grandmother!!! :-) That was a bad example to use on your part, bro - because anyone from America knows it aint just muslims being searched.....
the imams/mullahs from Finland inserted their own cartoons in the batch - that were TRULY offensive. they created them -- taqiyya -- to rile the masses
you can not be sure about that.
Well, when those Imams showed up in Syria with a portfolio of images to rile the masses, and those images got broadcast in arab media (or, at least, talked about/describe) - and they contained VERY offensive images that were NOT printed in the paper -- what is one supposed to think?? They were created and inserted by the imams themselves -- because the worst one printed was only the mohammed turban bomb one -- which isn't all that "terrible".
the worst one was a pic of mohammed with a turban that looked like a bomb-- that was all
would not you agree that if that cartoon just had to be made would not it have been more to the point if it was bin ladin?!! that would have made people rethink as you wanted!! and please dont say that was all , there can not possibly be something worse .
No - I wouldn't agree. Because the point was that it was the teaching of the prophet and Islam that leads to terrorism (so say the terrorists themselves - -don't kill the messenger, bbro). A turban bomb on Bin Laden wouldn't make people think - because -well - everyone knows he bombed and is a terrorist. The point trying to be made was what the prophet started with the religion he created. Again, images of the prophet (available alll over online) were created by muslims themselves in more enlightened and tolerant times. Only today do you all say it's somehow a sacrilege.
That is how islam has spread since it's inception. By deception, taqiyya, and the sword. Riling the masses with propaganda and lies, and promises of virgins in paradise
now this how one is supposed to start a discussion, unlike the cartoons , and may i ask you what is wrong of rewarding a faithfull and good believer in the after life with what he likes?!!
Well, first, the joke in America is "Where are they going to find that many virgins for that many martyrs!!"
But on the serious side, because the afterlife ISN"T like this world here!!
You can't seriously believe that our carnal/physical lusts play a part in the afterlife?? They most certainly will be left behind. And what if a "believer" craves little boys?? or pre-pubescent girls?? -- oops - scratch that last one - we know the prophet did that - so I guess to muslims that's acceptable....
Look, there are NOT 72 virgins waiting in heaven for martyrs!!! That's most certainly a lie.. and that is not the "paradise" of judeao-christian theology.
That's why I have no qualms in saying that your god is NOT my God.....
It truly isn't the jews and christians who perverted God's words....
But that is just my opinion - based on reading the books of Isaac, John AND Ishmael.
Iraq - the worst atrociteis are between Shia and Sunni
these never happened during the rule of Saddam , why did it start with you?
I think I explained the reason why earlier in this post - but, to reiterate the gist: It's worse because muslims just can't abide by "infidels" actually setting them free - something which they can't do for themselves - and, while the majority are greatful we took out saddam, the rest just don't want us there at all. If the extremists put down their weapons and never started their bombing of innocent people at markets, we would have been gone years ago.
In short - it's THEIR fault -- not ours.
You all condemn us for supporting hussein (like in their war with Iran) and condemn us for "supporting" all these terrible dictators -- but if we go in and take them out for you, to try to help you build your own autonomous nation of "We...the people" ...well - hey -- you condemn us still
yep , it was wrong of the US to support Saddam since he was a coldblooded murderer , and it was wrong of the US to destroy the whole nation in the process of taking him out, sorry but usualy i hate coldblooded murderers and destruction , didnot know you liked them.
When we supported him in the Iran/Iraq war -it was the lesser of two evils. (and Russia supported Iran). When we've gone in and taken him out, it isn't destroying the whole nation. It's your shiite bretherren destroying the nation -- blame them. We would have been gone years ago if the shiites (supported by Iran/syria) weren't there creating terror and killing innocent people at the markets and destroying mosques. More atrocities are commited Muslim against muslim - than anything. And that is sad.
Other than us infidels curling up and dying, is there anything that pleases the muslim masses??
how about converting to Islam , j/k , i dont want you to die , am asked by my religion to help you see the light, to help you understand jesus(pbuh) better ( i know you are lol at this but we believe we know jesus(pbuh) better than you ) , and if i can not do that we can peacefully co-exist.
I laughed -- was funny. :-)
AS for the Jesus part -- You have a few verses about him and some ideas. Christianity has an entire BOOK about him and his ways. I'm sorry -- but you do NOT know Jesus better than Christains do! Your version of Jesus is false. That's not to say he was "god in the flesh" - but what he spoke and taught - as the prophet you say he was -- doesn't even come close to what christian scripture speaks of. You are preaching a different Jesus -- just as your god that you preach of is a different God (derived from the moon god alilah from mohammeds father/town -- why do you think you symbol is the crescent moon?). -- and he's not the Christian or Jewish God of Abraham --
so if you just keep quiet and don't speak Truth...they won't come after you.....ahem.
loolz , as i said now adays its a bit more moderate of a government that we have , but still their moto is " say no to politics" looolz.
I hear ya!! Wish you could be over here.... serious....
Quote:sorry may be i didnot make my self clear, first there was a democratic government led by Elsadiq Elmahadi ( a known politician respected in western circles and they told him "your biggest mistake Mr.Elsadig was that you were born in the thirld world" as i heard from some) this very very good government through any standards was overthrown by Dictator general numeiry , this generals government has ruled for 16 years and was supported by the US through most of it except the first two years when he was leaning towards the soviet union , during those same two years he committe the biggest of the astrocities that history remembers about him, still your government found it in them to support him.
I need to study up on it more - I really don;t know the details - but take your word for it. What I would guess, since we didn't support him in the first few years, was that he did his own thing and overthrew a good leader -- but we in America let you all do your thing -- we didn't want to interfere in your internal affairs. The first two years - he was making overtures to the USSR - and we didn't do much for him -- then, he turned and came to us - so we did support him. Had we not, he would have gone back to the USSR for support. BUT -- our support is still just letting nations run themsleves! And, like all nations, we aligned with whomever seems amenaible to working with us as trading partners etc.
Heck, since everyone accuses us of imperialism anyway, maybe the world would be better off if we actually WERE imperialistic!! We could at least be rid of all these tyrants!! No matter what, had we not "supported" him, the russians would have-- or the French- or the Chinese. That is how the world has always worked.....
I'm just glad it's better now for you over there. :-)
If someone insults you -- laugh in their face and toss a (truthful/honest) jibe back at them, and grow on in your life. If you laugh in the insulters face and belittle him as an ignorant child
wll sharia gives you the choice, either do exactly what you said, or if you feel thats not enough report him and let him be punished, its your choice.
In America, we can do as I had stated -- or we can sue the hell out of them and bring them down monetarily if we win the case. Taking away someones money has more affect than a flogging.
Why the slow torture of stoning?? (other than that "the prophet did it") in this day and age, why not a quick bullet into the head,
this punishment isnot mean for the sinner, it is meant for those who might watch it or hear about it , that will keep the weak ones away from it, the faithfull dont need it.
I thought as much and can see that. Though, I don't agree with it. In another day and age -- one less civilized - sure! And it worked way back when. But it's not for this day and age of logic and reason. It's too extreme.
It's a religion of fear -- and God shouldn't be one of fear. That's called satan.
actually, isn't it enough that the spouse that was cheated on divorces and casts her (or him) out, and there is a shunnning in the society, in the hopes that the person repents and grows up?? Christianity gives them that chance to repent (which we all are capable of) -- you all just kill them.....
it would have been enough if the hurt was limited to the husband and wife , but it affects the society as a whole , and a person who still finds it in him to indulge in adultery even after marrying and was blatant enough to have all the difficult conditions for stoning available , this guy really does not have one little bit of decency , he will corrupt society as a whole , we are much better of without him.
Part of me sees that logic - and has even thought it (the human emotional part, that wishes everyone was fair and good). But the other part of me knows that it is wrong. Even the most hardened heart CAN change - especially after he's lost everything do to his poor choices. People CAN repent. Islam doesn't allow them that chance.
You, my brother, would never have given her that chance.
1- christianity teaches that God said to stone a married adulterer.
2- it was Jesus(pbuh) that helped that woman not to be stoned by making a condition for the people to stone which was imposible .
jesus knew it was God's will that this woman go scot free for his wisdom is unlimited , unfortunatly we do not have some one who can communicate with God nowadays so am gonna stick to the scripture.
1) It wasn't christianity that taught that God should stome and adulter. It was Judaism - and Islam that teach that.
2) It was Jesus who showed a different way - not to just save her - but to show others that they, too, can be saved.
Bro, the point of having it in scripture wasn't just for this ONE woman to be set free -- it was so others could see it and understand as well.
OK - you can;t just say it was God's will for her to go scott free and leave it at that -- WHY!! was she allowed to get off "scott free"?? Because God was trying to show ALL of us something....that we are ALL sinners -- no matter how pious we think we are NONE of us can measure up to God's standards of perfection. None. Jesus saved her -and she sinned no more. Jesus has saved millions -- and they've gone and sinned no more. Not that there haven't been many who professed to be "saved" only to continue in there sin -- but that is between God and them. And it isn't up to us to judge them.
For it's time, those old laws (stonign etc.) were needed -- they aren't to be done today -- which is one of the things Jesus was trying to show people.
ALL the rest of what he taught CLEARLY shows this!! but it's YOU who only has a few verses about what Jesus taught, and it's christianity that has an entire book of what he taught.
What's funny/sad is you don't see the correlation in your statement of bastard children (HUMAN BEINGS!! ~ WHo are INNOCENT!! It wasn't THEIR fault their parent chose to "sin"! Why do you "outcast" the human child, for their fathers/mothers sin
i grew up in a culture that is very strict about sexual relatioships , i can not help my feelings towards those children , and it is my feelings not the teachings of islam , its the same case for people around here .
At least you admit it's a cultural thing.
So it's YOUR "outcast" mentality that causes them to HAVE to commit crimes to LIVE......Sad.
i said out casts , but we do have establishments that help them (and all who need help ), educate them , feed them untill they can do it for themselves, but dont ask me to be his friend , dont ask me to accept him as the husband of my daughter (if any be) , and i would not buy or rent a house that has him as a neighbour , sorry can not do it.
And it's the "west" that is supposed to be the intolerant ones?? :-)
Well, we don't judge and ostracise children for the sins of their parents.
PLUS, I would have to say your numbers are surely inflated - Crimes are committed by people of all walks of life, all castes, all levels in society -- because it is individuals who make choices to commit a crime or not.
well actually i was trying to say most of crimes and not exactly 90% , and am talking about insane crimes , murder for theft , breaking into houses at night , i meant the daredevil crimes .
And yet all those crimes have been committed by apparent "good" people as well. It really is the individual -
Basically, what you are saying is EXACTLY what racist white people say about inner-city poor blacks. Seriously!! ~ You are pre-judging someone based on circumnstance beyond their control. That is a bigotted perspective -- but at least you admit it's you and your culture, and not Islam. Though, one would think that Islam should be able to affect a culture to change -- just as christianity affected a culture to change and end slavery -- and by the way....how do you feel about slavery?? It is sanctioned in Islam, as you know -- and your prophet did endorse it.....
then refer back to my previous post listing the accomplishments of Islam vs. Judaism, as well as the fact that Mexico (Mexico!) translates more books in a year than the entire muslim world combined??? Proof is in the pudding..... Or, you can tell a man by his fruits
that post compares the accomplishments within a very short period in relashion to the age of Islam and judism , go back further , which one was considered the most civilized nation of its time for a longer period , compare the accomplishments of Islam during its golden age to the accomplishment of this golden age of jews ( strange that their golden age is at the same time the worst for their neighbours the palestinians ? wonder why!! )
Well, actually the Jewish "golden age" was during Solomons time and the first temple --wayyyy back in b.c. times, a thousand years before your prophet....
The Jews were conquered and dispersed throughout the world by the Romans -- 650 years before your prophet. Your golden age, as I stated before, I really believe to be nothing more than you all "picking up the pieces" (as we agreed on) and then, once sharia was imposed - you all lost that.
regarding the palestinians -- at one point in time, they were more prosperous than any arab in any nation - simply due to working in Israel. And Israeli-arabs had it even better. They had more rights than any arab in arab lands--- until Arafat began his intifada on trumped up charges of sheron "desecrating" al Aqsa - due to his visiting there. Since then - it's been a downhill slide for the descendants of arabs in gaza and the west bank. you do know that at one point in history, "palestinians" was for anyone in that area -- including Jews -- since that was the Roman name given to Israel. It's only recently that it's been co-opted to mean the arab descendants who lived there. Also, the millions there (from the original 600,000) are descendants of arabs who came AFTER Israel was established -- -because the jews brought jobs and prosperity. You all have thrown all that away in your quest to drive them away. Instead of living side-by-side and allowing your brother Isaac a small sliver - -you would rather hate him and kill him. If the arabs put down their weapons today -- there would be peace. If the Jews put down their weapons -- there would be no more Israel. And certainly father Abraham is crying in heaven over Ishmaels blind hatred.
..... How about if we build a better world for ALL instead?? Like the Jews have been doing
that perfect world the jews are building must be on Mars or something are you serious?!!
The jews have been busy accomplishing everything you denigrated about my post for their nobel prizes -- Oh, it's just a small period of time. And in that small period of time look at what they've done in science and medicine etc!! And look what the arabs have done!. Yes, they are busy building a better world for all (palestinians lived better than any arab in any arab country before the intifada) -- and arabs are busy destroying it. Islam WILL bring about the destruction of this world, as prohesied in revelation, unless they change their hatred. A hatred towards some that you yourself have shown!! If someone as good and rational as you can hate so much, imagin the hatred and evil within the hearts of those less intelligent then you!!
Umm-- as you can read -- it was a lot more than a few pirate renegades...they were actually an extension of the Ottoman empire, my friend. It went on for hundreds of years and was pretty much sanctioned and part of the muslims world towards the west....
thats reminds me , this Ottoman empire was responsible during its final years of existence for most of the trouble we are in now , i mean supporting germany in the war?!! they lost that war and we lost our nations to colonialism (spl) .
So, yet again -- "that's not Islam!" -- Ok -- at ANY point in history, when has any of it ever been "ISLAM!"!!! **sigh** Sir, at ALL points in time, it's always been ISLAM..... Different version -- but all Islam none the less. At least in Judaism and Christianity, we take the blame for our bad moments. Muslims never do.... No I shouldn't say that... Because you have, even in these posts -- I just wish more would, instead of taking offense when someone points out the crap.
MY point was that in a muslim society, someone of a different religion COULDN"T BE ANYTHING!! So which society offers more to ALL people??? The west, of course
my Vice president is a christian .
I did a little more reading in to the politics in Sudan -- interesting. But it would appear that the only reason that there is representation, is because there still is a large chunk of christians in the south - and it appears that the muslims running htings are doing there damndest to kill off and terrorize the christians (and black/african muslims) in the south. (Darfur). So, for now you have a christian vice president - unlike any other muslim nation - but the muslim government definitely appears to be trying to change that....
But they DON'T have representation in office!! That's the point!
My friend i too dont have representaion in Office, ponder that .
Well, based on what we've been chatting I suppose you are right. Wish there were more of you.
Quote:reread my post , i said i can reply saying i will believe it when i see it , but i didnot did i?
secondly i never said that these islamic nations of today will alllow a christian to be in office, but you said you will allow him, proove what you are saying

Oh, I already said that the majority of Americans wouldn't trust a Muslim to be president. Heck, it was only 1960's and Kennedy that they felt comfortable enough to vote in a Catholic!!.... Unless Muslims separate mosque and state -- a muslim could never be voted to president -- that's "we...the people" talking, though - not government dictates as in muslim nations.
Though it is kind of telling that, while it might be allowed on a "personel" one-on-one level (which is all Christ needs) they cannot broadcast their beliefs equally in the public forum....very telling. I believe if the opposite were true, (say, if in America muslims were not allowed the public forum they ARE afforded) there would be muslims screaming bigotry, racism and calling for Jihad
well why dont you finance building your own radio station , am sure the west can fill every empty square in my country with them if it wishes to , do that and broadcast what you want, dont ask me as a muslim tax payer to pay for helping christianity spread in my country .
No one is asking you to pay for it.. Bu I know you can't help thinking that way because it's all government run (or approved) over there. Over here, it generally IS all privately financed. And anyone can do it. I don't believe that the Sudanese govenrment would even allow me to build a radio station to broadcast christian theology even if I had the means to do so -- Adn I doubt you belive they would either....
On mohammed breaking the treaty, that would be the treaty he had with the Jews in the region. I forget the name, but I think it started with a Q. ((I could look it up, but I'm tired, and I'm sure you remember to which I am refering to now) Certainly, the islamic histroy is that the Jews broke the treaty and plotted to kill mohamed, but the western history is that it was mohamed who concocted that story of treason, and purposely broke the treaty once he built up his arms
Banni Qurayza is what you are looking for , and yep they tried to murder prophet Mohamed just as they tried to murder Jesus ( you believe they succeeded) , in a court of law predecence is admissable i believe , loooolz.
That's the one! yes! ~ I knew you'd remember (saved me the trouble of looking it up! ;-) )
but, again, it's your history that portrays it as the jews breaking the treaty - while western history (outside of "jewish" his