@Brent cv,
The problem with being a true Libertarian is that you'd naturally have to
oppose your own party, eventually.
Electing a politician to downsize government is like hiring a prostitute to
promote celibacy.
I'm a green libertarian democrat, though drnaline would add socialist to the
end of that for me.
by the way, there is a difference in the sentience/intelligence level of
horses and cows. I couldn't imagine eating a horse... if you've been around
them they are noble and loyal creatures. Then again, the french eat them, and the Chinese eat St. Bernards... really, they do... they can't afford to graze cattle in some regions, so they raise St. Bernards for meat, which pisses
off the Swiss, but then again I don't think the Indians are too into our habit
of dining on cows, so it's all relative.