@Sherman cv,
Growing pains.
Iraq, at the moment, can serve as the perfect microcosm for this.
The U.S.S.R. oppressed all of those former satellite states, like Hussein
oppressed all the various ethnic and religious groups in Iraq. When that
authoritarian or totalitarian oppression is removed then the various factions
all fight to dominate the country, like they traditionally did before they
were all "unified" by subjugation. The history of China amounts to the same
A solution... well, this is where you just disagreed with me in another post.
Hear me out. You and I can be from opposing political parties, different
religions, different states and cities, different races and ethnic backgrounds
but if put in a room together with a couple of beers we could probably find
something in common.: a rock band, a football team, a movie or tv show...
a book, a hobby, something in common. As "evolved westerners" or just
"evolved modern humans" we define ourselves by a million and one things.
We are not merely reproductions of our fathers, who are not allowed to
develop interests or attitudes beyond a very basic set of things. We, or
most of us, are individuals... it's in the fabric of America... very few of
us view ourselves as mindless followers who aren't making our own decisions.
For the violent factions in these countries, their lives are very limited. You
can find some very smart and tolerant people in every one of those places
who are stuck having to deal with a country full of lunatics who have only
their racial background or religion as a defining element, and anyone else
is less than human... the enemy, who it is okay to kill, rape and torture.
Actually, even in the west that still happens fairly frequently in lower-income,
lower-educated environments: the "soccer hooligans" of the UK who riot
and kill fans of the opposing team on a regular basis, or the gang members
who are intolerant of people from a different "turf."
These people don't have minds that are expanded enough to recognize the
pattern of similarity in human lives and gain sympathy from it. They aren't in
an environment where they can achieve anything as individuals, so they merely
behave as part of a mob. They're not ready for "liberal democracy," prefering
"mob rules" bullying and oppression. When I sense shades of this here I get pretty irate,
and I do see shades of it in this country sometimes.