@Amrita cv,
I shop locally for things that Wally doesn't have , like auto parts and good hardware , but I also pay extra for the knowledge of the counter people at those stores .
2 years ago , when I needed a new compressor , I went to the local hardware ( 85 years in business ) and they didn't have the one I wanted in stock , but ordered it for me . It didn't come in in a 3 weeks time period , so I sadly told the owner that Walmart had the identical one for $40 less and I had to buy there .
Walmart is a large , savvy business with giant buying power . They may have some poor employee plans , but no one is forced to apply there as far as I know , and no one is forced to shop there .
I do shop there for the simple reason that they have everything . I don't buy the cheap Taiwan and Chinese stuff , though . Even on name brand stuff they still have great prices .