Curmudgeon;6265 wrote:Are you sure about that ? Seems to me the press goes easier on Liberals .
For example , Ried has a sweetheart land deal and rakes in over a million , hides it from congress , and the press goes wild over IM's by Foley , even after he quits his position . Has Reid quit ? Has he even been chastised ?
Let me ask you this, on every other channel but Fox news, and every type
of outlet in the country... what determines what gets covered? Interest!
If people are interested in the story it gets ratings and hits and money is
made as a result.
Fox News has cornered the market on the hardcore Dem haters. There all
there, not watching CNN. So, stories like that pop up, Reid gives his side
of the story, nobody cares, it goes away. Why people aren't up in arms about
William Jefferson is beyond me, but the public doesn't seem to bite on the story.
The Foley story is a juicy one, because it has sex, a slight amount of
pederasty, intrigue, a who didn't dunnit when they knew about it subplot,
and a dose of hypocritical come-uppence. People enjoy it as entertainment,
which is what news has become.
Look, if Fox hatches some story, and it actually pulls in viewers the rest
trip over themselves to do the same story, regardless of whether it's
distorted or not.
The "liberal press" has gotten tough with the adminsitration... NOW. Now
that it rings true with the mainstream audience, and they get the numbers
and sell commercials. The adminsitration was treated with kid gloves by
the press before that...
Reps screw up much bigger, and a little more glamorously, than Dems.